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Weight Loss for Everyone: Crazy reason for finally finding the motivation to start my weight loss journey

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Crazy reason for finally finding the motivation to start my weight loss journey

Hi all, I felt this was an interesting enough thing to share that i hadn't seen anyone else mention and it kinda makes me laugh at how stupid it is.

Quick origin story recap: I finished school in 2018, for me personally school was a safe space for as I went to a boarding school and my entire child hood beforehand I had been an only child growing up on a farm with two parents who had a lot of their own issues, as such I had experienced a pretty extreme amount of emotional parentification, so having to leave boarding school and go back home put me in a pretty bad mental state but at the time I didnt know why. That coupled with covid meant that I went from 76kg to 116kg in the span of 3 years.

All of last year I had tried and failed to start losing weight, I'd start but within a month or two regress and go back to previous habits.

At the same time that I was doing this, I had decided that for the first time in my life I wanted to grow out my hair. I had always had extremely short hair and was interested to see what it was like long, so I set myself a goal of simply letting my hair grow out, forcing myself to get through the awkward stages and when it gets to shoulder length I would keep it if I like it or shave it all off and never try it again if I hated it.

For the last year while trying to grow out my hair I would have days where it looked like it was going no where, days it would look amazing and days when I just wanted to give up and shave it all off early. But I forced myself to get through those days when I just wanted to give up and now when I look back its insane to see all that progress and for me it was such a satisfying feeling.

In case you havent seen the parallels yet, seeing my hair grow and remembering that day by day it didnt look like there was any change but month by month I could compare and see progress, remembering how hard it felt having to wake up earlier each morning to try and style my hair through the awkward stages and how much I just wanted to give up but looking back now it all doesnt seem so bad, was exactly the personal experience I needed to realize that losing weight was just the same journey for a different part of myself!

Whenever I look in the mirror now and feel down because I cant see a difference or feel like giving up because I just really want to go eat too much of my favorite food again like I used to, I remember how it felt day by day with my hair growth and that motivates me to keep discipline.

Anyway I've just never heard of anyone whos motivation to finally lose weight was due to trying to grow their hair out and to me the simplicity of it is kinda funny.

As of today I am now down to 95kg

submitted by /u/BobTheCarrot28
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