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Weight Loss for Everyone: January 2020

Friday, January 31, 2020

Progress! Not necessarily weight, but tangible.

So, I have type 1 diabetes. Diagnosed at 10. And like a lot of fat people, I have insulin resistance. Since I started this weight loss, exercise and "fix my relationship with food" journey, I've noticed something I never even considered - it looks like my insulin sensitivity is improving.

I'm really strict about weighing out what I eat so I know how much to dose for it (And at the moment I'm on meal replacement bars while some scarring in my stomach from chronic gastritis heals, so my intake is consistent and easy to dose for) and my blood sugar readings are regularly hitting a little below target. Not enough to be dangerous, but enough that when I see my endocrinologist this month, I think we'll be able to adjust my insulin-to-carb ratio we I'm using less insulin, and that's fantastic.

submitted by /u/rebootfromstart
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[Directory] Find your quests here! -

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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24-Hour Pledge - Saturday, 01 February 2020 - The Plan for Today!

Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction!

This is our daily check-in, to help keep us accountable over the long haul. Feel free to post whatever goals will help keep you on track.

Here's the regular text on behalf of this thread's originator, kingoftheeyesores, taken with his blessing

> I'll be posting a daily, 24 hour pledge to stick to my plan, or whichever small piece of my plan I am currently working on. Whatever your dietary goals may be, I hope you stick to them for the next 24 hours (and then worry about the following 24!). Who's with me?

Thanks to /u/nofollowthrough who made the 24-Hour Pledge an ongoing /r/loseit institution.

Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it daily using the sidebar or top message.

On reddit, your vote means, "I found this interesting" ( more about voting on reddit)

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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An ode to eating healthy by a fickle fan

I ate healthy for about a week—lots and lots of fruits and veggies. I was groovin’! Excited about new recipes and bright, flavorful, colorful meals! When I got to day eight or so though, sheesh I just wanted a dang tub of ice cream! And so I went for it! I had that tub of ice cream and then some! Pizza and a bunch of sugary snacks cuz what the heck! The sugar high + the thrill of rebellion was a real rush!!

Until... wow, I felt like a real lump on a log by the end of the day. I didn’t feel quite as limber as I had just that morning. I felt bogged down, not as clear-headed and when I looked in the mirror my face looked a little puffier and even my skin looked different.

Now, here I am this evening after eating a bunch of veggies today, the stuff I thought I was tired of and wanted to escape from. But I’m feeling light and practically buoyant compared to yesterday.

So this is just a note to self out into the great wide internet void that even when I think eating a bunch of wild and crazy treats is what I want... not a whole lot compares to the way your body thanks you for feeding it the foods that nourish it. I hope I remember that healthy food is cool! (:

submitted by /u/ayounggrasshopper
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Feeling Discouraged

I just found this Reddit group and thought I would post because I'm genuinely feeling discouraged.

About 3 years ago, I transitioned into bad eating habits. I would have coffee in the mornings, and then have dinner at 4pm (500 calorie intake or so) I would binge during dinner, and this went on for 3 years. I didn't realize I was doing it, and as people began to point it out I began to feel uncomfortable. At the time, I was 83 kg, 5ft 6', and 20 years old. About 2 months ago, I got fed up and started to eat more because everyone was telling me that I wasn't losing weight because of my eating patterns. I started eatting about 900-1200 calories a day. I started off slow. In the last month, I have taken my diet very seriously, I have a well balanced breakfast, fruits throughout the day, and overall healthy meals. I have a cheat day every 2 weeks, just so I don't always feel left out. I now consume about 1300-1400 calories a day.

Anyways, when I went to the doctor I found out I was 88 kg now. I wanted to break down because everything I was doing and nothing was working. I got a referral to a nutritionist and she literally told me that weight is just a number, calories don't matter, and that you only live once and should enjoy what you eat. She didn't even weight me or anything. I left her office feeling even more upset because everyone makes me feel like theres no hope at this point. I've continued to eat healthy even after seeing her and I've begun to work out (30 minute treadmill workouts because I'm so out of shape). But, I'm starting to wonder if theres even a point? All I do is gain weight, and my doctors and nutritions aren't even taking me seriously its geniuenly beginning to frustrate me.

I think its more upsetting when I see my siblings eating what they want, as they have fast metabolisms, and I'm stuck gaining the weight. It just really sucks because I don't even know why I'm gaining weight and I feel like nobody believes in me anymore and the fact that I'm not seeing results just makes me want to stop altogether.

submitted by /u/hateschoolugh
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DAE get extremely hungry around lunchtime if you have breakfast?

Hey guys, I’m new to this sub and have been trying to drop from 176 to 155 for a long time but never had the discipline to commit to a deficit for any extended period of time. I’ve made progress this week, Mon-Wed I would skip breakfast, drink lots of coffee at work, then have a meal when I got home around 5 and then a small snack a couple hours later which would net me about 1,400 cals for the day. Yesterday and today I had a breakfast burrito first thing in the morning, and for some reason, this made me extremely hungry and fatigued around the time I got out of work. This made me weak willed today and I caved and now I’m 1,000 cals over my 1,400 allotment :(.

Is it normal to not feel very hungry if you skip breakfast and have a normal level of energy until late in the day when you finally do eat? This seems counterintuitive to me, as eating first thing in the morning should make you full of energy and stave off cravings for hours. But it seems like the opposite is true for me; when I eat breakfast, I get hungry again around lunch time and feel a big wave of fatigue and demoralization from the fatigue/hunger which makes it feel much harder to stay on track

submitted by /u/Duzelmites
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Office Birthday Dilemma

Hi all! For context I’ve been doing really well on my diet - clean eating and I’m training for a half marathon so I’ve gone from 239 to 220 pounds in a pretty short time.

My birthday is in a few weeks and it’s tradition for our coworkers to “surprise” the birthday person with treats. I haven’t told any of my coworkers that I’m dieting or training for a race, but I was considering asking them if they would not get me food for my birthday because I’m really trying to stay on track. I don’t want to seem a. Presumptuous or b. Rude, but I also don’t want to feel pressured to eat sweets or refuse them, so I thought saying something like “if you guys were planning on doing anything for my birthday, I’m trying to be super healthy so please don’t feel the need to get me anything.” Still, I’m cringing inside even bracing this conversation. Should I just shut the hell up, accept whatever they give me and quietly trash it later? Lol.

submitted by /u/doodlesugie
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Trying to loseit

Little bit about me then a couple questions. I am about to turn 34, have a wife and 3 very picky eating children. Im prior military and I was in fantastic shape, 5'10 180lbps with a nearly perfect pt score. I have been told that in my family metabolism takes a nosedive in the mid 20's, im not so sure how much of that is accurate but in 2009 I was medically discharged following some shrapnel injuries that left me with a hard time running and a hefty dose of ptsd. I get around ok and can work out it's just running can be painful.

Within 2 years of my medical discharge I got lazy and put on 70 pounds. I am currently 260 pounds. Tired of feeling like crap and want to hopefully meet my grandkids one day. My wife and I are both trying to lose weight. She was very successful going keto a couple years ago, Everytime I have gave it a serious go I tend to drop 15 and stall out, also seem to increase my blood pressure and cause agitation.

That has more to do with what I was eating than the diet itself, im sure. The point is though that with our lifestyle, picky kids, etc, I don't think that diet is sustainable for us.

Basically I am asking for pointers. I know discipline is going to be the main factor in this but how can I make this as easy as possible? Are there any good programs? Should I use a phone app to track calories? Should I be lifting or stick to cardio whenever I have time? Supplements? Diet pills? Is there an easy way to track calories when your cooking for a big family?

Any pointers or suggestions would be a lot of help for us.

submitted by /u/Toxikblu3
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I'm done losing it

First post here so sorry if it's off in any way.

tl;dr: was too fat, now too skinny, know when to stop losing weight

To preface this I grew up in am unhealthy eating household. We weren't very well off so I grew up eating a lot of the unhealthy cheaper foods. My dad was obese and my mom had a lightning fast metabolism so she would make a lot of foods appeasing to my dad and me and never had to watch her own weight. So biscuits and gravy and pizza and fried foods just all the time, hardly ever any veggies. And I was taught a package of cookies/chips/whatever junk doesnt last more than a night. I was a manchild growing up, at 11 years old I was 5'7 180lbs, I was a huge little kid.

We tried a couple diets throughout my childhood, and some of them even worked reasonably well, I remember losing like 20 lbs in 14 days with this one called the idiot proof diet, you'd eat like 3 items (i.e. turkey meat, green beans, boiled eggs) 4 times a day and it was cool. But every single diet we ever started, the second my mom and I would be alone she'd turn to me with wide eyes and a smile and say something like, "You wanna go to burgerking??" My mom had effectively been conditioned that like junk food was the way to our cholesterol filled hearts, it was a horrible conflict growing up.

Throughout years of struggling with my weight and losing some and gaining some and etc. I kinda gave up. I always figured I'd do it someday, besides, at least I'm funny right? By the age of 20 I was married, and stood at 6'4 and weighed around 260 (wasn't the fondest of scales obviously at this point). I was a chonky fella. Some people carry their weight gracefully, I do not, I had big ol moobs and love handles and still no ass, it was rough. I'd beat myself up all the time. Literally like scenes out of bojack horseman "yeah why dont you eat more you fat fucking pig look at yourself, you're disgusting, this is why this, and this is why that, and etc." As I'm wrist deep in an almost empty new bag of donuts or some shit.

I got divorced, spent a lot of time by myself and just realized how much I've just been playing myself all these years. Told myself to wake the fuck up! Stop eating so much you fool! (Sidenote dad died if a heart attack when I was 17) you want to end up like dad?! I did not.

I ate less, I started eating according to my activities and if I stayed in my room making beats all day I'd only eat like a granola bar or two. After the first day of C R A V I N G S I got used to not eating much, it was almost a state of fast, I'd be fine all day and maybe eat something small in the evening or before bed. I started losing weight daily and got so fucking high off seeing that number get smaller it was just something I'd never been able to stick to, and here I was feeling like it wasn't even difficult, I was thrilled! I wasn't working out, dieting, or anything, I was just eating less. That's what i came down to.

By the time I was 21 I had hit my basically life long goal of 190, but I still thought I looked fat, so I kept eating less and just stuck with what I had been doing. Today I am 168 lbs. I haven't weighed this since I was 10. And today, after almost 2 years of losing it, I'm done. I am unhealthy, I am weak, and I am skinny. I look in the mirror and all I can see is my loose skin, serving as ghosts of all those shapes on my body I learned to fucking hate with a passion. And I still feel fat, I feel like I have a gut, fatty thighs, love handles, but it's just skin. It's okay to be done losing it.

I had a psychadelic experience and when I saw myself naked in the mirror I cried. I could not recognize my body. I had grown up with this soft tubby round body and here in front of me all I could see was bones. I could count my ribs, I could see my ribs in my chest. Just so bony, it hurt my heart. I realized in that moment this is what everyone else sees. They dont see the fat me that I see, and i needed to let him go, otherwise i was going to go down this spiral to sickness.

Dont be afraid to stop losing it, today I start gaining it. It's time to go to the gym and start eating more, but healthy, food. Time to stop fantasizing about a smaller number, it's time to get healthy.

submitted by /u/TheOnlyModest
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Army says i'm lean but doctor says i'm obese

I'm really confused right now I just got taped today for BF% and according to my leadership i'm only 15% body fat but when I did the gas displacement tank test a week ago (which doc claimed to be completely accurate) they said I was 28%. I had a goal at mind to try to reach 12% by the end of the year and have made strides in losing over 70 lb the last 3 years but i really don't know where I stand now in terms of body fat with 2 authorities telling me the exact opposite of each other and wanted to see if I could get some insight.

Could the gas displacement tank be way off or is the tape inaccurate(I wasn't sucking in my gut) also when I asked my coworkers about it they say i'm in no way fat.

current weight 201 GW 180ish

6ft tall

age 22

14.5 in neck

32.5 in waist

submitted by /u/longpenisofthelaw
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Any tips to deal with diet constipation?

Hi all, I'll try to keep this simple.

I'm in the process of losing weight and I am dealing with a sensation of constipation that is giving me anxiety.

As a result of reducing carbs, I understand you go less, and the volume is less, but I have a constant sensation of being constipation. I'd describe it as my bowels feel sealed up about three or four times during the day. I have forced myself to ignore it, but it really is bothering me.

I go once every morning with a bit of pushing, but randomly throughout the day I have a constant feeling of being sealed up often when sitting or lying down. It kind of feels like I have to go, and I start straining, and nothing happens but a little forced gas. Even before dieting, I only went once a day, so I wouldn't expect to feel this.

I had this happen to me when doing keto, but currently, I am eating above keto and eating small amount of sweet potatoes, plain green yogurt, etc. So I'm not sure what's going on. I do eat plenty of veggies: lettuce, zucchini, carrots, tomatos, green beans, and broccoli, so I'm not sure what else. I drink water more and more now but it doesn't seem to help.

After losing 60 pounds, constipation (exacerbated from iron supplements) triggered an anxiety type binge as I felt I was dying, and I've gained the weight back, so I'm trying to keep calm and deal with this before it gets super bad. I don't have any constipation issues when I eat normal to pretty shitty, so this is all related to diet changes.

submitted by /u/weightcantwait
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Advice on how to improve food choices?

In november to december, 8 weeks, I lost 14 pounds. I went from 208 to 194. This is the first time EVER I ever successfully lost weight, and I am really proud, but holidays came like Christmas, a birthday, New years and all of that, and kicked me in the ass. Its January 31st now and the good note is I maintained my weight of 194. The bad note is my eating choices are bad again. I just started going back to the gym this week and doing my weight lifting again and I'm killing it, but my food is so hard to control. Exercise is genuinely no problem for me. Food is, and not in the aspect of binge eating.

So my issue isn't that I overeat anymore - since I lost 14 pounds in nov/dec, it is easier not to binge - but I find myself making bad choices that kind of mess with me. For example, I had a healthy breakfast today, healthy lunch, but supper comes and I have a small fry and big mac for supper. I do calorie counting and I ate roughly 1400 calories today. Issue is, I'm super hungry again, because mcdonalds isn't filling at all. I find myself making this mistake a lot where I will eat an unfulfilling supper and find myself starving the rest of the night. I sometimes have a small snack but I am paranoid of gaining weight back so most times, I dont. I only eat 1400-1600 calories a day. (keep in mind my dieting just started again, I was eating whatever I wanted about 2 weeks ago so it feels 'new' again). And although I know I'm not overeating, it still makes me feel really guilty and it feels like I'm loosing progress, even if the weight is still coming off. It can be discouraging a lot but I push through it.

Does anyone have advice on making more better decisions? I find myself acting on impulse a lot for supper and it really sucks. What would also help is maybe some nutritious supper recipes?

submitted by /u/fcoskdfpd
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Someone decided to harass me about my weight, but I won’t let it discourage me

Here’s the message

Surprisingly this is the first time I’ve ever received such a hateful message. Thankfully this person decided to attack me at a time in my life where my self-esteem is the highest it’s ever been.

Thankfully for me I’ve never had anyone shame me for my body, at least not directly to me. This is the first time I’ve ever experienced this and I’m just surprised at how hateful people can be to someone they don’t even know.

It’s even more disappointing that this person clearly knows that I’m working on bettering myself, but went out of their way to discourage me. It’s sad that they have nothing better to do.

Yes I still have work to do on myself and my body isn’t quite where I want it yet but I still love the way I look and no one can convince me otherwise.

I hope no one else lets messages like this discourage you from your journey. I hope even more that you don’t receive messages or comments like these.

submitted by /u/doof18
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Post-binge bloat

Had a two-day crazy binge and weighed myself this morning, and I was back at my starting weight which was a number I hadn’t seen there in 1.5 months(+4.5kg). Such a horrible feeling, even though I know I’m bloated all my clothes are tight again and I see no definition. I feel lethargic after eating all that stuff, too.. Not at all energized, when I went to workout today I spent 2x the time I normally spend.

Anyways, thankfully I managed to not turn it into an extra day of binge (which is what happened the 2nd day) but ugh it’s so frustrating after having 1.5 months of literally waking up every morning and seeing more and more results. Hopefully I won’t have gained too much when bloating fades... How long does the post-binge bloat last?

submitted by /u/hghfdrtggv
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Just hit 365 days of tracking with MyFitnessPal and I’m down 40kg!

I started this journey because my physiotherapist told me that if I didn’t do something about my weight then my disk problems were going to put me in a wheelchair. I joined a gym and cleaned out the cupboards a week later and have been living added sugar free for the last year.

I was nearly 180kg, and had to start out exercising in the swimming pool to protect my joints. Now I’m keeping up with people half my weight on the cardio equipment. My relationship with food has improved massively, and my marriage is stronger than ever by the teamwork that’s come from my husband and I doing this together.

I have a way to go still to get where I want to me, and the weight loss isn’t as fast as it used to be. But this year is the first one I’ve looked back on and felt really good about the choices I’ve made and how I’ve invested my energy and time.

I’m so grateful to this subreddit and you awesome people for helping me get started and motivating me to keep going!

submitted by /u/Allengirl
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20 and tired of quitting

I’m nervous about making this post as I am new here, but I feel this will help me. Im 20 years old (Female) 6’0 and weigh 285lbs. I’ve never been at a healthy weight and I want to make a change. I find myself lacking energy most of the time and it’s starting to affect my school work and mood. I have tried to loose weight in the past but the momentum usually only lasts about 2-3 weeks before I give up. Now that i’ve hit 20 I’m regretting all those times I quit, but this time I want it to be different. I want to prove to myself that I can loose this weight if I actually try hard and stay consistent. Hopefully this can motivate me to stay on track. So, if anyone has any helpful words to share please do so. (:

submitted by /u/xrlh0
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SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Friday, 31 January 2020: Today, I conquered!

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory!

Celebrating something great? Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, long or short, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness! (Details are appreciated!! How are you losing your weight?)

  • Did you just change your flair? pass a milestone? reach a goal?
  • Did you log for an entire week? or year?
  • Did you take the stairs? walk a mile? jog for 3? set a new personal record?
  • Fit into your old pair of jeans? throw away your fat clothes? fit into your college outfit?

Post it here! This is the new, improved place for recording your acts of awesomeness!

Due to space limitations, this may be an announcement (sticky) only occasionally. Please find it daily and keep it the hottest thing on /r/loseit!

On reddit your vote means, "I found this interesting!" Help us make this daily post the most read, most used, most interesting post on /r/loseit by reading, commenting, and participating often!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Thursday, January 30, 2020

First post here... down 11lbs!

So I am a classic comfort eater - have been all my life. I weighed 17st 13lbs (251lbs for those who like lbs!) on 1st November - dropped 5lbs up to 12th January. This might come across as a brag post; but I don’t have anyone other than my husband to brag to!

Out of curiosity and as a stress reliever for my particularly aspie days (am a lady who is on the spectrum) I tried treadmill running for the first time two weeks ago... Oh. My. Days. The sense of zen - it’s like my brain flicks into neutral and I can space out totally! It’s hardly groundbreaking research but since starting I’ve dropped 6lbs in two weeks! I’ve got 86lbs to go but I’m on my way. Just found this community and happy to be here :)

submitted by /u/LionelHutzApprentice
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: January 31st, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, the final day of our January challenge.

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other :)

How's your day going so far? :) Or if you're posting in the early morning, feel free to share how yesterday went & any plans that you may have today.

Let us know how you're getting on with your goals, if you have any questions, need to vent, have an SV or NSV to share, etc. And feel free to just have a chat about how your day went!

Since it’s the end of the month, also feel free to reflect on your goals, how you did this month and what your plans for February are!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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People with depression - how do you stay motivated?

I am an individual who has low self-control, low motivation, and depression/anxiety (the list goes on). I continuously beat myself up when I don’t go to the gym/eat right and my depression makes it so I don’t want to do anything. It’s a viscous cycle and I’m sure it’s a common enough story. So. For me and anyone else blessed with this mind fuckery/mental illness, how do you do it? Everyone’s story is different: What’s yours?

How do you stay motivated? (When you don’t even want to do things you enjoy - what works?)

When you have given up on yourself, how do you convince yourself that you can actually do it?

How do you get yourself out of bed?

I guess I am looking for other advice other than the staple answers: (r/thanksimcured) - take meds! (Already on them) - you’ll feel so good after working out! (But HOW do I get there) -etc

Obligatory sorry about the formatting - I’m on mobile.

submitted by /u/Sjben22
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My Scale Dropped Below 200 lbs!!!!

A goal of mine for my year working abroad was to finally lose weight. I have always been overweight since I was a child and have gone through periods of minor success before, but never really got anywhere with it. While I am not sure about my ultimate goal weight (I am thinking somewhere around the 185 range) a major milestone I set was to get under 200 lbs. The blessed Onederland!! I have arrived!! I know that my weight will fluctuate and I am a little cautious until it stays steadily below 200 for an entire week. Even though I just barely dipped below (199.7) I still can't believe I made it this far. Hitting this milestone makes me feel like anything is possible. Across the past 5 months of my most successful weightloss (and from previous attempts) I have learned the following things:

  • Take. It. Slow. You need to make small changes that you can sustain for a lifetime. Start with very small changes and add new ones every week or so. All of it accumulates and you end up accomplishing a lot without burning out early on

  • Be patient and kind to yourself. Proper weight loss takes time. I found myself wishing it would hurry up, but I also want to keep the weight off. Sometimes I would search 'how many weeks until XX date' and in my head think, "Ok if I take it slow and steady I could have lost a minimum of that many pounds by then" I have learned to forgive myself and not let bad days let me spiral and give up.

  • Find fun ways to be active. I love going on walks and listening to podcasts, music, and calling friends. Now this basic fitness is part of my normal routine. I would love to try fitness classes, but my Korean isn't good enough yet to feel comfortable navigating that just yet.

Some resources I found really helpful:

  • NPR Lifekit: Really great health focused episodes that helped me reframe my mentality about weightloss and some very practical advice

  • Nike Training App (IOS): There are a ton of different guided workouts across levels, muscle groups, and equiptment needs. There are a lot of great body weight workouts.

  • Happy Scale (IOS): Seeing trends across daily weigh ins really helps me stay grounded and motivated.

  • Couch to 5k: The apps (IOS and Android) make following the program very easy. Also there is an amazing and supportive subreddit r/C25K on here. I highly recommend delaying running. I HATE running. So I started with walking and once I was up to an hour a day for a little over a month I started the C25K program again. I have done it in the past and this time around I wanted to take it very slow. Instead of doing it in the standard 9 weeks, I have repeated each week. So it will take me around 18 weeks to finish. Compared to the last time I did the 9 week standard route, I have been feeling a lot stronger taking it slower.

submitted by /u/Half_a_Gestalt
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24-Hour Pledge - Friday, 31 January 2020 - The Plan for Today!

Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction!

This is our daily check-in, to help keep us accountable over the long haul. Feel free to post whatever goals will help keep you on track.

Here's the regular text on behalf of this thread's originator, kingoftheeyesores, taken with his blessing

> I'll be posting a daily, 24 hour pledge to stick to my plan, or whichever small piece of my plan I am currently working on. Whatever your dietary goals may be, I hope you stick to them for the next 24 hours (and then worry about the following 24!). Who's with me?

Thanks to /u/nofollowthrough who made the 24-Hour Pledge an ongoing /r/loseit institution.

Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it daily using the sidebar or top message.

On reddit, your vote means, "I found this interesting" ( more about voting on reddit)

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Whole 30 or Paleo diet with CICO

Anyone here who follows a Whole 30 or Paleo diet (or maybe more accurately lifestyle) along with CICO?

I realize they are somewhat different but I’m attracted to these “diets” because of the focus on whole foods and less processed stuff. I deal with chronic illness and pain/inflammation so think it could be beneficial in that regard though I do understand I still should (and intend to) count calories to see real results.

I see a lot of posts that seem to immediately shoot down any of these types of diet in favor of just counting calories. Is that just because people try to do it instead of not in addition to it? Or am I missing something negative about these diets?

So for anyone who does follow a paleo or whole 30 or similar diet I’d be interested to hear about your experiences or if you noticed any other benefits besides weight loss alone!

ETA: to clarify I am curious about those who have maybe loosely followed these guideline but also CICO which is what I would be doing. I’m not talking about not counting calories.

submitted by /u/resa41
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Lowest point of my life

Hey all, I am 18 year old male,6’4 and 299 pounds. My life is a mess right now and just a couple minutes ago my family just made me realize that I am a loser that will amount to nothing. Let’s do some backtrack... when I was a junior in HS my heaviest was 263 pounds, I started to hit the gym 5 days a week and counting my calories, I would lose a pound of fat a week, I began all this November 13, 2017. In March of 2018 I hit a milestone, I saw myself skinny, my friends everyone around me started saying I was skinny or “did you lose weight?” I weighed in at 241.2 pounds. My excuse back then was that my girlfriend at the time didn’t like me skinny and wanted me over weight... I was in a bad point in my life, I was doing so good but my progress and journey got stopped by a my ex GF. I’m really mad at myself because I think to myself that if I never listened her I’d be so skinny and good looking.. I slowly gained all my weight back until in March of 2019 I realized I weighed in at 270. I tried to do something about it but I always fail.... I go one day and then the other days I just slack off and don’t go anymore. Or I go really hard at the gym and track my daily calories... then at night I’d get up at 11 pm and snack on Pan Dulce with milk (I come from a Mexican family, pan dulce is sweet bread) I have been doing this since I have graduated in June of 2019 for the past 5 months I’ve been sneaking at night and binge eating... I can’t stop I am not committed to anything I’m in a severe depression because I really want to lose weight again like I did junior year but I don’t know what to do anymore I don’t feel motivation like I used to. If you read this thank you for reading I’d like to have some advice please

submitted by /u/billy_balls
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Progress. Chubby face because of high cheekbones? Should I do surgery?

Chubby ass face because of high cheekbones? Surgery?

I’ve accepted my fate. Because of my high cheekbones, my face will forever “droop” towards my jawline. My round facial features.... I started at 5’10 210lbs with a really fat face. I ended at 5’10 180lbs around 20-22% body fat. My face leaned out a bit but still have a double chin when I bend and my face jiggles when i shake my head quickly (similar to man tits). What do you guys suggest? Surgery? Do I need to lose more weight? Basically my face (above my cheekbone is defined whereas those below seem to be as wide as my cheekbone (although it is squishy) Basically one can say my face is similar to that of a melted candle. It’s getting really depressing as I expected a lot more changes with almost 30+ lbs of weightloss. I still feel unaesthetic and feel like I was handed the bad card genetically. What do you guys think is the best course of action? I am considering saving up for surgery since my bones are smaller than the fat down there so there should be some fat to remove atleast. I think it is quite depressing to say the least.

submitted by /u/edthealbanian
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Finally found motivation and losing weight again!

So, I have been maintaining my weight for over a year now, I have gone through the most impactful year of my life and it has been extremely turbulent. I was -100 in 6 or 7 months, got up to -80 but am now in the middle. I am proud I was able to do that.

I have ADHD and motivation is notoriously difficult for us even when medicated. Even with appetite suppression from my Adderall I just didn't have a reason to actually care, as much as it would make my life better I didn't feel like I had anything to fight for until recently.

I am big into trauma psychology, this is due to my own severe experience with trauma. It is such an amazing tool for helping others though. I always knew a friend of mine had a terrible past, a horrific one in all honesty. Mine was terrible and in such a hostile environment (on top of a specific traumatic experience) that I would cope with eating. I have autism and was a social outcast, to fill a void I would eat but that would lead to a feedback loop, it was inevitable this would happen. But their past, I can't describe how bad it was.

I have been through almost 9 years of therapy, I am proud (which is rare for me) about being smart as hell. I have learned so many skills on top of having done a few years of psych in college (dropped out due to motivation, too) but I would never consider myself a psychologist without a license. But what this does do is allow me to help my friend's lives massively through working on their traumas. We both did MDMA psychotherapy, I was there both times for them and helped them through it after I tried it myself on my own. This was after the impact on my PTSD- neither of us have the money to participate in studies so this was a great choice.

I heard a lot, but a lot more came up recently. Six hours of helping them through relive their traumas, this wasn't MDMA as well. They also listened to me. I utilized my skills to the fullest to actually let them heal instead of feel better in the moment like what most people do. Even if their intentions are good it is only short term. Both of us went into detail on memories, both of us remembering so much we couldn't go into detail about all of them, but talking about the occassional one was able to allow us to feel our unadulterated emotions while realizing how our trauma impacted us today.

Seeing my friend's struggle, hearing all that they went through and all of the consequences of their struggle was very painful for me. I know they felt the same way for me. I have beaten most of my PTSD symptoms and their's have gone down massively but they still have a long way to go. I don't want to leave them to struggle on their own, I want to be there to fight with them to show them how much they have impacted me- let them see their impact on other people can be so significant. Words are one thing, but I want to show them while transforming with them. Both of us have our issues but they have given me so much motivation through a light at the end of the tunnel being shown to me as well as a reason to continue fighting.

That night was the most impactful one of my life- I can't fall off of this, I put more effort into other people than myself and I have zero doubt if I put a similar amount of effort to myself I will get there in close to a year. My motivation is fighting with them and inspiring them as well, I haven't had so much confidence in my life and last time I had a large amount I lost 100lbs incredibly quickly. I know I wont fall off again.

submitted by /u/Montana_Gamer
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Need to open up about my struggle

I have been wanting to post on here the past few weeks but don’t end up posting whatever I write. Firstly I am a 5’3” 25 year old female, mum of two and experiencing severe depression. I have recently started taking a new medication and am planning to see a new psych soon. I have struggled with my weight for the past 7 years and unfortunately hit my new highest weight of 105kg (231lbs).

I know how to lose the weight, I’ve done it before but unfortunately something will ultimately knock me down and I lose all progress. Getting out of bed and just getting ready for the day takes a lot out of me mentally. Physically I feel heavy and slow, I’m always tired and I don’t feel like eating. Ultimately, because I don’t eat or want to eat i don’t make myself food. I end up going to the shops and turning to my comfort foods instead, even if I’ve got a perfectly good sandwich or leftovers at home. Yesterday I ended up having half a packet of chips, 600ml flavoured milk, mac n cheese, block of chocolate and 1.25lt coke. That was it, I felt gross and wasn’t even really craving any of it but it’s what I bought anyway. I struggle with binge eating and food addiction, it is something I’ve discussed with family/doctor/dietician in the past.

I’m feeling lost and scared, I don’t know how to get myself under control. I can’t keep gaining weight, the more I gain the more I have to lose. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any advice? I know that the key is to just get up off my ass, avoid my trigger foods, cook at home and track my calories. But mentally this is such a battle, it’s like I’m stuck or drowning. Nonetheless I just needed to get this out of my head and hopefully have someone respond. I feel like there is no one around me (besides my husband) that I can open up to.

submitted by /u/ohmykale
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I just need to vent. I’m frustrated with myself for being so excited when this is the 50th time I’ve started “my weight loss journey”

I’ve been here. I’ve done this before. There was that time I dropped $100 a month on barre classes. (I quit going and lost money) The time I needed to lose weight to fit in my bridesmaid dress for my best friend’s wedding. (I didn’t and had to have my dress emergency altered 4 days before the wedding) I joined that gym two years ago. I started running 4 miles 4 times a week over the summer. November I started counting calories for two days. Ever single time I’ve been motivated and excited and every single time I’ve given up. I can’t even remember why or how I fell back into my terrible eating habits. Here I am again, 3 weeks into my diet and exercising and I’m over the moon. I’ve lost 5 pounds and I feel good. But I’m so terrified two weeks from now I won’t even remember starting a diet in the first place. I want this so bad and I keep telling myself this time will be different. I just want to stick to my word.

So reddit...I’m posting here, maybe this will help me feel accountable. I’m 5’3 and on January 13 I was at 184 pounds. This. Time. Will. Be. Different.

submitted by /u/hiimem
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I Puked!

I’m a big guy (280lb mainly fat) and I have been feeling really shity about my weight and image, but me being lazy and stubborn I did nothing about it, until, recently my job got us all memberships to Gold’s Gym so I literally had no more excuse to not get fit, its a free membership to me, and I have to drive past it to and from work.

Well I started today I pushed myself so hard I threw up. Thank god I made it to the bathroom in time.

I legitimately thought that was a dramatization when people would throw up on the biggest loser or other weight loss shows.

Because of my insecurities I packed up and left because I was embarrassed, sooo we will try again tomorrow.

Any tips on how to get over my insecurities at the gym? Also, should I focus more on cardio or strength? I want to lose my fat but also want to gain muscle...

(also the reason I threw up was because I was pushing the sled/tank on the turf and didn’t realize that it was on max resistance, because I didn’t know what I was doing. I was just imitating others... I made it 8 times up and down before I had to puke.)

On the positive side I’m not like “Fuck that I’m never going back again”, I just want to know how to get better, and how to get rid of the “all eyes on me” mentality. Granted I feel bad for just dipping out, but also I don’t know what would have happened if I continued to workout after puking.

submitted by /u/-PhotogHelp-
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Skinny Fat 5'7 & 157lbs | Need Fitness Advice


Hey guys. I'm 22 years old and for the first time in my life, I looked in the mirror and realized that I'm starting to get skinny fat. In the past 6 months, my waist has gone from 32inches to 35inches. I thought that my jeans were shrinking but the reality is that I let my diet go to shit and now I'm paying the price.

I'm determined now to lose the belly fat but I'm not sure how to approach it. I've never cut in my life since I've always been skinny. I'm going to start eating at a deficit of -500 calories a day but what I don't know is should I go back to lifting weights or should I start doing cardio? I want to lift weights again but I don't know if it's reasonable to expect strength training progress while eating on a deficit.

What should I do?

submitted by /u/dannydawiz
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New to this Subreddit, not new to weight loss.

Hi, I just wanted to share a bit of my story. I’m currently in the midst of what I’m calling my weight loss Odyssey. My heaviest was 415.5 lbs in July ‘19 and now I’m down to about 378 or so. I’ve struggled with my size my entire life. After my parents divorced I used food to handle my emotions. Eventually I became “the fat kid” and needless to say, it was a tough time. I’ve been “trying” to lose weight for about as long as I can remember. I remember being in maybe 4th grade and “sweatin’ to the oldies”. In 8th grade, after a move closer to some family, my cousin, who decided she wanted to set me up with her friend, and realized I’m not quite her friends type, encouraged me to spend an hour “working out” and drinking a ton of water so I “peed the weight out”. As I grew into an adulthood, I grew into morbid obesity. I’ve done a lot of different things. I’ve tried hypnosis, I tried a very strict diet that I ended up passing out on from lack of nutrients, I’ve done Atkins, I’ve done the one where they send you meals that taste like cardboard. One time, I emailed Richard Simmons, and come to find out he was on Sirius Radio, and had a show, and invited me to have a conversation with him. So I did. He gave me some great tips and some positivity. No matter what I did, I always gained it back because something happened that I couldn’t handle and turned into a monster, eating everything I could. At one point in my life (about 2016) I discovered the world of fat fetishism. I became enamored by the idea of “attractive” people being driven wild by me, and treating me like some sort of fat god. I made some money and videos. I began to eat for attention and fill my voids with more..carnal activities. Sure, I felt used and dirty, but a guy like ME getting as much..attention as I wanted. I was in a different place mentally and I’m not proud of it. I started to feel objectified. The exciting fun feeling started to slightly go away. Eventually I got into a relationship with a very thin woman who flew to Wisconsin from California to be with me a few times. She was beautiful, a musician, and we could talk for hours. We Inspired each other. She even wrote a song about me, that she performed. Before I got into this lifestyle I was about 380 or so. By the time she came to meet me, I was about 400, which she encouraged. I thought I was in love. But I noticed, though we had a relationship, I was a secret. She still lived with her ex, who was a handsome muscular guy that she assured me was, at this point, just a friend. (Right.) we had many conversations about why I was a secret and was often made to feel bad for not wanting to hide a relationship that I was in. But then, I started getting out of breath a lot easier. Using the toilet was a struggle for me. Going up a flight or two of stairs would have me coughing and once or twice I threw up. I told her that I wanted to start losing weight. My grandmother, who was morbidly obese, died at 49 after her 4th heart attack. I started to worry. That’s when she told me that she’s not sure she’d want to be with me if I lost weight. That was a slap in the face. I started to realize that it was all fun and games now, but when the health issues started because of my size, would she stick with me? Would anyone? I realized no. That was a wake up call. I was destroying my already shitty body and for what? So in March of 2017 I ended things with the fat fan, and decided to put myself first. I began what I call my weight loss odyssey. I’ve tried to lose weight my entire life but now I was 33 and time was running out. So I started with small stuff. Walking every day, avoiding the elevators. eating better. Counting calories. I’m fortunate enough to work for a health care company that provides an enormous amount of free support for weight loss, so I started to see a dietician weekly, started to see a therapist for my inside issues. I was doing very well. In June of 2017 I walked my first 10K. I was so proud of myself. I remember as I was walking it, my dad, who lived about 3 hours away would check in and tell me he’s proud of me. That felt good.

Then I discovered Keto. I kept losing. About this time I met a woman, who loved me for me no matter my size. So things were great. Soon I had gotten down to to 318 lbs. I was so fuckin proud. I was smaller than I’d been my entire adult life. But in February, my dad died suddenly of a heart attack. He wasn’t very fat, but he was not very active and a long time smoker. He was only 56. I went through a dark time then. I started to give in to those nasty carbs. They made me feel less pain if only for a few moments. Then I went entirely off the rails. Between August 2018 and July 2019 I put myself at 415.5 lbs. I started feeling that stuff again. Miraculously I didn’t get diabetes or apnea, but I still struggled. Clothes were tighter, people stopped cheering me on.

In July I looked in the mirror and I hated myself. I wasn’t happy. My now wife loved me, sure, just as I was. But I wasn’t happy with myself. That’s when I started over. I decided to skip keto because for me, it wasn’t maintainable for the rest of my life. I did common sense stuff. Eat less, count calories, move more. I gained an entire support system. My wife was in my corner, I was seeing my dietician, a personal trainer to get me started, and my doctor, after speaking to me about my size and rapid weight re-gain said I don’t just emotionally eat, I am a binge eater. As I thought about it, I was. So she prescribed a medication that not only helped with my depression, but to suppress my binge eating to help me kick start things again. I also started talking to my therapist about my emotional eating. Over the holidays, I pigged out too much and didn’t gain a ton, but a few lbs. that’s when I saw a post on Reddit with a video called Obesity: The Post Mortem. That basically was a wake up call to get back on track and stay on it. Since then I’ve been more physically active than ever, cutting calories in a maintainable way, and really feeling good. As of my last weigh in I was back down to 378 lbs and I’m going to keep going. I don’t have all the time in the world. I don’t want to die in my 50s, so it’s now or never for me. That’s my story. Thanks for reading. I love reading everyone else’s stories and their journeys. It’s nice to know I’m not alone.

submitted by /u/Adam430k
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Class pass users?

I was hoping if I could get experiences and opinions on class pass? I am approaching new territory with my weight so I was hoping to start adding in exercise in addition to cutting.

I was hoping if I could get tiers that people have started on, regiments that people seem to enjoy and whether it was worth the money.

I figured rather than antagonizing about which gym to join, I could try it all until I find something I enjoy.

I do a little over 10,000 steps a day during the week. My apartment gym is small but I didn’t want to just stick to cardio. The free month ends soon and I don’t know if I want to bite the bullet just yet - partly coz I haven’t reached my next goal yet.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/starsreminisce
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Currently at a weight loss / fitness retreat and need help verifying their recommendations.

Im so overwhelmed by the many conflicting pieces of information these days. Basically I’m looking for science-based weight loss recommendations that are not fad diets and sustainable long term weight loss, where I can maintain a balanced diet. While I’m here at this fitness retreat for the next 35 days I would like to lose 5-7 kgs.

I’m a 28 year old female, weighing 80 kgs and I’m currently sitting at 39.7% body fat (in the red zone). No visceral fat (in the green) and a healthy muscle mass (also in the green).

My BMR (Basal Metabolism Rate) is apparently 1472 and DEE (Daily Energy Expenditure/sedentary) is at 1766.

1 year ago at this same fitness retreat, it was recommended to maintain 1200 calories per day, a 10km walk and 1-2 classes, plus 100g of protein. This was for a 28 days program. Upon completion (following guidelines - give or take) I lost almost 5 kgs.

I’m now at this fitness retreat where all my meals/snacks are provided (unlimited options to choose from) and the menu has all nutritional information. I’m here for 42 days in total (1 week in)

For exercise I’ve been advised to walk 5-6km and complete 1-2 higher intensity classes per day.

For eating, I’ve now been recommended 1600 calories and within this - 140g of protein, 180g of carbs, 35g of fat and 20+g of fibre per day. I’ve been told that this calorie level will come down as the weeks go on until 1200 calories in my last week - where I’ll then likely be advised to intake 1600 calories from when I arrive home.

Alongside this, at least 2L of water per day and to obviously try to get enough sleep.

To justify the food recommendations, he’s said that I need enough energy to get the most out of / burn enough with the exercise. Which makes sense. However I’m just worried this might be too much calories and carbs for my initial goal?

It’s just so confusing. I want to trust him, but apparently the guy last year was wrong with his recommendations. For piece of mind, Id love some help from this community - ideally from professionals in this space.

Please no dieting/fad recommendations unless it’s scientifically proven - eg intermittent fasting. Not interested in keto etc

submitted by /u/charlie228
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Advice and motivation

I apologize for my English, its not my first language.

I have been trying my best to lose weight, but I keep falling off the wagon. I told my friends earlier that I was going back on my diet tomorrow, and my husband just snickered. When I asked him why he did, he said, "because you always say that" and didn't want to argue.

I am morbidly obese, suffer from Bulimia and am 4"11 with PCOS. I have been trying my best to stay optimistic, but its so hard. I am testifying against my father in March for sexual abuse I endured as a child. I am seeing a therapist about it, and am on multiple prescriptions for my PCOS.

I dont know what to do. I dont know how to "eat" properly. Growing up as a kid, my father always bought TV dinners and bags of McDonald's burgers. I cant see a dietician as they cost a lot to see.

I need some help and motivation.

submitted by /u/Im-sorry0wut
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I'm finally at a weight where 10lbs makes a difference!

I'm on the shorter side and I used to weigh over 250lbs. Nobody noticed I lost any weight until I dropped to 215lbs but it was only a few people. Then once I dropped to 200lbs, that's when everyone noticed. It took around 50lbs for it to be very evident.

Now I am down to 165lbs and everyone has been complimenting and pointing out my most recent loss which is only 10lbs! I can even really feel the difference myself!

My BMR is lower, losing weight is much harder, I have to make a lot more effort, things have naturally slowed down etc. BUT one of the perks of getting closer to my goal weight is that smaller loses do make bigger differences!!

For example, I didn't go down a dress size until I lost 40lbs! Now I have dropped another dress size with my most recent 15lb loss. It's great :)

submitted by /u/throwinst
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Need help losing weight currently stuck

Hey reddit I need some help I'm a 5,7 29 year old male and my whole journey started August 25th I got on the scale and I hit my heaviest. I've been 260 ever since high-school and when I got on the scale I weighed 278. People told me I didn't look that fat that I wore it well but I was always depressed and had self confidence issues. So I said enough is enough and I started dieting and go to the gym I went to the gym everyday counted my calories to the point I was eating under 2000 calories I was doing cardio every day and weight training 3 times a week. Fast travel to now its been 5 whole months and I've lost 60 pounds doing dumbell training running on the treadmill counting everything I ate. I've had to change things up with weight training and what not currently I go to the gym and work out a hour and half each day I do dumbell trading 4 times a week with 30 minutes of cardio and on the other days I do 60 minutes of cardio and Sunday is usually a rest day. I weigh 217 now I like really good and feel good but I'm still fat and would like to be under 200. for the past month I've been eating about 1500 to 1600 calories and been increasing my intensity for my workout and I'm still 217 I was wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks to help me get the weight loss started again I've considered to start counting macros instead of calories and completely revamping my work out roulette but I would like not to do that if I don't have to any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Egriffin1990
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I lost 30kg and then gained back nearly 20 of them

I hit my highest ever weight of 115kg (253.5lbs) when I was 19. I decided I had to fix it, and so over the next year and a bit I worked my ass off, watched what I ate, and worked to fix my sleep schedule. I hit 85.4kg (188.2lbs) in March 2019. But between December 2018 and July 2019 I suffered from severe pain in my knee, causing me to have to use crutches to get around and be unable to do much of anything. After a few months of not being able to walk, I became depressed (already have major depressive disorder but I was coping before this) and turned to food for comfort. I started gaining weight rapidly, and when I finally got the courage to weigh myself in September, I was back over 100kg. I decided to not think about it, and my weight has been mostly stable since then, but I just want to be back where I was in March, weight-wise at least. I guess I should be glad I’m not back where I started or even higher, but it’s still discouraging to see more than half of your progress wiped away.

submitted by /u/purplishpurple
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Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Thursday, 30 January 2020? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Daily Q&A Post for Thursday, 30 January 2020 - No question too small!

Got a question? We've got answers!

Do you have question but don't want to make a whole post? that's fine. Ask right here! What is on your mind? Everyone is welcome to ask questions or provide answers. No question is too minor or small.


  • Include your stats if appropriate/relevant (or better yet, update your flair!)
  • Check the FAQ and other resources in the sidebar!
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Track with Me Thursday! Get Your Calorie/Fitness Tracker and Journey Along with Your Social-Media Friends on MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, LoseIt!, Instagram, Garmin, etc.

Connect with other winners!

Help this stay organized and post a reply to a top-level comment (probably created by AutoModerator) with your platform's name (MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, Loseit!, etc.). If you don't see yours, please use the Other thread!

Post your username and find some friends. Post your stats to find people on similar journeys (perhaps an accountabilibuddy!).

Interact with your fellow r/Loseit users by joining the rloseit Facebook group, follow important news and announcements with Twitter, and share your inspiration, food, and progress with us on Instagram!!"

This weekly post appears every Thursday. Please consider using it for your friend requests, and refer others to this post during the upcoming week.

Please do not post your e-mail address, phone number, or other sensitive information.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: January 30th, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, day 30 of our January 2020 challenge! I'm assuming in January we will probably have some new people joining. Welcome! If this is your first post: start off by introducing yourself and sharing your goals for this year.

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other :)

How's your day going so far? :) Or if you're posting in the early morning, feel free to share how yesterday went & any plans that you may have today.

Let us know how you're getting on with your goals, if you have any questions, need to vent, have an SV or NSV to share, etc. And feel free to just have a chat about how your day went!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Thursday, 30 January 2020: Today, I conquered!

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory!

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  • Did you log for an entire week? or year?
  • Did you take the stairs? walk a mile? jog for 3? set a new personal record?
  • Fit into your old pair of jeans? throw away your fat clothes? fit into your college outfit?

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Struggling to vary my diet


I've been on a calorie deficit for around 5 weeks now, and have lost about 6lbs.

My diet is extremely monotonous, starts with either the same bowl of Cereal or sandwich for breakfast, various sandwiches/wraps or 6" Subways for lunch, and finally for dinner it's either some form of pasta, pizza, rice or chicken. I take a multi vitamin every night.

On weekends I treat myself to a couple of bottles of red wine and the odd chocolate snack here and there.

I average around 1700cals on weekdays and tend not to track on the weekend.

My job tends not to allow me time to cook, so almost all my meals are ready in 15 mins or under.

Does anyone else struggle to vary their intake? I feel like I've found a diet that is working for me as I enjoy all the foods I do eat, however I know I'm probably lacking and eating far too many carbs.

Any advice welcome

submitted by /u/Neverbethesky
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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

My experience losing the weight + maintaining so far

Hey all! This is my first post on Reddit - I normally just lurk but r/loseit has been such a good resource during my weight loss & I wanted to share.

Last year, I dropped about 30 lbs in 5 months, which may not sound like a ton but definitely made a difference in my life. I tried to lose weight using a lot of small habits so it wouldn't feel like an overhaul of my life:

  • I tracked my calories with myfitnesspal - I tried to hold myself to 90% accuracy, and overestimate instead of underestimate. I gave myself days off if needed.
  • I didn't eat breakfast, just had coffee. Doesn't work for everyone but kept my hunger down and gave me more calories for later.
  • I also let myself eat back exercise calories (tracked with FitBit). It was so much easier for me to play a sport for a couple hours and eat 1700 calories than not exercise and eat 1200.
  • I browsed r/loseit and r/progresspics at least every couple of days for motivation.
  • I weighed myself every day.
  • I tried to be nice to myself. Every time I felt myself getting frustrated with my body, I wanted to binge 10x more. Even if I felt bad about my weight, I made sure I did other things that were good for my body - hydrating, building muscles, eating lots of green things.

I've been keeping up those habits (besides adding a spinach smoothie at breakfast) during maintenance the last few months, and it's been working pretty well. I have so much more body confidence and I've found that consistent exercise is a great outlet for my anxiety. But maintenance still has been tricky for sure.

Losing weight, despite being tough, was rewarding. It was like the anticipation of opening a gift on Christmas morning, where I was so excited for what life will be like at my goal weight. When I hit my goal it was like opening that present - amazing and exciting!!!! but also bittersweet because I don't have that to look forward to anymore.

Also, it's hard not to see overweight me when I look in the mirror. I know I'm smaller because people comment on it and also my clothes are all too big, but it doesn't feel like this ~new me revelation~. Both of these things makes me miss losing weight, even though I'm already lower than my goal.

Does anyone else feel this way? I'm proud of my accomplishment, but it's hard to feel satisfied.

submitted by /u/rat-collective
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How much do you trust your calorie counting app?

My wife and I use an app called Carb Manager. We got it when we were doing keto a while back and since going on various rotations of CICO and IF, we’ve stuck with it. It works well for our needs and seems mostly accurate when compared with things we scan.

I’ve noticed on a few things though, the calories are incorrect when I scan the barcode. I can choose another version, and it will be correct.

This isn’t a big problem with things I scan, as I can look, but on some things I “assemble”, like a restaurant salad, I’ve become concerned I’m consuming more calories than I’m recording.

So how much do you trust your apps? I know MFP is popular, but we don’t like it as much, and in the times I’ve compared, they were pretty much identical in numbers (but I haven’t tried with the rare things I’ve found incorrect).

submitted by /u/BeerBottleWizard
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Feeling sad about how my body looks tonight (long post, venting).

27/F/5’8 SW:199 CW: 148 GW: 135

Honestly I just need to vent. Quick backstory, I was overweight most of my childhood. Capped out in high school at 215 pounds, got really sick and lost over a 100 pounds and bottomed out at 102. I looked awful. You could see all my bones. Tried to gain some back, after some years suddenly gained WAY too much. Around 170ish I knew it was getting out of control. When I went to the doctor at the end of 2017 and weighed 199 I was disgusted I had gained nearly all my weight back so I started my journey in January 2018 and you can see above stats as of now, a year later. With that being said, my body has been through a lot. I have weird flab, extra skin, stretch marks. The things a lot of us here have posted struggling with.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m freaking proud of myself for losing over 50 pounds. Especially in a healthy way this time around. For the most part I feel significantly more confident than I did before. I love the way I can dress now!

So- swimsuits. My arch nemesis. Basically my entire life I’ve avoided water activities. In addition to being wildly uncomfortable and self conscious in a swimsuit I’m super pale and that makes me even more self conscious. Side note: I cannot tan. I’ve tried. I have very fair Irish skin and I burn BAD and go back to being pale after. So it’s fake bake or pale af for me. In fact, how bad I burn makes me want to do outdoor/water activity even less.

Well, I’m taking a trip with my family to Hawaii in about a month so obviously I need a swimsuit. My mom and sister were texting me pictures of a swimsuit the other day asking if they could buy it for me and I do not know what came over me. I was SO ANXIOUS. It was a nice gesture but I found myself frustrated. Buying a swimsuit is something I do alone. It really puts me in a funk. I just hate the way I look in ALL swimsuits and it basically stressed me to the MAX. I told them not to buy it that I’d go look at it on my day off but they did anyway.

So tonight, got home from work and finally tried on the 4 swimsuits I own to see what fits. I took pics and sent them to the running group message my mom and sister and I have and asked what they thought. Everyone basically just said “cute,” then my sister brought up what they bought for me and how it’s going to look so cute and told me it’s high waisted which I did not know before. I said I was concerned because I have really wide hips and high waisted stuff can be hard for me. My mom said it would give me curves and curves look good in a swimsuit. I said something along the lines of “all my curves are flabby and gross. I will just never look good in a swimsuit but I can at least try to find one that’s looks ok.” Yes, I’m being a little self deprecating, I know. But give me a break I just tried on 4 swimsuits and am feeling pretty low about it.

Anyway, my sister responded with “Yeah. I thought it might give you more of a waist line and accentuate how small your legs are”

Maybe I’m just reading into it too much, but it felt like she was basically agreeing that I’ll never look good in a swimsuit. Which, I feel like that is honestly true and I said it so I can’t be mad at her for agreeing. It just felt like a salt on what is suddenly an open wound.

WHY are swimsuits so damn hard. I’ve worked so hard on my self confidence and self love and made huge strides and I’ve been in a great place and it’s like putting a freaking swimsuit on shook me to my core tonight. I just feel bad about myself.

Rant/vent end. If you made it this far, thanks for listening to me be a whiny asshole.

Edit: because I’m feeling especially weird and may delete this in the morning, here’s a pic of suit they liked the best

submitted by /u/luckylua
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Top rice weight loss diet Tips

Top rice weight loss diet Tips-An Overview Lose weight quickly, become healthy and fit; that's what many diets promise. However, if ...