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Weight Loss for Everyone: Regained fat now I feel very very discouraged

Friday, January 6, 2023

Regained fat now I feel very very discouraged

Feeling incredibly discouraged. Its my fault I let myself loose over vacation and over indulged in delicious food. Now I am only a couple lbs away from my starting weight.

My stomach used to feel softer and lighter which took months and months of progress to get to, now it feels similar to the start, very thick and larger in volume. I know I can just try to get back on track but there’s the little voice in my head that tells me to just give up at this point and that I can’t get back to where I was before vacation. Just pinching my stomach and feeling how thick it is now makes me want to go into hiding. It’s been hard sticking to my diet, I always try to reach for something. Just feeling miserable.

How can I stop myself from just giving up on my diet? It’s tough, but I really really want to start again. Advice is appreciated and maybe some encouragement!

submitted by /u/Sad-Woodpecker-1049
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