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Weight Loss for Everyone: February 2021

Sunday, February 28, 2021

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: March 1st, 2021

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

For all new people that have joined this month, at the end of the month we do a roundup of what happened. we'll also talk about our goals for MARCH.

How was your FEBRUARY? You're free to structure this however you want, but think about the following topics:

  • How has your weightloss progressed? Better, or worse than expected?

  • What are some Non Scale Victories that you've experienced this month?

  • Did you set goals, did you keep to them?

  • What went well during this month, what could need improvement?

  • What important lessons did you learn?

Today is also goal-setting day for MARCH! If you're new, every first day of the month we think about small goals we want to achieve this month. They can be weight goals, exercise goals, or anything really... An important aspect is that they are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based...

  • Do you have a goal weight for this month, if yes, what is it? For example: maintain a 0.5kg loss a week.

  • Do you have exercise goals? For instance, get in 10.000k steps a day

  • What plans do you have for your diet? Do you have goals there?

  • What are some non weight/exercise related goals you have? Here, get creative. Past participants have used this section to stay accountable for their homework, learning languages, pledging not to order junkfood, ...

if you’re new, please introduce yourself! Let’s kick some ass!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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From Nov 2019 to today: down 130 lbs & still a ways to go to my goal weight

I am 33 years old, 6'4 & 360 lbs currently. Here's how I've reached this point so far.

Nov 2019 I was in a very bad state health wise. I couldn't walk to get my mail & back without gasping for air, I was constantly tired & in pain from what turned out to be gallstones. Before my gallbladder removal surgery I weighed 490 lbs the heaviest I have ever been. I decided after having recovered that I had to change things or I'd be dead sooner rather than later.

At first I mainly focused on being in a caloric deficit I tried many diets to meet this goal like keto. I landed on not restricting any food group just to eat while non processed foods. After I had lost 20 or so lbs by just doing that I began doing cardio by walking around my neighborhood little by little, it took quite sometime to build up my stamina I hit a bit of a plateau around oct 2020 at 430 lbs. At this point I decided to switch my primary care Dr & she recommended I try a injectable weightloss medicine Saxenda that helps you feel satiated sooner by mimicking a peptide that signals fullness to your brain. From there I also got serious about not keeping junk food & other foods I tended to binge eat in the house & the weight started to come off again at the rate of about 10 lbs a month.

Another thing I've done is started using myfitnesspal to track everything I eat & make sure it's mostly whole non processed foods. I have also as of two weeks ago introduce weight lifting to maintain/build muscle as not to lose much if any during my weight loss. I can now easily walk for 3 miles no problem when this time last year I couldn't walk across a parking lot without chugging for air. I've also been able to stop taking 2 of the 3 meds I was on for high blood pressure & am only taking 1/2 of the one I'm still on & no longer taking a water pill for swollen legs.

progress pictures

submitted by /u/EducationalResult106
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I'm terrified of who I'll become if I lose more weight.

I'm not sure if this post is even going to make any sense but hopefully, someone out there can relate to me on some level.

I've been extremely overweight my whole life, to the point where it feels like it's become part of my identity. I hate being overweight but I also feel comfortable with it in a way, it's really all I know. In my mind, I can't even imagine a world where I don't weigh more than my family and friends.

Anyways, to get to the point, I've been losing weight recently and people are starting to notice. Friends have told me 'you're getting skinny!' or 'wow you've lost weight!' and it makes me so uncomfortable because I've never heard anyone say that to me before.

I'm so scared of being a healthy weight. I know how crazy this sounds but it just feels like I won't even be myself anymore and I know people will treat me differently. Does anyone else feel like this? How do you overcome this fear?

submitted by /u/super-indecisive
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I want to lose it, I want a healthier lifestyle, I don’t want to live like this anymore, advice?

I’ve been overweight since my mental illness spiraled out of control. I’ve tried personal trainers, nutrition counselors, therapy, medication (welbutrin and naltrexone to stop eating so much) and sometimes I stay on a sugar free diet and exercise... then I start to crash and burn.

It’s gotten so bad simple tasks make me breathe heavily. I don’t want to be in this body anymore. I really want to change and a chance to be healthy. I want to be stronger and resist binge eating so many sweets and salty foods....

I don’t know if I’m asking for a lot but I’m hoping someone can maybe relate and tell me what they went through or maybe give me some sort of direction. I just want to change and really mean it this time. I don’t want to be like this anymore.... I almost feel like it’s impossible at this point.

Tldr: got advice for someone who feels there’s no chance I will ever be healthy? I want to really change and stop the constant failures and disappointment in myself.

submitted by /u/FlowersOnJupiter
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I used to like unsolicited comment on my weight loss but now I hate it.

So I've lost weight in the past and always loved it when anyone would comment on it because it felt like I was being validated for my hard work. Well, I gained all that weight back and then some. But over the last 9 months hace lost 25kg (55lbs) and am almost at my lowest weight in a long time.

Now 25kg is alot of weight and so it's very obvious to anyone who knows me that I'm smaller. I had told my close friends and family I was losing weight, so I feel fine if they comment on it but, I saw my extended family for the first time in 6 months and they couldn't stop talking about it.

They don't know if I was trying to lose weight, how I've done it or why. It makes me feel really uncomfortable that before they even say hello they say "Wow you've lost weight!" They even said this to my pregnant sister. Throughout the night I also heard them talking amongst themselves about it.

It's interesting that in the past I would welcome these comments and thrive on them but now my mindset has changed to a more health approach rather than focusing on appearance.

Does anyone else have this experience?

submitted by /u/charlotte_thicc
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How could my maintenance calories be so high?

Hey there, I've been following strict CICO for almost three months now, well i've actually been taking a break from calorie counting for the past two weeks and still losing the same amount.

Thing is, I've been losing an average of 1.5 lbs a week, which I find is an insanely high number. My height is a little under 5"7, I'm apparently 26, SW 157, CW 137. I've been religiously eating 1700 daily +-50 daily.

Is it really possible that my maintenance calories would be around 2450? It seems so damn high. I've started being active after almost two years of being very sedentary/spending the day in bed. I run 30 minutes 3 x week and do calisthenics for 50 mins 3 x week. But I feel like these are pretty chill, not that stenuous exercise. My goal is to build habit and enjoy the process!

Anyways, are there some people who can confirm these numbers make sense? The data seems to point towards that direction but I just can't wrap my head around it!

submitted by /u/Oann_
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MyFitnessPal - Active or Very Active?

Hello, folks. I hope you are all doing well. Recently I have used MyFitnessPal to help me determine my daily caloric needs in order to lose two pounds per week and got 2000 calories. I set this under the "active" setting but lately I have been wondering if I should bring it up to "very active" (2370 cals) since I go to the gym 4 times a week. In the gym I lift weights for about an hour and do a half hour cardio. One thing I have noticed when I try to maintain a deficit is that I sometimes get headaches, tired and irritable. I cannot make it to the end of the week without binging, and this has been going on for a long time. Is this something I have to get used to? Or should I increase my calories? If so, by how much?

submitted by /u/NegroSaiyan
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Math when my brain is fried

I am trying to hit my final goal before skin surgery of 199lbs down from about 500lbs. I have been around 203lbs - 208lbs for weeks and have really been trying to track as close as I can get. I know that without my skin that will be coming off they said I would be around 185lbs but I am not going to schedule it until I hit my 199 goal. Having said all of this I need help with something. I have started tracking my meats before and after cooking and the scale messed everything up tonight.

Before cooking my ground turkey was 1.4 pounds, after it was 12.2 oz, when you add in the 4.8 oz of water and the 38g of taco seasoning it came to 18.3 oz. I took out 8.9 oz thinking it would leave me with a little over 9 oz left. Meat alone I was going to track the pre cooked weight again for tracking however the bowl which is 3.8 oz must not have totaled out and when I went back to check what was left, the remaining meat was 6.3 oz.

Before my brain just melts out of my ear holes I just would like help figuring out the conversion of pre cooked to cooked and what the total oz of pre cooked meat would be to track. I swear I am not crazy just frustrated and feeling stupid.

submitted by /u/Grekkor81
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Loose skin help please!

Hi all! I'm F26, highest weight was over 210lbs, and I've been maintaining ~130lbs since August 2020. My weight has drastically fluctuated my whole life, but this is the most amount of weight I've ever gained/lost. While I'm still kinda on the heavier side for my height, I wear size 2 jeans and usually small or extra small tops depending on the style. There are outfits I really like and would love to wear (crop tops) if not for my loose skin on my stomach.

How have you helped the appearance of loose skin?

Is there anything I can do or use to kind of temporarily pull my loose skin to hide it?

At my age, how likely is it that this is permanent?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/_EnderPixel
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Trying to figure out my lifting and calorie needs!!

So for some context, before coming into college I was in pretty good shape, about 170lb Male. After some traumatic years in college, I left weighing about 245lbs. Currently am 23 years old, and am trying to get back in shape...but I actually want to get started into lifting but I know I need to lose all of my fat before I see any muscles lol. I recently had my friend (who is an exercise science major) come up with a lifting schedule & plan for me. My goal is to lose fat and build muscle (two kind of opposite processes i know), but I just have some questions.

My current routine looks like this:

M: Chest/Tri/Core

T: Legs

W: Shoulders

TTh: Legs

F: Back/Bi

and in each theres about 5 exercises at 3x10 sets, plus cardio/core MWF.

My first question is...should it take me longer to workout? I can usually get done in 35-45 minutes. I don’t have consistent rest between sets or exercises (i’m not even sure how long between both of those). I’m trying to slowly add more weight and one or two more exercises (especially on leg day).

My other question is about calories. I know that in order to get my body to use up fat, I should be at a calorie deficit (about 500 a day?). My BMR is 2051, and my TDEE without any working out is around 2497. I am wanting to track my calories, and have a few different apps that I’m testing, I also track my move calories (active cals) with my apple watch, and use the workout app built in. I usually burn about 1,000 calories on days that I workout (like by the time I go to bed my watch tells me I’ve burned that much), which means my total calories per day would be anywhere from 3000-3500. I think the part of me that is confused is how to factor in my calorie deficit...I was looking at my numbers, and thinking that half of that 1000 calorie count most days is just my normal daily routine (work, etc.) plus working out, but i’m not sure how many calories to eat in order to be in a 500 minus my sedentary TDEE? or 500 minus with working out? If its number one, then its around 2000 calories a day, and if not then anywhere from 2500-3000 a day. This also brings up calorie counting apps, which can be confusing because they put in my calories ive burned each day...I can set my goal to be 2000 a day, yet their “allowance“ that they give me adds those cals ive burned plus my goal...which would make it anywhere from 2500-3000 according to their estimates...its just a whole lot, unless my deficit is coming from my total amount burned which would then make sense and I will just trust the apps. I just want to know how much to eat to burn my fat haha. Any help would be appreciated, thanks for reading this far.

submitted by /u/lsal1
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 28 February Wrap Ups!

Hello losers,

WRAP UP POST! Can you believe tomorrow's March?! Damn this month was fast.

Here's the sign up for March!

Time to review the month. I'll go first!

Weigh in daily, enter into Libra & report here even if I don't like it: 230.6 lbs this morning, 229.6 trend weight. Started this month at 234.6 lbs, 232.4 lbs trend weight. Delta of 4 lbs, 2.8 lbs trend weight. About what I’d aimed for, I would like to see closer to 3.5 to 4 pounds down on the trend month to month but I’m still glad to be here & headed in a downward trend again.

Stay within calorie range (1800): Overall, headed in the right direction. I don’t like that when I had an over goal day, it was a holy crap over the mountain day. I’ll keep working for better without being overly critical because we all know that leads to crappy things. 17/24 days.

Exercise 5 days a week: This is habitual. So very necessary for my mental health. As usual, I’d like to keep chasing higher intensity & more strength workouts. 22/28 days.

Self-care time (journaling, beauty treatments, anything that fills the bucket, nonfood rewards): Did good work this month. It was hard. I kept the wheel turning. I know, deep down in my crazy brain, that fueling my body with nutritious food in reasonable portions actually tells my shitty brain that I do care about me & it by proxy. Can you hear the deep, irritated sign that followed that sentence?

Try a new recipe once a week: Swing & a win. Did good work here this month. I’ve learned I have so many opinions about produce it’s ridiculous. Identity crisis chili (because it’s kind of red & kind of green), curry chicken drumsticks, roasted carrot coins, oven roasted zucchini, pickled peppers & a ground turkey lentil semi stroganoff. 6/4 weeks.

Express mindfulness and or gratitude: It has been a tough month to stay centered. I have done some good work but I am always learning. And I think that is exactly what I need to be doing. Gold star.

How about you all? I want to hear it all, the good, the bad, the ugly.

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Is it true that cheat meals are good for temporarily increasing metabolism?

I eat around 1100-1200 cal a day. The reason I eat less than 1200 some days of the week is because it gives me room to indulge on my cheat Sunday- I’m essentially eating back my missing calories so I’m still in a caloric deficit that is around 1200 a day. This I know eliminates the increasing fat gain part because I’m still eating less, but on the day that I eat back my food, I can eat up to an extra 500-600 calories on top of my regular 1200.

I’ve heard that this is a way to get your body to feel like it’s not famished (I’m normally not starving though) and will increase fat burning because it feels that it’s in an environment full of food where it’s safe enough to. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/DeathNote55
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I really don’t want to be “strong” for following my “meal plan.”

Long time lurker, first time making an account and posting.

So, I’m struggling a lot lately. As a short woman (lower than 5 feet), losing weight is already hard. But the diatribes about how you need “willpower” and “discipline” sort of kill me and I’m wondering if anyone else feels the same.

I don’t want to test my willpower and discipline every day of my life. I don’t want to be “strong” and I don’t want people to think I’m “lacking discipline” for not sticking to my diet. Especially when it comes to my actual caloric maintenance - a healthy weight for me is 100 lbs. If I’m actually sedentary (I’m working on not being), my daily caloric needs are 1,325. This is a completely healthy weight - you can look it up! Any more than that, and I’m gaining if I’m not on my best behavior.

So I just hate all this talk from people sometimes about how they just needed to “get disciplined” or “get stronger,” in terms of mindset when they have the luxury of having their totally sedentary desk job and losing weight on 1,500 while the range for my goal weights involves me *gaining on 100 calories above the “what a human needs” calorie requirement.”

And to anyone here going to give me “advice” of “just gain muscle!” It takes years to do that and in the meantime I still have to keep up my regimen (and god knows it’s hard to build muscle optimally without an actual gym). The meantime still isn’t the time I want to hear people tell me I just need to get some willpower like them.

submitted by /u/deadfuckgirl
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8 Weeks - 8 kg down (+2 water weight). The calorie and exercise tracking has proved to be the best way to keep myself motivated.

I have been tracking my calories and exercise since 4th Jan and as of yesterday lost 10kg on the scale.

The things that worked for me are,

  1. Tracking calories every day. I mean every single day! I track the foods using MFP and enter the totals to google sheet.
  2. Always round up your calories in and round down your calories out. Since we miss some of the stuff we eat and over estimate the amount of exercise. This keeps the accuracy of the tracking in balance.
  3. Set and ideal week every monday and try to stick to it. By this way I can change priorities every week depending on work load.

Planning to keep going until I hit my goal of 65 by July. Expecting to slow down the weight loss to 0.5kg per week after April.

submitted by /u/anonlogs
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Getting serious about my goals after being the highest I’ve ever been.

Hey all,

So COVID like for all of us has been so detrimental to my mental and physical health. For the last few years I have avoided stepping on a scale because I did not want to obsess about my weight. However, I should have taken a reality check earlier when even my fat clothes weren’t fitting anymore. In the last 5 years I have gained 70lbs!

I could not believe the number when I finally got on the scale. My fatigue suddenly made sense. I lost who I was, more than just the weight gain, I stopped going out, I stopped dressing nicely (I no longer had to with everything on zoom), I ordered junk every night, I missed important events because I didn’t want people to see me looking so big. and I’ve finally had enough.

So far I’ve already been able to lose 7lbs since Feb 8th when this all hit me, and I am committed to giving myself and my body the respect it deserves going forward. Came here for some accountability and support. If anyone is going through it feel free to hit me up.

We got this!

submitted by /u/IllPurple8281
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Is there any way I’m not losing muscle?

I’m 173 5 foot 11 male and I started 5 weeks ago at 189. I’ve been doing 1700 cals a day, running 3 miles every other day and doing abs + lifting (6 different workouts, 3 sets of each at 10-12 reps) the days between. I have been somewhat focused on macros, shooting for 30% carbs, 30% protein, and 40% fat although I usually end up with more protein. What leads me to asking this question is that although my BMI is now barely in the normal range, I still have a pouch in my stomach and my face still pretty fat. I also lost weight at a pretty fast rate (3.3 pounds per week) so these two factors lead me to believe I must be cannibalizing my muscles to some degree. If this is the case, what are ways of attenuating it besides increasing caloric intake, protein intake, or lifting more? Could fat intake play a role? Should I shoot for particular vitamins/minerals that may be known to help muscle growth? What about any supplements?

submitted by /u/rickky99
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Running and body recomp

Hey all! I’m 21 and F. I try to avoid weighing myself as I’m recovered from an eating disorder (ED).

I’ve always been slender, but I’ve gotten into running the past several years.

Recently, I’ve really increased my km and noticed changes in my body (without changing my diet). My boyfriend insists I don’t eat too much (him being a health conscious individual himself but also wary of my ED history).

I do a fair bit of core training so I still have a flat stomach and ab definition (when IBS doesn’t act up and make me bloat), but my legs are quite muscular from just running!!! My bum has gotten larger, too. I’m wondering if it’s because half of my running route is uphill. The more I run, the more thunderous my thighs get and I really dislike this. Objectively, I’ve noticed people compliment my physique a lot but I personally just want a more “dainty” appearance.

Running feels so good though, so I don’t want to stop just because I’m putting on muscle mass. (I’m a busy student so I need the stress relief).

Also, is there a way to check if it is, in fact, muscle? I mean, I can flex my leg and it all gets hard but I just want to ensure I’m just not preferentially putting on fat onto my legs.

I’m sorry for this insecurity-fuelled post - just was hoping someone could please guide me.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/strawberryjamsammy
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Question about Alli

I just had a quick question about alli that I was wondering if anyone knew the answer to. I’ve been taking alli for a about a year and 2 months at this point and I’m down about 20 lbs since the start of last year. However it’s definitely the case that alli works most effectively soon after you start taking it, and I’ve started to plateau in recent months. I was wondering what would happen if I stopped taking alli and then I started it up again, would I get the same results as I did when I first started taking it? In other words, how long does it take your body’s systems to “reset” after you stop taking alli when you can start taking it again and see greater results? Thanks for anyone who answers!

submitted by /u/Agitated_Building572
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Stuck at 140

Hi everyone. Im a 17 year old female and about 5’7”. I’ve been stuck at 140 pounds for about a month or so, I track my calories and consistently eat around 1200-1300 calories each day. I broke my fibula and snapped my tendon in early january, i had surgery to put plates in and had to get my tendon pulled back down into the correct place. Im not able to really exercise at this time, I can start to walk a bit in about a week or so but im not sure how long it’ll be until i’ll be back to my normal physical levels. Am I doing something wrong? Im kind of confused on why i’ve been so stuck at 140, originally I was 180 and i’ve successfully dropped 40 pounds but my goal weight is 125. Any advice on where to look next?

submitted by /u/lightlyspicd
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I've lost 15kg since September!

Hey, I've been browsing the sub for a long time now and I just wanted to stop by to share my progress too the ones who helped inspire me! I have always been on the bigger side since I was young, and I have given a lot of half-assed attempts at losing weight. I have been on this journy since September and it has finally worked. As of this morning, I am in the "healthy" weight range.

Last year when I moved away from home and to start studying I made a breakthrough. For the first timein my life I'm buying everything I consume myself. I could simply cut out all the bad food in the store, so when I get hungry my only choice was healthy. At home there was always something tasty to eat, and as a result I found it really hard to stop myself from eating bad. I originally started losing weight with intermittent fasting, but as I started hitting the gym I found it to not be sustainable. So I decided to change it up and began tracking my calories, following my own CICO style diet. This included a lot of of protein to support my gains in the gym, and general low calorie foods that could keep me fed as long as possible.
When I started strength training at a local gym (I'm so thankful it is still open) and I found a new passion. Competing with myself trying to increase the weights and seeing my body change really motivated me to keep going and I found the urge to eat bad was leaving as it would prevent me from keeping up my progress. Nowadays I go 6 days every week, and I can't see myself ever quitting.

In terms of numbers, I am 190 cm tall, and I first weighed in at 104 kg in august, making my BMI 28,8. This morning I weighed 89 kg, which means my BMI is at 24,7. This means I'm officially in the "healthy" BMI range, and I'm super-proud. To track my dials I bought a smart scale some months after the beginning of my journey and I'm currently at around 19% body fat. (I know its probably quite a bit off, but it still stays relative to itself). I dont know what i was at when I first started, but I imagine it was quite a lot higher.

My progress pics:

Current side:
Current front:

old front:

I'll also including some American conversion units for you guys:
old weight: 229 lbs
current weight: 196 lbs
height: 6"2

Moving forward I'm hoping to lose somewhere between 5-8 kg more and work on losing more of the fat and gain more muscle. I'll probably post a follow-up when I reach my next goal, but until then i hope this inspires you, and even if you just read it I'm thankful. I just got a big urge to share my progress with everyone here who helped me get motivated to start.

TLDR; You can change what you eat, before you even eat it and progress feels genuinely great!

submitted by /u/Sandlethief
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SV & knowing when to stop, advice ??

Hey y’all! Big day today. Also my first actual post on here as usually I just lurk. For reference, I’m a 21F, 5’6” SW 165, today I weighed in at 134.6, meaning I’ve officially surpassed 30lbs down!!! My original goal weight was 140! I work out 5-6 days a week (i work at a gym so lifting and cardio every shift and do yoga daily) so I am very muscular, and at this point I find myself wondering is it healthy if I want to get down another 10 lbs? I know my BMI would still be healthy, but does anyone who’s reached this transition point have advice on knowing when to stop? I am a bit of a perfectionist and am curious to see what the 120’s look like, to see what my muscle definition would be, but I sometimes wonder if I am too obsessive/if I should accept my successes and focus on maintaining. If I get to 125, will I then attempt 115? That’s what makes me nervous. I track my calories loosely, eating between 1300-1600 a day, I don’t track macros. I think about food constantly and say no to going out/restaurant food, but don’t feel hungry and actually am a bit worried for the day I have to up my calories. Anyone have advice or similar experience? Still so happy about my scale victory, just questioning my next steps

submitted by /u/cococollegefit
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Exercise water retention

Okay, I have a question. So exercise can cause water retention for up to six weeks, and any increase in the intensity of exercise can also cause that. So after those six weeks, does weight loss start again at the same slow pace, and those weeks are just lost, weight wise? Orrrr should I expect a whoosh of the amount of pounds I should have been losing all that time, then start to lose normally again?

I plan to continue working out, I'm still counting my calories etc, I'm just curious as to the science of it all. I know this is a lifetime change, that a few weeks don't matter in the long run etc. But I'd like to know just so I'm not super disappointed if the whoosh doesn't come. For reference, I started working out again beginning of Feb, and have been steadily going to the gym 3-4 times a week since then. My very regular loss has stopped totally, and I have been up 2-10lbs from that low everyday. After calculating my calories consumed this month and what my tdee is at sedentary, I should have lost around 4lbs for February. Should I expect to lose those four and then start losing semi regularly (periods ugh) again, or should I just forget them and expect to start losing again semi regularly as if this month didn't happen calorie wise?

submitted by /u/aridyin
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Not feeling confident but still motivated??

SW: 237 CW: 190 GW: 150 (F) 21 5ft6

So I've very much adopted this year as being "The" year to sort myself out.

Lost 6lbs in January and 7lbs in February. (Overall 13lbs) So I'm on track for losing at least a pound a week so far. I am seeing results as the scale is going down and a lot of the clothes are too big for me now. Although I really don't want to buy any clothes until I've met my goal weight/physique.

Im very lucky that I carry my weight fairly well and despite noticing my clothes are smaller than when I last tried them on. Im not seeing any difference when I measure myself... but its obviously working ? Im assuming because its distributed evenly its just overall im smaller but not really any noticeable difference on the measuring tape.

I want to ideally be a UK size 10 by June as Im currently in the 14-16 range. Currently living by myself and not having a lot of contact with people as you know ... pandemic is still going on. So I cant hear a "oh you look good" or "have you lost weight?" Affirmation.

Overall, despite the weight coming off and my clothes being smaller, I just wish I could notice it or feel more confident. I am mainly losing weight to feel more confident and comfortable in my body and clothes i like as Im very much into fashion and I felt held back by not being "tiny". I don't think Ill ever be "tiny" or skinny as the women in my family all have pretty big curves even if they are on the smaller side. Which kinda sucks as all of my female friends who are into fashion are very petite and skinny so naturally anything looks good on them.

Im not sure where I'm going with this really. Overall ive lost 47lbs but I still feel as big and uncomfortable as I did before losing weight. I know losing weight won't fix all my problems and confidence issues but im still motivated to keep losing the weight so I might have a moment of "wow I do look good right now"

submitted by /u/seraphinaswan
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Scales lie and it's rude

So my weight loss journey has been very slow compared to others but I mean, we're getting there. I started at 13 stone (so 182-ish lbs) and I was now down to 10.something or 153.5 lbs. Woop woop, it's taken me all year and that is fine (limited exercise due to a disability but still doing what I can). Statistically I lose about 1 to 2 lbs a week, but it does not feel like that as I go like 3 weeks = no loss, end of 4th week = 3lbs vanish. I'm a CICO and Vegetarian enthusiast who believes in the healing power of Tofu, lol.

Today I get on the scale and I gained 10lbs in like a day and a half. I obviously didn't magically gain 10lbs, but there it is at 163 looking at me funny. My weight loss goes into severe plateaus constantly but I can't reduce what I eat anymore because it's already very low (1200 club represent!), so I just have to do what I can to push through that. I'm working within safe guidelines and with a health professional before people worry about my low calories, and I don't go hungry :) - the calories hit different when you can't do traditional cardio honestly.

I just wanted to rant a bit because it's so disheartening to see the 163 after I got to 153 finally. I was sitting at 27lbs and now it's back up to 19, and knowing me I am gonna be stuck here forever. I want to get down to about 8 - 9 stone (so from 112 to 126, in the middle of that range) as that's a really nice, slim weight for my height and build, but weh.

I just thought I'd vent here and get back to counting the ole calories. Also this is likely water weight so please give me your best water burning tips (just don't worry about salt, I don't eat very much of it at all).

Also please talk to me about water weight in general, I want to know more about it and it's hard to find good things out there.

submitted by /u/LabyrinthMind
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Was it worth it?

I'm currently midpoint of losing weight, I've lost five stone and got about five more to go. It feels great to be in the middle of the road rather than starting out on it, but I think I've left it too late, I'm in my thirties, a lot of my close friends have moved away. I'm excited for my health to be better but I would be lying if I said I wasn't hoping to meet to find it easier to meet people due to the weight loss, but being thirty and having made a lot of poor decisions in my twenties I dont think it'll make a difference.

So some questions to people who lost weight what were the benefits? Do people treat you better? Do you feel better? Do you find it easier to meet people?

submitted by /u/stinkface_lover
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Workout advice for someone who dislikes exercise?

F 5'1 SW 143 CW 133 GW 125-120

2 months into CICO and no exercise, down 10 lbs. Paul Rudd meme Who woulda thought? Not me!

I know I'm gonna need to exercise to achieve more noticeable progress / eventually get toned. I've never really been one to work out, and I don't know where to start. - Unfortunately I'm lazy by nature and do not like exercise. - I'm weak. I don't think I could do a push up. - (I know you cannot spot reduce, but) Most of my weight is in the tummy. Also my face, thighs, and calves. Sadly my glutes are lacking :'(

Any suggestions of where to start / what type of exercise to do? Cardio? (Light) weights? Something else?

Preferably something not too difficult because I struggle with consistency. Thank you if you read this far and for any advice!

submitted by /u/strawberryletter21
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Am I going to gain weight from 4000 calories?

I struggle with binge eating and had been going strong from almost 2 months until yesterday. idk what happened but yesterday i ate about 4000 calories. im so scared im going to gain weight and i keep reading different things. does anyone know if im going to gain weight? im going to try and exercise for 2 hours for 3 days. im 5'2 and a half and WAS 97 pounds. What I ate was cereal, a yogurt, 2 rice cakes with peanut butter, probably about 300+ more calories of cereal, another 80 calorie yogurt, a sweet potato, some cool whip, probably about 200 calories of ice cream, then 500 calories of ice cream, then about 400 calories of cheese its, 150 calories of chips, 130 calories of chips, and a 1000 calorie dinner. I'n so ashamed of myself and I just want to cry. I'm so dizzy and I honestly don't know what to do. I feel so sick and I'm so nervous I'm going to gain a lot of weight from this.

submitted by /u/sunflwxrr
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80lbs lost during the last year, thoughts on the experience

I've been lurking in this sub for months and have found it very inspiring seeing other people's posts, now I'm getting close to my target so wanted to give my thoughts on the past year and my experience too.

Last Feb I was approaching my 28th birthday at 260lbs (6"1 male) and was starting to have various health issues, I saw the Dr who couldn't find any major issues other than my weight and as simple as it sounds the Dr telling me it was that was exactly what I needed even though it seemed obvious. I started CiCo that same day and didn't realise how fast it was having an effect. By the time I bought a scale in late March I was already down 245lbs and someone had commented that I looked like I had lost weight which felt fantastic and spurred me on.

Then lockdown happened, still happening. I've not been to the office or been in any indoor space with anyone other than a shop and my home for over 11 months now. In a way this was a blessing for me though. It meant I could completely control what I was eating without having to guesstimate things I bought out and also gave me an extra 2 hours a day saved from commuting to work, I started using this time for daily walks and by summer bike rides too. Up until then I hadn't touched a pushbike since my teenage years.

I'm now very close to my target of 174lbs at 180lbs, my bmi has dropped 10 points and I'm fitter than I've ever been in my life. I still have an eating issue as whenever I stop counting it rockets up as fast as it came down so I still need to work on that but I feel like I've finally understood a secret to controlling my weight. Some other thoughts on the experience :

  • scales and daily weighings were essential to me, the improvements were the daily motivator I needed to keep going and the regressions were there own punishment for slip ups.

  • I drop down to 65% daily calorie needs on weekdays, maintenance on weekends. This encourages me to exercise as the more I do at weekends the more I can treat myself knowing I'll Continue making more progress the next week.

  • cheat days where I don't count are okay, just don't do them more than one every few months

  • major change doesn't come quickly, I worked out at the beginning it would take at least 10 months to get to my target and how much I would expect to see each week.

  • I have an especially easy time at this, being reasonably tall, male and of able body and young. The maintenence calorie difference when your shorter or female or older is so much less I know I'd struggle on such low amounts. At my lowest current intake is 1600kcal, starting at 1900kcal back last year, this could still easily cause weight gain if my metabolism was different.

  • I didn't actually change what I was eating very much, the only major change was cutting calore rich drinks out (coke, milk, apple juice). The rest was portion control.

Thanks for reading this ramble if you got this far, I just hope I'm able to keep the weight off now but am determined too.

submitted by /u/Kylel6
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Hello Everybody!

F 33, 5'7, SW: 238, CW: 219, GW: 200

I've been over weight most of my life. Like many of you, I come from a family that loved to eat carbs and then blame genetics on our obesity.

I was fortunate enough to find a profession that keeps me on my feet (I work in a nursing home.)

Unfortunately, I blew up to 238 and I was uncomfortably fat. I tried MFP and the LoseIt app but it was hard to do because my partner does most of the cooking and all his recipes are in his head.

And he doesn't measure anything. But I've found a workaround!

I read this article and it changed my life!

I started seeing food as just food instead of categorizing as "good" or "bad."

"My eyes were bigger than my stomach", was a common phrase in my house.

I cut my portions in half. If I wanted four scoops, I took two. If I wanted 4 slices of pizza, I took two.

I made eating a singular task. Similar to washing dishes or doing laundry. I put away my phone, take a bit, put my silverware down, chew and swallow. I repeat with the next bite.

I set times for myself. I work night shift weekends and keep the same schedule all week long. I wake up at the same time every day and eat at the same times every day.

I keep trail mix and popcorn in my work bag for a snack before I eat lunch to hold me over.

I drink lots more water. I feel much better in my own skin and I've noticed my digestion has drastically improved.

I've been weighing myself once a week for three weeks.

1st week: 238

2nd week: 224

This week: 219


I'm a CNA in a nursing home and the first thing I noticed was the iso masks were a bit loose. I lost weight in my face!

I woke up tonight and reached in my closet for a pair of scrub pants. They are so baggy! I didn't have time to search for a different pair and they're staying up (as long as I don't put anything in my pockets.)

The third thing I noticed was my shirts are longer. I usually wear a thin t-shirt under my scrub top and my t-shirt went down a little further than normal. In my mind, I thought maybe I stretched it out...nope!

The final thing I noticed is when I bought leggings for the first time. All the women I work with swear by them but I was always too self conscious to wear them. I put on a pair of leggings for the first time and I have legs!

"I don't look all that bad...if I could just get rid of this belly and fit into some cute sweaters..."

What really pushed me is when The Boyfriend noticed. I put on my leggings for the first time and he says to me,

"You bought those to tease a man with all your curvatures!" (He was joking with me. He didn't mean it an offensive way)

And all I could think was,

I have curvatures????

I always saw myself as this giant blob that consumers everything in it's path.

Binge eating, stress eating, emotional over eating, grazing, compulsive eating - I've been victim to it all.

For the first time in my life, I don't feel guilty about food. I'm not obsessing over arbitrary numbers or jumping on the scale every single day and lamenting over water weight.

My weight loss, for the first time, is coming from a place of self love. Because I love me and I deserve nourishment. I deserve to be comfortable in my own skin. I deserve to improve myself.

I deserve to be a better version of myself. And to make such positive improvements in my life that it makes the people closest to me notice me.

None of this occurred to me until just now - it played like a montage scene inside my head.

Like, I'm really doing this. I'm sorry this is so long. It just feels damn good to be here. It's so weird to think I am 19 lbs away from 200.

Nineteen pounds! That's it. That's all that's between me and my current goal.

(I learned if my goal is too big, I'll get discouraged. I'm using baby steps.)

My next goal is to incorporate a workout routine into my daily life. I want to keep moving forward. I owe it to myself.

submitted by /u/xLadyPhoenix74x
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Does the urge to pig out on sweets lessen the more times you successfully do it?

I'm doing OMAD 6 days a week, and have seen pretty good results from that. But I still have the urge to just cram sweets into my face fairly frequently. In the past, I just gave into this. My weight loss has slowed as result, and I've decided no more.

I vowed this last Sunday. Wensday evening, an urge to eat my husband's jelly beans, rice crispy treats, an bowl (or two or three) of sweetened cereal hit me hard. I really just didn't care about my weight at that point, I just wanted the goods. But since I also started writing down everything I put in my mouth that had calories, and recording this data to put into a video for my weightloss youtube channel, I was able to talk myself down.

It might not have been much, but to me it seemed like a big deal. So anyone else that has the same thing happen to them, do the urges less the more times you just say no? I'm really hoping that is the case, but if it isn't I'd like to know so I can try to steel myself to reality.

submitted by /u/Annie_Benlen
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Is it just me struggling to lose weight during lockdown(UK)

Hi, I'm 24 and 13 stone 3. Before lockdown, I worked out three times a week and was very active in terms of work. Since lockdown, I've lost a good chunk of my muscle mass, since it's hard to replace bench press/squats/deadlifts even with a home workout but I've gained weight in fat.

Previously, 1.8 calories would lose me two pounds of fat a week during a cut. Now 1400 calories might lose me a pound if I'm really strict.

Without the gym and work it's a real uphill battle. I've started meal prepping to help stop myself cheating. Must have lost half a stone of muscle at least and even with an hour's walk a day it's really hard to lose weight now. Crazy how much muscle impacts weight loss. (Or is this just in my head?)

Anyone else in the same boat?

submitted by /u/markhalliday8
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: February 28th, 2021

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

Let us know how your day is going, or, if you're checking in early, how your yesterday went!

Share your victories, rants, problems, NSVs, SVs, we are here!

I want to shortly also mention — this thread lives and breathes by people supporting each other :) so if you have some time, comment on the other posts! Show support, offer advice and share experiences!

we’ll do our monthly goal setting etc. Tomorrow, but feel free to reflect on February today :)

submitted by /u/visilliis
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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Anger at my family for letting me get fat

My entire family are obese, including me. I was raised to believe we have slow metabolisms and just eat a bit more than normal people, and that's why we're fat. Or curvy, as my mom would say. I didn't really eat at other people's houses when I was younger so I didn't notice our diet was truly different to others. School lunches looked similar to what we ate at home - a big bowl of pasta, maybe a fruit or yoghurt, and a big slice of chocolate cake with sauce. Every lunchtime.

After starting college I realised just how unhealthy we were. I couldn't believe how healthily the other students ate, and how small their portions were. And these are students, so definitely eating worse than they would with their parents around.

At home everyday we'd have a big breakfast, like a big bowl of cereal (the shock on my face when I found out what an actual serving size is) or multiple pieces of toast. Then lunch at school. For dinner usually a burger, loads of chips and a small portion of veg. Massive portion sizes. Snacks in between these meals would be choc bars, crisps, waffles, anything carbohydrates basically. We would easily be allowed 3/4 choc bars a day, and 3/4 crisp packets. Takeaways every weekend. Finishing portions meant for 2 adults to share on my own as a child. No wonder I've always been fat. Very little exercise either, parents couldn't bear to exercise and we weren't allowed out on our own.

I'm trying to clean my diet up now and improve, but all the bullying when I was younger, all the health problems, being terrified in sports, hiding away at the beach... All of these experiences wouldn't have happened had my parents taken care of our health. My blood pressure is higher than it should be, I'm pretty sure I'm prediabetic. And it's hard to diet because my brain is wired to want junk, having enjoyed it for so long

submitted by /u/howzartf
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Growing up fat...

My transition from obese to tiny only took about 3 or 4 months - but the affects are everlasting.



This drastic transition took place about 22 years ago at this point. I'm currently 5'11" 170 pounds and have hovered around here (+20 when I was into powerlifting) since then. None of it easy.

Not a day goes by where I don't still feel like a fat person just temporarily renting someone else's body. Every single morsel of food I put into my mouth brings dread and anxiety.

It's a lifelong uphill battle - I know this. Aging makes it easier for me to accept.

I hope my story can help other folks who feel similarly - especially young people who don't feel entirely comfortable in their skin. <3

submitted by /u/KillBosby
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24-Hour Pledge - Sunday, 28 February 2021 - The Plan for Today!

Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction!

This is our daily check-in, to help keep us accountable over the long haul. Feel free to post whatever goals will help keep you on track.

Here's the regular text on behalf of this thread's originator, kingoftheeyesores, taken with his blessing

I'll be posting a daily, 24 hour pledge to stick to my plan, or whichever small piece of my plan I am currently working on. Whatever your dietary goals may be, I hope you stick to them for the next 24 hours (and then worry about the following 24!). Who's with me?

Thanks to /u/nofollowthrough who made the 24-Hour Pledge an ongoing /r/loseit institution.

Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it daily using the sidebar or top message.


On reddit, your *vote* means, *"I found this interesting"* ( more about [**voting on reddit**](


submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Daily Q&A Post for Sunday, 28 February 2021 - No question too small!

Got a question? We've got answers!

Do you have question but don't want to make a whole post? That's fine. Ask right here! What is on your mind? Everyone is welcome to ask questions or provide answers. No question is too minor or small.


* Include your stats if appropriate/relevant (or better yet, update your flair!)

* Check the FAQ and other resources in the sidebar!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Sunday, 28 February 2021: Today, I conquered!

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory!

Celebrating something great? Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, long or short, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness! (Details are appreciated!! How are you losing your weight?)

* Did you just change your flair? pass a milestone? reach a goal?

* Did you log for an entire week? or year?

* Did you take the stairs? walk a mile? jog for 3? set a new personal record?

* Fit into your old pair of jeans? throw away your fat clothes? fit into your college outfit?

Post it here! This is the new, improved place for recording your acts of awesomeness!

Due to space limitations, this may be an announcement (sticky) only occasionally. Please find it daily and keep it the hottest thing on /r/loseit!


On Reddit your vote means, "I found this interesting!" Help us make this daily most the most read, most used, most interesting post on r/loseit by redding, commenting, and participating often!


submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Sunday, 28 February 2021? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel *awesome* and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

* Lose It Compendium - Frame it out!

* FAQ - Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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F. 28. 5'8 CW: 215lbs Whiney and desperate.

I'm venting and whining about my weight, binge eating, and emotional eating issues.

I have lost 80 lbs before! I know exactly what to do. But over 5 years I gained back 65lbs. Between marriage and 1 baby it slowly crept back on. (Mostly pregnancy 180 to 215). I have been trying to lose weight since June 2020. I did weight watchers and got to about 202 and then just lost control and went back to 215. It's like I get on this great ride and I Totally derail.

I do not struggle with activity. I love to be active but it's hard to just get started. I love both cardio and weights.

Nutrition... That is my struggle. I stress eat. I happy eat. I depress eat. I eat for every emotion.

I don't know who to turn to for support for this. I don't want to be on a "diet" . I want this to be long term. I feel like I've been on a diet since I was 10. I have been counting my calories in MFP. Today I ate around 2800 -__- I ate way too much. Then become mad and depressed because I feel like I'm back at square one.

I need a way to break my current cycle. Does anyone have any advice on emotional eating? Does anyone want to keep me accountable?

I feel very depressed and defeated. I really do feel insane...doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same results.

Thanks for listening/reading.

submitted by /u/AshBashSweety
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I'm around 210 pounds, 5'4. I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in maybe doing this together?

I've been overweight my whole life and it has always bothered me, the main reason i haven't put it off is because i sometimes develop EDs (i have bulimia but sometimes it develops into borderline Anorexia) and because my friends are online which leads to me being on my laptop majority of the day and I have online work. What I'd like to do is instead, see if I could pull out an hour or two where my friends and SO could call me, but i wouldn't have to be actively sitting and chatting. Eliminating bad habits helps you put off weight. I also wanna just be a little more active you know? I was wondering if anyone else was starting their journey and interested in maybe doing it together? We don't have to do everything with one another, I just wanna have someone who I can talk to about these things without feeling ashamed or alone. Also, I always feel a lot more motivated with others because I feel like I have someone who genuinely believes in me. I don't use reddit for chatting but if you're interested my discord is hamsterr#1767 and my snap is thatkidimoni. see you there :D

submitted by /u/WeightlossDeeDee
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I’m at my heaviest and I need to fix it ASAP

During the span of a few months I’ve gone from 150 to 165 pounds... the heaviest I’ve ever been.

I’ve always struggled with loosing weight, earlier when the pandemic first hit I actually was set in loosing weight and reaching my goal (120) and I feel like I could have achieved it as I lost 10 pounds in the first month but I gave in to my temptations and gained all my weight back. Which made me feel bad and overall I gave up after that.

Now here I am at 165, my clothes are starting to feel tight and my face has started to look rounder at first I didn’t pay much attention to it but what really opened my eyes to seeing how much weight I had gained was when I saw my senior photos. I looked obese, my arms looked fatter, my rolls were more apparent, and my double chin was wayyyyy tooo apparent.

I want to lose at least 40 pounds before my graduation in June and I don’t know if that’s possible. I’m determined to work out everyday and cut out sweets and carbs but will that help? Any advice to loosing weight fast?

submitted by /u/helpthrowaway892
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I've lost 2,7kg (5 lbs) in one week and I feel like I'm on a roll but also terrified

It has been one week and since it's 2,7 kilos I'm assuming this is all the water weight. I counted my calories, I got in a 6 km walk or more almost every day and I even ate a snack without losing control of feeling the need to binge!

Everything went smoothly, I chewed gum when I wanted to binge, I even dared to eat a small cinnamon bun, and yesterday I even ate a Snickers ice cream! I did put it in the food track app as well and I was still on a calorie deficit.

I have to admit tho, I'm scared of eating carbs such as pasta, bread and rice. Like yes, the treats which are mentioned above are not good either but with meals, I feel like it can be so easy to go overboard even if you weigh it. I'm scared that it's gonna make me lose control. It feels like treats are just a treat. But with carbs like rice and pasta... There is just something different about it.

Either way, I'm still proud, I feel good, one week down and another one to go! I'll have PMS next week which is gonna be a pain in the ass but I will not cave into any cravings!

submitted by /u/Anko__
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Dang, finally got the right mindset and got my body in sync

I've been frustrated by my weight for a while. I have about 60lbs to lose and it's making me miserable for about a year now. For some reason something finally"clicked" a few days ago and I'm suddenly on track to losing a couple lbs a week. Im just having no issue not snacking or eating the foods the rest of my family is eating. Im feeling hungry and even going to bed hungry and I'm just like "meh, feast on that body fat then, body". Haha. Started drinking a cup of coffee a day for an appetite suppressant and that's helpful. I'm at a 788 calorie deficit today with about 3 hours to go until bedtime for the kids. I had 3 boiled eggs for breakfast, handful of mixed nuts for a snack, and a salad with chicken for lunch. Im now drinking a cup of tea for a "snack" and plan on having a spoon full of peanut butter for dinner.

This is nice. This is very nice. I feel very confident in my ability to lose this weight

submitted by /u/Elegant_Economics_98
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Did I really undo so much of my progress in just a week and a half? (Vent)

About a week and a half ago I had lost a significant amount of weight (24lb from my SW, which put me halfway to my goal weight). Then I overate one day of the week and suddenly felt like couldn't go back to calorie counting. It's like the floodgates to binge hell opened and I don't know how to shut them :( I am feeling frustrated to the point of tears as in the span of a week and a half I have gained 10lb. Is this even possible? I am 5'3" and lightly active. I feel horrified by the thought of having undone so much of my progress. I want to give up, but I know I still have so much weight to lose until I'm where I want to be. I just don't want to spend the rest of my life hating myself.

submitted by /u/folkponk
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Anyone ever experience a “woosh” after a refeed day?

Just curious- I’m around 15% BF (Male, 32inch waist) and am trying to lose the last 5-10 lbs to get to 10%. Weight loss has been stalling the past few weeks despite an increase in cardio AND decrease in calories, so I tried using a Refeed Day yesterday (500 calories above maintenance) to see if a woosh would follow.

But ultimately today I just weighed the same as I did previously. So I hit the gym this afternoon and am back on the calorie deficit today. Just wondering if it takes a few days for a Woosh to happen following a refeed day or if it’s just not gonna happen at all. I plan on just continuing with my dieting down but the lack of change on the scale can be hard for motivation

submitted by /u/bootyboixD
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 27

Hello lovely losers,

I hope your weekend is going fabulously.

Here's the sign up for March!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & report here even if I don’t like it: No weigh in this morning, 229.6 lbs trend weight.

Stay within calorie range (1800): On target for today, I've got calories a plenty for dinner & some more light coffee'ing. I'm thinking I should skip my maintenance day tomorrow but we'll see. 17/24 days.

Exercise 5 days a week: 30 minute vigorous stationary bike & vigorous cleaning. I clean with the vigor of She Hulk. 22/27 days.

Self-care time (journaling, beauty treatments, anything that fills the bucket, nonfood rewards): Trying really hard to shove some optimism down my own throat. Turns out drag queen music & cardio does a close proximation of just that.

Try a new recipe once a week: Identity crisis chili (because it’s kind of red & kind of green), curry chicken drum sticks, roasted carrot coins, oven roasted zucchini, pickled peppers & a ground turkey lentil semi stroganoff. 6/4 weeks.

Express mindfulness and or gratitude: Grateful for every last one of you all. I'm going to sound corny AF so brace yourself kids. I have less time to interact with y'all in the comments & it hurts my heart, but then I see that you are all still encouraging each other & me, damn it's a beautiful thing. Restores some of my faith in humanity in a big way. Keep being awesome.

Your turn losers!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Struggling to lose thigh fat despite weight loss (22F)

Hello, this is my first reddit post so apologies if anything is phrased oddly! I [22F] have lost 9 pounds since the new year (130 --> 121 pounds), I'm small (just over 5ft) so I'm pleased with this so far. I've noticed changes in most of my body including my face, arms, calves, and waist but my upper thighs have seen no movement in terms of measurements, not even a couple of cm - they're remained at 24.2 inches for months, even before the new year period when I started to intentionally lose weight and workout more.

I think I've been 'pear-shaped' since the end of my teenage years but this lack of visual progress on this one area of my body seems odd and is making me feel a little insecure. Could it be that my body just maintains fat in the thigh area even after every other area has lost some fat?

I do a wide range of exercise such as steady state cardio, HIIT, hiking, dumbells and yoga and I've altered my eating habits to include less meat and smaller portions better matched to my height.

I don't use reddit so much but this group has been really useful to come back to and scroll through posts for motivation, so thanks :)

submitted by /u/FED6789
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Great programs for a busy law student?

I’m (25F 160lbs) currently doing my first year of law school remotely, thanks to the pandemic. Pre-pandemic I frequented the gym 5-6 days a week. However thanks to the gym being closed now (in my area) and not having that much time to work out intensely due to most of time going towards classes & studying, I’ve noticed myself putting on a few pounds. The stress eating can get real. I know I shouldn’t be too hard on myself, but I want to be in good shape by the time things do go back to normal, and I obviously want to feel and look good for when I go back to in-person classes. Are there any workout programs or guides I can follow? I usually have 30mins-1hour of free time to work out. I normally just run or watch Chloe Ting’s videos (but I’m not that big of a fan). I’ve also started taking 30 min. night walks around the neighborhood with my dad. I want something that’s going to make me shed those extra pounds I’ve gained and make me sweat/feel the burn. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/camelismyfavanimal
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What if I won’t look better after I lose weight?

I’ve been overweight/obese since I was 10 years old. Up until a couple of years ago I weighed around 196 lbs (I’m 5’7, 25F). I ended up losing a bunch of weight over the course of six months and got down to 155 lbs. I could wear better clothes, got a lot more active physically, even tried going on dates for the first time in my life and had my first kiss (and a few others).

But I’ve been losing and gaining the same 13 pounds for almost two years now. My confidence is still not high enough and I feel like I need to break new ground weight loss wise in order to be my best self. I go through periods of working really hard but I inevitably start thinking that it’s all useless, that I’ll get to those 130 or even 120 pounds, and everything will still feel the same, and I give up and comfort myself with food for days at a time.

A 20lbs loss has to make a difference on someone’s appearance right? Like it HAS to right? I just have to get there.

submitted by /u/20rublenosebleed
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Reluctant cheat meal

So tomorrow is my MILs birthday lunch- it will be just four of us celebrating. My MIL is quite obese herself and has always been very attentive to my weight, regularly supplying me with her comments. If ever I'm trying to lose, she insists I'm being ridiculous and that I need to just get over myself and eat, but at the same time when I've lost weight in the past she makes a big fuss that its a better look on me 😒

Like many others I've gained in the past year and am trying to get back on track. I've been on a really good routine lately, staying within a calorie deficit and logging my meals diligently and I've lost 7 pounds in 7 weeks.

I'm really not looking forward to eating junky food tomorrow for her birthday and it's honestly stressing me out to think about how to avoid her comments if I don't partake. I don't want to explain myself, because I don't want to get into a big conversation about her opinions of my body and I don't want to hear that I'm not properly celebrating her because I'm not eating the party food. It feels like wasted calories that I don't even want that I'm going to eat just to keep her quiet and keep the peace. If I'm going to splurge I'd rather do it on like a nice dinner out with my husband instead of on crappy fried finger food and cake (I dislike cake)

Does anyone else get stressed about these social situations? I feel like I'm not going to sleep well tonight because I'm annoyed about blowing this week's hard work.

submitted by /u/maddmole
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I'm so tired but feel like I'm not doing enough

Tw: mention of eating disorder.

I aim for 8k-10k steps everyday 80% of that is up hill. 30mins of yoga/stretching and then some short 5-15 workout videos so around 15-30mins depending on how much energy I have or I'll do a more intense Glutes workout.

I'm finding I can't workout as hard as I could at the beggining of my journey and my body just aches and I feel tired and sad. But I feel like I'm barely doing anything. I see people jogging every morning and I couldn't even do that if I tried (mainly because my ankles are weak after injury and I need to strengthen them first) I'm 5ft 4 F I started at 192lbs and now I'm 156lbs and I've been doing this for 5 months. I eat anywhere from 1500-1800 calories but try and keep it as low as possible sometimes 1400 if I can but I can't seem to anymore I'm so hungry! I eat as healthy as possible my meals are usually homemade noodles w Veggies or salmon and brocoli, turkey and grains with Veggies and I try and snack on healthy things like fruits and yoghurt but will let myself have one biscuit and a square or two of chocolate every other day because I have a binge eating disorder and if I cut things out completely I will spiral. Yesterday I felt really bad because I ate more chocolate than I usually do granted it was just 4 squares of milka and 2 really small kids kinder bars but I got so angry with myself :/ I ate 1834 cals and even though I know that's not insane I just want to keep the number as low as possible. I don't want to have a diet break I want to get to my goal I'm just so tired of researching calories, trying to figure out if I'm lightly active or moderately active, how to maintain muscle while losing weight, how much protein to eat, if its even worth trying to gain muscle right now even though I like how it looks, will I have loose skin, looking up meals that are nutrient dense, having panic attacks in grocery stores because all I want is cupcakes but I need to settle for kale and apples. I just hate this so much sometimes and I feel like no one in my life really gets it.

Sorry for the depressing rant, I am just exhausted. What's worse is I've asked for support from my mental health team and doctor and they rejected me for any support with an eating disorder and just said well done for losing weight 😅

submitted by /u/Depcherry94
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Top rice weight loss diet Tips

Top rice weight loss diet Tips-An Overview Lose weight quickly, become healthy and fit; that's what many diets promise. However, if ...