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Weight Loss for Everyone: August 2022

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

How do you handle severe DOMS?

I haven’t worked out in 6 months due to an injury and just laziness, but I’m ready to get back on the bandwagon. I’m just worried to start because I get soooo damn sore! I have to time it perfectly with my schedule because usually a workout means I can’t walk or have trouble even sitting down the next few days.

It does get slightly better as I stay consistent with exercise, but not by much. And I’m worried I’m not getting as good of workouts because I’m being careful not to over do it.

It’s doing the bare minimum, even just body weight and very few reps. Or simple cardio. Does anyone get this or have any tips?

submitted by /u/Justadumbagent
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Question for those who would consider themselves “overweight”

I think I am having an identity crisis so pardon the wording.

What is causing you to stay at your current weight? What are your eating habits like? What is preventing you from changing your eating habits and lose weight?

I have been diagnosed with binge eating disorder but have binge ate for my entire life (from literally 5 years old).

Is binging something most overweight people struggle with?

A.) Do you eat until you are comfortably full? Do you still eat or order full meals right after you have eaten or when you are full? Do you order several thousand calories worth of food to the point where you can only eat so much before tapping out and finishing it the next day?

B.) Or, do you simply eat more calories than you should at every meal? Do you eat more meals than you should have? Do you have a few too many snacks without realizing it all the time? Do you eat when you are stressed/upset as a coping mechanism?

I thought most overweight people just do the things under group A. I’ve been overweight my entire life and have struggled with binge eating. I don’t know any other behavior to compare this to. I’ve always chalked up my binging to being overweight. I don’t think that is the case though. I know I need help and am working on finding it.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/stohlmanpoopvan
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Tried LoseIt for a few days because of MyFitnessPal's barcode-scanner-gate. I miss MyFitnessPal already

I have the free version of MyFitnessPal and, like many, am sad to be losing the barcode scanner. Many of you suggested LoseIt as a replacement. It has a few very nice features, and yay scanner!, but I'm really missing MyFitnessPal's quick view of my daily macros and how easy it is to import recipes from a website. I'm not missing anything right? Macros would be available on the premium version but there's no way to import recipes?

I think I'll just deal with the lack of a barcode scanner unless anyone has any suggestions for a different app with these features for free?

submitted by /u/_Arabella_Figg
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Losing a competition I started

Hey guys, 20F 183lbs here. I'm in need of some serious advice. During the summer, my boyfriend and I ended up gaining lots of weight, because all we did was just eat, sleep, and play games. To stop it, I thought it would be a good idea to have a competition of who could lose the most by winter break, where the loser has to buy whatever item the winner wants. I figured that since I'm going back to college, I'll have lots of motivation and no distractions. But it's only been two weeks and I'm already failing.

Between adjusting to roommates, starting classes, and starting my very first internship, I've just been feeling overwhelmed and stressed. I don't get much sleep, I stay up late doing homework because my internship is during the morning and I have classes in the evening, and I'm constantly eating at least 200 cals above my limit. I want to attend group classes, but by the time I have to get to the gym, I change my mind and just stay home because I'd rather just sleep. I'm trying my hardest to eat healthier and less, but I find that lately I've been wanting to just chow down on chinese, burgers, or seafood when I'm stressed. I'm so ashamed of myself because he's already lost 10 pounds and is exercising more often, meanwhile I only lost 4. I know it SHOULD be an accomplishment, but it bothers me that I could do so much more, yet I don't. I just don't know how to cope and stop sabotaging myself. Is there anything that I can do? Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/Gargoyle_Boogaloo
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My around 50 day transformation

Hello, this is a bit of a post to mark around the 50th day of actively working out in an attempt to get a bit more fit as well as generally just a newfound fitness in the fitness industry. Tho I am struggling to see any sort of transformation at all which I find very demotivating to keep training but I thought maybe hey Reddit sometimes has some great words to say and some maybe better eyes out there that can spot what I am missing in change. My weight has changed a bit going from 84 kgs to 81 kgs. ->
Front relaxed pose I guess? Only thing i really see is maybe a little bit of chest development but I still look qutie skinny fat and I dont think I really lost any fat there ->
1 arm a bit flexing, I honest to god cant really see any difference at all when it comes to the arm if anything I feel like it used to be a bit bigger somehow ->
A back pose, I feel like this is where most of the change went as I think I can see my lats being a bit more toned and bigger which makes sense because I've been trying to get better at pull ups going from be able to do 0 to being able to do 3 in a row.

I haven't really been on a strict diet, mostly just trying to not eat as many unhealthy things as usual (e.g. no Chips, candy, soda, etc) but not exactly counting calories either.

My workouts have primarily been composted of doing a run of around 3-5 km into either chest+arms, Back or Leg workout whilst often also incorporating a lot of calisthenics into my workouts as I don't have a that I can get to easily

I'd love some wise words from my fellow redditors to see what you think, if you see more or maybe even less devlopment than I do, make sure to be brutally honest I can take it c:

submitted by /u/Mindless_Ad_39
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Just had pizza and now I feel like a sad, bloated failure.

The pizza wasn't even that good, at least, not how good I remember it being before I started this weight loss mission. I just kept eating. I had 4 slices of Little Caesar's cheese pizza. I feel like such a failure. I have been losing weight since June 1st, and I just celebrated making it to Onederland, but now that feels like it means nothing. I feel like tomorrow I'll be back at the 221lbs I was before I started this diet. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's just how bloated I feel.

This is the first time I've had pizza since early July, but honestly I was kind of hoping to save pizza for after the weight loss, and now I can't do that. I just had to shove my face with pizza.

The only good thing that came from this is that now I know I don't enjoy the pizza as much, but I doubt that'll stop me from eating pizza in general, I'll just try to find a place I like.

submitted by /u/G1cin
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - September Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers! It’s almost a new month. Onward, to September! Please bring me fall weather I'm so tired of sunscreen & heat. For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends! This is the sign-up post to outline your goals, weight loss, self-care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to post how your day went!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for.

Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in & log weight once a week, Thursday mornings:

2000 calories a day (lose two pounds this month):

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): I want to be doing more strength work. X/X days.

Finish one section (year) per week: We’re closing in on November which will be another writing project month so I best put the peddle to the meddle. X/4 years.

Today's gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for .

Random to do list item I want to conquer today: I'm a list person, I love crossing stuff off them.

And now onto you all! Let’s hear it. What would you like to conquer in the month ahead? Is anyone else desperately looking forward to spooky season & fall?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Got called fat by a trainer (?) in the gym today. Feel like giving up right now...

M25 || 6'8 || SW 440lb CW 307lb GW 250lb || 3 years

I'm going to the gym regularly for about 9 month and lost around 40 lb since then. My goal was to do burn some more calories and do some sort of body recomposition as I was aware that loosing weight and building muscle don't work all to well together normally.

I had a pretty shitty day/week so I was feeling down already.

I asked a guy (~ 55 years old) at the gym today how many sets he still had and he offered me to take turns. When I started to do my exercise (reverse cable fly) he proceeded to tell me I was doing it wrong and showed me how to do them "correctly" which did not look like how I saw and did the exercise previously at all (I'm still not sure If we were talking about the same exercise). When I was mentioning this to him, he proceeded to tell me he was a fitnesstrainer for 35 years and he knows what he is doing (might as well be, he looked pretty buff).

Then he asked me what I was trying to do lifting anyway, as he told me that I'm to fat to lift and that I would never gain muscles if I did not loose weight beforehands. (He was not talking about anabolism/catabolism or endocrine activity of fat, he was talking about fat asphyxiating muscles or something like that which sounded like bullcrap to be honest).

I was (and still am) devastated. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he meant well, but I would have preferred if he had hit me straight in the face.

I know that I'm far from thin, but after all the work I put into my journey, exercising 5-7 times a week and slowly building up a tiny bit of self confidence, I'm seemingly appearing to others like the 'fat guy' I was when I started.

I couldn't finish my workout and I had to hold back my tears while showering. I'm not sure how I will deal with this. My motivation is shattered.

submitted by /u/wegwerf127288
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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

My boyfriend just broke up with me due to my weight and my struggles with it.

We’ve been dating for 6 months and it was online. We met through the college app during covid and once school was done he moved back to his home town with his family, a few hours from here. We’ve been wanting to meet for awhile especially since he just got his driver license not long ago.

I’ve always been open and honest about my weight but I didn’t tell him my struggles as i was embarrassed. Lately ive been working out, losing weight, eating better, really feel like I could do it this time. I was hesitant on waiting to meet him or to meet him with my struggles present. I told him that I was tired of being a prisoner of my own body and that I wanted to go out and have fun and meet him.

I said that I have been struggling with mobility but I’d love to meet him despite it. Even though I can walk and go places, I’d have to take breaks and maybe sit more than stand. But idk if he thought I can’t move or what, I told him I still could, but I just have some difficulties. But he pretty much said that the things he wanted to do with me would at least need some form of mobility (which I have) and he didn’t want to wait for an “idealized version” of me since weight loss can take a long time.

It honestly just sucks how he broke up with me because of this. Heartbreaking actually. I could tell he was withdrawn for a little while before this but wasn’t sure why. But he said he didn’t want to be in a relationship with me because of this and him just not feeling it anymore.

submitted by /u/AutumnRainbow1221
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Update 1: my journey so far!

I officially started in a calorie deficit and regular workout schedule 2 days ago. I am 20 F, 5’5, and currently weigh about 165 lbs. I am trying to get down to 145 by March 2023!

Thought I would share my first couple of days since I am proud of myself for starting! My first day went about as expected. I am trying to cut down to about 1700 calories a day, as previously I was eating 2300 ish. My first day I went around 50-100 over but still better than what I used to eat! Today I stayed in range very easily! So excited to see what the future holds!

submitted by /u/Low_Distance_5783
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Need advice.

I 16m, need advice. Im 6'1 199 pounds (down from 230) and trying to get to 180 ish. I go to the gym for weight training 5 days a week, and im eating in a calorie deficit. (1900 calories daily). As I said, I lost 30 pounds in a time frame of 2 months and I feel great. Problem is, im starting to lose commitment to my diet, and I can almost feel a binge coming on. I dont want to gain all the weight back, and I dont know what to do to stay committed. Please help me out y'all,

submitted by /u/No-Psychology-8003
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Best protein powders on Amazon but cheap?

So, I love the fair life protein shakes, and I’ve been using them for over a year now. I love them as is, and also in my coffee, to make protein pudding with sugar free jello.

They’re easy, tasty, and I got them dirt cheap too, $15 for a case of 12 at my local Sams club a mere 30 minute drive away….

Until now. They’ve all but vanished from stock at Sams for the last 3 months, online to have a single case shipped to me would be $50…. And with gas prices and our vehicle being a large van, I can’t keep running down and checking for them anymore

I need a cheap, tasty protein powder I can order off of Amazon. One that:

  1. Mixes and tastes good with water
  2. Can be used to make protein pudding
  3. Can be bought off Amazon

Any recommendations? Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/Jadegoescrazy
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Im not very overweight but I am overweight for my age

I am 16 and overweight. As this a subreddit for losing weight I am asking for help on a workout routine for home as I can’t afford a gym pass due to school. I have already cut down on my portions, having less carbs, more fruit and veggies. So far my routine is 10 push ups, drink, 20 squats, drink, 10 push ups and repeat abt an hour later or less depending on timing or injuries or hw. As school is starting again soon, I won’t have as much time so I’ve got to make the most out of these two weeks, I know it isn’t a good routine but it’s the only thing I can think of/do as I’m on a budget, I do usually do planks and running. I don’t expect to lose all my weight in 2 weeks, I expect it to take a couple of months. Now I know that a gym isn’t the key to losing weight but what I am trying to say by that is that I have limited resources. I have done my research aswell. I don’t expect people to do things for me and as I assume people from this subreddit are/were in the same situation as me. Thank you for reading :D

submitted by /u/dhdjjsishsubeisnd
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Officially lost ten pounds!

Hi everybody! First post here since I was like 17, so about four years ago! My sophomore year of high school I decided to make a change and went from about 190 pounds to about 150 in only five or six months! I was so proud of myself, and I managed to keep it off for a year or so. Around my senior year I got super into weed, and combining that with going off to college, and then throwing quarantine in there, my weight was in a ROUGH place. This June I decided I was gonna finally make a change, and I just knew in my head I truly meant it that time. At the end of June when I made that decision, I weighed about 226 pounds. Today, after recently joining a gym and seriously really trying to lose weight, along with quitting smoking, I'm officially down to 216 pounds. I know it's not a lot for most people, but I'm just really proud of myself for finally doing this! Hoping to get to around 180, and am genuinely looking forward to the journey to get there! Thank you to anyone that read this :)

submitted by /u/thatonekidemmett
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I reached my goals!! and could not have done it without support

Hi everyone! I (22F) have been following here for awhile, admiring all of your journeys. I'm posting because I have hit my goals and I am realizing just how big of a difference having a supportive partner makes.

My boyfriend is a fit, muscular guy who loves the gym. I was at an okay weight when we got together (5'5", 156 lbs) but I was out of shape and I hated my body/the way I had suddenly gained 45 lbs since 18. My journey started with him basically dragging me to the gym with him and with me feeling constantly hurt that he wanted to change my body. I broke down to him about this and he sat me down to say, "I never want you to feel that way. I think you're the most beautiful thing in the world, but I can see how badly you see yourself. You literally can't expect to look like you did when you were a teenager, so why are you beating yourself up? Do you think your body won't change in your life? When you have children? When you get older? I just wanted you to get strong so you can believe in yourself and feel confident at any stage, because guess what?? This ultimately has NOTHING to do with how your body looks and EVERYTHING to do with how you feel about it."

That conversation blew me away and has stuck with me. This whole time I'm really lucky to have had unwavering support, reassurance that it was okay to slip up or take a break, and someone to say "I'm proud of you" for both my physical and mental progress. When I started going down a dangerous path of restricting my food too much, he was there to say "let's eat together, I don't want you skipping this meal." I'm stronger than ever (again, mentally and physically) and down to 120 lbs now where I will be maintaining.

The best of luck to everyone who might see this and keep it up. The stories on here are amazing. And surround yourself with supportive people!

submitted by /u/Entire_Local_7072
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Monday, August 29, 2022

im really, REALLY trying my hardest

today im going to start again. i was off track for a few weeks and im going to forgive myself and START instead of binging my progress away. even if this time i only make a week - or even a day - it will be progress. it doesnt matter if i failed before. it doesnt matter if i will fail again. the only thing that matters is that i start: i would rather fail after a day of success than to not succeed at all.

as long as i can start, it will be ok.

submitted by /u/Sensitive-Memory5072
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Wish I took photos when I started, pretty demotivated.

Went from 5'7 16st2lb to 14st8lb currently and I can't really see the difference in the mirror.

Sticking with the weight training but yeah, I thought it would be obvious by now but it's not, sad.

Anyone else started from a weight goal and height similar to this, how long did it take for you to see results?

I've been going to the gym 3x a week for a month and a half and changed my diet nearly two months ago.

Really hoping the physique will start to show through, that and my belly is still hanging around.

I really hope I don't end up with excess skin :(

submitted by /u/NalrahRS3
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Halfway there and had my first cheat day in 4 months

29F 5’4” SW 208lb CW 164lb GW 120lb

I’ve been good for 4 months. I’ve been keeping my calorie under 1300 most days, being nutrient conscious, practicing intermittent fasting, never going over my maintenance even on bad days, and thereby consistently losing at a good rate. My lab works have improved, I can run faster for longer, I dropped 2 dress sizes— all in all smooth sailing so far.

Today is my 29th birthday and I spent it all alone. I didn’t talk to a single person besides a bakery cashier from whom I bought my own cake; my dad sent me a text saying happy birthday and that was pretty much it.

I was bullied as a kid for being obese and still have a lot of anxiety and social phobia from that. I don’t really mind being alone usually but it honestly got a little depressing today so I said fuck it, went out, and ate whatever I felt like eating for the first time in 4 months. I had soft serve green tea ice cream on a waffle cone, a slice of strawberry shortcake, and a bag of my favorite potato chips imported from Japan. Also I ordered a very fattening take out for dinner so all in all my total calorie consumption today was 2330 according to lose it.

TBH this number could be way off cause I had to guess the ice cream/ takeout / etc but for a very lonely and frankly upsetting birthday I don’t think I did too bad and I really don’t give a shit today. Don’t really even know why I’m writing this I probably just needed to vent. Anyways going right back on track starting tomorrow. Maybe if I could do this for a few more months then I’ll know that I can at least accomplish something, and my 30th birthday would suck a little less.

submitted by /u/sonotadalek
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Plateaued for 6 Weeks due to new relationship

Info: 24F 5'4", SW 170 CW 158 GW 130

I've been tracking calories for almost 4 months now (which I know logically in the marathon that is weight loss is not that long).

At first I was able to lose weight consistently at the rate that my deficit would cause, but for the last 6 weeks my weight has fluctuated between 157 and 159... I've had a few NSV since (1 inch less in waist and hips measurements!) but no other signs that anything I've been doing has been working.

I was eating at close to 1200 for 4 weeks of the plateau which according to online sources is 500 below my TDEE. However I missed 2 periods (already went to see my doctor about this) and decided to increase to 1450/day (should be 0.5 lb per week).

I compared the length of the plateau to my social calendar and it's almost directly correlated to the start of my new relationship. I recognize that it had been more difficult to accurately track recently as I've been going out more as a result of the relationship and I'm sure this is probably why I haven't been losing weight.

I guess I'm just conflicted because one of the reasons I wanted to lose weight was so that it wouldn't be a source of insecurity in romantic relationships. And I really want to continue working on my health in this way and feel the way I used to prior to gaining in college. But I don't know how to balance this desire with the typical activities of a new relationship (and if all goes well the relationship won't be ending any time soon... 🤞), especially as my struggles with weight have been the cause of ends of relationships in the past. Does anyone have any advice, constructive criticism, encouragement on how to create this balance?

submitted by /u/Alternative-List2398
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Any tips/advice that I could DO more?

Basically, I've lost a ton of weight and still am on that journey, everything is going great however..

I was wondering if by any chance I could be doing MORE to help lose even more weight faster? I know its a process.

I currently walk 7 - 10 miles a day, tons of situps and just beginning yoga. Of course I'm also calorie counting and doing great with that.

(I want to lose mass not gain huge muscle so is there anything I can do to help lose it?)

If anyone has advice, it would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/somethingblue123
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Sunday, August 28, 2022

This is a pretty cool sub

When I first joined the sub, probably like 2 or 3 weeks ago, I thought I didn't really belong. My starting weight was 192, CW is 178, GW is (and has been unattainable for years) 150. At first I saw alot of posts that were (age)F so I was like 'I might be the only guy here' or I'd see posts of people with much bigger journeys than mine. The last few days I'm seeing the posts here, and the support, and while I have a pretty small journey, it's pretty cool to feel like I have people in my corner. Even if I never comment or never meet any of you. Currently I'm eating better 700-1000 calories a day, which I know is very low and probably unhealthy, but I lose motivation quick so if I see big results early and get to my pre-summer weight by my birthday in a few weeks, then I know I can adjust and make it stick. Here's to you all, I cheers this water.

submitted by /u/the_moosen
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App for lose weight competition!

I used CICO via MyFitnessPal a couple of years ago and lost 50lbs and I’ve not gain since then. I’ve been trying to lose another 30lbs since last year but not successful at all. I’m a very competitive person and I think using an app that I can compete lose weight with a group of people would work for me. Any suggestions? There are apps out there that I can invite friends and family and compete with them but most ppl I know are in ok shape and I rather compete in a bigger group. Thanks!

submitted by /u/DrDingding
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Lost 70lbs but I still feel fat

For reference I’m 5’10 , 21F. At my highest weight I weighed 296. Today I weigh 226. My family tells me they see it but I don’t. I still feel like I am the same size as when I started. Sometimes I look at pictures of myself and notice the change but it doesn’t seem like a lot. I wish I could be proud of myself for accomplishing this on my own but my brain has me convinced it’s just water weight I lost. Is 70 pounds really noticeable?

submitted by /u/Vicktor5678
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I hope this is the time I succeed

Well, pretty much Day 1…

26M, 5’10”, 220lbs/100kg as of 4 days ago. Goal weight is around 82kg.

I’ve always had problems with binge eating, fast food, takeaways, etc.I was a really picky eater when I was younger too, not much veg and no fruit, would feel sick at the thought of eating them.

I’ve grown out of the pickiness over the last few years, I’m now a really good cook and love trying new food. But over the last 6/7 years I’ve consistantly been gaining weight. I’ll go through a phase of hitting the gym, counting cals, lose a bit, then fall out of it and go up another few kg. Particularly if i’ve had a night out with friends and am hungover the next day. Plus I work a desk job plus another 1-1.5hrs commuting in the car.

I started logging my food on the LoseIt app again 4 days ago, meal preps, lots of water etc and I’m feeling positive and good physically. My problem is getting back to exercising, I used to love the gym but It’s like I have a mental wall stopping me each day. I think my repeated failure has my brain trying to protect me from feeling shitty about it again. I think I’m also fearing missing out on socialising as I want to avoid restaurants, takeouts and alchol as much as possible - it all still feels like a sacrifice rather than a new way of living? Any tips on getting in there and staying in there daily would be really appreciated.

submitted by /u/clonakiltypudding
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Generally, can sudden exercise cause a plateau, after one has been sedentary?

Hello. To give a bit of a background;
I'm 24M, standing at 6'1.
My starting weight was 350 pounds. I am currently at 289. My goal weight is 198.
I've lost this weight in about 4 and a half months by combining intermittent fasting and a healthy ketogenic diet. I'm eating walnuts, low-carb peanut butter, greek yogurt, salmon, chicken, tuna, broccoli, spinach, peppers, chia seeds, etc. I've made sure that it's a nutritious diet that lacks red meat and bad cholesterol. I also zig-zag diet, and my average calories are about 2400-2500.

I am looking to reach my goal in about a year and a half. I want to lose it slowly, and let it stay off.

I never feel hungry. I don't have cravings. I haven't broken my diet once, I haven't eaten outside of my intermittent fasting hours a single time. I've stuck to it religiously.

I've come down to 289 by losing about 1.9 pounds per week via pure dieting, while completely sedentary. I stay at home, and do nothing else. I've lived a sedentary life for the past half-decade.

The weight loss started to calm down a little. Only a little. That is to say, I've noticed that I've started losing about 0.7 pounds some weeks, and 0.8 pounds others. Okay, a bit of fluctuation- I should cut back on calories once it hits 0.5, I thought.

About 20 days ago, I started going on walks every 2 days. At first, these were just walks, albeit I do tend to walk faster than most- out of habit. It's about a 40-minute walk. After the first couple of times, I would break into a jog or a sprint here and there, just to get some high-intensity exercise going, and to train my lungs and heart.

This was an attempt to ease myself into proper exercise, and to build some stamina, as I have absolutely none.

However, ever since then, the scale stopped moving. Entirely. It is staying at 289, it is even going up now, and then back down. It is absolutely inconsistent.
I don't feel any lighter. In fact, I feel kind of bloated. I don't eat before sleep, either. My fasting hours are noon to 7PM, and I do it seven days a week.

I don't understand. I would understand the scale slowly coming to a halt. But it's just stopped, and it's done so specifically when I began these walk-jogs.

I've read somewhere it can be inflammation of the muscles, that it can be water retention, but... it's not like I feel particularly sore after these walks. At first, I did, but I don't anymore. The scale still isn't moving.

Has anyone experienced similar things?
Do I need to cut down on calories, or wait for my body to adjust, and it really is just temporary?

submitted by /u/throwawayHSmed
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Finally Ready to Start my journey!

Hello Reddit! A little back story - About two years ago I (20 F, 5’5) weighed 135 pounds. I did used to be a lot more active, but after changing jobs, starting birth control, starting and finishing my associates degree, moving out, and getting into a healthy relationship where I was less concerned with what people though of me, I have now reached 165 pounds over 2 years. I have successfully lost about ten pounds previously (and discovered I actually love working out) but of course life always finds a way to get in the way, and I gained it back.

Now, after starting a second job and settling in to my new lifestyle, I finally feel like a can make some real progress. My goal is to get to 145 by my 21st birthday - March 2023. I also am looking to gain some muscle along the way, so not as concerned about hitting an exact weight goal.

This is an accountability post - eating in a calorie deficit in the past has also helped me save some money, which I have also been struggling with due to my bad eating habits. Let’s do this!

submitted by /u/Low_Distance_5783
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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Health issues and the ever present advice to lose weight

Having a bad day trying to grapple with health stuff involving body, weight, and exercise, and feeling very discouraged. I just need to cry about this a little, because I don’t have anyone to talk to. I know BMI is bunk, but I’m using it here because it’s sacred to the health providers who have treated me my entire life.

As a kid I was underweight, but always had a protruding stomach. I also had an undiagnosed kidney deformity and cysts. My dad, normal BMI was diagnosed with diabetes, which is common on his side of the family.

I was about 19 when I had a surgery to repair the kidney, and afterwards my blood pressure went up sharply and I was diagnosed as hypertensive. At this time my weight was normal, a BMI of 19. But still apple shaped. Renal bloodwork and renal arteries were normal, but it was assumed to be related to my kidney issue. I’ve been treating it with blood pressure meds ever since. Told to avoid sodium and exercise. Gave that a solid college try for a few years only to find it had zero impact on my blood pressure. I probably could have done more, but it felt so fruitless.

Shortly after I was put on Paxil and got into a relationship and the two combined led to me gaining about 30 lbs. my BMI was teetering between high normal and low overweight for years. Over the next 10 years occasionally my fasting glucose would be in the pre diabetic range, but doctors weren’t concerned. One doctor did comment that my waist to hip ratio was bad and I should work on it. I lost weight, and the ratio only became more imbalanced. I took fitness classes and took on my physically demanding jobs to try and improve my fitness and body type with no change to vitals or ratios.

Later I decided to have a child and failed my glucose tolerance test in pregnancy, diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I had to drastically change my diet, spend hours analyzing nutritional labels, meal prepping, shopping, cooking, and get repetitive with foods to achieve the carb count necessary for baby, but not go over sugar levels. The recommended meals on the handouts they gave me spiked me, so I had to be meticulous and obsess over macros and figure out what things I could eat. I struggled a lot to keep from being keto, because baby needs carbs. My extreme effort led to not needing meds and lost weight in my third trimester. My doctors were delighted. All in all I gained about 30 pounds in pregnancy. My baby was of normal weight.

Afterwards I didn’t do the glucose screening again because…. I kind of just knew. I wasn’t going to be able to go as hard with my dietary restriction and management as I did before with a newborn in tow. I did periodically check my blood sugar with my own equipment in the morning and after meals (diabetes approved or not) and it always fell into the pre-diabetic range. Later on, almost a year later in October, blood work confirmed elevated fasting levels and naturally my doctor told me to reduce carbs a little bit, but mostly to lose weight. So I did. I lost the weight from pregnancy and then some, 35 lbs all together, in about 5 months.

Then I plateaued, but I was happy to be in a “normal” range even if just barely and felt good. I thought I was exercising (job had me moving, blood pumping, and on my feet all day, plus the addition of the kiddo I was hauling around everywhere). Bloodwork that March was great, doctors complimenting me on my great cholesterol. Still though, fasting glucose is elevated, blood pressure is high, and waist is only slightly smaller than my hips.

Now today, I sit here - up 5 lbs from then (I’m a 5’7 woman at ~158lbs), but trying hard to keep a reasonably balanced diet and get up and moving every day. I’m looking at new bloodwork, and once again the fasting glucose is high (I didn’t actually think losing 30 lbs would change that, but was hoping maybe it would) and my once perfect triglycerides that have never been an issue are double what they were 5 months ago and now at an abnormal level.

I know on Monday I’m going to talk to my doctor and be told to exercise and lose weight. Cut sodium, cut carbs, cut fats. I know my waistline is the most important thing and I have to try really, really hard to reduce that and travel farther and farther into the green on the BMI chart before any of my efforts will be acknowledged. I know even if I do, there’s a chance it will have negligible impact on my health. Until my health issues finally do me in - it will always come down to adding “just 30 more minutes of walking every day” and eliminating more things from my diet until there’s nothing left.

submitted by /u/FairfieldSin
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Been doing this for five days in college. Turned down ice cream, candy, cookies and only have healthy snacks

This is literally a miracle for me- I used to have 2 big giant chocolate chip cookies a day (590 calories in each). I almost bought one today, but I said no. I had two good meals today, healthy snacks and tomorrow I am going grocery shopping and plan on buying some frozen veggies and meat to do whatever with. I sat in the dining hall with my friend as he had like twenty-five chicken nuggets and fries and a burrito and an array of dipping sauces and lord did I want it all but I weighed out my few nuggets and got some fruit and veggies. I have never done something like that!

It is only five days but I’ve saved 1,000 calories just from those cookies and whatever else. It sounds dumb but I really do feel accomplished and I have to start somewhere.

submitted by /u/autumnssong
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Gaining at 2000 calories

I’ve tried it all! I maintain about a 2000 calorie diet. Quality is good (not perfect). I run and bike 5-6 days a week (4-5 hours biking and 3-4 hours running) + 1-2 hours strength (peloton classes) per week. Essentially I’m a triathlete who isn’t doing much swimming.

I’m a 40yo man weighing in around 190 and been gradually gaining. I’m at a loss about what else I can do. Less than 2000 calorie’s simply isn’t enough food and I’m generally getting in 180-200g of protein. I’ve seen a dietitian and they have no more suggestions. Maybe I’m building muscle but the gut won’t go away. Tips welcome.

submitted by /u/sethjk17
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Are Crop Tops Appropriate Gym Wear?

Broke up with someone yesterday. My life would be better if I was 30 pounds lighter and had something to do with my new excess of free time that I will otherwise spend sobbing at what could have been.

I am fat but I also have absolutely no shame about my body. The reason I want to lose weight is becuase I have a birth defect in one leg that means at the tender age of my late 20s early 30s my hip and knee on my left side are utterly fucked if I don't. They already hurt, I am already doing exercises for them, but the only way to really keep my mobility is to lose it. So here I am.

My question is: What the fuck do you wear to a gym? Are sneaker okay? What about crop tops? I have a ton of crop tops that I lounge in that don't look bad on me and are what I normally exercise at home in, but are they okay for going to the gym regularly or will my exposed midriff shock and disgust people there?

What pants are best? Literally any recommendations help but I really want to know about the crop tops in particular.


P.S. I am also working on my diet, I just understand the science of keeping a body running way better than I do social cues. Sue me.

submitted by /u/GrinagogGrog
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dealing with friends/family that say "don't lose too much weight"

M5'9 SW: 215 CW:175 GW:160. So yea title says it all. How do you deal with friends or family members who just so happen to be unathletic and don't watch what they eat but love to tell you you're at the "perfect weight already"? Especially when you know you still have a bit of stubborn body fat you're trying to lose? It's frustrating when you know what weight you want to be at but they insist they know better and that you don't need to lose anymore weight. Any tips?

submitted by /u/K-TownYolo
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Imposter syndrome from losing 90 pounds?

I don't know how else to explain it but, I lost 90 pounds in the last year and it feels amazing as I'm settling into my new body and really getting used to it. But, when I look back on what I did to lose it, it almost feels like I didn't even do anything? Or it feels like I didn't even work that hard? I mean duh I worked hard and made sacrifices and it wasn't easy. But even when someone compliments my weight loss, I say thank you but I feel like they're praising me for something I don't even feel I did, or something I (now) feel like wasn't even "that hard".

It's so weird how when you're in the thick of your weight loss journey/lifestyle change, the mental anguish can be exhausting and it feels like it's never gonna end. But once you get through it, it feels like it wasn't a big deal at all. I guess the same could be said about a lot of achievements, things like school, work promotions, etc. But for anyone still going through their journey, just know that this is how it feels towards the end of it. It's a strange but really rewarding feeling and makes you wonder "why didn't you do this sooner, you dummy?".

Anyone else feel this?

submitted by /u/edamamecheesecake
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First time in a long time

Today was the first time in a very long time I was able to just walk into a store and actually pick something off that rack and have it fit …well fit mostly

Have a friends wedding coming up and needed a new suit for it, My previous suit is now way too big. They took my measurements and we just walked over to the rack grabbed what we needed and tried it on. For a long time i always needed to buy larger sizes or one specific brand that i knew would fit. No variety no liking something and just buying it. My wardrobe is pretty much one style “carhartt and jeans “

It felt good…im not one to get feely about shit like that but I was riding high and still kinda am over it. Besides a few other reasons , being able to walk into a store and buy what I wanted was one of the reasons I checked my ego and sought out help for weightloss. For the longest time i thought I could do it myself, follow the fad diets and work out. Then i just lost hope and accepted i would be this obese the rest of my life.

But NO …I got the help I needed and followed it to the T. And it’s been working extremely well 87lbs and still going. I will make it to my GW and I’m never going back. For those who are struggling now, please dont see this as bragging or gloating…you can do it. There will be ups and downs and i sure had my fair share but it is achievable.

PS …I say mostly fit as i still needed the pants hemmed a bit to be perfect.

Thanks for reading

submitted by /u/Shazamkazaam96
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It’s so frustrating to release you need to lose more weight than you thought

Even when I was my biggest (272 at 15) my fat was really evenly distributed and so I never had the really big gut a lot of people do or like the way bigger upper arms or thighs so I never realized how big I was. I’m now 21 and 190 and I’m realizing my original goal of 180 isn’t really close to where I want to be. Plus I’ve lost the weight over such a long time I can barely see a difference even though I’ve gotten consist again and lost another 22 pounds in the last 3 months. It’s not hurting my motivation but it just sucks to realize I probably still have another 25-30 pounds to go when I thought I’d be 10 away by now

submitted by /u/Fforfailinglife
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Cortisol and weight retention

I didn’t realize how big an effect cortisol and my mental health has on my body until I hit a three week plateau in my weight loss for unknown reasons. I was getting really frustrated as the scale seemed to be stuck around 217 no matter what I did. Then, one day my friend invited me to hang out. I decided to just forget about calories for the day and have fun. We spent two hours out on the water on a paddle board in the sun, got pizza and drinks, dessert, went back to my place and smoked some weed (I live in Oregon lol). We ate a bunch of popcorn and another frozen pizza. I hadn’t had that much fun for a very long time. I felt very refreshed. Well, the next day I stepped up to the scale. I was a little concerned about what kind of damage I’d done to my progress, but to my surprise the number was now suddenly 215 after weeks of being stuck at or above 217. Suddenly I’m losing again at a steady pace.

submitted by /u/Just-Kiwi-
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Friday, August 26, 2022

How to deal with compulsive eating?

19M 5'6" 235~ lbs

Hi there. Curently at my highest weight. I suffer from compulsive eating whenever I get really stressed, and after the first day of compulsive eating I do it again the days after. This has been the biggest reason behind my so many failed attempts. I tried 16 hour fasts, from 8pm to 12pm, it was going really well. I was satisfied with my calories every day, felt happy, and was enjoying making my meals. That was until one day my dad came back from the doctor super stressed about his results. That made me relapse back into compulsive eating as a means of self comfort, for the past three days (today included). I have a few mood-related mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and OCD which also makes it harder. I need to not be so sedentary as well.

I also struggle with accountability, which is why I'd love to have an accountability buddy.

Anyone else relate or have advice?

submitted by /u/AnonSexyBawlz69
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Ready to make a lifestyle change

I (F23) recently came to the conclusion I need to make a lifestyle change. I am currently 332lbs at 5' 11" which is SO UNHEALTHY. I have been overweight my entire life, and thought that I had remained roughly the same size since high school (which was around 280, still not great) I recently took a trip and upon reviewing the photos we took while there, I was shocked by how large I have gotten. Since then, I have decided to implement a diet and exercise regimen which I hope will help me reach my goals. I started last week and I am down about 4 lbs already :) I am doing 1750 cal a day, 40/40/20 split for protein, carbs, and fat. I also joined a gym and plan to go every other(ish) day. My GW is 150/160ish, so I've got a long way to go. I'd love to find some accountability partners around my age so we could keep each other on track and trade tips! I don't have any locally that are looking to lose weight. I have noticed I struggle to get enough protein in, but go overboard on carbs often. Any tips on getting my protein in would be appreciated! I also would love to become a runner at some point, as I actually really enjoy running, it's just feeling embarrassed that I am so out of breath and sweaty that I hate. I downloaded nonetorun and C25K, but have a lot of gym anxiety that is keeping me from doing anything that might make me pant in public. I am also interested in lifting as I'd love to gain muscle to combat the inevitable loose skin that comes from massive weight loss, but I worry my form will be bad and I'll end up with an injury if I try. I haven't been able to find a physical trainer I would be comfortable with, so I would love some direction on beginning on my own. Reading through this forum has been so helpful for me as I realize there are a lot more people in the same boat as me than I thought there were. Again, any tips are welcome and appreciated!

submitted by /u/dnr17
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how to keep motivated when starting out?

Hi everyone! I'm 24f 5'4" and 200lbs. Apologies in advance for any formatting issues as I am on mobile.

I have a really hard time staying motivated and hate the way I look. My family also has a history of obesity, so I'm trying to fix it before I get too far off, but I keep reaching the same problem. I start different diets, start working out and it goes well... for a little while.

Typically i can only make a diet last a week before i break, but can work out for like a month before i lose motivation completely. I also have ADHD and depression so I know it's super difficult to inspire myself to work out to begin with and my impule control is incredibly lacking. I want to work out, lose weight and feel better about myself but I just can't seem to stay motivated or keep a long term diet going. What can, or rather, should I do to pick a diet and workout plan that works for me and stay on it?

Also just some additional info, I've tried Keto, going Vegetarian, and completely cutting out processed sugars, but the desire for meat and sweets is just too strong. The difficulty with impulse control just makes dieting feel impossible.

submitted by /u/Icee__Soda
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How much kilos/pounds did you loose before going down one clothing size

Hey all, I just joined you in the weight loss journey 3 weeks ago.

I'm 160 cm (5.2 foot) and weigh approx. 106 kg (233 lbs), started at 108 (238 lbs)

One of the things that bothers me is that I can't really shop in regular shops for clothes in my country, because they rarely stock clothes in my size (and if they do, most look like bags with holes cut out and have 0 flattery for the body).

So, one of the things I'm really looking forward is getting back to the more convenient sizes (which is 3 tot 4 sizes smaller then what I'm now).

How much weight loss did you all take before you went down a size or even two?

I guess it's probably relative to someone's height and general body build, and I know things like fitness/muscle training do play an important role as well, but I would love to get a general sense of it.

Thanks in advance ^^

submitted by /u/Annual-Reindeer5492
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Lost 80lbs still lots to lose..

Male SW : 338 CW : 259

Started in December last year

Lost the weight to date through heavy calorie counting / under eating.. and moderate exercise walking etc.,

Somewhat plateau, partially down to eating more, meals out and the like. I still have lots to go and it’s getting to me a bit, I would say I probably need to lose a further 60lb… recently started the gym to try to do this but the thought of all that weight again is rather daunting!

Anyone got any tips or tricks?

submitted by /u/Manonnet
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I feel like if I don't eat junk food, the day is "wasted"

For a long time, I've been struggling to put into words exactly what I'm feeling - but I think up there in the title is my best summary and how I feel about it.

For a long, long time I've struggled with my diet. I'm 27(m) now and have been eating very in a very unhealthy way since I was... about 15.

It used to not be as bad - up until about 21 I might get a slice of pizza, chips and pop or equivalent every day. But in the last 6 years it's much worse. With my own income comes the ability to spend more money. I typically will eat fast food (McDonalds burger, large fry and soda) and a whole box of donuts/cookies every day, or that equivalent.

Right now I'm staying at my parents place while I switch careers. I was hoping by coming home they could help keep me accountable by only buying healthy foods. They did, and even have helped me set up a diet, but in secret I can't stop myself from sneaking out at least once every other day and indulging in a large amount of junk food.

I'm just so tired. For the last 10 years being thin is the only thing I've really wanted, but what I want as a person clashes with my addiction to sugar and loses every time.

This all brings me to the above (the title). It's honestly the best way I can put it - if it's approaching 6pm or so, and I've ate healthy all day, I feel like subconsciously I think to myself "What was the point in this day if I don't get to eat something good? Why did I even wake up in the morning?"

I'm not depressed or anything, I don't feel sad and I have other hobbies like video games and DND, but it wouldn't matter even if I was since I can't afford therapy (again, between careers).

If anyone has any advice, I would heavily appreciate it.

submitted by /u/guiltyworld
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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Need some support. I won't reach my goal weight before I see my ex

Hi everyone,

I need some support right now. A few years ago, my ex and I broke up. It was extremely painful, but I've slowly picked myself back up. However, post breakup + pandemic, caused me to spiral into a really bad depression. I ended up gaining 50 pounds.

A few months ago, I was finally able to start breaking that depression (thank you therapy and medicine). Since then, I've lost 17 pounds. I told myself that once I got back to my original weight, I'd reach out to my ex and build a friendship again (we have many mutual friends so rebuilding that friendship isn't just for mysake).

I've somehow avoided seeing my ex this entire time, but I just found out they are going to be at the same event as me in 2 months. If I somehow do everything perfectly weightloss wise (2 pounds a month), I'd still be 20 pounds heavier than the last time I saw them. And most likely, I am not going to do everything perfectly, so it'll more likely be 30 pounds.

I'm just feeling really down about having to see them again while I'm not looking / feeling my best. I'm beating myself up that I decided to maintain the past 2 weeks, when that could have been an additional 2-4 pounds.

Any advice or thoughts?

submitted by /u/Backpackerfox
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due to the price of anti-convulsion medicine, I need to lose weight

If I lose weight, the dosage goes down. I buy less meds. Happy day.

I'm bouncing on 80 kg and standing at 5'2".

Dont get me wrong, I go to the gym every other day. But it's mostly to build muscle. I need to lose the flab, and the coach who gave me a physical evaluation says I need to cut carbs and up the cardio.

I can't fast because I fear I might get seizures in the middle if the night when my stomach's growling. And I can't take my meds on an empty stomach either.

Can I live off of lettuce and brocolli? With fruits for flavor? Maybe some skimmed milk..?

submitted by /u/BrokeHunter
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Advice on losing weight when already lean

Hi everyone. I’m 32F/5’10”. I put on about 10 lbs. after dealing with some health issues this year and needing to take frequent breaks from the gym. Now that I’m feeling better, I’d like to get to the 145-150 lbs. range or around 22% body fat.

I’m currently at 24% body fat and 155 lbs., and I go to the gym 2-3 times a week. I have an app on my phone for my scale (VeSync) that suggests I keep at my current diet/exercise routine, but I feel like it’s been slow-going.

I’ve heard that it’s harder to lose weight when you’re already relatively lean. Do you have any tips on losing weight or any info on what I can realistically expect?


submitted by /u/starsgoblue23
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 25

Hello losers,

Day 25! Thursday over here feeling like a Monday.

Weigh in & log weight once a week, Thursday mornings: Got it this week.

2000 calories a day (lose two pounds this month): On it today! On my own for dinner. I'm putting away the extra stuff before I sit down to nom because I'm making some tasty nonsense this evening.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): 30 minute walk, 30 minute stationary bike & tbar swings. Gotta work that back in. My body feels so much better when I do more strength work. 19/25 days.

Finish one section (year) per week: Letting the brain rest today. 3/4 years.

Today's gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for quiet time & being able to afford some extra household stuff to make every day haves to better. Never mind how many candles I have right now. It's a reasonable amount. << >>

Random to do list item I want to conquer today: Full skin care routine post shower this evening, self. No skipping the skin goop.

How are you all doing?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Do your knees hurt?

I’ve been doing this for nearly 2 years now. I started by simply walking, then speed walking, then adding some jogging here and there. Nothing too intense, but earlier this year, my knees started bugging me. They don’t hurt too badly - it’s a very mild and tolerable pain. I rarely even notice it unless I’m on my feet for awhile or exercising. At first, I thought it was normal and would go away eventually, but it hasn’t gone away. I’m starting to get concerned. I know that knees are notorious for getting worse with age. I’m scared that my mild knee pain will become a more serious problem. Is this something I should be worried about?

submitted by /u/throwanon31
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I feel miserable with the way I look. I want to change but I keep losing the motivation to change

I'm 5'9, male. Used to fall around 160-170 pounds which is veering towards an overweight BMI but generally I was thin.

The beginning of last summer I weighed in at around 182 pounds. I lost weight and got to around 176 pounds and the scale wouldn't budge after that for 4 weeks. I had to get surgery for unrelated reasons and gave up. In August I still hung at about 175 pounds.

Then I started college. Now, I know people joke about the freshman 15 because of alcohol but I don't even drink. Maybe I'll have a couple drinks a month, that's all. But I grew like a balloon. All of a sudden I noticed around November that my underwear felt tight and was rolling up, I had stretch marks on my hips, and when I tried to put on a pair of shorts from the summer they wouldn't even zip up. I bought a scale and weight myself, horrified to find out I was weighing in at 198 pounds. My diet hadn't even really changed- the only thing was more sugary drinks. Coffees, soda, etc. So I cut it all out.

My weight dropped to 192 pounds. Once again weeks went by and it didn't budge. I was counting calories and eating around 1700 calories per day plus exercises at least 6 hours a week. I went to bed hungry every night. My weight still didn't budge. I got busy with finals and gave up

Then comes summer. I think hey, I'm getting back to the same diet that I ate when I was slimmer. I'll probably lose weight right? Wrong. I weighed in about 2 weeks ago at 208 POUNDS!

I don't even know how this is possible. I blamed my weight gain on sugary coffee drinks, soda, and less healthy eating choices like pizza 5× a week. But this summer I haven't sipped a single latte, no soda exept thr occasional diet Coke, no pizza, no high calorie meals. I've mostly been eating chicken, veggies, fruits, etc. Not the ideal diet, I still ate some sweets and junk but I certainly didn't expect to GAIN weight eating the same diet from when I was 165 pounds.

I went on a strict calorie deficit and started walking 30-60 minutes every day. After 2 weeks? 0.3 pounds lost. That's it. After weighing in a couole days ago I broke down and binged on probably at least 1,000 calories of chocolate and cookies.

I'm miserable and confused. I know the response is going to be the same it is every time "oh, well you just not be really eating in a deficit..." but I swear to God I am. The only time I made any progress is when half the day I was so hungry I could barely think, and even then it was slow and I eventually gave up.

Just to give a little reference, July of 2022 I weighed in at my lowest at 147 pounds after a desppresive episode. I've gained 60 pounds since then...40 pounds above where my weight used to sit at. Even starving myself I can't get back to that weight. I'm just so confused. I tried to explain the weight gain any way I could but I've been eating the same exact diet I used to eat for the past four months and GAINED 10 POUNDS! how??

I just feel like there has to be something wrong. I'm miserable right now. I hate the way I look. I'm covered in stretch marks from gaining 20 pounds in like 2 months last fall. My clothes don't fit comfortably and I'm constalt worried about sucking in my stomach and standing a certian way. I can never just be comfortable in public.

What is going on? Where do I even go from here?

submitted by /u/jmh1881v2
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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

How can I reframe eating less into something that is “active”

I find that it’s so hard for me to have my focus on avoidance. Don’t eat too much of this. Don’t get fast food. etc. I’m so much more motivated by having a goal to actively do something, if that makes any sense? If could easily lose weight by having a goal to exercise in example, I’d have no problem. But I know I can’t outrun my fork. Having my focus on avoiding something only makes it central in my mind and thus torturous. I know there may not be an answer that resonates with me but I’m wondering if anyone has, or may have, an idea how to reframe my goal so I have something to actively strive for towards my diet?

submitted by /u/BigOleBlahBlah
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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

I’m back in the gym!!!!

I was going a lot late last year/early this year but then the vid got me. That put me out at least a month and the if I’m being honest I just got lazy. But I’ve been going back, I’m on my 2nd week (I know not “day 1” but the rules made me pick something for some reason) and I feel really motivated. I’m honestly excited to go again tomorrow! So yeah…that’s basically it lol. I’m just excited and wanted to share that with people who I know can relate

submitted by /u/ch_ch_ch_cheatham
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Day 1

25F - 5’6 - 240lbs

I’m finally ready to make a change. Today I monitored and restricted calories for the first time in IDK HOW LONG!!!! I know that’s not everything but a big step since I’ve just been eating as if what I’m consuming has no effect. I feel like no matter what I do I keep gaining weight, until I really sit and realize all I’m really doing is overeating like a mf and not taking care of myself. I’m starting to feel physically uncomfortable and can’t stand to live this way any more. I’m extremely embarrassed about my rapid weight gain and can barely stand to be perceived. That being said this journey is extremely private to me but I really need some accountability and motivation!

I’m trying my best to love myself along the way, wish me luck!

submitted by /u/secretrecovery
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I'm ashamed because I saw an old pic

Long story short: I was super skinny and underweight for most part of my life (I was 38~40 kg and I'm 150cm short) and I hated my body, when I started dating my current boyfriend 5 years ago I gained weight. I was finally at my goal weight (52~55 kg) but then the pandemic happened and I started binge eating so much due agoraphobia that I gained more 10kg and now I'm overweight.

I am in a process of trying to lose weight (with a psychiatrist, endocrinologist and nutritionist) and I was enjoying it (I lost only 1 kg but still) until I saw an old pic of when I weighted my goal weight and I'm feeling... ashamed? I feel like I failed myself and now it's so hard to go back to what I used to be. It was the best 2 years of my life in terms of self-image when I was around 52~55 kg. And I threw it away.

I'm sorry for the long post I just wanted to vent a little because I don't want to feel like this anymore, I want to use this old picture as a motivation one but it's so hard :(

submitted by /u/srta_bolinho
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Weight has gone up from 64kg to 68kg while still in a deficit.

Male 64kg/166cm

Hi guys, Ive been in a 500 calorie deficit (eating 1500) since the beginning of may and successfully lost 9kg. I have been doing exercise as well but for the past few weeks my weight has gone up from 64kg to 68 while still eating in deficit.

Ive made sure to track my calories correctly with food scales and measuring.

Should I do a reverse diet and increase my calories to 200 above maintenance? (2200cal) and if so how long should I do it for?


EDIT: forgot to mention that I just started doing gym this week if that helps but for the 3 weeks before, my weight was still staying the same around 65kg.

submitted by /u/Chickfizz-eats-memes
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Can never do a calorie deficit

Everytime I try to do a calorie deficit I am only able to do it for 1-2 days MAX. And then I start freaking binging and I hate myself for it. I hate my body so much I hate how I can't even change myself for the better. I'm trying to do 1200 calories (in order for my height and weight) I just don't know what to do I feel so defeated. I've been struggling with it for so long now. I even tried a dietitian but she was barely any help and barely spoke, she gave me the most basic diet plan and that's it. Regardless, I don't feel like I'm doing enough. I just can't find the discipline. I live with my family still so I get the urges to eat unhealthy since there's snacks at home or I feel disrespectful not eating the food my mom made so hard. I've tried portion control, asking that she uses healthier options but it's still not enough. Cooking isn't the issue for me but I just cannot diet. I've been walking more than I did before but still struggling. Advice?

submitted by /u/posteia
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50 lbs. in 4 Months?

Hey all, just wondering if anyone here has done some weight loss similar to the title, I have a friend who did some sort of extreme calorie deficit mixed with IF, but 1k calories a day doesn’t sound healthy at all.

Just wondering if anyone can share their experience or advice on achieving this goal in the time frame i gave myself. Currently go to the gym around 4-5 times a week with the workout lasting a good 35-40 mins mixed with 20-30 mins of cardio.

I’m 5’10 and 300 lbs. currently, working on meal prep and IF too.

submitted by /u/Wise_Pea_5757
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Monday, August 22, 2022

Discouraged, but not out.

(For reference: 23m, 6’4, SW: 220 (11/2021), CW: 208 (08/2022), GW: 180)

I’ve been trying to lose weight for about a year now. Im a huge binge eater and my diet consists of things I’m not sure are fit for human consumption after reading nutrition labels.

I’ve been counting calories now for a couple months and I figured out that my prior intake was around 2.2k - 3.2k depending on the day. I’ve actually managed to cut down to 1.6k last month and this month I’ve cut even further to 1.4k, although I find days where I can survive off of 1.1k - 1.2k, which has been extremely uplifting (although I’ve been a bit peckish, lol.)

I went from a completely sedentary lifestyle (my only steps were literally to the bathroom and back to bed/my desk) to walking an average of 7-8k steps a day (I always try for at least 2 miles).

I’ve been lurking this subreddit for inspiration and motivation for over a week now and it’s extremely uplifting to see everyone’s thoughts and progress and yet when I check the scale I’m so disappointed by my own progress. I know that what I’m doing is HUGE for my health and fitness, but I can’t seem to drop any lower than 205, and even worse (for my mentality) is this stomach fat that I absolutely cannot get rid of.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I’m disappointed but hopeful, yet I want to break 200 so bad and it seems like no matter what I do or how hard I push myself I cant get there.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Offer133
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Help needed!!! Please help 🙏

Help Needed!!! please help me 🙏

Hi. I'm about to enter college this October. There would be no Gym facility in hostel.

I'm 95 kg.

My goal is to become fit & slim within 1 year.

Please help me. What excercise I should start with. How should I start. I didn't want to spend on diets, because I can't afford. But I think I'll have to spend on diets it seems.

If there's cheap/economical diet option within my budget I'll consider it. I can't afford more than 1000 Rs/month. (I'm telling with heavy heart that this 1000 still is out of budget for me. But for now I can afford to spend 1000 for atleast 4 months. I'll see after that how to manage)

Note : 1000Rs = about 13 dollars.

Thanks 🙏

submitted by /u/T-H-A-N-K-U
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How do you mentally cope with weight gain due to medication?

I (almost 20M) have made massive improvements mentally on Zoloft, but it’s come at the cost of 10-15 lbs of fat. I’m absolutely mortified and hate my body; I’m constantly pinching my new stomach, adjusting my gait to avoid jiggling, and smacking my fat self as punishment. I’m living as healthy a lifestyle as I can, but the weight won’t budge. I can’t stand one more second in this body and want to crawl out of my skin every moment I’m aware of my mass.

submitted by /u/Balloon-Lucario49
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I just binged... I felt it coming for a week and didn't stop it.

I binged really bad. Like, visited 3 fast food spots in the course of an hour bad. I felt it coming but my financial situation prevented me from going all out. I just got paid today and well, the gates were open...

I was doing so well. I had lost 15 lbs of fat in the course of 2 months this summer. I was feeling proud, happiest I've ever felt about my body.

But I couldn't deny the cravings that started to quietly come back. It was a midnight snack here, a quick bite there, and the cravings got stronger and stronger.

Then I hit some hard times. Felt unappreciated, unloved, unattractive, and overwhelmed... I promised to stop playing video games too so the only comfort for me was food. So I went all out.

I can't do this.

submitted by /u/ta_icantdothis
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Trigger: ED talk. How often to weigh yourself on weight loss journey while also recovering from an ED?

Hey everyone! I’ve struggled with bulimia for 12 years, while the worst of it was in my teenage years. I’m at the point now where I truly need to lose weight. I had thyroid surgery earlier this year and I’ve gained 50 pounds in 6 months, despite not changing anything drastically (I didn’t workout as much after my surgery, etc, but I didn’t just start binging on food either). I’m working with my GP regarding my thyroid levels, but I’m also working on a new exercise routine and eating plan.

BUT…for those of you that have ever struggled with an ED, you know how triggering diet talk and the scale can be. I need to know if I’m making any progress, but I’m scared of becoming obsessed with what’s on the scale and leading myself down a very dark path, so how often do you guys weigh yourselves?

submitted by /u/Illustrious_Big_8485
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Top rice weight loss diet Tips

Top rice weight loss diet Tips-An Overview Lose weight quickly, become healthy and fit; that's what many diets promise. However, if ...