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Weight Loss for Everyone: July 2020

Friday, July 31, 2020

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Tell me what to do!

What's up guys! This is my first post ever on not just this subreddit, but Reddit in general! I'm not too sure how to word everything, so I'm just going to brain dump. I'm a 28 year old male. 266 lbs. I have a very strong work ethic, but I need direction. Help.

I need help with meal plans. The simpler the better. I've done things like paleo, and keto, but never was able to actually stick to it. I know what I need to eat and what I shouldn't be eating, but I can't seem to stick to anything.

As far as working out, I know what to do. But again, it's sticking to it that's hard. I've recently got back in to riding my road bike and have been riding at least ten miles every other day. I've seen on other posts about how people have just walked and although it takes awhile, it works. I'll start walking the dogs more often and walking on the days that I don't ride.

What I need the most is a legit, straight to the point, no B.S. meal plan. There are places where I live that will create a custom meal plan for anyone, but it's spendy and I can't afford that right now. I know that people say to just eat less carbs, and more veggies and brown rice and all that stuff. I get that. But I need a literal list of meals, telling what to eat and when. Can anyone out there do just that for me? I know that if I stay around 2,000 calories a day, I'd be good.

If there is anyone out there who can help, you have no idea how much I'd appreciate it. What's shitty is the fact that I think that the meal plans that you have to pay for could actually work, but I can't afford it right now. I think everyone can understand that. If someone is able to give me a straight to the point meal plan, I will be forever grateful and will take before pictures and progress pictures along the way.

Thank you all for the support and tips that I know I'll receive in advance! Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/The12thMan0213
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The first week of getting back on track is always the hardest.

I lost 15 pounds, took a break, then 10 pounds, took a break, lost 5, then took a break and now I’m trying to lose the last 20 pounds.

The first week after a break is always the hardest. I feel like I expect to see body changes right away and I get discouraged when I don’t even though I know this happens EVERY time. I feel so unmotivated and sad the first week, maybe 9 days, thinking I’m not losing weight and before you know it, 2-3 weeks in, I SEE IT! I see and feel the weight loss.

I just had to rant because I’m officially a week back into dieting and I am dropping this last 20 pounds. It’s so difficult starting for me because I just want to see results and it’s so funny because I know results will come if I stay consistent and it’s always an amazing feeling. Whenever I see and feel the difference I’m like, ‘wow, I’m so happy I started 3 weeks ago.’

Just had to let it off my chest. I’m super close to my goal weight and the gyms are open again so I’m ready. Just impatient Lol

submitted by /u/sisiisdj
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And we are back

Hey everyone, 24/m/350lbs here. I’m on day three of logging my foods and exercising. Took the time to recharge the Fitbit, redownloaded all the apps, got my food scale again.It’s been a few years(and about 100lbs) since I posted here but these last few days have made me feel so good already. So far I’ve lost 4lbs already since my weigh in this morning. I’ve always fluctuated with my weight my whole life, last year in 2019 I went from 376lbs to 311 landscaping with a family member from about 5am-7pm for two days a week for about 4 months. I’m now a banker and hardly move and realized I’ve caked most of that back on. My routine is jogging—crawling by the end—a mile and then doing 100 jump rope jumps and finishing up with some sets on my front stairs. Surprisingly I can still hit two blocks without stopping. Anyways, I hope I can keep you guys updated on my journey. Even if there is no interest, just writing this makes me want to stick with it.

submitted by /u/CeeWeeHerman
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Working out muscle group only once a week

So I’ve decided to join the gym, I’m the standard skinny fat, no muscle but bit of a gut, I’m trying to combine diet + a little cardio (not much tbh) + weights. As I hope I can lose fat and gain some muscle to kinda rebalance my body.

Due to covid messing with childcare I can’t really go to the gym that often, so this week I did upper body one day and lower body a few days later. For the time being I can’t really get to the gym more often than those days, and I do feel it’s a proper work out as I’m sore after and going as hard as I can, but would someone expect to see results with this?

I’ll hopefully be able to have more time in a couple months and I am really planning on losing weight by December so there’s no rush, I’m not aiming for abs just less of a gut and having limbs that aren’t sticks, will I see any progress with a month of just doing a muscle once a week?

submitted by /u/Frogad
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29M SW: 263 CW: 241 | Been pretty depressed because of a break up and using it to get myself to finally start losing. Some issues I'm having with food choice.

So for roughly the past 4-5 days, I've been consuming VERY little food. Like, <800 calories daily. It started from me being depressed over a break up and I want to change myself like I've wanted for the past 5 years, so I want to continue it. I work in a factory and put in an average of 17,545 steps daily. outside of this, I do zero exercising but willing to start when I feel I'm up for it.

The question I have though is, with me doing this <800 calories daily, doing OMAD (Usually at Midnight, but sometimes at 8PM) to give me those <800 calories and drinking ~1 gallon of water a day, is this increasing bad for my health? For my one 'meal', I eat 4 scrambled eggs with some salsa on top, a banana and lately a spoonful of peanut butter.

I'm obviously doing this to lose weight, but I don't think I'm doing it correctly. I know that if you do stuff wrong, your metabolism will drop and you'll no longer be losing weight. I'm concerned about this and need some advice. I don't mind being hungry from the <800 calories since I basically chug a bottle of water every time my hunger pangs pop up. While at work, that tends to be ever hour or 2, depending on how much I'm sweating (Factory, it's 100+ in there everyday, and sometimes I pee once while on a 9 hour shift, even with a gallon of water in me).

Please help, I'm stuck and worried I'm messing things up and want to make sure I fix my bad habits before they become more serious.

submitted by /u/Ein_The_Pup
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I got so fat now and I have no motivation to be heathy.

I used to feel depressed and down when people mock my body size. But after years of mockery, I got used to it and I don’t feel motivated to lose weight. I feel like if I do lose weight, that means I am only doing it just to satisfy the peoples who mocked me before. It’s an unhealthy mindset, but I lived with it for my whole life. I did lose weight when I was in my early 20s, I’ve lost 20 kgs in 3 months by dancing 2 hours a day but I couldn’t continue. I was a lazy fuck. And so, I eat uncontrollably because food gave me comfort and I love to lie down and sleep after I finished eating. Yesterday me and my whole family stayed at a vacation homestay and it had a large mirror. When I looked at my reflection there, that’s when I realized I got too fat now. And I need to make changes to it. My blood pressure is a haywire these days, my vision got blurry, and my freaking thighs have this random “electric” tingling sensation when I sit down.

I need to change but I don’t know how to start.

I’m a 29 y/o female, morbidly obese, and I want to motivate myself to be healthy. Please give me emotional support!

Edit: *healthy. Typo in title. Damn these fat fingers!

submitted by /u/dohthreetimes
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30lb Difference

Holy crap guys!

I'd usually just post in the dailies, but I'm feeling really good about this.

I committed to losing weight at the beginning of June, and I've dropped 30lbs on strict keto combined with CICO and sticking to a promise to myself that I'll exercise at least six days per week (tonight I ran a mile with a friend, we're doing couch to 5k together!).

I genuinely believed at one point that I'd never find a way to lose it. I really thought I couldn't.

But then I did, and I am.

Pics: at 290lbs and at 260lbs wearing the same outfit. The shorts are soooo much looser and I had to scrunch the back of the t-shirt because it was loose enough that it was hiding my body. Obviously not so before - it used to be snug.

I'm just.

I'm so proud of myself right now.

Still have a long journey ahead of me (115lbs left to lose), but what a great start. This feels like my first real milestone.

submitted by /u/Je0ng-Je0ng
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I am lost

My name is Owen and I’m a 15 year old 279 pound kid. My doctor says I need to make a change and quick, after talking with my family they are unwilling to stop buying shitty foods, and are unwilling to pay for a gym membership, but my sister is willing to drive me if I can afford it. I have saved up some money for food and a membership, but I don’t know what to do - I need this to help me. Can someone please give me a concrete plan for working out, or something to do? I have tried just eating healthy, but my addiction to sugar has always broken me, even if I take things slow. Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/falconbeast6
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I'm tired of restarting again and again, telling myself that it's really the proper one this time. I need to take accountability

I'm super uncomfortable with my body and I believe losing the weight (around 30 pounds) would improve my confidence and quality of life. That's what I look like now, by September I'll post an update whether I make progress or not.

I have lost a decent amount very sporadically and put it back on in lumps, I have an active lifestyle but I have a dependancy on food whenever I feel like I need comfort. I need to break the cycle and stop doing well for a week then regressing straight after.

My relationship with food has always been a bit on a knifes edge, I can't really control myself I don't really eat for enjoyment it's an instinctual need like I can't just not eat. I'm keeping a good diary which I full honestly as I can remember, reading back my meals are very healthy but I snack way too often and it's never good food, during this month I'll learn to say no when offered food toom

I'm 5 foot 9 and weigh 93kg atm, I'll update this figure with the next post

submitted by /u/saniroco
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How can they be like that?

I’ve been overweight and sometimes obese for ten years, my whole family is obese and they don’t even seem to care.

They say they gotta lose weight and then do shit about it. My mom has bought a fucking treadmill pretending she’ll do something with it.

I’ve been trying to lose weight and BE HEALTHY for about three years now and I’m not of a healthy weight yet. I’m 16 years old, 5’ and weigh 150lb, my heaviest was 175lb. And I can’t fucking drop that weight because of these stupid people who don’t give a shit about maybe dying in a few years. They are always cooking or buying super unhealthy food and if I eat little they say I’ll become anorexic like I’m even fucking slim.

I live with my mother (41F, 5’2, almost 200lb) and my brother (10M, 4’7, 110lb). These people are OBESE and don’t give a SHIT that they coukd die any moment. And I bet you they’ll eat themselves to death.

Right now they are asking me TO COOK fucking french fries with fondue cheese and Vienna sausages for dinner, and they don’t care that they’re CLOGGING THEIR ARTERIES. I told my brother that, I reminded him that he has HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE PROBLEMS because of all the shit he eats and he just bashed me!! Just convinced him to bake the potatoes in the oven instead of frying them but still, why are they doing this to themselves?

The worst thing is, you know what my brother told me?? “IT’S NOT THAT DEEP, I’LL WALK ON THE TREADMILL TOMORROW OR SOMETHING” as if just exercising solved everything. And he doesn’t even EXERCISE, he just walks at like 1km/h speed for like 20 minutes and pretends he’s done something. I do more activity walking to the grocery shop (because I’m the one who walks to the near stores to buy, and if I’m not home they’ll just drive there even if the stores are like two blocks away).

This is just a rant but I’m so angry at them the whole time. I can’t wait to move out and eat real food. Apologies for the bad English too.

Now I’ll go cook and later I’ll be hearing them complain about their stomachs hurting or something similar.

submitted by /u/Ursula_Bach
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Here’s my take on starting your weight loss journey

After yo-yo-ing back and fourth between a very restrictive diet and just binging, I realized that weight loss should be a lifestyle.

I’m pretty sure some people already know this, but I just wanted to share just in case.

Instead of going on a diet, it’s better to change your current diet and maintain it rather than doing big changes for short term results. If you want to stay at your GW, you can’t go back to your original lifestyle.

My advice: Start by changing one of two things. 1) limiting portion size. This way you can still eat the foods you love, but are also taking steps towards weight loss. Nothing drastic.

2) Swapping out unhealthy foods for healthier alternatives. Don’t go cold turkey, slowly swap out certain foods starting small.

3) exercise. However you choose to do it, just be active.

And that’s it! Pretty simple, but it took me a while to figure out that small long term changes were the way to go.

submitted by /u/PencilsAreSharp
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 31 Wrap Up!

Hey losers,

We made it to the end of the month! Let’s wrap it on up! Here’s next month’s sign up post!

Weight by end of month (199 lbs, preferably trend weight): Maintained.

Stay within calorie range (1700 ish): I ate some feelings this month. I’m not proud & it is still a struggle. I can tell mental health wise I’ve gotten into a bad habit of using food as a soothing method again. But I’m learning, tracking & striving for better so that is still a win.

Exercise 5 days a week: Would have liked higher intensity & more strength workout. 25/31 days.

Self-care time (JOURNALING, working on love journals, beauty treatments, drawing 0/23 days): My mental health says I did not do enough on this. I will do better. Gotta keep that battery charged.

Try a new recipe once a week: An imitation crab salad with homemade sauce, a crock pot Italian wedding soup, Russian dressing, a weird brocooli slaw concoction & a chicken lemon orzo soup. 4/5 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: An attempt was made. See self care. Gotta keep striving kids! 1/50 pages.

No fast food or candy from the work dish: There was a day with too much taco bell. Still better than a previous version of me.

Listen to my effing body: I’m not great at this. My body wants more HIIT & intensity to address the anxiety. Will do better!

Be more mindful & express gratitude, avoid the hedonic treadmill: I’ve got not much to say here. I need to be journaling more. Mindfulness is a tough gig when it’s just disaster control.

Your turn kids! How was your month?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - August Sign Ups!

A new month & new Daily Accountability Challenge!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra!

Leading by example, here I go!

Weight by end of month (199 lbs, preferably trend weight): No weigh in this morning. 201.5 lbs trend weight.

Stay within calorie range (1500 weekdays, maintenance weekends):

Exercise 5 days a week: Habitual, as always I want more intensity & strength. X/X days.

Self-care journaling (once a week, 60 minutes): Need this for sanity.

Self-care time (working on love journals, beauty treatments, drawing X/X days): I’ve been neglecting this. Bad loser.

Try a new recipe once a week: X/5 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: Tough gig. X/50 pages.

No fast food or candy from the work dish: Streak day 6.

Be present in my body & accept the sensory feedback:

Be more mindful & express gratitude, avoid the hedonic treadmill:

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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92kg -> 87kg... SO doesn't really notice.

This is just a whinge post because I'm feeling rejected.

Over the last 2 months I've been dieting really hard, aiming for 1500 cals a day to try and lose the covid lockdown weight I've gained. I've lost about 5kg (11lb i think), down from 92kg to 87kg. I'm a 5'11" dude with reasonable amount of muscle and lift a lot of weight.

It's been a very tough few months for me as I'm very used to eating a lot and gymming hard. But the gym has been shut since March.

Anyway. Asked my gf if she's noticed any change yet and she just said "I dunno, maybe less of a beer gut?" and shrugged. I could tell she was trying to be nice.

I know she didn't mean anything by it, but god damn. I hate this. I really feel like giving up.

Sorry for rant and ty for reading.

submitted by /u/Hoarse_with_no_name
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Is it possible to lose 50lbs + through diet and walking alone?

I am a 5’7 23 yr old female, and I currently weigh 203lbs. My starting weight was 245 lbs.

I just had a conversation with the person who encouraged me to go on a fitness journey, and she congratulated me on my 42lbs lost so far. I told her I wanted to lose about 45 more pounds and she said that if I continue only walking as my exercise, I won’t lose any more weight. That large amounts of weight loss only happen when you do more hardcore exercising.

I’m kind of shocked. Walking is my utmost favorite form of exercise and it’s the only one I look forward to. Is it impossible to lose 85lbs through walking and a calorie deficit alone? Has anyone done this?

submitted by /u/seafoamprism
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I'm finally losing belly fat!

To preface, I am female, 21 years old (yesterday was my birthday!) my starting weight was 85kg, current weight is 61kg and goal weight is 55kg. Edit: forgot to add my height: 163cm!

It took long enough, but as soon as I stopped stressing about maintaining a certain deficit, an exercise routine and got my anxiety and life in control, I am finally losing the belly fat. In other words, STOP STRESSING. Stress causes cortisol to release which makes it harder to lose belly fat. I know it's not that easy, but you can start with small actions like trying to meditate and eating only a little under your daily burned calories. With the latter it helps to have a fitbit or something similar, because some days I burn 1800kcals and sometimes close to 3000. And even with that I'm not super strict, some days I go a bit over the calories I burned and that's fine. I was one of those people who stressed about the scale and everything else, but as soon as I started to weigh only once a week or less, I got into a really good mental space about it. I have battled against my mind for so long, but once I started working with it and meditating, my anxiety has diminished greatly. It's a long road, I know, I was battling against mental illness for over 6 years before I got to a good place. It also took me 3 years to even consider losing the weight I gained from my first medication, and once I did, I was committed because it came from within. I haven't actually lost any cm on other parts of my body in a while, nor have I dropped massive amounts of weight since the belly fat started to reduce, but I just know that not being stressed out constantly is the reason that's the place all the fat is coming off from. And also because I am on the last stretch of my weight loss to be truthful. With exercise, listen. I love exercise, but also sometimes I just don't feel like doing exercise. And that's fine. On those days I let myself rest so I can have all the energy to do it on other days. And I've been eating pretty much intuitively, and towards the end of the day I count the calories. Surprise surprise, more often than not I am on a deficit. And if I'm not, a simple walk can help minimize the damage. I'm happy, I'm stress-free, and my belly fat is going away. I wish I had more advice on how to live life stress free, but its up to you to figure out what makes your life happy. I can't tell it to you, unfortunately. And also, my first year of vocational school is coming up, who knows what kind of stress that is going to bring. Life takes you where it takes you. Trust the process.

submitted by /u/fitnesstuff
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Trying to lose 5-10lbs from 100lbs

I’m a 4’11 female and I’ve gained around 10lbs ever since I’ve started taking birth control 8 months ago.

I signed up for the gym earlier this year and they told me that my body fat percentage is 25%. Before the lock down, I would go to the gym 3/4 times a week and managed to feel good despite my weight was gaining steadily at that time. And I haven’t been there for months and even though I’ve been exercising at home I feel like it’s just not enough and my self image has been going down.

I know that my BMI is completely normal but I can’t help but feel like I can be even smaller. I try to control my caloric intake but my weight seems like it’s just stuck at 98-101lbs. I feel defeated. And I honestly want to start skipping meals again so I can get back to where I was before..

Reddit please help. I don’t spiral back to having an eating disorder..

submitted by /u/mysticabyss_
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SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Friday, 31 July 2020: Today, I conquered!

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory!

Celebrating something great? Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, long or short, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness! (Details are appreciated!! How are you losing your weight?)

  • Did you just change your flair? pass a milestone? reach a goal?
  • Did you log for an entire week? or year?
  • Did you take the stairs? walk a mile? jog for 3? set a new personal record?
  • Fit into your old pair of jeans? throw away your fat clothes? fit into your college outfit?

Post it here! This is the new, improved place for recording your acts of awesomeness!

Due to space limitations, this may be an announcement (sticky) only occasionally. Please find it daily and keep it the hottest thing on /r/loseit!

On reddit your vote means, "I found this interesting!" Help us make this daily post the most read, most used, most interesting post on /r/loseit by reading, commenting, and participating often!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I did it. I lost weight.

[13F] I've recently started working towards losing approximately 70 pounds and then I went on vacation and I was afraid that I wouldn't have lost any weight since then because I didn't eat the healthiest on vacation. Today I decided to weigh myself and I lost weight. It's not a lot but knowing that I'm capable of losing weight makes me so happy. I'm not comfortable sharing my weight loss with most people so I figured I'd share it here. I started watching my calories and I would essentially speed walk on the treadmill for about an hour everyday. I'm sorry if I'm rambling a bit in this post, it's 3 am here and I'm tired.

submitted by /u/ididntdoit36
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I need help

I’m a 31 year old man who hit rock bottom about a month ago. I’m super morbidly obese. Over 700 pounds. I get lymphedema on my stomach and on my genitals. I can’t clean myself or drive. My meals have to be prepaid for me. I should be dead.

But I’m not. And I’m fighting back and for the first time in my life I think I might be able to win.

It’s only been a month, but I haven’t ordered out once. I’m hearing healthy and exercising 30 minutes a day. But I’m afraid I’m too late. I don’t want to die. I want to make my family proud.

But I need help. I need a scale. The one I have now won’t work and I probably need one with a 1,000 pound capacity. I can’t afford it. My family can’t afford it. But I need to know I’m winning this battle. It’s the battle of my life.

Does anyone have an old scale I can use that would work? I can afford shipping. I could probably even offer you a few extra buck. But the scales I see for sale that would for for me are all over $1,000.

There are so many things I want to do and experience. I want to be able to do a little good in the world while I’m here. I want to stop being a burden to my family.

I’m calling for a hero in my darkest hours. I’m here to fight. I just need some help to win.

submitted by /u/Goose88
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I'm back to the weight I was when I was at university... but I don't look like I did back then

Bit of background on my journey here... I (27F, 5'4.5") never really worried about my weight I was always quite active and whilst not skinny, I was happy with where I was and I was a healthy weight when I went off to university at 19. Fast forward a few years and I met my boyfriend (now fiance) when I was 21. When we met I was a happy and healthy 133lbs, feeling confident in myself and my body and looking great.

Getting happy and comfortable in my relationship, plus the fact that he is an AMAZING cook and loved the fact that I wasn't shy about eating a lot, over time I gained and gained until in 2017 I hit my highest weight of 178lbs. I had tried diets before but I'd always end up gaining what I'd lost back and then some, but seeing pictures of how I looked against my forever skinny boyfriend really hit home for me. So I started CICO in January 2018 and since then my weight has been on a gradual decline. Granted, there have been times when its gone up a few pounds due to holidays, christmas etc, but I've never let it get out of control.

Today, I weighed in at 133.5lbs. Almost the exact weight I was when I met my other half, and yet, I don't look the same. I'm telling myself it's because I'm older and maybe my hips have widened and maybe because I gained the weight my body fat percentage is higher than it was back then, but in reality I'm a little sad about it. My goal for the last few years has been to get back down to this weight, knowing how confident I was when I was this weight before, but now that I'm here I don't feel confident. I've changed my goal weight to 125lbs, hoping that losing these last few lbs will do the trick. I'm trying not to let this affect me, as I know I've come very far.

Has anyone else had this experience? I'd love to know more about it and why this is and how it works and what I could possibly do about it.

TLDR; I've hit my original goal weight thinking I would look like I did when I was this weight at 21, but am disappointed and saddened to see that I don't.

submitted by /u/RandyBobandy093
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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Increasing my daily calorie intake, will this help with weight loss?

Hey all, over the last few weeks I've noticed I've started becoming more and more hungry, at this point I've lost around 18kgs, although I have not weighed myself in nearly 2 months so that number may not be accurate. I am 22 years old, a male, 187cm and around 120kgs. I exercise late at night after I finish work (around 10-11pm).

When I started my weight loss journey, as with a lot of people they start off low with their calorie intake, and I was eating roughly 1200-1400 calories a day, however in the long run obviously this isn't sustainable and I knew I would have to make an increase to this eventually, so I'm now trying to increase my daily intake to somewhere around 1800-2000 calories.

I've used a TDEE calculator, and it says my maintenance calories would be roughly 3500 calories a day, now obviously I don't really want to be eating up around the 3000 calorie mark as I don't think this is necessary nor sustainable, however I just wanted some of your guys advice as to whether eating around 2000 calories a day will still help me lose weight. I will also add that my daily exercise consists of being at home during the day, going to an office job at night, and then going to the gym at night with a focus lifting weights and a light walk at the end of the session. My fitbit tells me that I burn around 3500 calories a day including my BMR and the exercise I do.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/CastleOnTheHill123
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Who tf benefits when smartwatch companies make their devices overestimate your burned calories

I always took the "calories burned" displayed on my smartwatch with a grain of salt because I read they're inaccurate. I never eat back my exercise calories so I wasn't too bothered, but as a data nerd, it's really starting to really grind my gears.

I recently bought a Samsung smartwatch because I was curious about my daily activity. For example, according to my watch, 50 minute walk at moderate 3mph/4.8kmh speed apparently burns 320 kcal (21F, 5'3"/160cm, CW=GW=122lbs/55kg). Online calculators consistently give me 190-200 calorie range for the same activity.

My watch explicitly says it is not double-counting exercise calories, the displayed value is supposed to be the calories burned by exercise alone.

The real value is about half that shown on my watch. Why. These companies make watches for active people, there has to be at least one scientist there who can write an algorithm that accurately calculates burned calories.

So what is the point of making them so inaccurate? Is it to motivate people to move around more because they feel better when they see high numbers of burned calories? I'd say it's detrimental for most of the population instead, and they would take it as an excuse to treat themselves for exercising, because their watch said they burned 200kcal in 20 minutes of walking in casual pace.

I am genuinely perplexed. If anyone has answers, I'm all ears.

submitted by /u/Luminis_The_Cat
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Free Talk Friday for 31 July 2020 - Come Talk About Anything!

Happy Friday everyone! Free Talk Friday is a free discussion post. Come talk about anything you want, whether it’s health/fitness related or not.

So tell us, what’s on your mind today? Any fun plans for the weekend?

(Credit to u/HermionesBook for running these in the past.)

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: July 31st, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

Let us know how your day is going, or, if you're checking in early, how your yesterday went!

Share your victories, rants, problems, NSVs, SVs, we are here!

I want to shortly also mention — this thread lives and breathes by people supporting each other :) so if you have some time, comment on the other posts! Show support, offer advice and share experiences!

We’re back at the end of the month! Let’s reflect and look forward tomorrow :)

submitted by /u/visilliis
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Can I just say that this subreddit is a godsend

I have been wanting to lose weight for years, and I this is the first time I've been successful with it. Granted I had a lot of down time to do my proper research, and this year I made a habit of consistently exercising and eating cleaner, but I was exercising 5x a week and eating clean for 5 months and barely lost a pound.

I only started losing when I found this subreddit!!!! I'm losing at a very slow rate, but I'm FINALLY DOING IT!!! Ever since I made my first post on here (on an old, deleted acc) titled something along the lines of "I don't know how to lose weight..." I have progressed in the right direction, and it feels really good this time.

I've probably watched pretty much every "How to Lose Weight" video on youtube, tried going vegan for a bit, tried to make dietary rules (no chips, no cookies, etc.), did HIIT workouts every day.... but none of those compare to the information I've been equipped with after browsing this subreddit for the past few months.

Just wanted to say thanks, and hopefully I'll be able to continue the tradition and pass on whatever helpful tips I learn along the way!

submitted by /u/PermitNo672
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Just hopped on a scale after a while and I’m not like the number I saw...

I’m a 5’9” 17 year old, soon to be 18, male that is looking to lose some weight as I am 200 lbs. I’ve never been an active guy, no sports or anything. I’m not sure where to begin.

I’ve been wanting to lose weight for a while but can’t get motivated enough to do it. I recently bought a punching bag and I’m looking forward to setting that up soon. I’m going to cut back on soda and switch from snack foods to fruit.

Do you have any advice on where to begin, how to stay motivated, and what I should do to lose weight? I’m hoping to lose at least 30 pounds... I’m going to Wyoming at the end of August and would like to lose just a little weight before then.

Thank you 😊

submitted by /u/ExpectChecks
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 30

Hello losers,

I'll do the wrap up tomorrow, feel free to wrap up tonight if it makes more sense!

Weight by end of month (199 lbs, preferably trend weight): No weigh in this morning. 201.5 lbs trend weight.

Stay within calorie range (1700 ish): Better today.

Exercise 5 days a week: A wee walk at lunch but I got to it. 25/30 days.

Self-care time (JOURNALING, working on love journals, beauty treatments, drawing 0/23 days): Long day no time!

Try a new recipe once a week: An imitation crab salad with homemade sauce, a crock pot Italian wedding soup, Russian dressing & a chicken lemon orzo soup. I want to make a cole slaw only with a veg & dressing setup I prefer. 4/5 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: An attempt was made. 1/50 pages.

No fast food or candy from the work dish: Streak day 5. 4 candy related lapse in judgement.

Listen to my effing body: Fucking uterus. Such a scumbag.

Be more mindful & express gratitude, avoid the hedonic treadmill: Grateful for some level of stability in my life even if my anxiety is all up in arms over everything!

Your turn!

Sorry I'm late kids!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Went through something traumatic, bingeing again.

Last week my bf and I escaped a fire. Woke up in the night, front of the apartment engulfed in flames, running out barefoot with our cats. It was scary, but thank goodness most of our stuff wasnt too badly damaged and we managed to score a new place. The problem is since the fire i find im having trouble controlling my bingeing. My weight has been all over the place throughout my life and before the fire i had gotten back into a steady diet and exercise routine that was comfortable for me and i was on the right track to a healthy life physically and mentally. But in the last few days im gravitating towards the old fatty and sugary comfort foods i used to binge on. Currently we are transitioning from staying at my parents to our new place and i can tell ive put on a few pounds and im feeling more tired lately, but the draw to bad food is automatic. Maybe once we get settled i will be able to get back into the routine, but I'm feeling guilty for having a bad reaction because we are so lucky to be alive and have our belongings and people who care about us. Im looking for some support on how to keep myself from blindly comfort eating, or maybe just some words of motivation from those who gave faced similar challenges.

submitted by /u/Affectionate_Pilot42
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Is it possible to already be noticeably skinnier in two weeks?

I just recently picked up skateboarding, and on the days I don’t skateboard, I will run or hike, some weekends I take off for some beers with friends and junk food. Anyway, I’m proud of myself for sticking with it for this long. My friend told me tonight that “I was really getting skinnier, which I loved to hear, but I figured it would take a lot longer than two weeks? I’m a 5’6 male, starting weight was 173 lbs 78kg. My scale now says 167, but I’m assuming some of that is water weight and what not. Anyway my question is, is it possible there is a noticeable change? Even at 173 my fat is pretty well sorted throughout my body. Thanks for reading! Btw, I want to lose some weight because once gyms open up, I’m gonna start lifting, and I’d rather get excess weight off beforehand.

submitted by /u/lovedrugs-
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Officially back to my starting weight and feel terrible

Well, it's official, I've gained back 45lbs... again...

I can't figure out how I let it happen. I mean... I know exactly HOW it happened. I ate too damn much. What I can't figure out is WHY? For context, I lost 45lbs in 2016, gained it all back by November of 2017, lost it again by the spring of 2018, and kept it off for well over a year!! But then... Halloween of 2019, I took a cheat day. I had taken numerous cheat days over that year and a half I'd been at GW, and always gotten back to maintenance within at most two weeks. But for whatever reason, that time... it stuck.

I guess it was just a loss of motivation? Didn't weigh myself nearly as often, and just... kept ignoring it. I was embarrassed, I guess. I AM embarrassed. Like... to the point where I STILL haven't really bought any new fat clothes because I don't want to admit to myself I need them.... AND I NEEEEED THEM.

I was able to do the things I needed to do for nearly 2 years, and for whatever reason... starting again is so much harder this time... I guess I just needed to vent. I'm sorry about the pity party. Any encouragement would be very helpful. For those who have cycled... any words of advise would be very appreciated.

submitted by /u/makoeyedsoldier
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On a Plateau

Age: 18(M) SW: 293 lbs CW: 255-270 lbs GW: 200-210 lbs Lifestyle: Sedentary

Hello everyone first post on the subreddit (and reddit in general). I'm an 18 y/o male, height: 6 ft with a current weight of 255-270 lbs (home analog scale is inaccurate and changes depending on how I stand on the scale) and a starting weight of 293 lbs (digital scale measured during my doctor's visit in March). I thought I had been making good progress towards my goal weight of 200-210 lbs but I've noticed for the past month I've plateaued at my current weight. I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle right now due to the pandemic so I understood that my progress would take longer than usual, but what concerns me the most is that I feel like the weight I've lost while calorie counting/ eating healthier than in college is whatever excess muscle I had, rather than fat. It sounds kind of dumb but I'm more jiggly? than before. Sorry if this has been asked before or is rambling but I'm unsure how to progress from here. Any advice would be great and I'd love to hear personal experiences as well. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/EveryManNair
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I look pregnant but weight 110??

Hi I’m Female 24 yo 5”2 SW: 120 CW: 110 I don’t have a goal weight i just want to body recomp.

Ive been reading this wonderful thread for about 2.5 months now since I started working out with the goal of getting out of this skinny fat phase. I’ve always been skinny fat even in high school but it makes sense since I was very sedentary but after graduating this year I decided I wanted to have a beach body all year along (vain i know) so I started working.

Walking for 60 mins 3 times a week and strength/ calisthenics 3 x a week. I’ve noticed I’ve gain muscle ( friends and family have noted my arms and thighs are more toned too) but the stubborn fat on my lower belly has been stubborn and I’ve only gone from 30 inches to 29 inches on the lower belly. It’s kinda embarrassing having this tiny body but my stomach just out like I’m pregnant can even wear clothes the way i want to

I eat home cooked meals everyday with eating out 2x a month ish, I don’t drink soda and limited alcohol. I don’t eat the typical American diet I’m 🇰🇪 ( I can explain more I don’t want this to get wordy). Also I don’t want my weight to dip under 105 that seems dangerous. A

Any suggestions to help or hope for loosing this belly fat ? I had originally set to have lost the fat a year from June but ... I’m loosing hope.

EDIT: Forgot to add I use MFP to count calories I eat at 1300 -1500 daily depending on my exercise.

submitted by /u/TrickAnxiety1
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Doc wants me to go Vegan...

The title pretty much sums this one up.

I’ve been doing very well on a CICO diet, and have lost over 15 pounds thus far with 5lbs to goal weight.

That being said I’m still having some mild blood pressure issues. I am within a healthy BMI, (5’ 3” w/130lb trend) and eat very well with minimal salt intake. I run between 12 to 15 miles a week and eat gluten free and whole foods.

My cardiologist wants me to experiment with going vegan for a few weeks. This will be a huge adjustment for me because I eat quite a bit of meat. I primarily eat turkey, chicken and fresh caught fish. I also love me some eggs and yogurt. I am gluten-free by necessity.

Anyways, I’m a little worried about the switch to a higher carb diet. Yes I am aware that I can get plenty of protein eating plant-based but it just doesn’t measure up to what I get eating animal products.

Anyways, I’m looking here to see if anyone has switched diets this dramatically mid weight loss journey. Or, if anyone has any tips or tricks. My fridge is stocked with high protein veggies, tofu nuts, and leafy greens. What else can I do?

submitted by /u/NattayCo
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things change when people start commenting...

i am not sure if this applies to anyone else, but i have realized that once i start to lose weight and other people realize it, i end up moving backwards. i gained 15lb from march to april, then lost 8lb from april to may. in may, everyone kept calling me skinny and complimenting me on how good i looked (which messed with my mind given that i still weighed more than i did before quarantine started). after a few days of hearing that, i wanted to do better, but just ended up doing worse instead. it wasn’t until people started commenting on my weightloss that i started to binge eat and work out less. this isn’t the first time this has happened either. has anyone else experienced this?

submitted by /u/solunangel
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Non-scale victories don’t forget about them!

I have been a bit disappointed with progress because the scale went from moving smoothly to staying about the same since I got my period 3 weeks ago. For those of you who don’t know most females tend to gain 3-5 lbs during this time of month due to hormones and water retention. Scale slowly is moving back down but very slowly.

Anyways today I was running errands and I felt kind of weird walking around and my sleeves kept slipping down. Looked in the mirror and the dress I haven’t worn for months looks several sizes too big on me! I can pull the excess fabric nearly a foot from my waist to the side!

Remember folks, it’s not always about the scale!

submitted by /u/jlnova
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UPDATE: Took me 2 kids to look the way I always envisioned myself. (Dammit, it's another long one)

Hi everyone,

I was here 6 months ago where I posted a history of my weightloss. It can be found here if you're interested with pics and all that.

TLDR: Lost all the weight by doing CICO and without exercise, progress photos in previous thread. Kept diet the same and added in 100% bodyweight workout regimen and later jogging, and completely transformed. Pics below

2 months after I posted my original progress, the world turned upside down. It's quarantine time and I got 2 kids at home, one of whom is a remote learning Kindergartner and the other is a toddler. I have to work from home while managing them and the household, and my husband continues to go into work. It was not ideal by any means (I learned that I am a shit teacher, motivator, and seriously remote learning can go straight to hell), BUT, I also found myself without having to commute, get ready for anything (which gave me an extra 3 hours I didn't have before). With proper planning, an hour of quiet time when the toddler naps and my older daughter needs a break, I found my opportunity to finally dedicate to some fitness goals. I had nothing particular in mind, I just wanted to stop being so mushy everywhere.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I started noticing an emergence of at home, minimal/no equipment (later, the no equipment portion completely exploded) workouts on Instagram. This was right up my alley! I remember from my CrossFit days where interval/cross training was a big part of, I did not need a lot of time to get the heart rate

I aimed at 20-30 minute routines, scaled where I needed to (but made sure I'm always challenged), used only my body. My goal was to get to 5 workouts a week (3 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off), but it felt so good to get my body after being sedentary for so long, I stopped relying on a schedule and just listened to my body. I only take rest days if I feel run down or like I need one. (I took 4 this month so far) After about a month, I added jogging as well (originally, the jogs started off as walks to make sure I get 10K steps that day, but then I realized jogging would get me those steps faster haha). I started jogging several times a week and sometimes I would do 2 workouts a day - I really enjoy them!

In 4 months time, I completely transformed my body and only lost about 5lbs of fat. Crazy. I do not recognize myself at all. I have never looked like this and I never imagined that I could. To have a visible 6 pack and sculpted arms? Especially as a mom of 2.

More importantly, there's been a huge shift within me, where moving my body and working through those hard reps no longer became something I am forced to do. I used to think that I NEEDED to do CrossFit (or any structured class), because if I didn't have someone cheering me on or make me do the workout then I wouldn't do it. It's funny because about roughly a month leading up to me finally starting, I was plagued with indecision and fear about not working out the 'right way' or using the 'wrong muscle groups' until I finally just stopped planning for it and started doing it. One day led to the next and I just kept finding new workouts to keep things interesting and it became part of my day.

Showing up for myself in this way made me so much happier. Yes, the physical changes I saw constantly (newbie gains are fast/easy) were validating, but more importantly, I realized that I'm happier because for the first time I was really keeping the promises I made to myself. And the reason my weight loss/fitness issues before were so big was because it was a physical symptom of me giving up on myself and not doing the thing that I said I would do. I will not let it happen again.

Next steps would be to add weights to my routine. I think I'd like to build more muscle and get a toned lower body look. I know that the only way to do that is to build muscle. My lower body has more fat in it and while I'm not sure I "need" to lose more fat, I know for sure building muscle will recomp my body more. Overall, I'm happy with my results so far. I am also very realistic about my body - I'm 37, I have two kids and some loose skin as well as more fat in my butt and thighs, so I think I can only take myself so far without plastic surgery. And I'm perfectly ok with that too :)

4 month recomposition, only 5lbs total fat loss month to month progress Day 1 of a fitness competition I entered 3 weeks ago 10 years in the making

submitted by /u/KiddoTwo
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[Century Club] July 30, 2020 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous topics: - Other People - Toolkit - Breaks - Support - Clothing - The Unexpected - Self-image - How do you end your journey? - What made it click? - Loose Skin

Today's prompt: Streaks

Sorry for the late post, but work got in the way last night and this morning.

Today happens to be the 900th day that I have logged my food intake in MFP. That's a pretty long streak. One might say it's a habit now. What streaks are you particularly fond of and that you think may have helped you in your extended journey?

Another streak that I have managed to mostly keep up is 150 active minutes over 5 days/week. That's my baseline. Mostly since March I had been running 30-40km/week 10k every other day, but my knee has been acting up and I've only managed two 5K runs this week and just over 1000 steps today. I hope to be able to get another 5K run in tomorrow morning.

Of course that's not the only thing we could talk about. What's on your mind Centurions?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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Top Essential Keto Diet Rules

Advice About Losing Weight While On A College Meal Plan

I am 18 & I’ve been losing weight since January. Overall I’ve lost 20 out of the 50 pounds I’m planning on losing. It’s moved pretty slow, but recently I’ve been more focused and I’m shedding off pounds at a quicker rate.

My problem: I’m headed to college and will be on a meal plan. I’m going to a school that has 5 different huge dining halls all operating like buffets. Therefore, once I check into a dining hall I have full access to tons of food. I’m worried the unrestricted nature of it all paired with the stress of starting a new stage of life will cause me to fall back into the old habits that led to me gaining the weight in the first place. I‘m wondering if some people on this subreddit have experienced the same thing and have some advice on how to navigate losing weight while in college.

For some additional background info: What’s worked for me so far is counting calories and working out 30-60 minutes daily. I also go on and off of the mediterranean diet, but I have a family member recovering from an eating disorder and if I were to be strict about dieting it might trigger her.

submitted by /u/rubymillerr
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People that saw psychologists help losing weight, what did you learn from your experience? Did it help?

Just curious on people's experiences in addressing the mental side of weight loss. I've felt for a long time I should try therapy for weightloss. I cycle between periods of great self care, and then events of binge eating or not caring in general. To me that's a sign that something is up, but I've dragged my feet on seeking help. I've drastically improved over the last year just because I've been happier lately, losing over 50 lbs with minimal effort. However the biggest reason for that success, besides generally being happier, is because I also cook for my husband, and I care more about his health than my own. I know if I were single, I'd probably still be putting on weight and running through my cycle of good and bad eating. I figure that's not the best state of mind, and I assume its not stable.

ANYWAY, people that actually got therapy, what was your experience like? What ended up being the issue you figured contributed to your weight issues?

submitted by /u/Adorkableowo
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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

I’ve been successful??

So, I posted on here a while back and talked about how I was tired of just binging over and over again. But 4 days ago when I posted that and cried all night, my will to binge was gone.

Now, my will to binge is practically gone. Looking back at it, I was never even craving the stuff I binged. But here’s where it gets kinda confusing for me...

That day I posted that I binged, and so I’ve gone three days without binging but today I binged again. But I’m not mad at it cause it’s a start.

My goal was to increase the days by two. Like go three days without binging, then after a that go five or six days without binging, then go seven or eight. And although it’s kinda a slow pase it’s working for me.

So although I binged today, I know I’m increasing my days between a binge. I got some new techniques to help and they are helping a lot. If your reading this, thanks for doing that and hope you’ve been successful too❤️❤️

submitted by /u/chrisgoogi
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How to encourage husband (6'4" 330lbs) to take weight loss seriously?

My husband and I are in our late twenties. He has been morbidly obese since his childhood, though he is otherwise healthy. He is quite strong for minimal-to-no strength training (DL 200lbs). He has never been a big fan of cardio, though he acknowledges it's benefits. He cannot run/jog. At the beginning of quarantine we would take 1-2 mile walks around the neighborhood that would wind him. We occasionally stretch together before bed.

He is beginning to experience joint issues, specifically a chronic hairline fracture. He has acknowledged that his weight is an aggravating factor (imo the reason it hasn't healed). I have pointed out to him that issues like this are going to become more frequent and severe because he's "wearing his parts down" so much faster. We daydream about going on extensive backpacking trips, but he isn't capable of normal day-long hikes. I hate to say it but the weight has slowly grown repulsive to me. I still love him but it's difficult to be physically attracted to him now, even tho nothing has changed since we met!

I do the lions share of the cooking, and prefer vegetable heavy but tasty meals. I did gain weight as we moved in together, but have maintained my current body weight (5'10" 170lbs) since for several years now. I've even won him over on several meatless and vegan meals. But he just...snacks. And grubhubs tacobell several times a month. And just overeats when I'm not looking. I don't want to shame him. I know he's aware of it. I'm not a beacon of fitness either but at least I'm in a healthy weight range. But I don't know what to do.

But he has no interest in making a meaningful change to his diet or (non) exercise regimen. do I get through to him that he will not be able to have the quality of life we daydream about if he stays this way? That he has to CHANGE his habits for him to stay healthy and capable. r/loseit do you have any advice?

submitted by /u/Sew_whats_up
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Am I eating enough?

I’m a [F] 4’10 teenager (16) who weighs around 130lbs. I exercise around 1 hour to almost 2 hours majority of the week and eat around 1300 calories a day.

I feel I am not losing any weight and I’ve maintained my 130lb stature. I eat healthy majority of the day with protein (meat and fish), carbs (rice), and veggies. What am I doing wrong? I feel I am in such a slump and I don’t know if I should lower my calorie intake.

I’ve seen that people around my height should eat 1500 or more calories a day, but I feel as if I will gain even more weight. If there’s anyone with a similar experience or has a solution to my problem, please kindly tell me! Thank you very much.

(New person to Reddit btw!)

Edit: my gender

submitted by /u/kernickleop
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I gained it all back and more - don't be like me.

Last year, I was on a roll. I (20F) went from 190 lbs to 150 with diet, and even ran a 5k! I felt amazing, inside and out. I could walk up stairs without gasping for air. I could look in the mirror and not feel disgusted with myself. And my relationship with food became so so much healthier.

And then my mental health went down the drain. I lost it all. In the span of six months, I went from 150 lbs to 220 lbs. I am completely responsible for this. Perhaps I lost weight too quickly and became complicit. And I know mental health is important but maintaining a healthy relationship with food and your body can help it! Just don't be like me. Make your healthy habit SO INGRAINED that no matter what, you can follow it.

submitted by /u/literallycantaloupe
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How do you deal with shin splints?

For context, I have rheumatoid arthritis, and am at risk for osteoporosis due to medication. Neither of these are related to my weight, I've had these issues since I was a child. However, they haven't previously caused issues with shin splints. My numbers are SW 160, GW 120. Only just started trying to lose weight the other day, so my CW is fluctuating a lot right now.

Every time I run, I get what I assume are shin splints. It didn't hurt like this before I gained weight, so I'm attributing the pain to my weight gain. I used to go jogging regularly, and I had a physical trainer, prior to COVID-19. My runs were on a treadmill, regulated by my trainer, and I never had any pain- a lot of stress, up to the brink, but never any pain. Now, since I don't have a gym, I run on the sidewalk around my neighborhood. My dog comes with me, and she's very encouraging, even though she literally runs circles around me.

The pain is located in both of my legs, along the bone at the very front of the lower part of my leg. It is a sharp and searing pain, and it's gotten to the point where I can't just keep soldiering through it. I've resorted to biking in the meantime, even though biking isn't nearly as fun for me, I don't get to work up a sweat, and I don't get to spend that time with my dog.

So, how can I get rid of the pain, or at least mitigate it, in the meantime? (for reference, I gained about 30 pounds in 4 months...) I have tried Ibuprofen and Tylenol, heat and ice, massage, a hot bath with salts... none of those work. I'm at a loss. I was thinking of trying braces on my legs, but I don't know what kind I would need to get, or even if it would be worth it to try that. Does anyone have a similar issue? How do you take care of it?

submitted by /u/PMMEDOGFACTS
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I’m taking a break....

I started my fitness journey in January. Didn’t really lose any weight until I started CICO in May. Have lost 15 pounds 155>140. For the record I’m 5’3/F. Right now I’ve been sitting at 140 for 2 weeks, and I’m feeling DISCOURAGED.

Two weeks ago I was feeling great, steadily losing weight. It felt so easy. I was doing then the same thing I’m doing now, eating 1500 calories a day and working out 5x a week.

Now I’m at a plateau and it feels so difficult. I feel burned out. I’ve also been grinding hard on some of my other personal goals while also trying to lose weight, and pursuing both has been an immense effort. But these past few weeks have been really hard. I haven’t missed a single workout since April and I’m still going strong, but I reaaallly had to hype myself up to go for a run on Monday. I almost didn’t.

And the most difficult thing is that I have been experiencing the most immense hunger !!! I’ve been eating over my calorie budget every single day this week—I’m still in a deficit, but I am going over my target. I’m not binging, but I literally can’t stop thinking about food all day. One hour after finishing a 600kcal meal I’m already thinking about the next. It’s becoming so distracting because this upcoming month is really crunch time for my other life goals, but all I can seem to fixate on is FOOD :((. And before I eat anything, I always ask myself “am I hungry or just bored and looking for a distraction?” In the past the answer would be the latter, but now it’s just that I’m so hungry!!! I drink 8 oz of water, wait 1/2 an hour, do some stretches.....and I still feel hungry so I just eat the food. For example today after dinner I was still feeling hungry, so I had apples and peanut butter afterwards. I’m still hungry right now but it’s getting late and I’d rather just go to bed. The apples put me over my limit, but I felt like I needed it.

Idk where I’m going with this, I could go on and on about my recent bout with hunger, but I’m just so frustrated!! Many people my height are losing on 1200 a day, and 1500 is a struggle for me !! I also have upped my protein game big time recently, but I’m still hungry. I was feeling so satiated on 1500 a month ago. According to (my) science (with absolutely no research or evidence) I should feel even MORE satiated now that I’m at a lower weight :(. It really could just be that I’m going to start my period any day now, but I’ve never experienced period symptoms like this.

But instead of making myself suffer through this bout of hunger and fixate on food while I fall behind on my other goals, I’m choosing to take a break. I told myself I would have a maintenance break once I hit 130, but I think I’ll have to take this one 10 lbs premature. I’ll still work out and track my calories, but I’ll allow myself to go however much over budget I feel necessary. I’m hoping that this week long break will help me reset and get back on track. Who knows maybe I’ll get lucky and put on some muscle.

If you guys have any advice/think this is a good idea, please let me know. Your input really helps!

submitted by /u/PermitNo672
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(F 16) I ate too much and now I'm fat and wanna lose weight

So this all started as I began secondary school when I was 13. I remember being somewhat sporty and skinny and my diet was relatively ok for a 13 year old. But then secondary school begins and coming from a very well off family I received at least €5 - 10 everyday for lunch. In 1st year it was ok sometimes I wouldn't even spend more than €2 and I was still slightly active (although not as much)

It was in second year I really started to turn into a glutton. There was a Domino's pizza that I would say I went there at least 3 or 4 times a week and spend my lunch money there, I asked for an increased amount of lunch money and I'd buy pizza, chicken rolls, chocolate, etc. By the end of second year I must've been about 40 pounds heavier then when I initially started secondary school.

Third year was worse, I got into gaming and completely gave up on all physical activity. One of the worst things I remember doing was having like 5 or 6 euro change left over and just shoveling all of it into the vending machine. At this point I was.offially considered fat.

Which leads to this year I started off the same, eating and sitting on my arse was all I did. By Christmas I was about 200 pounds (Gained 100 since secondary) and during lockdown was a whole lot of eating and inactivity.

Until about a week ago I found an old school jumper from second year. I tried it on and if I had kept it on for any longer it would've been torn apart. That really hit home.

I understand I've done this to myself, I wanna lose some. I don't know how much, but any advice I'd really appreciate. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Rentine_McFly
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'Depression' from cheat days. Can't break the cycle

I recently fell into a cheat day(s) hole. I ate more than my daily calories on Saturday and even though I was still under my TDEE, it triggered the monster in me and I've been eating above TDEE ever since. Like somedays barely above TDEE and other days full on binges with thousands of calories due to poor, calorie-dense food choices.

It has put me into a TERRIBLE mental space. I'm stuck in this cycle where I can't get control and go back to my diet but at the same time, the food is making me miserable and I'm hating myself and my life.

I have an occasion coming up on the 8th of August and I really wanted to power through and look as good as possible (and feel as good as possible). I also had another occasion at the end of august that I was looking forward to maybe fitting into this specific pair of jeans for and I know not only am I making these goals less likely with each day that passes where I binge, but I'm undoing all of the dedicated hardwork I've put in for the last three months.

I'm not sure what to do. :( I wake up and feel excited that today I'm going back to dieting (it's hardwork, sure, but I genuinely feel so much happier when I'm dieting and sticking to my goals) but then as the day goes on, work get stressful and I think more about 'bad' foods (and lots of them, I'm not the kind of person that has the willpower to just have a bite). And then by the end of the workday, it is as if all control is gone. I order delivery or go get fast-food and eat mass quantities and in the moment everything is okay but once I'm done, then I feel so sad and miserable that my heart hurts. I literally just got out of a binge as I'm writing this and I want to cry right now, the pain is so saddening and intense it feels like being dumped almost. Like that sort of true sadness.

I have such a long ways to go too, that I really just need to stick with my deficit and keep making progress. Its not as if I'm close to my goal weight, I'm still morbidly obese. I was doing so well too- I could notice small changes, I felt better and happier each day knowing that I was chipping away at getting where I wanted to be and now I can't regain control over myself.

Any advice. I'm literally in tears right now because I'm so scared that I'm going to do that same thing again tomorrow and lose control. I'm terrified with myself.

submitted by /u/hernemes
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80 lb weight loss today. My weight loss tips for getting started.

It's really odd. I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 50 lbs more to lose I think. 315 > 235 > final goal of 185.

Recently I noticed my hips, I run my hands over them and it's surreal. Also my fingers, mostly my bony thumbs. I guess they really were there all along.

Here's what I recommend starting with:

  1. Log all calories, everything you eat even if you go over.

  2. The first months will be painful. If you have an eating addiction, sugar addiction etc like I did it will take your body a while to adjust. You will be extremely bored and restless.

2.5. Your idea of hunger is out of wack. You will adjust to being "hungry". When I was way fatter, I thought I was hungry all the time but it was really boredom. You will adjust and your hormones and stomach will shrink over time.

  1. Have a dopamine replacement for your eating habit. For the first hard few months, I played videogames and talked to girls a lot and it helped me keep my sanity. Grab unto the next healthiest rung of the ladder you can in terms of replacing your eating. You will be bored, you will be hungry.

  2. Low carb diets can help you reset your tweaked out taste buds, after a few months of keto I went from being an extremely picky eater to being willing to try anything.

  3. Space out softer weight goals. At 260 lbs, I let myself start dating again. At 240 lbs I bought a new size wardrobe.

  4. Take progress pics. They will really help when you feel like you aren't making progress. Take one every 10% or so of your goal if you can. You'll really appreciate it. I know it is embarrassing early on.

  5. Don't have cheat meals or cheat days. Find food you like you can fit into your diet. This is forever, and you're probably trying to fix a food addiction.

  6. A scale is required. Both for the kitchen and your weight. Weigh yourself at a set state and time at least once a week. The data is important.

  7. Don't listen to family or friends discouragement or telling you you aren't being healthy losing weight at your own pace.

  8. Start a workout program as soon as you can, even if it is just trying to walk a few more steps each day. You'll feel so much better. Gradually increase your expectations and goals.

submitted by /u/adambombchannel
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