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Weight Loss for Everyone: June 2021

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

I went on vacation and DIDN’T gain!!!

Guys. I’m just really psyched about this. I didn’t log my calories while on vacation with family, and in fact was a little trepidatious of the scale when I got home, because I had eaten some unhealthy things (including an obscene amount of Rice Krispie treats, haha.) But we also tried to have some healthy whole foods while traveling, and we hiked a lot and even camped in the desert.

My sister texted me saying she’d lost weight on our trip and that piqued my curiosity about where I was after our trip, and inspired me to get back into my regular habit of weighing myself daily. I not only didn’t gain weight, one day after getting home and I seemingly magically lost 2 pounds! For me, the lesson here is one I’m perpetually relearning, which is probably the key to sustained weight loss. First of all: aim for “good” or even “okay”, and not “perfect”. If you can have a perfect day of eating and exercise, that’s amazing. But those are generally rare. The key is to not let a day when you ate bad or felt disappointed in yourself derail you. Or to use it as an excuse to take more time off than you originally planned. Every day is a fresh slate. You don’t need to wait for the end of the year to reaffirm your goals. You have to do it every day, in small ways. And if you’re going on vacation, let yourself have fun. Eat fun stuff. And when vacation is over… put away the vacation mentality. Another thing I realized is: one day of eating bad, even one WEEK of eating bad, is not enough to cause significant gain. The most important part is all the other days and weeks. So like, eating tons of cookies at Christmas is fine. As long as you’re not mainlining cookies all December.

I’ve lost… gosh, 40 pounds since my highest weight, and I’ve kept it off for several years. It’s pretty fun because I look way better than before. Instead of hating and wanting to Photoshop all my pics, I just feel pleasantly shocked at the change. I didn’t actually realize how slim I am now compared to before until I saw all the vacation pics.

I’ve lost this weight by trying to make my calorie goals as easy as possible, logging my food (except on vacation haha) and setting my goals as actions rather than results. So my goal is not a specific weight, but rather my small daily habits that I know lead to success (mainly CICO, and aiming to consume more natural foods). This has been most helpful because my goals are only the small things I can actually control, rather than highly variable statistics like weight.

Finally, the other thing that’s been weirdly helpful was a thought I had once, that stuck in my head and logicked me into finally eating healthy. “You work every day whether or not you feel like it. Some days you get a lot done, some days you’re completely dead inside, but you show up. (Figuratively, since I’m a freelancer haha.) As a result you’ve made XX progress with your projects, which would seem impossible if not done over a long period of time. If you approach diet like it’s a job you have to show up for, even if you put in the bare minimum some days, you’ll still make lots of progress over time.”

submitted by /u/interesting-mug
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: July 1st, 2021

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

For all new people that have joined this month, at the end of the month we do a roundup of what happened. we'll also talk about our goals for July.

How was your June? You're free to structure this however you want, but think about the following topics:

  • How has your weightloss progressed? Better, or worse than expected?

  • What are some Non Scale Victories that you've experienced this month?

  • Did you set goals, did you keep to them?

  • What went well during this month, what could need improvement?

  • What important lessons did you learn?

Today is also goal-setting day for July! If you're new, every first day of the month we think about small goals we want to achieve this month. They can be weight goals, exercise goals, or anything really... An important aspect is that they are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based...

  • Do you have a goal weight for this month, if yes, what is it? For example: maintain a 0.5kg loss a week.

  • Do you have exercise goals? For instance, get in 10.000k steps a day

  • What plans do you have for your diet? Do you have goals there?

  • What are some non weight/exercise related goals you have? Here, get creative. Past participants have used this section to stay accountable for their homework, learning languages, pledging not to order junkfood, ...

if you’re new, please introduce yourself! Let’s kick some ass!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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Still hate my body after major weight loss

M/19/5’8 SW:230lbs CW: 150-154lbs

So yeah. Major weight loss solved really nothing. It’s taken me a couple of months, rebound alcoholism and therapy/psychiatry to realize I didn’t solve any of my body esteem issues. Thing is I don’t have terrible self esteem and if you eat me in person you would never guess I was so insecure but alas I’m just really good at hiding my flaws from people. After basically sitting with myself I realized that I’m just as insecure of my body now as I was when I was fat, nothing really changed for me. And on top of that I’ve pretty much become a burden to everyone I talk to because of my negativity/ depression. I don’t really know where this post was supposed to go I guess I’m looking for someone that has felt the same or that got out of this negative bodily mindset, but yeah I still have work to do just not physically anymore.

submitted by /u/underconstruction__
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NSV: That far-back corner of the closet

We all have that corner in our closet. The one where, although we've long ago purged all those clothes that no longer fit, we've hung on to a few things that, for whatever reason, we just couldn't let go of. Whether it was because they had been so expensive, we just LOVE the color, or we used to look so cute in them; we just couldn't/wouldn't part with them.

So they just hang there, in that far-back corner of the closet - mocking us, reproaching us, shaming us, getting dusty. We look at them and whisper "someday". But as the days, months, and even years go by, "someday" begins to feel like "never". But we still just can't let them go.

Well, today (because I haven't done laundry in a bit) I was rooting around in the closet for something to wear. And I stepped into the far-back corner. I looked at a few of those outfits and said to myself, "Someday". But then I remembered something! I used to wear that one when I weighed about the same as I do now - after all, I have lost 30 lbs. I wonder ..... Do I even dare?

I tried the first one on. Almost! The second one - OMG! It fits!! Same with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th!

Long story, short? The far-back corner clothes have been moved to the front and are no longer shaming and mocking me. Even the few that I can't wear right this minute are close enough that they can hang in the front without making me feel bad. I'm so glad that something kept me from giving them up.

This is a victory that in my heart-of-hearts I had just about given up on. But patience and perseverance win the day.

submitted by /u/Dilectalafea
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Why won't the scale move?

25 F My workout plan at the moment is 30 min cardio and weights 3×week I do 3sets of 10 reps at the highest weight I can comfortably use. I'm going up to 4×week this month, and currently on the process of saving up for a pair of running shoes, so I can add a morning run to my routine. I'm a dog walker at work walking dogs anywhere from 30 minutes to the whole 4 hour shift, I usually average out at 5k steps at work, but have been to 10k. There's 2 walking sessions, and depending on my schedule I'll either do 1 or both morning and afternoon. I try to hit 10k steps a day, so on days I'm only working one shift I'll go for a walk. I'm counting calories and I'm trying to get into the habit of just counting everything, most days my deficit falls in the 200-300 range, some days my deficit will be over 500. I've cut out fast food, and I'm working on upping my vegetable intake. My HW at May was 225 and I'm now 221.6. The past 2 weeks I haven't seen changed in my scale. This morning I only lost .3 pounds. June is the first month I started going to the gym regularly, and started.

While I don't see a difference in the scale I do see a difference in my jeans that don't feel as tight, and my sleeves are starting to get loose.

submitted by /u/LonerCherry
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Tips to help my overweight friend start losing weight

Hi everyone!

So my friend is 18 and I've gotten her on board to join the next lose it challenge, but she knows very little about losing weight. She lives far away from home and her family is quite unsupportive. I don't think she's ever tried to lose weight. She is a tall girl just under 6 foot and about 290lbs.

I want to know, from the people who started at an obese weight or high weight, what are the best ways of her losing weight during covid? She doesn't buy her own groceries or cook since she lives in a university residence, and how can she exercise? I don't want to advise her wrongly or set her up for failure.

I'm thinking I can introduce her to calorie counting and the TDEE calculator, also by telling her about r/loseit and inviting her to the challenge I'm sure she will have more support and motivation.

I should also say in just a year she's been diagnosed as hypertension and pre diabetic and no the drs did not tell her to lose weight, nor implement lifestyle changes. She also has excess growth hormones. Literally the only support she has is her friends. I don't want her to have a difficult time.

submitted by /u/shigellkigell
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Can I lose 8kg over the summer?

Hi, everyone. I'm a new mom to a beautiful 11weeks old girl. Over the course of my pregnancy I've gained more than I wanted (I felt nauseous and dizzy whenever my stomach was empty and I got a pinched nerve from the bump so very little movement). Now weigh some 78kg (172lbs), after dropping some initially after the birth. My family are mostly teachers so I will have more support and time to exercise over the summer holidays and I'd love to use that to lose a substantial amount of weight. Also from the September I'm coming back to work part-time, so it would be easier for me to go more steady then and have the good habits in place.

My question is, is my goal possible? I weigh 78kg (172lbs) and am 165cm (5ft5). I used to weigh about 66kg (145lbs) before the pregnancy and would love to get back to that eventually. For now my goal is to get to 70kgs so I need to lose 8 (17lbs). I am breastfeeding and substituting with a bit of formula. Can I do this? Any tips? I am counting calories and walking with the stroller as much as possible.

submitted by /u/KnittingforHouselves
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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

I’ve lost 5lbs!

Hi friends! I hope you are doing well. I’m a college freshman and truthfully I’ve gained 30lbs during the pandemic. That was such a damper on how hard I worked to lose 55lbs before. My starting weight a few years ago was 195lbs and I worked so hard and finally I got to where I wanted. Sadly the pandemic started after I year of maintaining my new weight. The pandemic however made it extremely hard and what used to work stopped working. I’ve worked on it all year and nothing has changed. But for some reason in this last week it has! I’ve lost 5lbs in the last 8ish days and I’m hoping to lose more. Thank you for reading!

F18 5’9” SW:195/173 CW:168 GW:140

submitted by /u/throwaway226392
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I don't know how to have my "time to change" moment...

I, like most people over the past 18 months, have gained some weight. It's been enough weight to where I definitely regret it, but it happened too slowly for me to really even realize it. I don't eat that excessively, but I eat a bit more than I should. I don't work out religiously, but I also don't live an entirely sedentary lifestyle. Regardless, I weight about 70lbs more than is really healthy, and about 100lbs more than I'd like to (I was slightly overweight to begin with).

But no matter how badly I want to, I can't seem to make much of a change. It's a mental thing, not a physical one, I know that. And I try to make the proactive choice when I think about it. But it feels like everyone I know who's gone through massive weight loss had a sort of, "time to change" moment that I haven't had. My dad, for example, has lost something like 130 lbs since the beginning of 2020, but mostly because one day he decided he'd had enough, he started keto and going to the gym three times a week, and he hasn't stopped since. I'm super happy for him, but I don't know how to just flick a switch in my brain like that.

I don't want to hit rock bottom, where I'm barely mobile or having health issues or something, if I can help it, but I also can't seem to ever get myself motivated in a consistent enough way to have any long-term weight loss. Does anyone know what I can do to get there?

submitted by /u/SnugFnuggBlue
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: June 30th, 2021

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

Let us know how your day is going, or, if you're checking in early, how your yesterday went!

Share your victories, rants, problems, NSVs, SVs, we are here!

I want to shortly also mention — this thread lives and breathes by people supporting each other :) so if you have some time, comment on the other posts! Show support, offer advice and share experiences :)

submitted by /u/visilliis
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Men's Boxer Briefs.....?

So I'm just looking for some recommendations for men's boxer briefs, for bigger guys.

I'm usually a XXL or xxxl, waist around 42-44 but I find most boxer briefs are super uncomfortable.

I have tried every premium brand on the planet I think. Saxx, Tommy John, meundies, 2undr, duluth, under Armour etc. and on and on I have spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars and tons of hours researching underwear.

I like extra long leg boxer briefs (8-10" legs).

Tommy John and 2under are the closest I've found to what I may like so far but the only ones available in xxxl+ are not the greatest materials unfortunately.

I should mention I have ocd and am extremely picky about these things, especially my underwear.

I just thought I'd reach out here to see if there are any brands out there I may have missed looking into?

Any recommendations from other dudes with the same issues?

Still searching for "The One" 🌹

submitted by /u/J9999D
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The beginning of my weight loss journey

So last year I had tried to get my weight in check with a strict diet and exercise plan. Sadly I did not have the will power or mental strength to stick to it and after being diagnosed with depression I realised I first needed to fix my mental health. My moment of realization came on Sunday, I decided to see what I looked like with just my sports bra and a pair of workout shorts. Can a person be embarrassed with their own body, because I was. I can't believe I let myself get to this. Since then, I've started walking 10 000 steps, which I'm proud to say I've done with no excuses these past 2 days. I've also modified my diet, by just eating smaller portions, choosing healthier options and allowing myself 1 portion of carbs a day. Although it's only been 2 days I found that the way I'm choosing to eat now is much easier to sustain and my options aren't limited. I've also started with some small exercises like step ups and 20s planks. I'm here to ask for advice, what are some of things you did on your journey that has helped you to stick to it for the long run, be it mentally, physically or food wise?

submitted by /u/TashaAngel30
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I deleted my tumblr today

I'm an 18 year old 5'3 170pounds.

I feel so guilty thinking about this but it's part if my past now. I used to look up weightloss motivation and discovered the world of ed tumblr.

This started around the age of 14. Four years now. I started at 190 pounds and got down to about 156. I gained a lot of it and my weight had been fluctuating a lot due to binge and restrict cycles.

I want to start a healthy approach to weightloss but I keep getting scared it will take too long.

I keep saying I'll start tomorrow, when tomorrow comes, I'll go buy a ton of junk food and eat it alone because I feel I cannot lose weight so why not just eat? Or what's the point? I have no access to therapy about BED.

I dont know how to eat healthy just restrict to lose.

I want today to be my day 1. I want to come back and update in 3 months. Cheers.

submitted by /u/Charming-Macaroon
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Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Wednesday, 30 June 2021? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel *awesome* and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

* Lose It Compendium - Frame it out!

* FAQ - Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Weigh-In Wednesday (Share Your Numbers)

Share Your Numbers!!!

Welcome back to another week of weigh-in Wednesday. Share your +/- change from last Wednesday to this Wednesday, and a short summary of your week. Sometimes we get lost in the day to day ups and downs and it's good to see our week over week changes. Time to celebrate losses and lift each other up during possible failures. This is not a timed event or contest, feel free to jump in any time.

This post was made a staple of r/loseit by u/Kahne_Fan and our thanks goes to him for providing a service that so many find helpful.

Past Weigh In Wednesdays

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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How do you guys deal with body dysmorphia?

I guess I should clarify that I don’t mean diagnosed body dysmorphia. However, I’m assuming that most of you know the feeling I’m talking about…

I’ve been working out for a couple months now, and most of the time I feel great. I know that I’ve made progress, and when I workout I can see it. However on some days, it absolutely hits me like a truck. I can’t stop seeing the fat kid in the mirror and it kills all motivation I have to workout that day. It completely erases my sense of progress, and I just feel awful.

How do you guys deal with this? Does it get better once you reach the goal you have set?

submitted by /u/coolguypasta
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I'm the lightest I've been in my adult life! And my weight loss journey

F22 5'7 sw96kg cw69kg gw60kg

This morning I weighed myself and I have hit the lightest weight since I was probably about 16. I'm pretty proud of myself.

Sorry for the long post - heres my story.

I was probably a normal weight (never skinny) until I hit maybe 10 and then I got chubby. This continued and by high school I was aware I was chubbier than most of my friends. The trend continued, and by graduation at 18 I was probably around 85-90kg. I took a gap year and during this time I hit my highest weight of 96 when I was 19. During this time I thought I was a bit big but I didn't think I was too bad. Its crazy how you can look back at photos from that time and think wtf was I thinking, how did I not realise how overweight I was (obese by bmi at my highest, approx size 18/20us).

I went on an overseas trip on my gap year and when I came back I had lost about 15kg in the 2 months overseas, I put this down mostly to walking around the entire day and having anxiety about eating alone in public so not eating much until dinner with friends. I was so happy to be about 80kg, the lightest I'd been for a while. But the habits came back when I was back at home, and I think I gained back about 10kg before I decided I needed to do something. I went on fad diets and there was definitely some yoyo-ing but I ended up losing probably about 5kg again. So from 19-21 I was stuck at about 83-85, always gaining and losing the same couple kgs.

1.5 years ago I moved out of home, and it was a struggle learning to cook portions of food for a single person (instead of the whole family) and feeling free to eat any bad stuff I wanted. But I also didn't have the temptations of the family home, and I was separated from my mom with whom I share some terrible eating habits, so I was able to start on a journey to rethink my (disordered) relationship with food. I also started going to the gym and that was fun but I was never consistent enough to see big results.

Before the start of a big covid lockdown I left my flat and went to stay with extended family. Apart from being very awkward, this family also had very different eating habits from me, and it wasn't as much food as I was used to. I was always hungry but I figured it was just a diet without me having to use any willpower lol. It was also healthy food so I was feeling good if hungry. By the end of this I think I lost at least 5-10kg in 6 weeks (not sure of starting weight so I have to guess) but after moving out again (lockdown eased and back to work) I was about 73kg. I managed to get down to 69.5 about one year ago but then my birthday hit and I gained back to 73-75 and maintained that weight.

Spending some time with my mother recently really made me realise how deep seated the bad habits/relationship we have with food are especially when we are together. So I gained ~4kg in a couple of months and decided I have had enough. I'm feeling motivated, doing CICO at a deficit and exercising and I'm 69kg today, down 5.5kg in 3 weeks.

I think I wasn't eating enough at the start of these couple of weeks, so I'm trying to get up to a regular deficit instead of just trying to eat as little as possible, I know that's very unhealthy.

It's pretty crazy seeing these numbers on the scale that I haven't seen in years and years, and it feels good to finally fall in the 'normal' range of bmi after so long in overweight or obese. It is a bit disheartening to think that I'm not really that much lighter than I was a year ago, but this is a journey and I know there'll always be ups and downs. I'm pretty new to this subreddit but I love reading other people's stories so I thought I'd share my own and my little victory today. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/lionex4
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Sometimes whenever I try ti diet my thoughts go to suicide

Basically whenever I try to diet I always get thoughts like “what are you living for?” Or “why are you going through the struggle of being healthy when you can just die now? Once you’re healthy, you still have to deal with life’s bullshit for who knows how long so you might as well end it now!”

I’ve tried to diet, but they inevitably end in 1-2 months because these thoughts always come back to me, and I feel like they’re right. I don’t want to deal with more of life’s bullshit and I can end it through ending my life. It’s why I always stop dieting, because I have a sudden urge to just say “fuck it” and I still think about it a lot while dieting. Therapists are taking a while and the ones I met just told me to “look at the bright side.” I know that others think my line of thinking is wrong but intuitively I sort of think it’s right, and I haven’t found satisfactory reasons to live for. I think that once I find a reason, I will find a reason to work on myself and stay determined. Any advice?

submitted by /u/Training_Cicada5875
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How many more times am I gonna say “no more messing around, today I’m going to start loosing fat” before I actually do it?

Last summer I lost 40 pounds, it was fucking great. But I’m a minor, and my dad wasn’t happy when he found out. With my binge ED, it felt like he used it against me. Making me feel like shit when I didn’t eat his food, it eventually got to me and I’ve Gone from 303 to 257 to 280. I feel so fucking depressed and miserable.

I’ve been trying to start again, get back into. Get that motivation I had. I always give up after a week.

Just got a job at a certain ice cream shop recently, so I’ve been getting free ice cream. So today I’m sitting here, just eating the newest flavor. And I feel like the fattest, saddest fuck here. And I think to myself “that’s it, no more bs. I’m going to try again.”

But it just hit me of how much I’ve been saying that. I’ll never succeed. I’ll never have the body I want. I’m going to be fat forever, and I’ll probably be 300 pounds by the time I graduate. I hate being fat. I hate it. I feel hopeless and alone.

I’m starting to feel suicidal again

Update/Edit?: just bought some frozen TV dinners that has vegetables in it with my mom. I was never forced to eat vegetables, so now I have to force myself. I think this is a good step.

submitted by /u/OlliOPocto
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 29

Hello losers,

Some bum needs to get on the new sign up post. Spoiler alert, it's me!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it: Logged this morning. Progress over perfection. Not happy with this number.

1800 calories (tracking in 5-day cycles, Friday/Saturday at maintenance): On it today!

Exercise 5 days a week: Walky walk during lunch. 25/29 days.

Alone time to word vomit into journal: Little bit during lunch, would like to do more.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for the mild weather again, ripe nectarines & that it's not Monday. Got that going for me.

What are you all thinking for the month ahead? I may hit the same goals, it's been working for this lady.

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Need a way to lose fat at a proper pace

I've always been a fit guy (170 lbs) who worked out 4-5 days a week and was lean too (14% BF) but the past year I had to serve for the military because it's a 1 year obligatory service and you can't not do it. Food was horrible and everything bad. No proper sleeping or exercising. Now I'm out and I weigh 202 lbs. I got back to working out again and put myself on a caloric deficit (1600-1800 cals everyday). It's been a month now and I've noticed some good changes in my overall muscle mass but after I weighed myself this other day I was 198 lbs and it was right after waking up . But the thing I have no idea why am I not losing weight and fat at a proper pace?

submitted by /u/ASamir
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I’m 22F and started at 178 lbs at the end of January. I’m down to 158 now. I’m hitting a plateau where I just haven’t moved in a month now. I’m walking a few miles a day and working out for half an hour each day (21 day fix program). I’m in a constant deficit for my food (limiting carbs, but not keto or anything), which I’ve been tracking like crazy. Could it really just be muscle I’m gaining in my workouts? Or am I doing something wrong? Should I change up my workout program? Any fruits or veggies I should avoid? How long do plateaus usually last? I’m still technically slightly “overweight” by BMI so I don’t think that I’m at my optimal weight. I just had really good momentum going and am feeling really discouraged and don’t know what to do. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated :-)

submitted by /u/Yensid_247
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tricks I learned to be able to eat ice cream almost every day

Ice cream and portion control have never existed in the same realm for me lol. In the past, I would just buy a big half gallon tub of ice cream and fill a bowl or mug to the top and eat it all while watching netflix. WELL. For the past month since I started CICO I’ve been able to have ice cream almost every day and I’ve still lost 10 lb! (sorry if this literally sounds like a nutrisystem ad lol it’s not).

Anyway so here are the tricks. So my roommate is super fit but she still has ice cream most days. I noticed that she’ll buy two pints and they’ll last her around two weeks. She measures out a 1/3ish cup of ice cream... and puts it in a cake cone! So I copied this brilliant idea of hers and a tiny little pint of ice cream has NEVER lasted me so long. The cone is only 20 calories and I get the target brand reduced fat ice cream that’s very similar to regular ice cream but has like 370 cals per pint, so my dessert ends up being like 100-150 cals every day and it still feels super satisfying because the ice cream comes to a natural stopping point in the cone (as opposed to a cereal bowl) and the crunch is 10/10. And by licking it i also just eat it more slowly lol

Also, since I only get pints and not huge tubs, AND it’s like $3.70 per pint, I’m much more aware of my portion control because it’s easier to tell how much you’ve had! And I’m much more stingy with my ice cream portion becauseI know I want to keep having it every day of the week and not eat it all at once lol. As opposed to a huge tub of ice cream, where you can eat multiple CUPS per day without fearing that it will be gone tomorrow lol

I also tried a pint of ben and jerry’s half baked but I high key psychologically enjoy the target one so much more bc with it being 1/3 of the calories, I feel so satisfied after eating it and still being under my calorie budget! So that tiny lil pint of ben and jerry’s has very surprisingly lasted me weeks!

submitted by /u/gonewiththewing
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Need to forgive myself

I lost 115lbs over 2 years ago and spent the last two years regaining that and more (6ft, CW330lbs, 31F.)

No excuses, I got into a lovely new relationship but spent lockdown enjoying cheese and wine whilst also slipping back into binge eating patterns.

I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm back at the start but also remember all the experience I have. Not sure if it's a good thing or not that I know I can do it but I'm choosing to see the positives rather than panic every time I see a picture of myself and think about how long it will take.

I find this community really helpful and it's great to know that I am not alone. Let's do it.

submitted by /u/nigellissima
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Using negativity to push myself

So I've been trying to loose weight now for about a month. So far I've dropped almost 15 pounds and I'm down to 318 pounds. I also started walking every day last week for 30 to 40 minutes. For the first time in a long time I've felt like I'm on the right track.

So I get into work this morning and get myself ready to work. My co-worker who happens to be on my friends list on fitbit asked me what was up with my steps. Before I could say anything they say I must be throwing my fitbit into the dryer. I explain to them that I'm trying to make a better lifestyle for myself. Which they responded that it doesnt make sense that I'm so fat if I walk that much and they only see me eat a 6 inch sub almost everyday. I stood there I complete shock at their attitude. I excused myself and got to work. I worked the rest of the day with little interaction with them.

So I got home today and decided that I'm going to crush them in steps. I got out and walked 1 mile even with the heat today and got myself to 15k steps for the day as of now. I'm not going to let myself get discouraged by the words and actions of others and I'll push myself for me and me alone.

submitted by /u/Malit_harring
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Weight Loss Plateaus + No Results = Discouraging?

So my weight years ago back when I was still in shape was always 60-65kg. Then 6 years ago I started gaining weight up to 120kg. I tried going to a nutritionist professional, I went back to 90kg and April 2021 I was up to 135.6kg. Now I started counting calories and exercising and I'm back to 120kg.

Why am I telling you this? Well because I'm stuck at 120kg since a week. I am not seeing results, I even gained 0.3kg, but in the morning I lose that 0.3kg again, so on and so forth. I am consuming only 1600 Kcal and doing 1hr Spinning classes everyday, which supposedly are burning 800 Kcal every day in that hour. Yet my weight stays the same no matter what I eat, no matter how hard I exercise..

Have any of you gone through weight loss Plateaus? How long did it last for you please? I want to discuss this and hear some real stories, I don't want to give up just yet and if others are going through the same thing I am I don't want them to give up either!

Thank you!

submitted by /u/CURLYMAN1993
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Dear aunties of the middle eastern community..... just wait

Dear aunties/elders of the middle eastern community….

I do not want to come out of covid lockdown. Why you ask? I have finally started a weight loss journey and managed to stick to it for more than 8 months now. I have managed to lose 72lb without seeing a single person from the community or people I know except a few of my very close friends and family. They all have noticed my big weight drop and constantly drop complements. (keep them coming lol). I want to stay in lock down till all my extra weight is gone and I can exist my cocoon like an elegant butterfly.

I remember all your opinions and actions towards me. The way you walk around gatherings and events eyeing young single girls for a potential wife/girlfriend for you mediocre sons who only have a decent career going for them and nothing more. Their personalities being dry and pretentious, no sense of compassion or kindness towards women. Of course, I won’t blame them because they had mothers like you. You always skipped over me. Not that I wanted to be with your son, but asking is a complement.

Every time I would be standing with a group of my skinny petite friends, you never failed to complement and observe every one of them while your eyes skipped over me like a blank sheet of paper in a printing machine. Although personally I thought I was 2, 3 times prettier than all the girls there, in your eyes my size and weight labeled me as unworthy for your spoiled princes. I would stand awkward as you treated the girls with a motherly kindness and embrace them, say how beautiful they are, hold their hand, ask them about themselves, all while I was invisible. Because I was fat.

I won’t forget a specific auntie. The match maker. She always walked up to me and talked about a potential man who is looking for marriage. But it never failed for her to immediately ask; “so I saw you with your friend and she’s incredibly beautiful. Can you give me some information about her for this potential man?” As if she isn’t aware I am a single beautiful potential as well. But again, my weight labels me as invisible. And again, its not like I am even interested to get married. But it drives me crazy when I think about the idea that I wouldn’t be a good potential in your eyes.

So I don’t want lock down to end. I want to bloom into the gorgeous being I am. I will avoid your gatherings. I will avoid you. Until the day comes where I enter and all eyes lock on me. That is the time where I will waltz past you as the whispers start. “who is this girl?” “omg its OP, she has lost so much weight!” “shes so gorgeous.” I will side eye you all competing to come up to me. And this is when I will metaphorically spit in your face and ignore your existence while I glide away.

So dear aunties of the community,

I cant wait for that day.


- The girl that’s too fat for ur son

Still have a huge amount of weight to loss but this post right here makes me lock down on the discipline and motivation to get to my goal weight!

submitted by /u/zahimahi97
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NSV: My boyfriend’s mom called me skinny.

This is my first NSV in a long time. The first time in months I’ve really been able to acknowledge my progress. It has been hard recently to keep going, and I’ve been stagnant in my weight loss for about 2 months. My boyfriend and I were at his parents’ house over the weekend and we were looking at their camping trailer. They were giving us the “grand tour” of the inside. There’s a full bed and a small table and bench seat that converts to a twin size (or smaller) bed. His mother was telling us about how their daughter and her husband had once tried to stay in it with them, and ended up sleeping in a hammock outside. We were making small talk saying how hard it would be to travel with more than 2 people in the trailer. She said, “Well, you two are skinny so you’d probably be able to sleep there.”

It was a passing comment to her and I’m sure no one else even registered what she said. But I have never in my life been called skinny. My boyfriend is thin and always has been. I’m choosing to accept the comment as a compliment, as I’ve lost 37 pounds. I still have more to go, but today I’m putting aside my occasional self-hate and constant self-doubt. NSV!

submitted by /u/tafunast
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I don't know if anyone else needs to hear this but...get a bowl/plate, sit down, and eat your unhealthy food rather than telling yourself you'll just have a couple bites.

So, this has always been one of those food things where I feel totally ridiculous and alone, but I know I'm probably not so here goes.

I try not to keep my favorite unhealthy things in the house on a regular basis so I'm not tempted but sometimes it's someone's birthday or my husband brings something home from work or my kids ask for a treat... and sometimes there's no excuse other than that I just want some ice cream or brownies or pizza.

This is the weird thing: I tell myself "I'm just going to get a spoon and take a bite of the cake. I'm not having a whole piece. That would be terrible and ruin everything. Just a bite." So I take a bite. Close the fridge. Feel unsatisfied. Rinse my spoon off. Take another bite. And repeat. And before I know it, I've probably eaten more than I would have had I just cut off a slice, put it on a plate and sat down and enjoyed it. I've done this for my entire life telling myself that I can't possibly have a bowl of ice cream so I have bite after bite from the container. I never feel satisfied and feel guilty and gross.

Yesterday I fell into this old bad habit because my kids made a banana cream pie (one of my favorite things in the whole world). I probably ate 1/4 of the whole thing going back to the fridge again and again, one bite at a time. Today after work, I measured out 1/2 cup of it, put it in a bowl and ate it. And I don't feel like I going back to the fridge to eat the rest of it!

submitted by /u/GreenMountain85
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Losing the weight is like physically losing my trauma

Hello all! I had a thought about my weight loss journey yesterday and thought I would share. A few years back, I gained 90 lbs in 9 months due to mental health issues (for which I had to be hospitalized), weight gaining drugs, and a physically and psychologically abusive relationship. I am doing much better now, but still haven't been able to shake the weight off. I turned to binge eating for comfort. I decided since the rest of my life is going well now, it is time to focus on my physical health. I am 10 lbs down, and have 90 to go, but it's a start. After how I gained the weight, I realized that my weight truly is a manifestation of the trauma I went through. Losing it feels like the final step of healing from that trauma.

submitted by /u/ClassPuzzleheaded23
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The darker side of meal prep - no points/calories left to eat up alllll the leftovers from dinner no one is eating and having anxiety over all the food waste. Anyone else?

I don't cook really unhealthy dinners so it's not that the food is all super caloric, but I have to make enough for if the husband and kids actually decide to eat it. If they don't, I end up with a fridge full of leftovers. If I don't meal prep, I can work it into my allowance for lunch, but also if I don't meal prep, it's harder to stay on track. This would all be so much easier if I only had to worry about feeding myself and not fickle small children and a SO! When I'm on track, I go from being the family garbage disposal/waste prevention eater to "Somebody has to eat this! SO EAT LEFTOVERS!" which is also not fun.

submitted by /u/IvyDivey
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In a deficit and exercising 5 times a week and gaining weight?? Feeling really deflated and confused.

Hi guys,

I made this account specifically to post this because Google has yielded nothing but the usual generic, useless results.

I should start by saying I'm 22F and currently 19 stone 7 pounds. I've been doing this for a month now and I lost half a stone in the first two weeks and nothing has changed since. I'm onto my third week of the scale just going up and down between 19.8 and 19.10 and it's driving me bloody crazy.

I am ABSOLUTELY in a deficit. I have checked this time and time again against multiple TDEE calculators. I currently eat 2000 cals a day and that's actually a couple hundred lower than most sites recommend as my deficit. I'm not starving myself either, I eat a comfortable amount. I have counted absolutely everything to the last gram. I have a treat meal once a week but that's it. I do half an hour of cardio Monday to Friday (usually either jogging or swimming).

I'm just confused. I'm not a beginner and I'm not naive enough to think I'm putting fat on because that's just impossible, but I read that gaining muscle whilst losing fat is very rare so its unlikely? could be BS though idk. Basically can someone help me understand what the hell is currently going on with my body?? I feel like this shouldn't be happening after 2 weeks as a morbidly obese person, the weight should be falling off. I just feel really down because I'm working so hard and feel like I'm getting nowhere.

EDIT: thank you so much for the comments guys! It means the world to me in a moment of self-doubt. I have so many things I could try now and I feel a lot more educated on what's currently happening with my body. I appreciate the advice!

submitted by /u/foxshinshi
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Daily Q&A Post for Tuesday, 29 June 2021 - No question too small!

Got a question? We've got answers!

Do you have question but don't want to make a whole post? That's fine. Ask right here! What is on your mind? Everyone is welcome to ask questions or provide answers. No question is too minor or small.


* Include your stats if appropriate/relevant (or better yet, update your flair!)

* Check the FAQ and other resources in the sidebar!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I lost 3 KGS!

It took me forever but I'm finally where i want to be. 😊 Still have some love handles that i want to get rid of and I'm trying to exercise to get there. I'm really happy. I know some people may say that it isn't much, and it isn't compared to others, but I'm not here to compare myself. I don't have other people to share it, but this community knows how hard it can be and how rewarding it can be. I lost 3 KGS and it's worth sharing even if that's a small win. I won't try and lose more so that i can still qualify for blood donation.

F24. 160cm. Starting weight 53kgs, current and maintenance weight 50kgs. Replaced dessert with fruits such as apples and kiwis, aimed for 10 to 20 minutes of brisk walking per day, increased my water intake and vegetables intake, cut down alcohol altogether, got myself a smartwatch and tried a minimum of 8000 steps a day. Didn't do anything extreme because this is something i have to maintain, so it took me almost 4 months.

English isn't my first language, sorry for any mistakes.

submitted by /u/W34VV3R
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Monday, June 28, 2021

Finally comfortable saying I'm over the 100 lb. milestone

This time last year, I had a major wake-up call when I was filling out the ADA paperwork to be allowed to teach my college courses remotely. My BMI (over 50 at the time) meant I was eligible for accommodations. I definitely felt some shame as I ticked the "BMI over 30" box, but what really hit me was the question that followed. For the first time in my life, I had to put in writing that I had no idea whether I was going to stay that big forever. Did I have the willpower? Unknown. Did I have a solid understanding of the challenges that I would face? Unknown. Had anything changed from the dozens of times I had tried to lose weight before? Unknown. That word..."unknown"...really hit me harder than I can explain. I wanted to circle "temporary", but I didn't because I didn't trust that I could follow through. And so I circled "unknown" and it ate at me for about a week before I decided to try to make some changes. Baby steps at first, like being mindful of what I ate and trying to make substitutions for some of my less nutritious food choices. I started weighing myself daily at the end of June 2020, and from those little changes, I started to see the weight drop off. By the end of July, I was tracking my calories and bought some hiking boots to try to get a little more movement into my weekly routine. Now, a year later, I'm 104 pounds lighter and the uncertainty is gone. My obesity is not permanent, and I KNOW that I can see this through.

That's not to say that this has all been wine and roses. I have definitely had some hurdles, especially as I got closer to the 100 pound milestone. I have had significant struggles around plateaus and daily fluctuations, even though I know, rationally, that as long as I stick to my new habits, the weight will keep coming off. I know it sounds silly, but when I hit 221 pounds, I fantasized about the "weight loss fairy" showing up, congratulating me on my progress, and then magically erasing the last 60 or so pounds I still need to lose to get to a healthy BMI. (Spoiler Alert: There is no weight loss fairy, and I seem to have misplaced my "Lose 100 Pounds, Get 60 More Removed For Free" coupon somewhere.)

So what has changed for me this time around?

  • Every calorie I consume is logged. (Coming up on my 365-day streak in MFP.) More importantly, every calorie I consume is logged without judgment. There are no "good" days or "bad" days. There are no "cheat" days. There are just days that I eat food and keep track of what I'm eating. More often than not, I eat within my calorie budget. If I go big deal. I just log it. Switching my mindset away from restriction and negativity around certain foods has been one of the biggest changes I have made. Restriction is what drove my bingeing before, so it has no place in my life now. I can eat anything I want, as long as most days I keep within my calorie budget.
  • I learned that if you zoom in too closely on your data, you miss the big picture. I weigh daily, which can lead to some frustration when my actions don't automatically show up on the scale. I still get an initial wave of frustration when I step on the scale and see an increase, but then I figure out what might have caused it. Did I eat more sodium than usual the day before? That's a guaranteed water weight increase for a day or two. Did I go harder than usual with my physical activity? That's a guaranteed water weight increase for about a week. Where am I in my monthly cycle? That's good for a couple of increases a month, too. You can't take a single day, or even a single week in isolation. If I look at my "big picture", I'm headed in the right direction.
  • Eating fewer calories doesn't mean being hungry all of the time. There are so many lower-calorie, delicious foods out there, that I don't ever have to be hungry. If I'm feeling particularly famished, a 1-pound bag of broccoli slaw with 3 tablespoons of Thai peanut sauce, and a chicken breast comes in at well under 400 calories for a tasty, satisfying meal. When I'm feeling nibbly, I season and roast a bunch of chickpeas, or green beans, or whatever vegetable I have on hand, and can easily fill the void I used to fill with a whole bag of chips or package of cookies.
  • I acknowledge that I will never be as good at estimating portions as my food scale is. think you can eyeball it. You may even use measuring cups and spoons. But nothing will ever be as accurate as a weight measurement. It might not be important for things like carrots, but for calorie-dense foods like peanut butter, nuts, or ice can make a huge difference.
  • I keep a go-to supply of "alternatives" to some of my otherwise calorie-dense food choices. Feel like you need ice cream - keep some whipped yogurt in the freezer. (They even have a creamsicle flavor!) It's cold and sweet, and you can eat it right out of the freezer. More often than not, that does the trick. I have even managed to work riced cauliflower into my rotation, giving me the filling sensation of eating rice with much fewer calories. (The trick here is the sauce. Tex-Mex seasoning, curries, and even Buffalo sauce all do a great job of masking the cauliflower flavor.) Craving sweet? Have a cup of cinnamon tea before snacking to make sure that it isn't just an itch you need to scratch. Craving savory? Make a big mug of reduced-sodium broth and add in whatever seasoning floats your boat. (I am partial to all sorts of hot sauce.) And if those don't do the trick, there's nothing wrong with enjoying whatever you have a hankering for, as long as you keep it reasonable most of the time.
  • Whenever possible, I reward myself for my hard work. Get that cute new outfit, even if it means shopping the clearance rack to save a little cash. Take a day trip. Get a massage. Get a hammock and read a book outside all afternoon. I justify the little splurges by remembering that I used to eat out 5 or more days a week. I have worked hard and deserve whatever nice things I can do for myself as acknowledgment of my efforts.
  • Not everything that happens to my body is an improvement, but overall I'm in a better place. My is deflating like a 45-year-old balloon. It's not pretty. (Why, oh why, does it have to be so face-adjacent‽) My belly is squishy and weird. My thighs...ugh! But I can cross my legs now. I was able to finish a hike that I had to quit half-way through last fall. My resting heart rate actually looks like a resting heart rate. I don't panic about whether or not I'll fit in or even break a chair I have to sit in. I get that it can be hard not to focus on the stuff that isn't as perfect as you imagined it would be, but I can pretty confidently assure you that there are way more positive changes you can focus on instead.
  • Everybody's journey is their own. I used to get really down on myself when I'd read a post here from someone who was lamenting being huge, even though "their" huge would be a major accomplishment for me. I have to remind myself that my goals are my own. My progress is my own. My successes and hurdles are my own. I don't have to be happy with anyone else's body as long as I am happy with myself.
  • It is too easy to make excuses. I'm not usually one for sappy quotes, but I saw this early in my journey, and it has really stuck with me: "If you want to shrink the size of your 'butt', you need to shrink the size of your 'but'."

I'm sure there's more to share, but I'll save that for the post I make when I hit my goal weight. Thanks for reading. Wherever you are in your journey, the fact that you are spending time here means that you have a desire to succeed. I KNOW you have what it takes to do it!

submitted by /u/Elystriel
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It's okay to lose weight slowly

I weighed myself this morning and I'm really sad that I'm 219 again (for reference, I'm a 23yr old 5'3 female)

But it's important to remind ourselves that weight loss takes time and that it's okay to lose weight slowly. I was losing weight fast and dropped down from 229lbs to 184lbs about two years ago. I was sort of miserable though, constantly weighing my food and praying I was under 1200kcals, though preferably 1100kcals daily, and I think that's what made me lose control. I thought about beating myself down with the scale again and it put me off so much.

I have mental health issues, so I'm sure some of my peers can understand how difficult it is to not eat your feelings out to feel better and suppress the pain away. I currently cut my mother off from my life and I don't have any family here aside from my SO.

With the previous knowledge I have, I promise to be good to myself and slowly reach my goal weight. I shouldn't be too hard on myself if I slip up here and there because I'm only human and am bound to make mistakes every now and then.

I'm still going to weigh my food, but give myself a 1500kcal limit daily and make my way to the gym for daily walking. Hopefully I'll gradually do weight lifting and cardio, but I'm not going to overwhelm myself and stop because of being overwhelmed.

I'm thankful for this community here, as we're all supporting each other. I guess it's important to remind ourselves that slow progress is okay, so long as we keep ourselves accountable.

I just want to be happy. Plain and simply happy. I'll slowly get there!

submitted by /u/Goomy-goom
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It’s as easy (and hard) as y’all told me it would be

I (6ft M) graduated highschool 10 years ago, weighing 170 and in tip top shape courtesy of basketball and not having a car (so I had to walk everywhere).

Long story short, I got up to 245 and didn’t realize how big I was until seeing myself in a picture with my friends that I thought I was the same size as.

You all were so annoying with “caloric deficit”, blah blah. But I am now down from 245 to 218 in 3.5 months with my only two changes being 1) calorie counting, and 2) subbing out most of my heavy weightlifting for simply walking on a treadmill at an incline. Somebody said “nobody is impressed with the moderately strong fat guy” and that has been my motto this year.

This post is half “go me, I’m halfway to my goal” but mostly it’s “thank you for giving me my energy/confidence/life back”.

Best of luck to all of you!

submitted by /u/drinkandknowthingss
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Noom: Any tips on how to get similar psychological/CBT/info benefits, WITHOUT actually buying noom?

I read a couple posts and reviews about Noom. Many people seem to be saying that the CBT and psychological approach sometimes work for them, but the groups, coaching and tracking was less helpful or that other apps do better with those.

I was wondering if anybody knows of any alternatives to get that CBT or psychological info/experience without actually using Noom--youtube channels, apps, books, anything?

I already track my calories with CICO and have a decent understanding of nutrition, I'm just curious about a psychological approach to healthy, sustainable eating. In the last 2 years I've lost weight and gained 2/3 of it back, so trying to find ways to better my mindset.

Thanks so much!! ^^

submitted by /u/imsotired8
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binge eating

binge eating

hello.. im new to this community, i am 14 years old and has been double the reccomended weight for my age ever since i started high school (the school i go to is very competitive lol) i never really minded my weight and body these past few years since the extra fats went to the “right parts” and idk if it is the stress thats why i find something to give me comfort but now i’m honestly starting to get conscious with the amount of money i spend plus for my health yet i can’t still seem to stop myself.. if you guys have any tips for losing this habit i would really love to hear them.

submitted by /u/Weak-Storage-48
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Using Noom along with dr and am annoyed. Just ranting.

so like tittle says I'm using Noom along with advice from my dr because i'm 270, alost 30 and family has a history of type 1 diabetes i need to lose the weight. Now I've always been big 150+ in hs, 200+ when i got married and now 270 and it really is a case of "the reason is bull shit" I don't really eat, I mean i do I'll have my normal 3 meals and dessert every other day but that's about it. and when doing that, despite not changing my habits (last....6 years I've been self employed working from home and because I don't drive(ptsd from 2 car accidents that were practically back to back) other than walking i don't get out much) I'd balloon up. Even if those 3 meals and 1 dessert were under 2000 callories.

Example last week I did the 6 small meals a day, dinner being the biggest. I was eating things like egg/cheese/1 piece of turkey bacon on an English muffin for breakfast. 2 hours later i'd have like a piece of fruit or a granola bar. then at noon i'd eat lunch(left overs from dinner the night bfore) another 2 hours and i'd have like jello or chips. at 5:30-6 i'd eat dinner like turkey kielbasa hash. 2 hours later some ice-cream or a cookie. All of that was, each day was almost 2000 callories(like 1600, or 1840), along with 2-3 glasses of water. I felt like it was way way too much food. by Thursday I actually dreaded the snacks in-between each meal because I just don't like eating that much/often. But despite that I lost 1lb every day or two. With out fail.

Then the weekend came. Saturday/sun roughly 1400 calories a day. And i walked more because Saturday we go food shopping and Sunday took the dog to the dog park. Yet despite eating less, and doing more I had gained 4 lbs. in 2 days. WTF? How an why? the weekdays where i ate close to 2000 calories i actually was LESS active than I was on the weekends. I did have my vr, that I spent about 45 mins playing each day that got me up and moving (we have a family room we cleared out for vr roughly 16ft by 12 that we have to move around in as we use full body tracking to "walk" in the games) But that only got me to 3000 steps a day mon-Friday (yay working from home on your all butt all day) where as the weekends i got 6000 steps a day.

Shouldn't less food + more exercise = lost lbs and more food + less exercise =gained lbs? how come its switched for me? I asked my dr and their response was "its just how your body is" well that doesn't explain anything "its just how it is" is a crap answer. Highschool was the same the more meals i ate, and the less i did i would lose a lot of weight i did at once point get below 150 but the minuet i stop eating 6 times a day and start being active i gain all the weight back plus more. I don't like to eat a lot, because of the weight I have a bad relationship with food, so this ass backwards way my body works pisses me off. The only thing i can think thats a better answer than what my dr gave is, its something with how my body processes food/how quickly/slowly it does it. Idk anyway, this was just an annoyed rant, though if you have any idea why, for me the age old, less food + move more =lbs is totally opposite for how my body decides it loses weight isn't a think, lmk cause i'd love to know.

submitted by /u/VampireAllana
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Week 5 Update: That my friends, was a tough one M:42 SW:330 CW: 304

Happy Monday community.

Man this was a rough week. While I managed to maintain all of my "rules" I was just not in the mood to cook anything too crazy. As such I ended up with a burger night on the grill and some jambalaya on another night. After a few weeks of lean protein and veggies it felt like a step in the wrong direction. I have also been extremely cranky which I am none too proud of. I am usually on a pretty even keel but the fuse has been short.

Energy wise I did pretty well though. I was able to get a lot done and didn't really feel hungry and kept things pretty tight. I dunno, seems to be taking more of a toll emotionally then it is physically this last week. I will come through it though.

All that aside in the end I am down another 4 pounds and still on track for 2 more weeks to get out of the 300s. Just have to re-center and refocus, not to mention learn a bit of patience.

Time for some meditation I believe.

I hope everyone is well out there in loseit land.

submitted by /u/Brahmus_mc
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Planned diet break for my weight loss journey?

Hey everyone. For the past 4 months I’ve been eating at a caloric deficit. I started my journey at 266 lbs and weighed in at 216.8lbs on Saturday morning. Super proud of my progress.

As 4 months have gone by I realized recently that im getting drained eating the same foods every week and I am deciding to take a diet break for this week. Nothing crazy, just not tracking for a week, eating dinner with my wife like we used to (taco night, chicken parm, burgers on the grill). During my journey I’ve also allowed myself one cheat meal a week.

My question is has anyone completed a planned diet break? How were the results on the scale afterwards? Any tips on how to bounce back after the week is over? I do plan on continuing my workout routine. Lifting and nightly walks with my family will continue. Any information and tips are appreciated! Thanks!

submitted by /u/DerJ3ager
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Daily Q&A Post for Monday, 28 June 2021 - No question too small!

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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My terrible relationship with food

I just found this wonderful community a couple of days ago, and I am so happy I did. To read through everyone’s stories and advice makes my health journey feel much less alone. My partner is an extremely healthy guy with amazing eating habits so it’s hard to confide in him lol. I wanted to see if anyone can relate to my story and if they have any tips for me, or maybe just to vent, either way I’m happy.

I grew up with parents that taught me to have the WORST relationship with food. Of course I love my mom and dad but, sometimes I feel a bit resentful at what they (unintentionally) taught me. Growing up, we ate takeout multiple times a week, my mom constantly went on crash diets and encouraged me to do them with her, and I probably have the worst taste in food now because I wasn’t really introduced to much as a kid (I don’t like sauces, I don’t eat fish or shellfish, the veggies and fruits I like are very limited etc.)

I would constantly sneak food and just binge on anything I could get my hands on because food became such a comfort for me, all my problems went away once I sneaked a bowl of cake mix and a bit of water into my room (sounds gross but I swear it’s amazing). My mom was also an avid Diet Coke drinker so now I consume at least 2 per day as well. I was about 180 pounds at 14 and I felt terrible. I think people are beautiful at any size but truth be told, I was so unhealthy and I knew continuing the way I was I would end up with serious health conditions (I have lots of heart problems/weight related problems that run in my family). So I did what I knew best, I went from one extreme to the other and I basically stopped eating for two months. I lost roughly 80 pounds in just over two months. I never ate and only did eat a little with my family at dinner but at school I wouldn’t go near food. When my mom noticed, instead of helping me in an positive way, she scolded me and weighed me everyday. The experience was traumatic.

Anyways, I was down to 100 pounds at 16. And ever since (I am 20 now) I have bounced back and forth between being 20 pounds underweight, and 50 pounds over weight which has screwed up my metabolism. Currently I am on the overweight side at about 145 (I am short as well, about 5’2) and I am not sure how to fix my relationship with food. I think the simple answer is some form of therapy but no way I can afford that lol.

Thanks for letting me vent, I am super determined to take smaller steps to better my health and I am glad I found this community to help.

Edit: can you tell I love using commas incorrectly? One day I’ll learn lol

submitted by /u/SnooHesitations400
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2,5 years later update

Update from my previous post 2,5 years ago (I was shocked to learn 2,5 years had gone past already).

It started well, with the help of a nutritionist I managed to lose about 7-8kg over a year, which went fairly easy. I decided I could continue on my own without the nutritionist. It actually went quite well, did lose a little bit over the next months untill Covid hit. Staying indoors, work from home and have plenty of food readily available wasn't a great recipe. All the weight came back within 3-4 months and was almost back at my starting weight.

I decided to take restart again during the lockdown. Actually, as all sport schools were closed, there weren't much options. The only choice I had was to take a personal trainer and work with him in his private studio. It is very expensive, but I decided that it was worth it if he could deliver what he promised. I wasn't going on holiday anyway, so I signed up for 2 sessions a week at the studio + 1 workout session on my own at home, it also included help with nutrition.

Actually what surprised me how quickly I got used to excersising 3 times a week, especially considering I was doing absolutely nothing before. The first few months were tough, all the excersises were mostly limited due to physical pains and aches, but over time it did start paying off.

After almost half a year with the personal trainer the weight has come off. Not only that, a lot of fat has been replaced by muscle, that should help in maintaining the weight over time. I had my ups and downs, but the overall tendency weight wise was going well, hopefully hitting my GW end of this year.

Physically I feel the best I ever have over last 15 years. Everything is a bit easier when you have less fat and more muscle. Just simply picking something up from the ground is a no-thinker, while before it was almost a planned activity. However, I am still slightly dissapointed on the body aches, my back still hurts for no reason, I feel still quite stiff despite the excersising. I'm seeing a physical therapist also now in parallel, hopefully fixing also this bit, which should allow me to excersise a bit more freely.

Status now: 39M 184cm SW:130kg CW:113kg GW:99kg

post from 2,5 years ago

submitted by /u/Volpaspoort
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The grind is merciless and any falter destroys all progress.

I'm having a difficult time, friends. Right now I eat 2k calories per day and walk 2-3km every day except on weekends (Going to start doing weekends too now...). It is hard to maintain 2k calories and I am often struggling to keep it as such, so although I'd like to go down to 1800 I'll wait until I fully adjust.

I've been dieting for a couple of months now. I've gone down 5kg at most but always make it back. I went to a friend's party on Saturday and we ate junk food. I though "hey I've been eating well and going on my walks every day, I can eat some junkfood one meal and be fine, right?" Wrong. Gained 3kg from one evening destroying 2 weeks of progress. This is how it always goes. 2 weeks of discipline and hunger and one eveing that destroys all the progress. I'm so exhausted you guys. I'm sad all the damn time. Before at least I had food to get me some of that serotonin, how am I supposed to be hungry, sad and alone until I get some results? It feels impossible.

submitted by /u/FatTheMagnificent
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Weighted myself again and glad to see the result! Though is my fat% too low?

I am F23, 52kg and 155cm

Title says it.. Weighted myself again in more detail and found out that: 1. Fat%: decreased from 34.3% to 3.0% 2. Muscle mass: increased from 38.0kg to 47.3 3. BMR: increased from 1274 kcal to 1450 kcal 4. Metabolic age: decreased from 35 to 14 5. Visceral Fat Rating: decreased from 6 to 1 6. FFM: increased from 40.4kg to 50.5kg 7. TBW%: increased from 47.6% to 63%

Full measurement here:

Glad to see the improvement on my muscle mass, BMR, Visceral fat and FFM! But wondering if the fat% is really decreased that much and whether it is still healthy or not? Also is my TBW too high? I do drink lots of water…

Also do you have any advice to my current body measurements? Anything I should decrease or increase?

submitted by /u/Meaning-Relevant
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my boyfriend and i weighed ourselves tonight and i feel so self conscious

so for some context, i love my boyfriend very much. we have been together for over a year and plan to tie the knot (not looking for criticism on that, love had no timeline). we are extremely comfortable with eachother and he has never been hateful or dismissive to my body in any way. anyways, tonight we were running around the house and had to change the batteries in the scale. for fun we decided to both weigh ourselves. he is on the skinner side and came in at around 140 lbs (63 kilos), and i was 160 (72 kilos). i was absolutely mortified and instantly felt self conscious. in retrospect, my health has taken a turn over thr pst year. i have switched anti depressants and birth controls which had directly impacted my weight. seroquel was the worst for me and caused a lot of binge eating and hunger. i used to be huge in the gym and went almost every day, but since my mental health declined i have ended my membership and stopped going. how do i eliminate this somewhat shameful feeling? i had struggled with disorder eating in the past, and many times when i start a diet it spirals out of control for me and ends in laxative abuse. does anyone have any advice?

submitted by /u/Silent_Heron_612
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Top rice weight loss diet Tips

Top rice weight loss diet Tips-An Overview Lose weight quickly, become healthy and fit; that's what many diets promise. However, if ...