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Weight Loss for Everyone: January 2022

Monday, January 31, 2022

How do you eat all of your calories and drink a gallon of water?

Seriously. I have kept 40 lbs over the last year and a half. I want to get serious to get the rest of my weight off. One thing I have been trying to do is pay close attention to my body's needs abd IF. I lost like 6 lbs in a week. In hingsight, I realized where my unhealthy relationship with food came from and why I was over eating. Now I want to incorporate strength training like I did initially to lose. But I noticed when I used to eat my calories and drink at least half a gallon, I would feel full too long. It was horrible.

I have been eating a high protein/ low/healthy carb diet so I stay fuller longer. How do you get in whatever your calorie allotment is, with water, and not feel like you are about to bust? I just want to make sure I am eating. Also, I notoced before the scale wouldn't budge too much but I lost inches.

submitted by /u/1985throwaway85
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Should I be eating more?

Today I admitted to having only consumed 400 cals in the form of a protein shake, while working around 2,000 cal out at the gym. Combined with normal walking all day, I’ve burned 4,476 cal today. According to a health science major sitting next to me, I’m at risk of starving myself to the point my body holds on to fat. He claims I should be consuming 2,000 cals a day.

I argued with him for a while saying it was fine to go a day or so without food. But I eventually took his advice and got myself to 1,230 cals in when I got home. Which is around to my average intake.

My question is, is he right? Because I’ve only noticed results when I’m under a recommended calorie intake.

Edit: ok so apparently fit bits aren’t good at counting calories.

submitted by /u/Jonny-Marx
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Not seeing the scale change

I have been at the gym on a solid routine set by my trainer for almost 4 months now. I am not tracking my calories but I have a good idea most days of what I am putting into myself.

People are noticing that I am looking leaner and my partner said she noticed that it looks like I’ve lost weight. I am much stronger than I was when I started and I look much more muscular than I used to. My diet is not perfect but it gets better every week. A total 180 from where it was 4 months ago.

I think I am looking a little lighter and my beer belly isn’t poking out as much but it is hard to tell. It is discouraging to not see the scale go down. If it has it isn’t much. Is this common? Could I be losing fat and putting on muscle? Sometimes does it take a while to notice the fat loss?

I feel great that people are noticing what I am doing but I am not so sure I can see it.

submitted by /u/Interesting_Report
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I’ve been binging since Christmas, trying to get back on track and lose water weight

Ever since Christmas I’ve kinda just lost motivation with healthy eating. Technically I’m in the healthy range for weight, but I’ve gained like 15 ibs in the past month which is probably mostly water weight (my guess is like 3-5 ibs actual weight) and I’ve felt so bloated and self-conscious and physically uncomfortable.

I’ve also broken out a bit with all the sugar I’ve let myself have. Ugh. I’m thinking about just doing like really low carbs for a week or two since carbs cause major water weight. I’ve been chugging water too. Wish me luck ig lol.

submitted by /u/yellow_starrz
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[24F / 5’4 / 230lbs] Need help with losing weight.

So to start off i wasnt always fat, i was a pretty athletic kid in my 5-12, i was taking gymnastic classes and was in a swmimming team until i moved to another state and thats where i started to get bigger. The city i was in didnt offer the same opportunities for sports, the school i went to had horrible food so my parent would buy me fast food EVERY SINGLE DAY which lead with ABSOLUTELY NO SURPRISE to me getting from around 100lbs to 140 in less than 2 years. Time passes by and im 18 (around 190lbs) , im really self consious about my weight and try to lose weight by fasting and exercising yet i dont really seem to lose any weight at all. I then break up with my bf causing me to gain even more weight and here i am 24 and in a extremely poor physical condition, i feel extremely out of shape i can barely go up stairs without being out of breath and i feel really bad about showing my body to anyone. I came here to request help and to know what i should do and mostly where i should start. Any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/throwaway7237823732
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Sunday, January 30, 2022

I am done

I just got out of the hospital after almost dying from Covid. I have asthma and my heart rate was through the roof when I went to the hospital on Monday. They had to take me to the emergency room. My heart was struggling. I’m sure my weight is part of the problem. I started my weight loss journey 1/1/22 at 274 lbs, 5’6”, 19F and have lost like 11 lbs so far. Now I just got out of the hospital a couple days ago and the past 4 days I’ve ate wayyy over my goal. Pizza Hut stuffed crust, ice cream, fried chicken. I had the mentality that since I almost died and just got out the hospital it was okay. Weighed myself right out of the hospital before overeating and gained like 3 pounds which shocked me. But it’s probably water weight as they injected me with like 6 liters of saline. This is my second time trying to lose a bunch of weight (lost 60 pounds before but gained it back plus more). Thought I had it this time but I feel awful for overeating my calories those 4 days as this year I wasn’t going to eat over my budget at all. And I’m scared to weight myself on feb 1.

I can’t take this anymore. Help.

submitted by /u/77throwawayyyyyyy7
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Does the sugar free diet really work?

I’m 61 5’5 and 160 lb and have been trying to lose 30 pounds for years now. I have tried keto and had no energy even though I was eating enough. Tried counting calories and got too hungry and tried intermittent fasting which worked the best but I found it inconvenient to not eat some times especially when we were on the road.

My daughter came home and had lost 40lb and was down to her high school weight. She partly came back to pick out some old clothes since she lost so much nothing else fit. She’s 34 and this amount of weight lost happened over the course of a year but I was fascinated and asked her what she did since I couldn’t shed my weight. She told me she did no sugar, which means no sugar, no fruit juice or dried fruit, no sugar substitutes, no drinking and no processed carbs. But she ate everything else. Her husband and her did the diet together and he also lost 30lb. They were eating tacos with guacamole, cheese, steak and said that was normal for them. Since they have a family they’ve relaxed to include one relaxed meal a week so the children can still enjoy but I can see it benefits. Has anyone else had experiences with sugar free? After so many diets I just want to do something easy and works well.

submitted by /u/eke8
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Best way to start losing weight and staying on track? (depression and anxiety)

hi there :(

ive been fluctuating between being slightly to very overweight since i was 14. im 21 now (female) and since the pandemic started ive gained way too much weight. im now obese (above the maximum bmi so i dont even know what my actual bmi is) and i look at photos of myself from only a year ago and I think to myself "how could i possibly have been unhappy with that body?" i cant believe what ive done to myself and my body. now to give some more insight:

im 5'8 (172 cm) and.. probably way above 100kg. i havent checked in a while because i am way too afraid. i know im gonna have a mental breakdown if i go step on the scale so i just avoid it. what i do know is that its definitely at least 100kg because it was above that number last time i weighed myself, and i have definitely not lost any weight since then, ive probably put more on.

ive also been dealing with depression and anxiety, and possibly other conditions since the age of 13/14. my way of coping with my emotions has always been to just eat. its now turned into a mix of eating my feelings but also just having gotten used to eating all the time that i cant help but not eat if im just bored, or just need to do something. this went on until i graduated in 12th grade and left school, and i finally felt like i could freely express myself. i went for a haircut, me and my best friend have always wanted to lose weight so we built up the courage to go to the gym and it was honestly one of the best periods of my life. i would often go to the gym on my own, i didnt feel anxious or afraid to run on the treadmill and do other workouts. i just did my own thing and it felt amazing. eventually, even after only 1-2 months results started to show. shorts that usually fit me just fine would slide off a bit, and i just felt so great overall.

then comes covid, and so i no longer was able to manage my depression. even though i had always stayed inside my room, just playing games and being on my computer alone all day, it suddenly felt so damn awful not having the option to go outside, i know many people will know what i mean so im not gonna go too in depth about this part. basically, the pandemic ruined what i had going on for me. the gyms obviously closed. and without the routine workout schedule i wasnt able to maintain a healthier diet either. everything in my life just went downhill.

even though i moved countries to go to university and live near my boyfriend, those things alone didnt help me stay stable. i have no support system here, parents arent an option either, i dont speak to my dad and the relationship with my mother is so toxic that i prefer not speaking to her unless she wants to. i wasnt able to make friends at uni either because it was all online and reaching out to people was hard enough for me already.

ever since i moved from germany to the UK (august 2020) i have just been stress eating, and eating myself away mentally. my mental and physical health are both the worst theyve ever been, and i dont know how to help myself.

i cant even walk past mirrors anymore, or go outside and see other people without feeling like im unbelievably ugly and anyone who sees me will think of me as this disgusting human being. i avoid meeting up with my boyfriends mother and brother because i am so ashamed of myself. i was planning to visit germany this year in summer but seeing how i look i just know i cant go unless i magically lose a ton of weight. my family is very judgmental. and i dont wanna come back after a year and a half and show them what ive done to myself.

now that ive just trauma dumped for no reason (i apologize, i just thought it could help add context to my story and explain that my weight gain hasnt just been me eating too much for fun) i guess this is where my question comes in. what steps should i take? i am terrible at staying on track with things. im already planning on calling my gp tomorrow to arrange an appointment to talk about getting antidepressants so they can at least help me with my uni work (university has been going terribly as well). but aside from that i dont know where to begin. i dont know what to eat that would be better for me but also not too big of a change so that i dont force myself into something im not mentally ready for.

my uni has a gym that i could go to (15 gbp a month) but it is a 30 minute walk away and im scared of paying for something i wont use. and i am so afraid of people at the gym looking at me and thinking ''what an ugly fuck''..

how often should i go if i do get the membership? do i only do cardio? what kind of diet can i try to be healthier? what else can i do to improve my physical health in general? and most of all - to all the people who struggle with mental illness but have managed to become healthier physically - how did you do it? i have so many problems going on in my life currently that i feel extremely overwhelmed and i dont really know where to start. any, seriously ANY advice will be appreciated. if you have read this far, thank you so much.

and once again, sorry if all these negative thoughts of mine are inappropriate on here. i just dont feel right explaining my situation without being completely transparent about how im actually feeling mentally.

submitted by /u/lolalolife
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Sunday Closet Cleanout

Huge closet clean out today on a whim to get rid of all of the things that are way too big. I remember not that long ago I was having to clean out my closest because nothing was big enough.

Non-Scale Victory: When I hardcore cleaned out my closet last time, my wife encouraged me to find clothes I was comfortable and confident in for that time and to worry about smaller clothes as I lost weight. So we went out and bought some jeans around that time. They were 38x30 541 (“athletic” fit but honestly they were just the only style of jeans I could fit into comfortably). Today I bought 33x29 in SLIM FIT. For the first time in as long as I can remember, my wife looked at my like she wanted to jump my bones. Obviously she doesn’t find me unattractive and hasn’t even when I was grossly overweight, but this is the first time in along time where I felt very confident and sexy in my own skin and clothes.

Taking these three bags of clothes to donate tomorrow and pledging to never need to wear those sizes again!

submitted by /u/nbnicholas
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How do I know if I am under eating, malnourished, or not getting what I need?

Quick stats, I'm 353 lbs and have been doing intermittent fasting for about 3 months now. The past couple weeks I finally hit a rhythm with my calories and am back into keeping track of what I eat and staying under my calorie goal.

My current calorie goal is 2100 per day, but I've been ending closer to 1800 each day. A typical day might be a very large salad, some chicken mixed with rice, tomatoes, peppers, and kale, and then a can of fruit or fresh fruit if I have it. I believe I'm hitting the daily recommended on fruits and veggies, and I'm getting at least some protein. I'm also drinking a lot of water and exercising for an hour almost every day.

My energy has been high, I've been sleeping well, and I generally don't feel very hungry. Example, my window for eating is 2-10pm and today I've only had 300 calories but don't really feel the need to eat, though I know I need to and will.

Is there anything else I should be sure I'm getting in my diet or am I doing okay?

submitted by /u/BranWheatKillah
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Please help with ideas for food

Hi Friends,

I am looking for some help. My life circumstances are a bit unique and so I'm looking for some ideas. I am living in an office building where I work and cant afford to get a normal apartment for probably 6 months. I have somewhat limited access to a fridge but do have a microwave.

I get one meal provided by my office everyday. But I don't get to pick where I go to eat. To make it even spicier I don't have access to a vehicle so I order whatever groceries I get via instacart or something similar so I can't just run to a grocery store everyday.

I tried to do OMAD with the meals I get from my office but I much prefer to eat a few small meals which are high in protein throughout the day.

I am 30M currently 340 LBS. Gw ~180. I've done a 300-160 drop before and I maintained at 180ish (lifted everyday and a lot of the 160-180 was good weight) for about 7 years (until I got divorced and covid). I've been told I'm very active and mobile for someone my size/weight. I walk 3-5 times a week for an hour each and lift 3x a week doing a back/bi, Chest/tri, Legs/shoulders rotation.

I would like to start doing some kind of update/check in but I don't know the best way to do that.

submitted by /u/ds10151
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Needing a little reassurance.

Hi all. For starters, I’m 27, 5’7” and my SW was 265 pounds. After getting sick of how horrible I felt all the time, since Dec 21 I’ve been counting calories and being more active. I’ve lost about 13 pounds, currently weighing 252.

Last week I got covid for the first time (I’m vaccinated and boosted but started working at a daycare 2 months ago) and was put on steroids and many other medicines. I did okay for the first half of the week, but the last 3-4 days or so I’ve been slipping. I haven’t logged my calories, I’ve ate a few fast food meals. I have been struggling with hunger and cravings again. I’m trying to go o easy on myself as I know my body is recovering and fighting off sickness. I guess I’m just looking for similar discussion on how this is normal and ok and I’m not too far gone yet. Has this ever happened to you and if so, how did you get back on track?

This morning when I weighed in, I was at 254. So I haven’t gained tremendously, but I didn’t lose either.

submitted by /u/screegeegoo
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Lost 23kg (50lbs) in 9 months. 29kg left!

Hi! I'm a 22 (soon 23) yo male. I started my weight loss journey in May 2021. At that time, i was at 138kg (304lbs). Now I'm currently at 115kg (254lbs), so 23kg down (or a nice and round 50lbs for my American friends).

I gained 40+kg during my time in college, because I was in a toxic relationship and junk food was my only ally. Then i got out of the relationship in 2019, and for 2 years i tried to lose weight, failing every time to keep going. I'm just here to share what worked for me.

At that time, i tried several times to drastically change the way I eat, but sudden changes cannot be sustainable. So I decided to change one thing at a time, and i made sure to replace an old habit by a new one every two month. First thing I did was to stop ordering Uber Eats so much, and eat what was in my fridge, regardless of what I bought for food. It created a habit of eating things in my fridge, but it wasn't drastic because I bought whatever i wanted whenever I went shopping for food.

Next thing I did was to stop eating between meals. I am unemployed so I woke up pretty late in the morning every day. I skip breakfast and have two meals a day, eating whatever I wanted.

Next habit was to get myself into cooking. I started making meals my mom used to make me and that I liked, like lasagnas for examples. I make sure to have a list of food I want to cook so i know exactly what to get I'm going grocery shopping. My mom taught me how to do a homemade couscous for example ; I'm always trying to extend my cooking skills.

For those wondering : no, I'm not keeping track of the calories I am eating. I did it for a month or two, but i realized it only made me anxious because whenever i had a day where I ordered food or ate too much, I felt guilty seeing a negative calorie result on MyFitnessPal. So now I only use it to keep track of my weight.

I also weigh myself only one time a week, because I realized doing it everyday would determine my mood for the day, and I didn't want that. I weigh myself in the same conditions every time though ; when I get out of bed in the morning, after going to the toilets.

Next habit I wanna build myself is to go to the gym at least once a week. I have a membership but I never truly built the habit to go regularly, so it's my next step. When it'll be implemented, i want to try to go two or three times a week.

So yeah, just wanted to share my progress. It's so satisfying to have your friends tell you that your efforts are paying because you look different.

If anyone has any questions, I'll gladly answer.

And trust me, considering my background and my mental health, if I can do it, everyone can do it. you just have to find what works for you.

submitted by /u/VK62
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Do waist trainers actually work?

I’m quite insecure about my waist. I’ve never worn my waist trainer for a workout, but I’ve worn them to hide the fat around my waist. I will definitely try it out in a workout if it does help shrink the inches off your waist. I have been working out for a while now, could waist trainers help shrink a few inches off my waist?

I’ve been fasting, eating smaller portions, and cutting junk food from my diet and replacing it with vegetables as well. Regardless of my results, I still feel a bit discouraged. I would really like the fat around my waist to be off.

submitted by /u/kallieex
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Saturday, January 29, 2022

I am so sick of yo-yo dieting

I thought this year was going to be different. I thought I set good goals, but here I am, the whole month of January, yo-yo dieting.

I have gone some days eating good. And some days eating like junk because of stress. I have even gone crying before eating food because I thought it was too much calories.

I have been educating myself and seeing so much good advice, but the bad still gets to me and makes me want to restrict and restrict.

I keep either gaining weight or maintaining my horrible weight. I am in my first relationship and I hate my body.

I don't want to lose weight because I want to be less insecure because that is a bad reason. But I can't help but think it would help.

I am hoping this year is the year I can do it!

Wish me luck 🤞

submitted by /u/Trin_nerd42
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How do I stop eating out of habit?

I've been literally conditioning myself to buy practically the same junk food every week. It's automatic. I go into the stores. I know I shouldn't bring crap into the house. I know EVEN WHILE IM IN THE STORE that when I eat this shit I feel like shit. But out of habit like an automaton I pick up the same damn things every week. I know I need to stop buying that and get meat produce and fruits. Do I do it? NO.

How can I stop?

submitted by /u/IWantToBeSimplyMe
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Normal weight but high fat percentage

Hello there. I'm 17, 165 cm, 50 kgs and a girl. I just calculated my body fat percentage and it's around 25%. I weighed about 53 kgs a couple of months ago and I wanted to lose some fat because I just felt so heavy, I hadn't done proper research nor was I willing to put in the necessary effort so I just decreased my calory intake but kept my bad eating habits and now I weigh 3 kgs less but look pretty much the same. I'm gonna be honest here, pretty much everything I eat is carbs, all my favorite foods are carbs and I don't think I can ever feel full without a big piece of bread. But honestly I feel so deprived of energy and just tired all the time that I'm willing to part ways with some of my favorite foods. I always treated my body like a vessel to just carry around my brain but I've learned my lesson about the imppact it has on my thinking ability and I really want to be more healthy. I really don't have time to work out because of school and studying but I want to eat better and just burn some of this fat without losing any further weight. Anyone have any tips at all?

submitted by /u/ketchupinpasta
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Ride the Craving Wave with me!

I saw this amazing post on LoseIt recently and I want to try to apply it right now.

I’m home alone tonight, I’ve had my dinner already, and the craving waves are hitting hard. All I want to do is order some Domino’s and pig out HARD. But I am not going to do it! Instead I’m going to hang out here and keep myself busy.

Thoughts that are helping me ride the wave: - I just have to make it to 6 am tomorrow.

  • I can either work on this tomorrow morning (when I’ll be picking myself up YET AGAIN) or work on it right now (by not overeating).

  • If I’m truly hungry, I have a healthy snack planned and I’ll eat that. I can always eat if I’m hungry. I don’t need to order takeout for that.

  • I have urges every night. This is not a special occasion - this is a normal occurrence.

I’ll keep dropping more here as I come up with them. I can do this!! This is going to be a deficit night. Going to wake up tomorrow proud, happy, with no regrets and a flatter belly :)

Edit 1/another thought: I’ve had enough calories already today. So even if I get hungry, I KNOW I’ve had enough food for the day. (Which is probably why I keep thinking I’m hungry, drinking water, and then realizing I wasn’t hungry at all - just thirsty.)

Edit 2: Tonight, I’m going to break this habit loop. I’m chipping away at this neural pathway and it will get weaker every time. It’s never going to be as hard as it is tonight!

Edit 3: I want to be sexy. And even more than that, I want to be FREE. Free from bloated bellies. Free from feeling gross. Free from worrying about food. Free to wear anything I feel like. Just FREE. This is worth it. This is me shaking off my shackles, one day at a time.

Edit 4: The craving waves seem to have stopped. It seems like they lasted…maybe an hour max? That’s not so bad!! I’ll trade an hour of discomfort for freedom, happiness, pride, finally having a chill easy relationship with food, and achieving the ONE goal I’ve been working on the longest!!

Edit 5: The math on this is kind of crazy. If I ordered food, I would have had maybe 30 min of happiness while eating + most of the day tomorrow feeling gross and disappointed. Instead, I chose ~60 min of slight discomfort + a whole day of feeling proud tomorrow. YAY!!

submitted by /u/FuriousKitten
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Does the time of day I eat make a difference in weight loss?

Does the time of day I eat food make a difference in how much weight I lose? For example, if I eat 1500 calories before 7 then eat nothing else, do I lose more weight than if I eat 1500 calories and finish them around 9pm? I've always heard you shouldn't eat after 7 but if it's just a matter of eating less calories, I'm curious if that plays a part. Today I have only eaten 900 calories so I would like to eat more, but don't want to eat them later at night if it might negatively affect me. I have tried researching online but gotten mixed messages.

submitted by /u/awesomegingergirl
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 29

Hello lovely losers,

Thanks for the birthday wishes kids!

Happy day 29! I forgot to push post on last night’s entry, so sorry kids! I hope you had a fabulous day anyhoo!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it: Not today.

1800 calorie a day, do not adjust for exercise: On it.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Snow walkies today on the river trail. I need to be out on that trail more, it’s so lovely. 20/29 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Not today. Lots of lists though.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for caffeine & good company.

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Today I’m glad I stayed hydrated & made time to get out in the snow into nature. I saw so many dogs!

How was your day?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Restaurant hesitation

Hello r/loseit community! I'm very new into my CICO approach to weightloss (10 days in). I've been eating a lot healthier and less than I have been thanks to tracking my food (I'm already about 8 lbs down from when I started).

Well, my friend invited me out to a Mexican restaurant tomorrow and while I do want to go out and enjoy myself, I don't want to ruin my whole day by eating restaurant food and potentially going over my calories (I did look up the menu online and couldn't find any nutritional information to preplan my order), but I also don't want be the one person who just orders a salad and nothing else (plus I wouldn't be happy with that anyway).

So I'm asking for new people and veterans into their weight loss journey/lifestyle, what do you do when eating out? Do you just go all day without eating and the restaurant food is all you have? Do you throw caution to the wind and enjoy yourself and worry about it tomorrow? Are you the salad orderer at a restaurant?

Any advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/blue_arr0w
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week two check in

hi again everyone.

so this is my second week. i didnt do so great this week. i didnt put anything on so i consider that a win. (i am still 16.9) but i am a little annoyed at not losing anything. oh well you cant win them all i guess.

this week i mostly focused on getting back into exercise. i have been doing classes ( 3 this week) at my jui jitsu club and doing yoga and 10000 steps were i can.

starting next week i will be starting calory counting. i thought i would wait and start fresh next moth kind of thing.

i am using an app called lose it! for this. so if any one has any tips or suggestions when getting started i would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/No-Protection-2161
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Friday, January 28, 2022

Holy shit—I’m doing even better than I thought (and I thought I was doing pretty dang well)

I don’t know the rules for rants because I just got here but I found out something extremely excitint so I wanted to share. So I’m 18, I’ve been overweight to damn near obese all my life, and I genuinely started to worry that I’d get diabetes or that I was approaching diabetes. Couple this with my awful teeth because of the poor diet and bad dental home care, I decided I needed to finally change. So I did.

It really started to happen from about the start of 2021 to now as we’re starting 2022. I decided to start tracking my calorie intake, eating WAY less than I did before (going o.m.a.d.), I walk a mile every day (or try to to mixed results lol sometimes I’m on it sometimes I’m still a fatty and can’t be bothered), and I try to avoid sugar and bread whenever I can on top of that, again to protect my teeth from the two most harmful things for it.

I turned 18 last February and got my ID in July or so. I think I had lost some pounds by that point but when I weighed in, I tipped the scales apparently at 215 pounds. I’m just learning that now and that’s why I feel the need to share how I’m doing with total strangers who have better things to do because…when I weighed in last night, in clothes, I found out I’m 165 pounds on the dot.

I’ve been grinding the last month or so in terms of the rate of my obese mass being shaved off, and I was happy because I thought I’d lost 20 pounds or so since last year (edit: meaning the last 365 days, I havent lost 50 since the start of 2022 lol confusing language from me). Maybe 30, but that would be pushing it. No, I’ve lost 50 pounds, legit, 50!!!, and I genuinely have a lot of weight still to go because I feel better the way I eat now than I ever did and don’t intend to stop. Who knew one meal a day made you more energized and less hungry?

So that’s all. I’m not a workout warrior the way many of you probably are. I just don’t stuff as many donuts in my face as I would have two years ago without giving it a second thought. It’s not as admirable as many of you probably putting in actual work, and blood, sweat and tears to hit your goal weights. Where you guys are probably shredding to get six pack abs I’m just trying to lose my moobs. But I’m feeling the best I’ve ever felt physically, I’ve lost a ton of weight and have the chance to lose more.

If there’s any reason to take this for more than “Look at me! Praise me for how amazing I think I am in the moment!”, maybe just tell yourself that if somebody like ME can lose the amount of weight you see in annoying TV testimonials and feel even averagely healthy for the first time in their lives, you can too. For real

submitted by /u/YouDontGetItStill
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had an off week, but still some NSV!

Stats! F 18 years old sw: 215 cw: unsure, cant get weighed yet gw: 180

Hey everyone, gonna start with a super short intro then get onto my NSV!

I'm 5'2, 18 years old, and a starting weight of 215 last semester. Recently, I've completely switched to diet sodas, fiber/koolaid beverages, and water for my beverages, eating more vegetables at dinner, counting calories, and taking about 8k steps a day on average due to a busy college schedule.

In September of 2021, I was a size 20 jeans, and despite not being super serious about dieting, I went down to a size 18!! I've decided to take my diet more seriously now that I'm back at college, and I'm happy to say that at the beginning of the day, my size 18 jeans are looser! I actually need my belt if I want to keep my wallet or my phone in my pocket! I'm a little nervous to weigh myself, as I have to go to the doctor's office on campus to do it, so I'm planning on getting a scale at walmart when I get the cash. My mom sent me snacks and candies as a gift, so I'm having trouble keeping my calorie deficit if I'm honest, but I'm pacing myself! a sleeve of cookies I honestly could have devoured in an hour has lasted me 3 days! I know that isnt great, but I practiced restraint!

It's been a tough week, and I've gone over my calorie budget, but I refuse to get mad at myself for it. I know punishing myself for that isn't healthy, and I just plan on drinking more water and hopefully hitting 9k to 11k steps every day next week. I'm just gonna take Saturday to celebrate my jeans win and work towards needing hopefully a size 16 by the end of next month!

submitted by /u/opppybro1003
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I’m scared to eat at maintenance calories

So I reached my weight goal and I can’t seem to see myself eating at my maintenance calories. I tried adding 100 a week but end up going back down to 2,000 because I’m scared of eating more. I’m still loosing weight and I need to stop it because I’m at the point where I can start losing muscle instead. How did you guys overcome the fear of eating more. I can’t seem to do it and I’m always feeling like trash cause I can’t make myself eat at my maintenance. Pretty sure I’ve developed a ED at this point because I’m too scared to eat out unless I cook it or weigh it and I work out too much and eating too less.

submitted by /u/Jegvz
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Recovered Bulimic, desperately looking to lose weight in *sustainable* way, without relapsing

Hey y'all. I struggled with bulimia, binging and self induced vomiting for about 7 years, and in 2021 started to work on recovering. I have not had any binging or purging episodes in a while now. My first step was take purging off limits, even if I had over eaten.

For a few months, I continued overeating, though the binges were on a smaller scale, I would not purge at all and have put on more weight than I am comfortable with. I don't fit in a lot of my clothes, and I am unhappy with how I look and feel. I also love running, and my speed and endurance suffered from this weight gain.

Currently, I am at the higher end of the healthy BMI range, and would just like to get down to the lower end of the healthy range.

I had gotten desperate many times during the height of my eating disorder, and I would try to water fast/ not eat for days, up to 12 days no food in attempts to get weight off. This would always lead to rebound binges, and subsequent purges (throwing up the binges). More recently, having worked on myself and gotten over my bulimia, I still felt desperate enough in the passed 3 months to lose weight and tried water fasting multiple times. These lead to small binges and days of overeating, and consequently packing on more weight. I am not used to, or comfortable with myself at this weight and it is affecting my self esteem.

I would like to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way so that my running can improve, and so I can fit in my clothes again. I just don't feel like myself when I look like this.

Disclaimer: By losing weight and fitting in old clothes, I don't mean fitting in my underweight/ sick clothes again, I just mean fitting in my intermediate clothes where I was slimmer, but still in the healthy bmi range. I also talked to my doctor and mental health team about doing this/ trying to lose some weight in a healthy way, and they said it shouldn't be a problem as long as disordered behaviors are not part of the plan, and I'm receiving follow ups with them during the process.

I can't trust my own judgment any more, because my mind immediately goes to the extreme option: do long water fasts to lose weight quickly. I'm now realizing water fasting is not sustainable, and I can't be consistently fasting from A to Z (from this higher weight to my goal). This is why I wanted some outside perspectives.

I'm looking for advice for how much of a calorie deficit I should aim for, that I can stick to consistently to lose some weight, without falling into binging, or any other disordered eating behaviors. And any other tips as far as fitness and diet goes.

I was about to try to embark on yet another water fast but stopped myself and came here for advice, realizing that I was about to launch myself into another cycle of binge eating and more weight gain.

TL;DR: Recovered bulimic at higher end of healthy weight range wanting to lose weight without falling back into disordered eating patterns.

submitted by /u/BirthCertific8_Found
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Holding a dumbbell equal to the amount of weight I lost. Got the idea from one of you guys. Can’t imagine carrying this around all the time…

A while back one of you mentioned going to the gym and picking up a weight equal to what you’ve lost and holding it. I tried that tonight and couldn’t fathom having to carry that amount of weight around and what it was doing to my knees, back, tendons, skeleton, etc. So thankful for this group and even if I don’t comment on your post so many of you are inspirational and help keep me motivated in a world where I’m surrounded by temptation. I’ve got about 25-30lbs left that I would like to lose to hit where I want to maintain and then see about adding some lean muscle.

Let’s keep it up and take down February!

submitted by /u/nbnicholas
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New Year and goals

Hi, I am 280 pounds, 5 feet 10 inches, and 34 y.o. male. I have lost 5 pounds after doing walks last week (3 a day). Then trying to cut down on sweets and drinking 60 ounces of water.

So I have had a scare in October. Then another in December (started seeing a Doc/lab work ups/EKGs/echo/so on). Everything is normal but still seeing a cardiologist. My BP usually is 115/60. Pulse is tachycardic though. Have had 5 instances since December of chest pain/headache/BP spiking to 160/100 plus/nausea/almost passing out.

So trying to lose 40 pounds by May is my goal. Going for walks 3 to 4 days a week, eating health, and drinking water.

Question is think walks are a good exercise to burn calories?

I am too nervous to do anything strenuous till I reach 240. Then my next goal is 200 by September. Then 170 by February of next year.

Hoping to run a 10K by the end of the year and next Spring a half marathon.

Appreciate the insight.

submitted by /u/LUNASOUTH2020
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Weight gain after surgery (hysterectomy) - when to start trying to lose again?

Hi all… I’ve been a longtime lurker. I’m usually anxious about posting online!

23(F) 5’4. History of anorexia and bingeing. Started at 182lbs in November 2018, and was at 123lbs by June 2020. I did it with lots of temptation in the house. I’m currently back to about 145lbs.

I’ve had 6 surgeries since my journey but am struggling with this one. After lots of fighting and other failed treatment, I got a hysterectomy. It was laparoscopically done and I kept my ovaries and have had complications.

I think I tried to go back to “normal life” too fast. My weight steadily climbed up the last six months but my hysterectomy has made it harder.

I still have a lot of abdominal swelling at 2 1/2 months post op. But I’m trying and struggling to lose weight again. Some of it is definitely emotional.

When it comes to counting calories, I either do really well but eat too small of an amount or eat way too much. I find the numbers to be more stressful now and I’m considering more mindful eating instead this time. I’m either really hungry or have absolutely no appetite.

I’m sure there have been posts about it, but how long have you personally waited after a procedure to lose weight again? I’d love to hear any experiences. Should I wait until further out to start trying to lose again?

And any encouragement would be appreciated. :) I keep thinking about how much better I felt when I was in the 120s and how unhealthy food makes me physically feel, but it only helps so much. I’m having a harder time avoiding temptation as well. My ovaries are all I have left and they aren’t doing well, so I think that and everything else in my life is making it a challenge.

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/abusedpoet
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I saw a girl I used to know in high school bartending at my best friends wedding and I had no idea it was her.

I went to get a drink and I was like "Thank you, you're so pretty!"

And she goes, "Thanks, you know we know each other?"

And I was like, "Sorry, no, I don't think we do."

"Yeah, we do, dontbeadickmrfisher."

"I'm so sorry! I don't remember you at all. What's your name?"

She tells me her name. "I've lost a lot of weight since high school."

I couldn't believe it! She wasn't that overweight in high school, but she looked like a completely different person. This girl and i went to prom with the same group of people. We're in prom photos together. Her mom even did my hair one year for winter formal. I just said "Holy shit you look so different! You were beautiful then and you're beautiful now but I didn't recognize you at all."

That was a few years ago and I still remember it. I want to have that experience now.

submitted by /u/dontbeadickmrfisher
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Thursday, January 27, 2022

NSW - Wedding Ring and water retention

I have between 27-35 kg to lose, and it feels really daunting.

But I’ve now lost 4.5kg this month, and the biggest NSW or any W really is the fact that (a) I can remove my wedding ring! I haven’t been able to comfortably (or at all) do that for the past 5 months; and (b) I don’t have water retention at my shins and ankles anymore. I poke and there’s no dent left afterwards. Such a weight off my shoulders - stupid, dumb pun fail.

submitted by /u/flyingmonkey200
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Weight loss buddies 🙃

Hi guys!

I 19f am looking for friends on MyfitnessPal. I haven’t had friends on there before so I’m not sure how it works. But if anyone wants to be accountability buddies my user is gods_child17 if anyone wants to add me!

I lost 50lbs counting calories but I’ve gained a lot of it back. I’m really depressed about gaining back and I want to be healthy. I’m ready to get back on the wagon.

I’ll accept anyone just don’t be judgmental. I wanna change my diet and start eating healthier.

You can share your method for losing weight in the comments too if you want. I’m just counting calories but i’m open to any other tips!

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Positive-Prior3367
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January update

Some of you may remember my '2022 is gonna be my year' post. As my weigh day is a Thursday, my next one will be in February. So I've decided to give an update.

I started slimming world just before New year's eve so that I could enter 2022 lighter than I ended 2021. Since then, I've restarted couch 2 5k (currently on week 6, but have also been doing Parkrun every Saturday). I have changed my food to align with the slimming world plan (lots more vegetables and lean meat). I have only had one energy drink in that time. Energy drinks are my kryptonite.

I have lost 11.5lbs in 4 weeks. I won slimmer of the week on my second week and I got the slimmer of the month award tonight.

In light of this, I have set myself three targets to achieve by the end of the year: 1. To complete a total of 50 parkruns (currently on 24) 2. To run a half marathon (potentially have this one booked for July) 3. To lose 104lbs in total (2lbs a week loss).

If I achieve number 3, it won't put me at target but it will be the lowest I've ever been in my adult life.

I'd really appreciate it if anyone would like to be my accountability buddy. I also have Instagram is anyone wants to follow me on there to keep me on track.


submitted by /u/valokytkin
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What helped you overcome emotional eating?

Hi all. I (25F) have noticed many people here can attribute their weight loss to seeing a therapist and overcoming some mental issues or blockers that have been impacting their habits. I believe that I have a couple of those to overcome as well. Mainly, emotional eating. I eat when I’m sad, seeking comfort, and stressed. I know that the best resource would be for me to talk to a therapist, and I know that everyone has their own journey and relationship with food.

But I am curious what some of your most effective strategies are to curb emotional eating? Whether it be practical actions to take when that feeling hits, or mindset shifts, or additional habits (like journaling and what specifically to journal).

Thank you!

submitted by /u/whosgottaknow
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My Weightloss journey

Hi i wanna share my weightloss journey with you guys!

2 years ago i began my journey, I was 110 KG and very unhealthy. I was also having heartproblems and did not think that i can achieve much in my life. I have spent 1 month in the hospital and had a cardiac arrhythmia, right after that i received a pacemaker. It was a very dark moment in my life.

One day i was looking in the mirror and thought to myself “Do you want to keep living your life like this?” “Are you really going to limit your life because you have some heart problems?”

I began my weightloss journey when i was 110 KG. The first two weeks i was focusing on my diet and trying to make it a habit. After that i was exercising every day to lose some weight. I lost 28 kg in 4 months and that was blood, sweat and tears. I was losing weight too fast and that resulted in some lose skin.

After doing a lot of research in how to train and dieting i have found out that i did it the wrong way. That’s because i was forcing myself to get through this. But instead of forcing yourself you need to take small steps to make a healthy life style a habit. The goal isn”t to lose weight but to make your life healthier and that is what keeps me going.

My goal is to get the most out of my life and my physic. Of course a benefiting factor of a healthy lifestyle is not only your physic but your mental health, It gives you a piece of mind 😌.

It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes on your journey. It matters that you don’t give up even if you made mistakes. Now 2 years later i still love to exercise and improve myself.

This my story Sorry for my bad english

submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Fee_7542
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What do you for drinks?

I love soda, but I allow myself only two a week. I budget myself for a cup of tea with sugar each day.

I wanted to look into zero calorie drinks that actually have some flavor. I got some polar flavored sparkling water, and it’s legitimately disgusting with this gross bitter aftertaste and now I have 11 other cans to get rid of. I’m not going to spend money on others that I probably won’t like either.

Propel is good, but I’m not sure I like the price for just four bottles.

Any suggestions? Have you had any luck? Or should I just suck it up and stick with water most of the time?

submitted by /u/CoolTom
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Are all the American food labels as confusing as this?

I have a friend from the US who recently came back from there and I asked her to grab me some American delicacies such as dorritos and such, and she obliged. I am currently living in Europe but was born and raised in an Arabic country. Doing the switch from there to here food-tracking-wise was not hard at all. You'd find the net weight, usually in grams (some products included the whole weight, especially if there's water like canned beans or whatever), then you'd find the food label giving you information about how much calories are in 100g of the food, and then you just quickly calculate in your head and the end result is really not that far off. Check out these 4 pics comparing a bag of Cheetos food label and a dorritos from the USA.

Ignore the Hungarian language and focus on the numbers. They make sense. They always did. Now what the fuck is with 12 chips giving 150 of calories? And look, the whole label is based on the 12 chips serving. Like wtf. The other dorritos bag was this bad too, instead of 12 it had 27 cuz they were smaller. They included the net weight sure, but why make it so hard to follow hie much you're eating? I had to use mfp to know how much calories there is a 150g bag of dorritos, turned out 780kcal. Would never have guessed unless I kelt track of how many pieces I ate.

This x pieces serving is not new to me, but the 100g serving has always been there. In a Ferrero Rocher box that contained 24 pieces, it'd give you how much calories in 10 pieces n'est to how much calories are in 100g and then it'd show you the net weight somewhere in the packaging.

submitted by /u/freshwings421
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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Any advice for someone who can’tseem to restart? Feeling like a failure and defeated.

I’m looking for some help/motivation/advice on starting, or should I say restarting my journey. I always feel like I’m losing the same 30 pounds (F/5’5/196) and it’s just so discouraging. How can I start the day with so much promise, ready to go, and then by then end have just given up again? One day I’m determined to do CICO, then that doesn’t work and I think “well maybe KETO” and then that doesn’t work and round and round I go. I try eating with restriction - then I fail when I feel too confined. I try eating more freely, I fail when I feel I’ve gone overboard without the parameters in place. When I’ve dieted before I always seem to get myself over the starting hump, but then I just end up right back here again.

submitted by /u/not_so_skinnybitch
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NSV - doctor visit

Yesterday I had my annual physical. For the first time in my adult life, I was not obese. I have normal cholesterol, blood pressure and less than 1% risk of heart attack or stroke in the next ten years. I lost a third of my weight and gained a healthy 2nd half of adulthood.

My doctor was so proud of my weight loss and that I’m two years smoke free. It felt wonderful. It’s been a long road and I’ll never be “done,” but these little victories make me so happy, and make me see my progress from a different perspective.

submitted by /u/backstage_betty
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M/24/5'11" [232lbs to 203lbs] (7 months) Working out and diet.

Metric: 104.5kg to 92kg. 181cm tall.

I had the classic experience where I wanted to change my apperance after a breakup. To clarify, weightloss started July 1st. Weightlifting started August 17th. The first picture is the earliest shirtless picture I had, I was around 98kg maybe on first picture.

Currently working out 4 days a week, lifting and 20 minutes of cardio.Aiming for 2000-2400 calories a day.

My goal used to be 199 lbs/90kg, not its more like 190lbs/85kg I think. I still feel like I weigh 100+kg even though I am far under it. That part sucks, but its nice to be healthier and stronger. I am also looking forward to see how this has helped in my sport (football/soccer goalkeeping)

Hope you all have a nice day, and keep going.

submitted by /u/horsesandhorses
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Sharing my journey from being fat to (almost) 6 pack: 24 weeks of counting macros and moving barbells.

I just finished a very lengthy cut and officially started bulking. I realized that I transitioned out of the cut and didn't really have anyone to celebrate this with since sending shirtless pictures to my friends is weird. I wanted to post and celebrate all my hard work and success so here goes-

Here's my progress pic-

Here's my weight loss chart. You can see I started eating at maintenance again and gained a TON of weight, guess what- I still look the same! Working on ignoring the scale.

Disclaimer: I hired a coach and went into this extremely knowledgeable about weight loss, I had regained a bunch of weight due to mental health issues and stress. I also knew a ton about training, and was in really good aerobic shape (I run and bike a lot). My progress is good but probably not attainable if you are a beginner who doesn't know much about diet and exercise to begin with.

Fat Loss

Starting weight was around 176 +/- 3 pounds depending on the bloat level from food. I cut down to 162 at the absolute lowest but stabilized around 167 once I got out of the calorie deficit.


My training consists of barbell compound training 4 days a week (MTThF), and most weeks I do two long endurance activities (Wed+Sat). I also do a fair amount of shorter walks and runs on a stationary bike and treadmill for warm ups / generic aerobic fitness. This is not because I am trying to do cardio to lose weight, this is because I am an endurance athlete and love running and cycling.

1RM estimates from Gravitus app:

Back Squat: 217, Bench: 177; Deadlift: 286

Macros and Food:

Every day I would intermittent fast and split my food between two meals, lunch and dinner, usually 40/60 or 50/50 split. I push my last meal out to be close to bed so I don't cheat. I drink a lot of coffee.

Training Day: P:175 C:220 F:65

Rest Day: P:175 C:90 F:65

My meals were pretty consistent, I ate:

Bulk cooked chicken, huge salads (spring mix, romaine, cucumber, broccoli, tomato), rice, Amy's frozen mac and cheese, Amy's frozen margherita pizza, bulk pre cooked mashed potatoes from the grocery store, oranges, popcorn, and gnocci. I avoided protein powders and sugar and opted for high satiety high nutrition foods- balanced with Amy's Margherita Pizza's and Popcorn to keep me "happy".

Honestly a truly massive percent of my calories came from 4 things. I juste ate these things again and again and had the groceries delivered to my house whenever I was at risk of not having food at home. I made this as easy as possible.

  1. Bulk cooked chicken (Traeger smoked or instant pot)
  2. Pre cooked rice bowls from Costco
  3. Frozen Amy's Mac and Cheese
  4. Whole Foods Ranch Dressing


Sleep. Sleep got really bad at the end and is really the only reason I switched to a bulk. I just couldn't sleep well after getting down to this level of body fat.

Travel. During the stall in the chart, I traveled a shit ton and indulged in lots of alcohol and amazing food. I kept up training and a really high energy expenditure all the while. Didn't let things get out of hand for more than a week at a time.

Stalls. I stalled like crazy. It's pretty evident in the chart. Took lots of patience to get through this.


  • 7 day average Weight: 31JULY2021: 174.5; 22JAN2022: 166.3
  • Chest(CM): 31JULY2021: 97; 22JAN2022: 88.5
  • R arm(CM): 31JULY2021: 33; 22JAN2022: 32.4
  • L arm(CM): 31JULY2021: 32.7; 22JAN2022: 32.4
  • 2" above navel(CM): 31JULY2021: 85; 22JAN2022: 76
  • Navel(CM): 31JULY2021: 88.8; 22JAN2022: 79
  • 2" below navel (CM): 31JULY2021: 91; 22JAN2022: 83.5
  • Hips(CM): 31JULY2021: 99; 22JAN2022: 95
  • R thigh(CM): 31JULY2021: 57; 22JAN2022: 55.4
  • L thigh(CM): 31JULY2021: 57.2; 22JAN2022: 55.4
submitted by /u/Michaelscotch33
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 26

Hello lovely losers,

Happy day 26! I hope you’re out there kicking butt.

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it: Logged!

1800 calorie a day, do not adjust for exercise: Tomorrow is my birthday & I may have gotten into the celebration a bit early.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Rest day today. 17/26 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Digital journal today.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for my therapist & access to mental health care services.

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Today I’m glad I stayed hydrated & high five to past me for that soup I meal prepped. Also thanks to me for continuously scheduling therapy appointments.

How was your day?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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It’s just 1 pound per week!

I weighed myself this morning, and once again I was disappointed that I’ve gotten to the weight I am. And then something shifted for me. Rather than “omfg I’m gross” or worrying about all of the hard work and sacrifice it’s going to take to lose 50+ pounds, it just clicked into perspective. I just need to commit myself to lose 1 pound this week. If I keep on that path for the next year, I am going to be where I want 1 year from now.

I’ve already instantly found myself making better snack and meal choices and actually feel accomplished for it. No more excuses. I need to drop 1 pound per week, and that’s all :)

What are some easy substitutions or go-to foods that you all have found success with?

submitted by /u/ImaginaryStudent9097
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Small progress, is still progress- 1 year update

I'm just writing for accountability and also to share some thoughts/ another perhaps common stance that helped me when I first started out.

First things first, as I saw I think on this subreddit , "you can't walk 15 miles into the forrest and expect to make it out in 5 miles." As simple as it sounds, its true, and it's what helps me to trust the process.

Since my last post I have made significant changes to my life. My highest recorded weight was 262lbs. As of today I weigh 222 pounds.

When I first started the journey, people I knew in real life told me walking would not help, however that and changes to my diet is all I have done. I follow CICO and occasionally I do a kinda modified form of intermittent fasting (because generally I get hungrier in the evening time). As for exercise, I would walk a min of 30 minutes everyday (either outside or on the treadmill). At the moment, I currently do 1 hour walks outside and also do morning yoga, and small dumbbell movements.

Because im on the fine line of brokenness as a college student, I have found different ways to find a meal plan that works for me. I use MFP, and generally my meals look like this:

Breakfast/Lunch (if I have it): 2 boiled eggs, oatmeal, pear

Dinner: 2 Salmon fillets, baked sweet potato, peas (frozen ones from target) or quinoa/greens mix+ shrimp, or salad mix

Snack: almond, peanuts, apples + peanut butter, pure protein bars (just listed all my common choices)

Not going to lie, I still don't see a change but many people I am close to say they do, but I am learning to trust the process. Also I still have many battles and hills to climb, but time will tell.

The next time I post, I hope to reach my goal of 200lb, and by then I will include pics!

ps: sorry for such a long post!

submitted by /u/mignon_fleur
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Jello Salad for the win

Hey y’all. Where I’m from Jello Salad is a common dish, If you haven’t heard of it, it’s basically just Cottage Cheese, Jello, whipcream, and fruits of all kinds. (Don’t ding it ‘til you try it)

2 medium tubs of Low Fat Cottage cheese (or 1 large), 1 packet of Sugar free Jello, 1 container of Low fat whipcream, And as many Blackberries as you wish

Just mix it all together it’s super easy to make.

Low calorie, high protein, super low carbs, low sugar and tastes like you’re eating straight up dessert. Thank me later.

submitted by /u/WiildCard
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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I keep failing my calorie deficit

From Jun-Nov I lost weight and was watching what I eat fairly often. And only really eating unhealthy on weekends. I get to end of November and I just lose motivation. These past 2 months I’ve been eating unhealthy, overeating, eating too many cals. The past week I tried dieting everyday. Including some healthy snack alternatives and I end up failing everyday. Today I ate a nice size bag of chips which was a lot of cals. I was just so hungry and stuff that I couldn’t stop until I finished the bag. I need help, opinions, and tips. Tips on how to curve cravings, getting used to being a little hungry sometimes, and tips on how to stay in a deficit as a whole. I’m really struggling with this right now and I want to lose 25lbs in time for summer.

submitted by /u/fallinthevoid-
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Dieting messing with menstrual cycle

I would love any advice in this realm! I’m 40F , 6ft and my starting weight was about 250 and now I’m around 215. My goal is 180.

I have found that when I’m dieting my periods get all messed up - spotting in between, longer periods, every 3 weeks or less. It’s super annoying and I’ve been through every test you can imagine to find a cause - no fibroids, no hormonal issues (not in perimenopause according to my doc), normal pap, even had a uterine biopsy to rule out cancer since my mom had it and spotting was her only symptom.

When I go into maintenance I have normal periods. When I’m losing, they get out of whack. I’m eating about 2,000 cal a day so I think it’s enough. I cannot take any form of hormonal birth control.

Does anyone have any thoughts or advice? It’s so annoying I want to quit :(

submitted by /u/waterbird_
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Boss just called me fat.

Note: I work as the executive assistant to the CEO, so my boss is the CEO. There is no HR. Also, we are a chinese company, so "chinese cultural" aspects or something. Everything said is translated from chinese.

Everyday at work, my boss goes out with the team for lunch together. Typically I stay behind and continue working while they eat, since I enjoy my alone time and I'm usually not hungry until later in the day. Today was the same. He asked me if I was going to go for lunch and I said no. He then said:

"You don't eat lunch yet you're still fat."

I was completely shocked. I just chuckled and continue working. My coworker, another woman, was absolutely shocked. She quickly defended me as said "She's not fat! She's healthy." My other coworker, a man, said "She's fat?... I'm actually fat so... I don't really think so."

Honestly I feel like complete shit. I've had body image issues for my whole life, and struggled with extended periods of disordered eating. I finally got to a place where I feel relatively comfortable and ate while listening to my body's needs. I'm 21, 173cm(5'8'') and hover between 130-135lb. I just want to leave and go home. I know there's a lot of work to be done, but I'm just over it mentally. I don't understand how anyone has the capacity to say such a thing for no reason. I really did nothing wrong. I don't understand. I feel bad.

Thanks guys.

submitted by /u/No-Poem166
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Is there a point to lifting weights when I'm obese?

M27, 6'4"

I've been through weight loss before, went from 380lbs to 195lbs. I gained some of it back because I was depressed and in several very difficult situations at once over 2020-21.

I'm starting again at 260lbs, I am eating at a deficit and running on the treadmill 60-90mins per night. I'm consistently losing weight.

I didn't know this last time, but I've learned that to get the body I want, I need to build muscle to get some shape. However, I also know that losing weight aggressively is not the best time to try and build muscle.

Approaching my 28th birthday, I feel a new stress and pressure to get the body I want as my younger years begin coming to an end - I really want to enjoy being young while I still am. (ie. I'd like to experience being comfortable with my body enough to be able to have sex before I turn 30).

My plan is pretty much to lose weight to my goal of 175lbs, which I'm hoping to hit by the Fall of 2022. Then, I'll transition to lifting weights consistently while eating at a slight surplus to start getting some shape to my body.

Is there any real point to lifting weights now? It makes me so hungry, and I feel it would make keeping my deficit even more difficult.

submitted by /u/FrozenSandwichHater
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I have social anxiety. I can’t even walk the street on my own to do my shopping, let alone going for walks or going to the gym. I always feel like other people are looking at me or judging me.

I had gastric sleeve surgery and lost 45kgs but gained 30kgs back over 5 years. My stomach is still relatively small so the only way I can notice weight loss is when I reduce my meals to 1-meal-a-day which means I should starve myself to lose weight again.

Please give me some advice, I feel helpless.

submitted by /u/uglycryingtbh
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When you just think you cannot go further, dig deep and you'll find a way to push yourself.

Completely random post, but honestly, we all get to that point when we're beat up, tired of being at a deficit, some folks like me probably pushing hard in the gym, others just stick to diet, that's fine. But you know, what I'm saying is, THAT point when you're like ok, I just need to get through today, then the week, and then the next but you have to focus on a day to day basis to stick to the plan.

Diet and workout fatigue is a normal thing, it's also a good time to see what you are made of. I do not mean in a unhealthy way that is going to injure yourself. Reason I'm making that post is that yesterday I had a really good running workout, did some speedwork, truly beat me up for 34mins, then followed Chest and legs day which just finished me. It really fucking sucks to do in the moment, but man does it feel go to accomplish it. Now came today. Normally in between workouts (M/W/F/S are my workouts days) I will simply do some light cardio, generally a small 30 min (Feels weird to say small paired with 30m, I've come such a long way) but today I really was fighting against my head to not go. To take an off day and recuperate. My legs are shut from yesterday and running wouldn't have been a good idea overall.

After ruminating over this while at work and trying to figure a game plan for my evening workout, I decided fuck it. It's winter, it's the coldest it's ever been in years where I live, but fuck it. If I must I will. I've put on my full ski attire and went for a 5.2K walk at a nice and hot -34 celcius w/ the windchill. I am someone that HATES when it's too cold... like that. Well you know what? I blasted music, kindly reminded myself why I was doing this and what was the end goal (Thinking about my weight lost) and slowly but surely I got lost in my thoughts and in the music. To be completely honest, I had good enough clothing that I wasn't cold at all by the end of it. I really had to dig deep to convince myself of walking at such low temperatures, it would've taken less to take an off day before.

This post is just to show you that you are capable of way more than you think, especially when you practice discipline in those hard moments. Taking a day off would've been fine really, but, why not spend 1 hour to walk a tiny 5.2K be done with it, feel good about it afterward and know you burned some calories. This is one example out of many I personally had to experience in the last 4 months. This one is about not wanting to workout. I've had many experiences where it's about you think you cannot finish your run because it's too hard, or whatever the case may be, and you just dig deep and find some more energy that pushes you to finish your workout. I've said since day 1 of this journey, when I go to the gym to workout, I need to come out of it drenched in sweat, otherwise I will feel like I haven't tried to be better than the last time. It's all about self improvement and finding yourself for me.

Now it's time for me to go enjoy some very nice bland 8oz chicken which I will devour LOL.

submitted by /u/Noktawr
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Starting Phentermine

My doctor prescribed me phentermine today and I can't wait to get started.

I never really struggled with my weight until COVID. I was always on the thicker side, but maintained the same 10-15lb range from the end of puberty until 2020. When we went work from home, I knew I was at risk of gaining weight, so I decided to join Noom and lost close to 20 lbs. When my seasonal depression kicked in, I took a break. I kept my new eating habits - more veggies, lower carbs, cooking more, etc - but stopped counting calories and was less strict about avoiding "splurge" foods. After the holidays, my mental health took a nosedive due to some family circumstances, so I never went back to Noom, though I did keep a lot of my better habits. Despite eating better than I did before I first started with Noom, I ended up gaining 50 lbs in about 5 months.

Eventually, after months of worrying about my weight gain, my mom convinced me to go see my general practitioner since it was so out of the ordinary for me. We ruled out thyroid issues and, after running some hormone tests, attributed it to my PCOS spiraling out of control. I started metformin and began working with a dietitian. My dietitian and I decided to work backwards - fix my eating habits and find maintenance strategies that work for me and my lifestyle/mental health first - and THEN focus on trying to actually lose weight. My weight gain slowed DRAMATICALLY and I got my mental health under control. I've been seeing the dietitian since August, and both she and my therapist feel that I'm ready to begin trying to lose weight. And now I'm starting phentermine to kick-start the weight loss.

I know phentermine isn't a long-term solution, and I'm not expecting it to be. My work with the dietitian is what's going to help me keep the weight off. But adding another tool to my arsenal to improve my physical health has got me so excited and motivated again. Noom made me actually a fan of daily weigh-ins so I could track my long-term weight trend instead of getting caught up on individual weigh-ins. If I can get even the smallest results from the phentermine, it's going to give me the sense of accomplishment I need to keep going and not give up. For the first time in a long time - maybe ever - I feel legitimately hopeful.

TL;DR: I'm starting phentermine as a part of my weight loss plan and I'm actually excited to start trying to lose weight. I would love to hear other people's experiences with phentermine, some words of encouragement, or maybe some favorite sources for recipes! I'm a huge foodie and love to cook, so I'm always looking for new recipe ideas.

submitted by /u/wichita32
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Monday, January 24, 2022

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 24

Hello lovely losers,

Happy day 24! Monday, Monday, Monday!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it: Logged!

1800 calorie a day, do not adjust for exercise: On it today.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): 30 minute stationary bike. 16/24 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: A tiny bit today.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Today I’m glad I have stayed upright. Offta today. Going strong though. I’m also glad I made time for my meal prep.

How was your Monday? I'm about to make some salmon & asparagus & that will be a high note for my Monday.

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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An annoying side effect and a question

Hey guys, hope you're doing well. 22m, 5'6 and (currently) 165 lbs/75kgs here. I've lost about 30lbs /13 kgs since last year, which brings me to my point and question lol

  • I'm horny all the time. To the point where it's starting to get frustrating. My body looks great but even more than that it just happens. Covid restrictions where I'm at are still fairly strict and I'm fine with those, but it's just hella annoying at this point. If any other dudes dealt with this while losing weight, how did you work on distracting yourself? I'm not too keen on repeatedly playing with my joystick and because of covid I haven't been with anyone since march 2020. I already had a fairly high libido, now it's just ridiculous.

Which sort of brings me to my question- I seem to have hit a plateau. I readjust my caloric intake according to my tdee every 2-3 months, and eat about 400 calories below my maintenance level. I workout 4-6 days a week, and over the past month I have increased my protein intake as well. I made some decent strength gains in the gym as well, but to no avail. If anything, I've gotten a little fluffy, and gained 1 kg/ ~2 lbs over the past 3-4 weeks.

It's disheartening, but not discouraging. I'm going to keep working out and adjusting my diet, but I want to understand how to proceed. My goal weight is still 10kg/20 lbs away at a decent bodyfat %, before I enter a perpetual lean bulk. I know it's doable.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks for reading this far!

Apologies if none of this makes sense, I'm running on very low sleep right now

submitted by /u/not_doug_judy
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Top rice weight loss diet Tips

Top rice weight loss diet Tips-An Overview Lose weight quickly, become healthy and fit; that's what many diets promise. However, if ...