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Weight Loss for Everyone: April 2022

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Why am I holding on to this weight?!

I’m currently trying to cut a bit. I’m 5’9F, 139 lbs currently, trying to get down to 132-134. I am eating around 2000 calories a day, and I workout five times a week and have a very active job (on my feet all day). I’ve been going really hard at my workouts this past week, and I have not lost anything. I’m in a slight deficit of around 250 cals (if I go lower, I feel like I’m starving when I workout lol).

I tend to hold onto a lot of water when I workout. Say I take two days off, I drop like five pounds of water weight. What are your thoughts on this? I know my deficit is slight but I should be seeing some movement here.

submitted by /u/ConsiderationOwn2385
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Why does starving feel like my only option? *TW*

A bit of history, I’ve had BED and sometimes Bulimia since about the age of 11, and I’m currently 24. Through that time my weight has yo-yo a lot, from 110lb at my smallest to 160lb at my highest (I’m 5’2.) I’m currently 145lbs and feeling very bad about myself, especially because I work as an actor and need to treat my body as a tool of my trade, and it’s currently failing me in that regard.

The fact of the matter is I’m not prepared to live being overweight and I refuse to keep gaining or maintaining. I know perhaps I should address this, but due to the industry I work in I can’t afford to deny the fact that I won’t work as much if I’m seen as fat. I also just can’t stand to look at myself at the moment and honestly I’m disgusted by what I am. Losing weight is an easier fix than years of therapy (which I can’t currently access atm, and when I’ve tried to access it before been told I’m too fat to have an ED…so yeah)

I go through periods of trying to be recovered and periods where I fast, and periods where I binge or b/p. And recovery doesn’t work for me as I still binge, and without a way to counteract that, I gain weight instead. I’ve been successful with WW and SW before, done healthier versions of CICO, but also I’ve been successful with simply not eating, albeit for less amounts of time, but with the same overall effect of eventual weight gain as when I try to be healthy about it.

And tbh, sometimes it feels easier to restrict a lot and fast, then it is to eat and try not to binge.

I feel stuck at the moment, constantly having to decide whether to eat or not, as there’s no normal eating for me. There’s also the fact that…I can’t really afford to eat properly. Eating at maintenance is not something I can afford to do, which makes high restriction and fasting a more attractive prospect.

At the moment the healthier options have simply left me plateauing and still triggers binging. And how can I bare to lose 1lb a week, knowing I can gain more than that in a single day?

I dont know. I dont know what to do. I’m overwhelmed and desperate and just need to lose this weight. What diet should I do? Why shouldn’t I just starve myself - Jared Leto, Christian bale etc did it? I dont care about my health at this point, only my weight. I feel trapped and it doesn’t look like there’s a way out.

submitted by /u/Charming-Falcon-2012
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how do I start again?

Hi everyone:)

So, I've been battling depression for about a year and a half and my mind has been on survival mode for about 7 months now, which means I didn't have the energy or the motivation to take care of myself, everything felt hard to do, waking up was a chore of itself.

Today I took my measurements again and compared them to how I was last year, my waist is 10cm bigger and I've gained 13 kgs (my current weight is 63 kg), which I kinda expected because my clothes don't fit the same anymore.

I used to be pretty active, I think, I walked for an hour or so everyday, and I did yoga pretty much every day too. But I was not healthy, because I restricted so much, I didn't eat sometimes, and I had to count my calories or I would had an anxiety attack.

I know my current weight isn't too much, but I want to start cultivating good habits. Starting small, I wanna feel good in my body again, I do wanna lose some of the weight because it has been bothering me, but if possible, I wanna learn how to maintain it in a healthy way. Also, I wanna decrease my sugar intake, if anyone has some advice on that I would appreciate it.

I'm starting to feel like getting out of survival mode, I wanna be on living mode again. I want to take care of myself without feeling so much anxiety about food or exercise. I'm already on therapy and meds, I wanna do more.

submitted by /u/sabrinawinchester
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Eating when feeling down

So I never had any problems with keeping up with a diet and actually losing a lot of weight. I lost around 25kg 2 times already. The problem is I always (in the long run) turn back to my old habits and I don't even notice it. Now I want to lose those 20kg for the 3rd time and this time it's so much more difficult. I'm in a place right now where I don't feel at my best mentally. I struggle with anxiety and episodic depression and it's soo much harder to keep eating healthy because everytime I have those lows I turn to comfort food. I really really want to lose that weight again but it's much harder to stay motivated because of mental health right now. It sounds weird but anytime I feel really down I feel like food is there to bring me back up again... Any advice from people who have/had the same problem? Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Eko9855
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What are some good dips for veggies that aren’t ranch or hummus

The one dip I do like is peanut butter with celery or carrots but it doesn’t seem to go with much else. I used to enjoy garlic hummus but not as much anymore, though it would still be my “second” behind peanut butter. I’ve tried a few other nut butters (almond and sunflower) and while I like almonds and sunflower seeds themselves, I’m not a fan of the butter versions of them.

If it helps, the veggies that I like for dipping to some extent are cucumber, celery, bell peppers and carrots. I think I’d be open to dipping broccoli if I could find a dip I liked.

submitted by /u/twitchy1989
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I have 10 weeks to go down a dress size...HELP

Okay so longtime lurker first time poster. Longtime try-er, longtime failure-r. Bare with me.

I bought a bridesmaid dress in November 2021 for a wedding in July 2022. I'm not even happy about being a bridesmaid because I do not think I'm that close to this girl but that's a whole other story. At the time of try on and purchase, I was 187.7lbs. For record, I am a 30 year old female and about 5'3". My high weight was 260 about 4 years ago and it took me a long time to be where I am now. The weight comes off SUPER slowly.

Today I picked up the dress that they ordered for me, exact same size as the one I tried on and despite now weighing 180.2 (down 7 pounds), it feels SNUG and barely did up. and by barely I mean i had to lay down and have someone YANK it up while I held my breath. It is tight. Like size up tight. Like I cant move tight. I called the boutique asking about my record on size tried on vs ordered and all things match and they repeated the "no refund or exchange policy". It's tight around the chest/back. The stomach area is forgiving because it's flowy but honestly seems to fit fine. It's just that area.

I spent $350 on this dress in this custom colour for the wedding and cannot simply buy a new one. So that's not an option. I'd imagine a dress size is about 10+ pounds.

So here I am, asking reddit as I sit on my bathroom floor full of tears and absolute self hatred. I need advice and I need help. My weight has been plateaued at 180 for WEEKS. I work as an educational assistant in a school and truthfully do not eat (minus the rare occasional cracker snack pack at 110cal or 100cal granola bar at school). I don't eat because there simply is not time for it during the day and I am not at all comfortable taking my mask off in a covid filled building (welcome to Ontario schools!). Meaning I'm not getting enough water either. I get home around 4:00 and I snack (usually Stacy's pita chips or a handful of salt-free roasted nuts) which is NOT my best habit. I then have whatever I make for dinner (usually a yves or gardein product) and am DEAD and stay in bed from 6:30pm to 5:30am. I am vegan, but moreso a junk-food pre-packaged vegan. I LOVE carbs, like vegetables, indifferent about fruits. I have severe IBS(D) and most of my safe foods are carbs. While I always hit my 450cal movement goal on my apple watch from walking around at work, I do zero exercise because I am so lazy, tired, and out of shape. It's truly my fault.

I will take any and all advice. I need help. I'm so anxiety ridden over a dress I feel dysphoric in I truly want to die.

submitted by /u/pocket_fullofdreams
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 30 April Wrap Ups!

Hello lovely losers!

Day 30! Another fabulous month conquered. Let’s wrap up and discuss the good, bad & the ugly.

Here’s the sign up post for May!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Did okay here. 18/30 days.

Maintain: Nailed it. Would I rather be down on the scale? Yes. Is it still better than a previous version of me? Also yes. Good job me.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Vigorous cleaning today. 25/30 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Did good here, just started a fresh physical journal. There was a period of 2020 where I think I looked at the same page of my journal for six months in a row, I swear.

Todays gratitude list: I think this keeps me mindful of the everyday stuff I take for granted.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): This goal had some mixed results. I do want to live an intentional life. To be very aware of what I intend versus what happens. But it got a little wordy & cumbersome for me.

Respond to y’all one day a week: I wanted to spend more time engaged in the Loseit community this month. We're all still here though so I have more opportunities!

How was your April? Learn anything?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Friday, April 29, 2022

Vegetarian advice

Hey all, I’d love some weight loss advice from vegetarians and vegans. Sometimes I feel like I’m screwed because it seems the cardinal rule is animal protein for satiety, energy and weight loss. Being a vegetarian typically means eating more carbs. Is there anyone who can share some tips with me? I haven’t been successful in weight loss for a long time because I have a hard time with portion control. I eat healthily: Buddha bowls, lots of vegetables, (not too much) eggs and cheese, Greek yogurt, tofu, fruit, beans etc. I feel so frustrated. I need to boost my H2O admittedly. I’d love to get some meal plan advice. (I’m usually not into smoothies/juicing though as I prefer eating meals).

submitted by /u/Consistent_Raise3505
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Is there a point to lifting weight while dieting?

So the basic principle of building muscle seems to be to damage muscle tissue and repair it by consuming a lot of calories and protein. This is why body builders go on bulking/cutting cycles. Weight loss is about having a caloric deficit, which seems like it would impede any possible muscle growth. So I imagine lifting while dieting would be like being in a constant state of not having enough calories to rebuild damaged tissue.

Despite this, people still seem to believe that weight lifting is very good for changing body composition. I know weight lifting isn't really a high-caloric activity, but I do like the general health benefits it offers. Is it worth making it a regular thing while dieting, or should we wait until we are able to eat a caloric surplus?

submitted by /u/Sorreljorn
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I’m angry

I hope this isn’t too off topic but I need to vent. I am infinitely mad. I was starting to lose weight again in early April and it went rocky but ok. Then I broke my f•cking ankle leaving me more or less unable to workout properly. I’m so angry I would break something but I wouldn’t even be able to clean that sh•t up properly. I’m so frustrated with my situation that I started bingeing again. I know I need to get my sh•t together because the way I feel at the moment isn’t helpful at all but since I can’t work out properly there’s no way to take out my frustration on anything. I want to reduce calories but it’s hard when there’s literally nothing else to do all day but sit on my ass and watch Netflix or play Playstation. It will be three months until I can walk without crutches again and I just want to scream. Sorry about the negativity, I can’t find another point of view to look at the situation, my mental health is going down fast at the moment.

Edit because I don’t know formatting

submitted by /u/TheVoidHeart
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Does anyone ever feel like their weight has hindered them in life when it comes to promotions at work, etc.?

I've been overweight most of my life, not morbidly obese, but always 50ish pounds more than I should be. I lost a lot of weight in college, gained some back, lost it again, then gained it back after a brain surgery I had less than 2 years ago and I'm pretty much back to where I started at about 50ish pounds overweight. I'm also 5'2 so it really shows when I gain even a little bit of weight.

I have been at my current job for almost 5 years now and people that have less time on than me at my job are getting to go to other speciality units in particular two females who I'm friends with but started after me. These two are fit and in shape females and haven't done anything above and beyond what I have done at work so the only thing I can think of other than maybe favoritism taking place is that I'm fat and overweight and these specialty units don't want a female like that on their unit. It just really puts me down because aside from feeling like my weight has hindered me a lot in other aspects of my life, now I feel like it is negatively affecting my career and me advancing in it.

I know how to lose weight and eat properly but lately it's just been harder for me and after my brain surgery, which was due to a condition that also affected my spinal cord (chiari malformation and syringomyelia), it's been harder to work out as consistently and hard as I used to because I always feel like crap after too much exertion for days on end.

Really I'm just venting about how being fat is making me feel not wanted in my career and judged.

submitted by /u/thatonelatina7
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318 to 251 and counting

Been working on my weight for about a year now and honestly haven’t done much but I really started to explore food and found a lot of healthy foods I love also to 60 hours of physical labor a week for the past month has helped.

No one from my home town knows that I’m losing weight and I’m not posting anything until I’m 200lbs and I’ll be cutting further from there to get abs showing. I’ve pretty much just been on a life long bulk so I’ll already be muscular.

Honestly just excited to almost be at 70 lbs lost and wanted to share where I’m Anonymous

submitted by /u/Cmanzoni5
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Frustrated yet proud.

I am in the minority as I chose to use COVID-19 quarantine to lose weight instead of gain. I have lost and maintained a 35lb loss beginning March 2020. I am 34f, and I am 5'4".

I have always been skinny. I was a high school and college athlete. I'll be the first to admit my adult life hasn't been as active, and I hate that but it's life.

I used CICO for weight loss. I hit plateaus, and it was so slow going. I ate 1250 calories a day. My starting weight was just under 150lb. Right now I am at 115lb which is well within my healthy bmi. However, maintenance isn't maintenance. No matter what I do my body doesn't want maintenance calories and remains the same at 1250.

I feel like I can't enjoy anything extra or I'll just gain weight. I'm just venting, and I'm grateful for this community. I've learned I have to accept this new norm as forever. I just wish I didn't have to weigh every single thing always.

Thanks for listening!

submitted by /u/Makeupnotwar_87
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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Nothing fits in this new "getting out of the house" world

I am so unbelievably disheartened. I spent the last two years in yoga pants and PJs working from home, and didn't put on my "normal " clothes ever. Now that the world is opening up, I am going away for a work trip for a couple of weeks and NOTHING I OWN FITS. NOTHING. Not one business dress, blazer, nothing. Only a pair of jeans and t-shirts. I normally didn't have such an issue with not being skinny, but THIS? I feel I betrayed myself so much and I am so disappointed and heartbroken. How did I let myself get to this point? I know the pandemic has been rough overall but NOTHING FITS? All my favourite clothes, gone. How do I even deal with that? I travel in a couple of days and I have nothing to wear, and there's nothing I can do now except spend money because I didn't take proper care of myself. I am feeling horrible and ugly and I never felt that before, I always got along with my body even if it was bigger than your standard "sample size".

I exercise, I don't eat 3 packs of oreos a day, and still this???

I feel like I will never be able to wear these clothes again, that no matter what I do I just can't lose weight. And now it's even worse - I GAINED it.

Sorry, just venting because I have to yell this somewhere.

submitted by /u/ThrowawayPhilosoph
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Need help staying on track

I’ve been struggling with weight all my life and every time I tried to lose weight I would workout consistently for a month or two and then stop and when I am working out I would notice I would eat more junk food thinking to myself it doesn’t matter cause I’m working out. I weighed myself today and noticed I’m at my heaviest I’ve ever been at 337 and seeing this and knowing diabetes runs in our family I want to change but I always end up stopping or eating worse when I’m not working out. Any helpful advice would help on how to stay on track and not indulge every time I eat.

submitted by /u/R3ndomP3rson
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Can You See How Much Muscle You Have Put On?

Am I crazy? Is that a thing?

Example: I've lost 10ish lbs and 2/2.5% of body fat by calorie deficit and weight lifting. So I know I've lost fat, but I assume I've gained some muscle, as well. Is there a way to calculate that?

It's not a big deal if it's something that can't be calculated because I can physically see the change. I was just curious if it's something you can calculate.

F/33 SW: 150 CW: 138 GW: 130(?)

submitted by /u/UnpricedPants2213
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Eat the maintenance calories for your target weight?

Seven years ago I lost 20 lbs before with strict calorie counting (weight goal completed) and maintained that weight for 2 years. Recently I gained it back due to stress and I was going to start calorie counting again.

Question: Let’s say my target weight was 130lbs and the maintenance calories for that weight was 1,450 a day sedentary. I am not active. If I were to do strict calorie counting 1,450 a day, would I reach that 130lb AND be that weight forever?

Technically when I lost the 20 lbs my daily calorie count recommended by Loseit was 1395.

I was wondering if coming up with the daily caloric number for weight loss was as simple as eating the maintenance calories of your target weight & activity level. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Longjump-Cup-1739
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Nothing seems to be working

I'm looking for anyone who's had a similar experience and found something that works.

I'm a woman, USA, 30, 5'4, 175-178lbs; gw: 130-145.

I can't seem to shed any weight. I've been on a CICO deficit of about 1300 calories per day. I'm doing 1hr hot yoga 5-6 times a week. 1-2, 1hr pilates classes per week. All for the past 8 months. I've just been fluctuating between 175lbs and 178lbs the whole time. I have cheat days but don't binge. Cut down sugar and carb intake. I make most all of my meals at home. I was on a birth control called depoprovera for 2 years from 2015-2017. My weight prior to that was around 130. 6-9 months into depo, I gained about 35-45lbs. I've just been trying to get back to a healthy weight.

I've developed healthy habits and am a little disheartened from not seeing any results. Has anyone been through anything remotely similar and/or have any tips?

submitted by /u/Extra_Seaweed
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Holding myself accountable! For good!

Hello! I just wanted to come on here and make a little post to make it more real to me that I need to become healthier physically. I am (recently) 19F, 5’1 and ~160 pounds. I personally do not deem myself to be “too bad,” but realize there is some CHUNK that wasn’t there before attending college. Problem is, I’ve got a history with somewhat (though not ever diagnosed) disordered eating, so I am trying to be mindful of that and avoiding obsessive behavior. I want to lose ~20 pounds in the next year, and learn how to eat intuitively and keep it off. Anywho, I am going to take progress pictures tomorrow morning and upload them here, and kind of lay out my plan. Looking forward to a life of health and self-acceptance and improvement!:)

submitted by /u/JuniorFinish1771
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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

First 10lbs Lost!

I'm feeling really optimistic and proud of myself. I Started March 11 and since then i'm officially 10 lbs down! Since childhood i had been overweight, and id always been scared to take on this journey. My confidence and self esteem had been low , and id always compared myself to my skinny friends. My weight has been consistently going up since 10 years old, and i had been afraid to take the reigns as I have grown up in a household with very poor eating habits and diet culture. Since I can remember my parents had always been trying the new fad diets and always failing. I've seen them cut out everything - candy, lactose, bread you name it. I've seen how miserable they were doing these, and so this is all my perception ever was of weight loss and diets- complete misery and missing your favourite foods. Finally i've down my own research and came across CICO. The scale has been steadily going down since I started, and i'm SUPER proud of myself! I never thought I could be doing this, but i'm feeling stronger by the day. While 10lbs isn't enough to physically notice i sure can feel the difference. Out of 80lbs weight loss goal, im 1/8th the way done! Im ready to become the best version of myself, and I hope i stay consistent!

submitted by /u/shimmeringrosee
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Outrunning your diet is IMPOSSIBLE!

I'm sorry, but I have to say this... outrunning your diet is fucking impossible (with the added caveat: for most people). I've often seen people saying how they "outrun" their diets. And I'm like yeah? By how much?

Because frankly, just speaking from experience, if I eat two hotpockets a day (both calculated at 290 calories) then that's 580 calories alone for ONLY TWO HOTPOCKETS. That is literally more than 1/4th of the 2,000 calorie daily diet.

I ran 3 miles yesterday at an average pace of 11:02/mile. Runkeeper tells me that in the timeframe of 33:04 I burned 362 calories. So not even two hotpockets. And those hotpockets are just ONE PART OF THE DAY. For me, that's typically breakfast (ham and cheese for the win). I've since realized my stomach doesn't like hotpockets so I'm experimenting with other stuff, but I digress...

Whenever I hear people say that they "outrun" their diet I fucking laugh. Like, unless you're doing half-marathons or some shit on a regular basis AND watching what you eat there is NO FUCKING WAY you are outrunning your diet.

I feel like when people say they're outrunning their diet it's just an excuse to eat more food. Like yeah man... good job on running those three miles every other day. You keep ruining it because you overeat all the fucking time.

Why am I saying this? Straight up projection mostly. But thought I'd post it here because at least then I'm being productive about it.

submitted by /u/OfficiallyRelevant
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I need help

I like many am a overweight teenager in America. I am 5’2 186 pounds. I am very fat and due to that I am a prime target for bullying. Most of the kids at my school call me lard ass and fatso. I hate my weight and I am so done with it I don’t even eat a whole lot just enough to stay alive and functioning and I get outside regularly. I need to loose this fat just not to stop the bully’s for myself also. I have no friends and I when I told the school board about the bullying they ignored it. My parents didn’t care and I have to eat what they make for dinner. I ask you people of Reddit for advice to help change my life.

submitted by /u/Soggywafflemonster6
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If you’re struggling with keeping hunger at bay- try to replace one primal need with another

Okay, I feel crazy even typing this but hear me out okay? (I really hope this isn’t against the rules or anything)

So. The main thing that I’ve struggled with while trying to keep CICO going is BOREDOM.

Yes, yes I know, if I’m hungry I should eat. But also, when I’ve hit my calorie limit for the day, that just sucks. Well today. I got a vibrator. And took a ride to fun-town. And I looked at the clock and time passes really quick when you’re having fun! And now it’s time for me to go to one of my book club meetings so I won’t even have the opportunity to get hungry!

So. Invest in a vibrator. Or go have sex. Replace one primal need with another. I’m never going hungry again!

submitted by /u/thegrinddontstopp
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3lbs. But it’s a start.

So I have had so much trouble losing weight. Going to the gym. Eating right. Nothing seem to work. Even after months.Talking to a nutritionist didn’t seem to help either. But I started slowing to lose weight. Then I got pregnant. And I had to start gaining weight. I have tried to limit the amount of food I have and not gain to much (but still safe levels for my baby). A month or so ago I was told I was 3lbs over what they wanted me to be. I had already started to cut back again and just yesterday I was told I had lost 3lbs since I had last been weighed. I know it’s not a lot but it made me feel so much better knowing what I am doing now is working and I can be a bit healthier when the baby comes. And even after.

submitted by /u/Adventurous_Photo_55
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Switching from MyFitnessPal?

Hi everyone,

I've been using MyFitnessPal for 11 years and while I love how it's helped me, I'm starting to get really frustrated with it. It seems to have bugs all the time and there are certain features that annoy me - why can't I copy my dinner from yesterday directly to my lunch today? (I seem to recall being able to do that on my iPhone but can't on my Galaxy).

Has anyone here switched from MyFitnesPal to another calories tracking app they prefer? Any recommendations? Or is my best bet to stick with MFP and suck up the issues?


submitted by /u/missmaida
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Cellulite is gone! (for the most part)

So today i was taking my progress video on my phone, and i notice most of the cellulite is off of my legs!! Not all of it, but it’s now a “normal” amount, and by normal i mean not excessive anymore. i couldn’t believe it, i know lighting plays a factor but holy shit it’s a big improvement! All i’ve been doing is eating in a defecit (some days i still go over), doing this 20 minute butt lifting workout i found on youtube, and a 10 minute cardio video as well. I also make sure to consume a lot of protein, and more fruits and veggies and i rarely drink pop anymore (i used to drink it daily, now once or twice a week) I drink 8-10 cups of water a day. I really do believe it was that workout video though! if any other people on here are a bit insecure about their cellulite and want to reduce it, i can link the video i do. Also i should mention i’ve only been doing it for 3 weeks. I’m so proud , i think this is the first summer i’ll feel comfortable in shorts. There is nothing wrong with cellulite, i just had SO much! i love seeing progress it keeps me motivated!

submitted by /u/sparklykangarooo
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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Is it fine to put most of my calories into 2 meals?

I'm on a 1600 calorie limit, and I typically don't eat breakfast. My Lunches are usually between 500-650 calories, dinners are around 950. If I go light on either I usually snack on fruit/popcorn/yogurt but the majority of my calories are in the 2 meals.

I regularly see diet meals for 300 calories and people suggesting a 6 inch from subway over a footlong. I assume for most people this makes sense but since I don't eat breakfast it makes sense to put those calories into the other 2 meals.

Basically am I fine getting 2 burgers or a footlong for dinner if it fits my calorie budget?

edit: I guess I should have clarified I dont only eat burgers and subs lol. I eat salads and try to work veggies into my meals. I'm not in a good position to cook atm so I make simple salads and eat some of the better frozen meals I've found (Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine), mostly the ones with high protein and some veggies included

submitted by /u/IDontCareAtThisPoint
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Just started running again and it feels great

So I just finished my last graduate class last week and started running again this week. After working full time and taking classes the last 4 years, making sacrifices in my mental and physical health to keep it up, I feel so ready take some of that productivity and put it towards my wellbeing. I haven't run in about a year so I can definitely feel how weak I am now, but at the end of the run it feels so worth it. Just wanted to celebrate the feeling!

submitted by /u/pange93
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What Was Your Weight Loss "Aha!" Moment?

Hi. Just looking for some inspiration. Been a long time since I posted to an online community like this, so please take it easy. I'm f, 34, and 280 lbs, which-since I've lost about 5 lbs-is the heaviest I've ever been. No kids, just got into a deep depression in my early 20s and lost control of my healthy eating habits and spiraled ever since - was thin all my life up until then and never had food issues before. After years of only semi-trying to gain control of my eating and diet, I finally feel like I am getting there with a goal of at least 40-60 lbs by end of year. I am doing ADF, reducing sugar and ultimately I am looking to clean eat and add protein to help strengthen myself and my body while losing weight. My biggest issue though is my mental. No matter what, I just can't seem to "turn on" the switch that keeps me motivated for weight loss. So, I am hoping to hear from others who struggled until they finally had that breakthrough. I.e. sometimes I've seen people say "When I saw myself in that picture" or "When I couldn't fit in that chair I knew I had to make a change." So please tell me: What is your weight loss why? (And mind if I borrow it :)

submitted by /u/Onlythingsilove
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Failure is not the opposite of success

I've been trying to get more active this past month after years of neglected mental health and so far I've lost 5 lb but this past week has been a struggle working on impulse eating, I'll do fine and then feel bored and eat whatever fried food my mom made, but instead of beating myself up over it I'm reminded of the healthy habits I'm implementing despite those days I eat more calories. I go for walks everyday, I am now at least aware of the caloric implications of food and try to be mindful of portions, and I actively want to be healthier. So if eating at maintenance calories is what it takes to be building lifelong healthy habits, I'm okay with a slower weight loss and you should be too, be proud of yourself for at least wanting to be healthier. Humans always do this thing where we ignore the good things we do in favour of focusing on our faults, but we shouldn't be outside of using them as lessons on how to better change our behaviour, so don't be afraid to pat yourself on the back for those habits you're building despite any hiccups, especially if you're doing this alone like I am we need to be our own biggest supporters.

submitted by /u/fishdeath
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How do you make a plan and stick to it?

I’m currently in high school. F, 5’8, and about 149 pounds. I’m ok with where I’m at, but I’d still like to lose some weight. I lift weights 4 times a week, and I’ve gained some muscle, so I want to lose some fat to be toned. Besides weight lifting, I’m not active. I think that my main problem lies with eating, as I snack a lot after school. I’ve tried to cut out snacks but I’m not very disciplined. Any tips?

submitted by /u/akadumpsterfire
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Eating for Fun

Hey guys! I am a 23-year-old female (5'2" and currently around 145 lbs). I really don't like the weight that I'm at and I used to always stay around 130-135lbs. Recently I got on birth control for the first time (Nexplanon) and I moved in with my boyfriend whom I have been with for 4 years. I don't think being in a relationship on its own made me gain weight, but moving in with him I feel like made it worse potentially. Also, I am unsure if my birth control has also made me gain weight, but I do not want to blame that because I know I eat like shit.

I feel like I am CONSTANTLY eating. I always have to be consuming something. The first thing I do when I wake up is think about what to eat. When I am bored, I eat. When I think about doing something fun with friends, it always leads to going out to eat with them. It's like my life revolves around food. Sometimes while I am in the middle of eating, I feel guilty and I know that I am constantly eating but then I just continue to eat. Is this a food addiction? I know I haven't gained a TON of weight but I feel like it has come on fast and I would like to put an end to this. I feel like I have a bad relationship with food.

submitted by /u/Double-Art-8805
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Pictures over the scale!

So I've been on my cardio and healthy eating for about 1 month. Looking at the scale these past 30 days have been so frustrating because of water weight fluctuations and I thought I hadn't made much progress...until I looked at last months progress pictures. I compared last months vs todays and was really proud of my hard work. I saw such a noticeable difference in how my athletic shorts looked and I'm really excited to maintain my progress this month. Just wanted to hop on here to encourage everyone else to keep going and take pictures! Lol

submitted by /u/tv2vs
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Monday, April 25, 2022

Back to square one :(

Hi, I never posted on here so general info about me is that I’m 5’4”f started off 156lbs with a goal weight of 121lbs or at least 132lbs, somewhere in between.

I started my weight loss journey during the height of COVID. It was easy to start because back then all of my work and studies are being done at home, which means that I could really focus on losing weight. I cycled every morning everyday for about 2 hours. I did intermittent fasting while also trying to eat about half a plate (my version of cutting calories). I was also taking this weight loss pill, which is actually bad for health, but it did make me lose weight drastically. I was able to lose 20lbs in about a month or so.

I was able to achieve 134lbs, which made me really happy. I stopped taking the weight loss pills and started to ease off the fasting. I was so close to reaching my goal weight. But then, I ran into some really bad problems. Long story short, I developed a panic disorder, which made me lose focus on keeping my weight because I was constantly afraid of getting another panic attack. I couldn’t cycle again because the thought of my heart rate increasing was suddenly scary to me. I ate more and more without minding how much calories I ate because I was too busy trying not to get a random panic attack. It was a really horrible time for me, but I have gone to the psychiatrist for this, so I am a lot better now.

After I was recovering from the panic attacks and felt like I could start losing weight again (at this point I was about 143lbs), I got into a relationship. My boyfriend eats a lot, and loves to buy me food and feeds me A LOT, so now it’s becoming so hard to stay disciplined. I’m now back to square one (150lbs), and it’s making me so mad. When I was losing weight and cycled everyday, I was single and living with my parents who really supported me in my weight loss journey by providing me low calorie, healthy food. Now, I live with my boyfriend who constantly cooks me or buys me high calorie food, so it’s really hard to turn down those foods. I also don’t have a bike anymore, nor a gym membership (too expensive for me), so I don’t know what to do for exercising. I’m just so miserable and tired now.

submitted by /u/mischitato
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I hate being fat.

I need to say this out loud. I have always been a “big guy”. And I’ve used that as an excuse to just keep on keeping on. But let me tell you. I hate being fat. I hate that I am obese. I hate feeling like an embarrassment to those around me. I hate that in family pictures of my kids growing up that I look like a swollen bowling pin. That when I look back at those pictures, I will not have been happy in one single one of them, as I am so uncomfortable in my own skin. I understand that it could be worse. That sounds unfair and harsh to others. That’s not my point. By that I mean had I not made a choice to get my fitness, weight, and health under control, it absolutely would have been worse.

So, in January I made the decision to start my calorie counting again. However, this time I have incorporated a gym routine. Last time I lost 63lbs and stopped counting right at the start of the pandemic. I VERY quickly gained back 38lbs. I am currently down 23lbs from my new starting weight. I still have a lot of animosity in me from what I have become. But I am making a change. I like beer, bourbon and chocolate cake. But not nearly as much as I hate being fat. I want my kids to be proud of their dad and I want to be proud of myself. I am getting there. I love working out now and I love pushing myself. I continue to beat my mile time on the treadmill. I am constantly able to do more reps on the weight machines. I got this. But I still hate being fat.

I posted this in another sub a few days ago.

submitted by /u/I_Masticatedinpublic
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Are there any apps or programs for kids that need to lose weight?

My daughter is 8 and is obese. She has been going to the doctor every 6 months for check-ins due to her weight. The doctor’s only suggestion was to “cut chocolate milk” — although she hasn’t drank chocolate or whole milk in years. She plays sports. I can control what she eats when she’s with me, but she snatches snacks from people at school and helps herself to seconds of snacks at her after-school program. I’d like for her to try to track what she eats in the hopes that she’ll see that sneaking snacks is a problem for reaching her goal. I know the Lose-It app is for 18+. Any advice on an app that allows tracking for kids?

Edit: thanks for the advice. I’ll get her an appointment with a new pediatrician, and ask for a childhood obesity / childhood dietician referral in my area.

submitted by /u/sprjcjeueb
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How many of you have been in a Subway sandwich 'phase'?

I'm currently in my Subway phase where I'm ordering Black Forest Ham footlongs for about 550 calories. For what I pay (tons of coupons online), get in calories for volume of food, and convenience it's nice. Although I know I'll hit a day where the though of Subway repulses me and I'll need to find a new food obsession.

I always seem to get stuck eating the same thing every day for months (when I'm just cooking for myself), and then suddenly it snaps in my brain and I can't stand the thought of it. I've done previous obsessions of eating pre-made salad kits (with minimal dressing) and rotisserie chicken, or making at home veggie stir fry (you can load a TON of veggies into a wok and get a TON of volume for few calories).

submitted by /u/Tiverty
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Weird posture after weight loss

I've lost over 100lbs over the last year and I've developed a strange way of standing. My belly sticks out and my lower back archers. I have no idea why. It's only happened since losing the weight. It actually looks like I'm pregnant which is not ideal haha especially after dropping so much weight. I only noticed it when I saw photos of myself yesterday! What is that called? And can it be fixed? Is it common I wonder? I've been trying to consciously straighten up but that only lasts a few seconds and I slip back into doing it :(

submitted by /u/distantseagulls
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Some Thoughts on Body Dysmorphia

I did my first ever reformer pilates class today with two individuals (one is an online friend I met via Instagram but have never hung out with in person and the other one was her friend, a complete stranger). This was also my first time socializing since before the pandemic so there was a lot of new things happening and I was probably way more awkward and anxious and word-vomitty than I wanted to be. Anyway, it was a private 1 hour session in a woman's basement, and the instructor was super chatty and asking us questions to get to know us. Early in the session, she asked me if I have always been this tiny.

It caught me off guard and I jovially said no, that that is not something I see or have ever saw myself as.

After a couple more exchanges, she then told me that I clearly have a lot of baggage.

Baggage, of which, I then fixated upon for the rest of the session. It brought up all sorts of negative feelings. Feelings of guilt for self-deprecatingly denying my petiteness in front of people who were bigger than me; of resentment towards all the people in my past who bullied me and convinced me I was fat despite being nowhere near overweight and giving me this body dysmorphia in the first place, and disappointment in my lack of confidence and self-actualization, which I thought had improved a lot over the past few months. When she asked me that question, I reverted back to my old self, the one who thought I was too heavy at 5'3" and 130lbs.

Trauma can really fuck up your self-perception. Most days I'm really proud of myself, of how I look and what I can accomplish and I try to be as kind as possible. But that question and my just threw me for a loop.

I'll likely not be returning. She also told me that I was inflexible because I told her I lift weights 4x a week and wanted to do pilates on my day off. Today was literally the only availability she had and the fact that I did it despite requesting another day was sort of proof that I was not inflexible.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I guess I just wanna say, please be kind to yourself. Our brains can be master manipulators and sneaky saboteurs when we least expect it.

submitted by /u/babythunderpanda
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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Is being overweight most of my life causing me to self sabotage my weight loss?

I have been overweight most of my life as a child and still hit a growth spurt and then I was a good-sized and then I he came over weight again then lost weight after college and then put weight back on and more when I joined the gym and my hunger increased. I have always been a medium sized and by that I mean I'm average size but I actually weigh more than people think. I have tried to lose weight more times than I can count and I am not somebody who is good at pushing themselves or having discipline. I'm wondering if maybe the fact of just sort of always been like this is causing me to self-sabotage my healthy eating out of fear change? Has anyone else dealt with this weird fear and how did they get over it?

submitted by /u/Catmom924
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Weight loss slowing down suddenly

Hey Guys,

I had a starting weight of roughly 260 pounds and am currently at 181, very happy with the progress. Im 6 ft tall for reference

I was loosing 3 pounds for a a few weeks but in the past two weeks my weight loss has stalled to a snails pace. Past few weeks i've lost less then 1 pound

I know that as we lose weight, weight loss slows down but I would assume it would be a gradual decrease. Has anyone had experience with weight loss randomly slowing down for a few weeks or have a sudden decrease in weight loss?

I eat virtually exactly the same things (like literally the same exact meal) and have even added playing tennis 3-4 times a week on top of my regular exercise so my activity has increased if anything

My only guess is that I've increased my water intake at night, but I would assume the water weight would net out after a few days. I added having some gatorade zero if that could have an impact

tl;dr: 200-185 lost 3 points a week 185 to present losing < 1 pound a week without increasing calories or decreasing activity, does this sound like a natural decrease in weight loss or could this be something related to water weight etc.?

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Loss498
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60 pounds in 6 months

I know, it’s a very ambitious goal, but after many years of binge eating, depression, and other health issues a switch just flipped inside me. I’m getting married in November, after 3 postponed weddings due to the pandemic (which led to the depression/binging). I recently got my gallbladder removed and noticed it was a kickstart to losing weight so I feel motivated to keep going. I am still 2 weeks post surgery, so not allowed to go fully back to the gym or workout rigorously, but I’m starting with waking and doing what I can.

Has anyone who accomplished a 60 pound weight loss mind sharing tips, motivation, or how to even get started? Would love to hear from anyone who’s been there and what they wish they knew when they first started their weight loss journey.

Thank you in advance for your help!

submitted by /u/runningonmatcha
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I am 21, female, 5’11” and I weigh around 215 pounds. I have only gained this weight recently when the pandemic started. Now that the pandemic is easing up I have no idea how to lose this weight. Before the pandemic i was around 170 and I was looking okay. I would do anything to go back. I have been trying to exercise at least 30 min a day and eating more eggs, vegetables, nuts and trying to eat less carbs, dairy and processed food. I always feel bloated and can’t suck in my tummy anymore. My face looks fatter and saggier. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome so sometimes I get burnt out quickly or injure myself more than others so exercising is hard but also very important for my body. Does anyone have any meals/exercises/tips for me?

submitted by /u/Guilty_Collection_10
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Scary wake up call to lose weight

I’ve struggled all my life to lose a few pounds and kept putting it off. Instead of needing to lose 5-10 lbs, I now need to lose 80lbs. Since yesterday I’ve been getting tingling and the needles and pins feeling in my feet. This is a sign of diabetes and I am terrified. I can’t believe I’ve put this off and now I’m facing this. I’m so disgusted with myself and scared. It shouldn’t have taken this to get me to do something. I’ve started walking 30 mins and watching my portion size as of today. Definitely got the wake up call I needed. I just hope it’s not too late.

submitted by /u/onajourney314
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Saturday, April 23, 2022

The backsliding anxiety/denial see-saw

Looking for advice around self-talk and re-commiting to change. Plus a bit of a whinge if anyone wants to just commiserate I guess.

I've been maintaining for about 2.5 years, which according to my past pattern means it's time for me to get fat again. I've gained about 6 lbs from my low weight which is not insurmountable but is a good indicator of my eating patterns at the moment.

I'm short. I've been weight training and telling myself that it raises my TDEE, but then not tracking calories when I'm eating shit. My partner is a giant and makes yummy high carb food, and honestly, I just like eating a lot.

I need to get back on track and just feel like I'm setting myself up to fail.

submitted by /u/IncognitHo
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Help on losing weight

Hi, I'm a 15 year old male who weighs 79.5 kg (175 lbs) and I am currently 5 foot 6 inches tall, started noticing that I'm kind of fat so I've decided that I want to lose about 30 lbs to weigh more normal for my age, however I have no idea how to start, so far all I've done is cut out sodas/pop and reduce my junk food intake and start going biking till I start sweating but I eventually want to start doing proper exercises, any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/ICausedADiavoloDeath
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It's just not happening for me

For some background: 27f, 5'6", 160 lbs (goal 140-145lbs).

Growing up I was never taught healthy eating habits. In HS I was "mildly chubby" but taught myself how to lose weight by restricting and walking. I was never very athletic though and had no idea how to work out. I went from 155lbs to 143-145lbs (I am just under 5'6"). In undergrad I managed to maintain for the first 2 years, got super depressed by junior year and shot up to 156lbs. Then I met my ex. He was big on fitness and would make passive aggressive comments about wanting me to be healthier ("oh yeah I used to date a runner so I am used to a runners body blah blah blah or "are you sure you should be eating that? while he proceeds to eat that same thing). We were together for two years and in that time I learned how to cook (no one had previously taught me so I ate a lot of junk) and learned to workout (mainly just cardio and some HIIT). I lost 20 lbs and weighed 135 lbs. The lowest I had been. I maintained this from the time I graduated undergrad in 2016 all the way until this damn pandemic. During the pandemic, I was also with a new bf (now ex) who basically never worked out, loved junk, but also didn't really gain weight. But he would never eat healthy and always wanted me to "just eat tasty food with him." So I did.

Now I am in graduate school (Since January 2020) and I am trying to get myself on track and I just can't. I currently weigh 160 lbs (the heaviest I have ever been). My self-esteem is 0. Every-time I get on track, something happens. Either exams get in the way, depression, my bad knee, or most recently a hip injury. I was FINALLY going to the gym regularly. I was focused more on building muscle to burn fat through lifting and now I can't do that because my lower back and right hip are killing me (even when I just work on my upper body). I can't bike or use the stair master. I haven't been able to run in a long time because of my knee so that's been off the table. Basically all I can do right now is watch what I eat and go for walks. I manage to do really well with calorie restricting for like 2-3 days and then it all falls apart again because of stress or going out with my current partner or my roommate. I am working on cutting out alcohol or extra sugars. But that's all I can seem to manage. I just really wanted to be at my new goal by summer

Also more on the hip injury: xray showed "wear and tear" damage to my hip join and my doctor says I have muscle spasms in my lower back. I start PT next week and I have been holding off on trying swimming until I see a PT. But fingers crossed I get the green light to swim so I can do some kind of workout.

Anyways, I just wanted to vent. I hate my own reflect, I know I shouldn't but I do. I feel like a failure. I know I am not but I feel like one. I just don't know how to get on track consistently again.

tl;dr: long history of weight fluctuation from 135-160 and now I am stuck at 160 and I can't get on track.

submitted by /u/DangerFloof94
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I'm 15 and 290lbs. I need help..

I'm going to be as honest as I can be here. I have lived basically my whole life in denial of my weight. I am scared of being judged and recently I don't even want to leave my room because I'm ashamed of myself. So basically, I dealt with an "eating disorder" (I believe they exist I just don't think mine was serious enough to describe it as that) I went from basically where I am now to 210lbs from the beginning of summer to February. I had tonsil surgery in February and everything went downhill from there. I lost all of my progress and I'm so ashamed. I believe I'm fairly strong and have a good amount of muscle, but its probably not that much. Its like every time I get on track I get sick or just lose all motivation and gain. I am too scared to work out in my house, the walls are paper thin and I'm scared people will hear me breathing too hard or my heavy self doing the exercises. (Stupid, I know) My family only buys unhealthy foods, and its the same meals constantly because no one will try anything new. I also binge eat. Like alll the time. I typically only eat one or two meals, but they're always unhealthy and a lot of food. My mum was the same size as me when she was my age, but I'm still scared. Can someone help me? Any advice will be appreciated. Please don't shame me, its not going to help. (Sorry for any spelling errors or formatting issues. I'm panic writing this. Its really sinking in)

submitted by /u/After_Contribution56
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Why is my measurement not moving, my weight staying the same, but I get stronger at the gym?

I am 5ft, weighing 60 kgs. I am lost about my progress. I lift heavy at the gym, and my endurance has improved. I am in a calorie deficit of 1271 calories; however, I eat more than that if it is a lifting day, maybe 200 calories more. I have been working out consistently since January. Though I have lost kilograms and lost inches, I feel that I have been 60 kgs for more than a month. My waist measurement is the same, too. When I work out, I feel leaner.

I would like to ask what should I do to lower my weight and lost inches off of my waist. I lift 3x a week and skip for an hour 3x a week. Then 1 rest day. I prioritize protein and carbs in my diet. Thank you.

submitted by /u/SecretaryNo9755
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today my face is fat

i hadn’t really noticed how much weight i’d gained in the last few weeks. I’ve been stressed with final exams and assignments and not sleeping much and my eating habits have gotten crazy bad. But today I saw a photo that my friend took of me last night and my face has completely changed. I don’t recognize myself. I feel very sad and upset with my body now looking at the rest of me. Is there a way to feel motivated to get healthy and away from this feeling of self hatred? thanks

submitted by /u/waluigitree
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Friday, April 22, 2022


Im 18M 5'9 and i weigh almost 100kgs(210pounds)..Ive been trying to lose weight by working out and trying to eat healthy but cant continue it for a long time mainly coz im a student preparing for my exams sice the last 2 and a half pretty athletic even tho im fat..i play basasketball every working out is not a problem..but whenever i have free time im mentally fatigued and tired due to studies and stressed due to upcoming exams.I know the main reason for my weight is improper diet ..but i need that push so that i can atleast start eating properly and exercise later when my exams finally end..plz share how u guys stayed motivated ..i dont like how i look right now and want to change it

submitted by /u/wallahichicken
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Tired of Diet Coke?

I get sick of the same tasting no/low calorie drinks day in and day out. Found a low calorie alternative that tastes pretty good! Fill up your drink with 9/10 Diet Coke, and then with the last 1/10 add a regular sugar soda (like root beer).

Results are a (almost) normal tasting drink for only 30-40 calories. If you like root beer try it with Barqs, it doesn’t disappoint.

Don’t knock it till you try it!

submitted by /u/freshbless
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Best reason to always track your food

... A lot of times you have eaten far fewer calories than you would have guessed! I just went out to eat with my family. I had been doing fantastically on MFP all week and I was determined to stay on track tonight. But all my weak spots were pushed. I was starving by the time we found a restaurant without a wait, and I wasn't able to research the nutrition info ahead of time because we were winging it. The kids were acting up and the husband was high strung from work. I drank more wine than I normally would have because I was in a bad mood, and I ate too many of the nachos that my husband ordered as an appetizer, plus the crusts off my son's pizza because I was ravenous. At the end of the meal, I almost said, "to hell with tracking," which would have meant I likely would've also said, "to hell with tracking," for the rest of the week because I had already blown it and could start over soon enough on Monday. But I sucked it up and tracked... and it turns out I only ate 600 calories more than I budgeted. That's really not so bad in the scheme of things--that means that I can still stay in a mild to moderate deficit this week, and I definitely didn't eat enough to put me over maintenance (though if I had kept going with the "screw it" attitude, I easily could have gone over maintenance by tomorrow night). I find that almost always when I go overboard on a night out and eat more than I wanted to, it's not as bad as I make it out to be in my head--which means that I should not be scared of tracking when I let loose. It actually helps me in the long run to keep tracking because this is a marathon, not a sprint, and learning to deal with off days where I eat more than normal is crucial.

submitted by /u/granolatarian0317
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How do you prevent compulsive eating while socializing?

It’s been an alright journey for me losing 17lbs since Valentine’s Day (5’4 F SW 190). I’ve been feeling disappointed in myself, as I haven’t been really giving this diet my all. I stick to my CICO plan as well as I can, however, hang outs with friends almost every weekend always ends up with me gaining 2-3 pounds (I know it’s mostly water weight) and being stuck at the same weight for weeks at a time. I beat myself up thinking about all the extra weight I could’ve lost if I just had more self control to say no to unhealthy/large portions food when socializing. Almost of my social life involves going out to dinner and the food choice of my friends is almost always all you can eat style food like KBBQ or hotpot. All my friends are big eaters, and what I eat is less than half of their portions but definitely too much to stay in a deficit. I try to stop myself midway through the meal, but I tend to have an all or nothing mentality since I’m little, and I always end up slipping after a few minutes and compulsively eating more because it’s in front of me. The best solution is probably just staying home but I love my friends and I have terrible FOMO lol

Does anyone have any suggestions for this kinda situation? How do you stop yourself from eating food that’s in front of you, especially when everyone else at the table is pigging out?

submitted by /u/DrowningSun96
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I'm a 6ft 1 260-270lb 36yr old male. I have a few questions about weight loss as I'm new to it.

I have a very active job, I work at Walmart in the produce section. Im constantly lifting up 20-50lb cases of potatoes, vegetables, bananas. I usually hit 8 to 10k steps a day along with all the heavy lifting. I have heard your body gets used to this and dosnt really count as exercise, is this true?

I am trying to eat healthier as I am a emotional eater and always jump to junk food to make me feel better. I have no idea what my calorie intake was before but it must have been enormous. I would drink 6 or 7 mt dews every day. Pasta, pizza,donuts were my staple diet. I've lowered my calorie intake to 1500 the last couple days eating mostly healthy foods. My question is I keep feeling tired and somewhat dizzy. Will this go away once my body stops being addicted to all the sugar?

I have a lot of muscle and im chubby but I wouldn't say im fat. When looking up my bmi it says 260 is obese and that I should be around 180 to 200. Thats seems really low. I was 200lbs growing up and almost to thin. Whats a good way to set a target healthy weight for myself.

Thank you for anyone who reads or answers.

submitted by /u/Tall_Organization_41
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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Is losing 40 pounds by July realistic?

It is the goal I set for myself and I lost 15 pounds pretty easily but the rest has been slow going. I started at around 190/193 pounds initially (end of last year). I was fluctuating between 180-185 around March 20th and I have been dieting and going to the gym since then regularly.

I only drink water, unflavored black coffee and unsweetened tea. As for food I try to stay away from sugar/salt for the most part since sugary drinks used to be my weakness. I usually stay within 1200 calories (I range between 900-1200 depending on if I am hungry or not) but I eat all day. Usually it is eggs and sausage in the morning (sometimes bread too), a meal replacement as either lunch or as my snack inbetween meals (powder and water), fruits, veggies and either chicken or salmon for dinner. All bland. Basically the same things every day. Easy to stick to.

My ultimate goal is to be around 130 to 135 and just maintaining that even though that is still on the higher end for my height. Is July realistic to hit the 40 pound mark and be around 150? What would be good things to incorporate into my diet or remove? Currently I just eat when I’m hungry and split up the amount of calories I am eating throughout the day and then go to the gym in the evenings where I do cardio and lift weights with a friend.

Appreciate all input cause I’m bad at this and currently am at the lowest weight I’ve been since I don’t know when.

Edit// I am fluctuating between 168 to 173 currently so I’m around halfway there

submitted by /u/Freya64
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Its crazy to me how I could've still ate what I like this whole time, I just stuffed myself like a pig.

F 5'6, SW: 221 CW: 215 GW: 135 but my lowest weight was 118.

I've been fat, lost a ton of weight, then got fat again and am now losing it again. Its crazy to me that damn, I can still eat the crap I want and lose weight, health be damned but its better to be normal weight and unhealthy than fat and unhealthy.

My food today: Pasta frozen meal (560) Chick fil a nuggets and small fry, no sauces (700) pb ice cream (540) total 1800 cals. My highest calorie day in a while as I usually dont have ice cream, I range from 1200-1600 max.

This is actually the same way I lost weight the first time, just using CICO. The issue was I was eating way under and thought I couldnt lose weight without only having like 800 cals, even if that 800 cals was in one big burger. Predictably I binged once and never got my portions under control from there. I also never saved eating for when I was hungry, I just gave in to every mental craving.

Usually i would have like 2 pasta meals, deluxe sandwich combo chick fil a, and a whole tub of ice cream and eat like 3k+ cals with snacking as well in my binge phase.

I also am doing a kinda lazy IF, I find on days that i do fast I crave healthier foods but on days I break the eating window (usually because I only ate 600-800 cals) I still am strict with calories but I dont crave healthy foods. I also find myself making better decisions like choosing to make my own sandwich with a side of fruit rather than buy a sandwich with chips. (Sometimes lol)

Is this normalcy?

submitted by /u/sabaping
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My fiancé pressures me to go to the gym

I figured I would post this here since I’m actively trying to lose weight and I’ve been successful so far doing my thing.

My fiancĂ© and I have been together a long time. He loves going to the gym and always has since the start of our relationship. I absolutely hate it. I spend enough time indoors, I don’t want to do exercise inside as well.

Personally, I prefer going on long walks and enjoying being outside. I put my music on and relax. For 30mins to 1 hour, I shut out the world. My fiancĂ© keeps trying to get me to go to the gym claiming that it will be a bonding experience. We do plenty of activities together, so it’s not as if we don’t spend time together. I also know that as soon as I step foot in the gym, he’s going to push me to do things I have no desire to. It’s happened every time I’ve agreed to go to the gym.

Me not going with him right now is causing tension and it’s really frustrating. He keeps saying how my walks aren’t enough exercise and I always counter that any movement is good movement. If he does accept the the walks are okay, he then quickly counters that they’re not a high enough intensity. I don’t care about intensity. I’m just there to enjoy myself and relax.

TL;DR: Fiancé is pressuring me to go to the gym and I have no desire to go. This is causing a rift in our relationship.

submitted by /u/TealTeaLeaf
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 21

Hello losers!

Day 21!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Logged this morning. 12/21 days.

Maintain: I don’t like revoking a goal but it’s been a bad mental health month & I can’t assign value to my calories & use it as a tool to judge myself currently. It’s gotta be just a number for a while. I’m very much still logging & being mindful of my choices.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): 35 minute walk & lower back yoga because I'm a million years old. 16/20 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Yup. Physical & digital journal today.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for all the things I take for granted every day, fresh, clean drinking water, supermarkets, not having to forage for noms, the ability to access medical care for myself & my cat, the list goes on. Some days it’s not a bad world even with the occasional bout of existential dread.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): My intention for today is to ensure I get enough sleep tonight, it’s been harder to rest lately. My intention for tomorrow is to continue the quest to stop judging myself. My intention for this week is to stay in the moment & make choices to support my long-time goals. My intention for this month is to LESSEN MY SUGAR INTAKE. I’m only yelling at me so sorry folks lol. The work candy bowl may actually be my personal demon.

Respond to y’all one day a week: Doing okay here!

How was your day? Hey I'm going to do fancy salads for my meal preps next week, what do you add to your salads to make them a little fancy?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Hey guys I'm a 6 foot 1 male about about 215 pounds, I've been doing a low calorie intake for about a week now, my goal is to get to around 190ish really just want to lose this belly, problem is I have only been consuming about 1000 calories a day but I'm just not as hungry since iv stopped with fast food and stuff, anyone else have this problem? I know it's unhealthy for males to eat under 1500 a day but I don't want to force more food into my face. Also I do Light weight lifting with dumbells at home not much cardio these days. Will I lose muscle at the rate I'm going instead of fat?

submitted by /u/Grixis92
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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

I had a break through with my relationship to food today

So I started my CICO diet last week. But I’ve done it many times before, so I wanted to approach this time as a chance to fix my relationship with food.

I’m 240, was 245 when I started. I have hypothyroidism, so I’m doing 1400 for the time being under the advice of my PCP. For reference I’m a 5’4 female.

Well today, I woke up completely unstable. I’ve just had a miserable day. I made good choices, but when dinner came around, I lost it. I just wanted McDonald’s. It was easy and it was a comfort meal. I sobbed and cried over this stupid craving I was having that I knew would send me down a rabbit hole of giving up. I can’t have just one small burger, I never can. And I knew that. So I had a big internal battle between McDonald’s and a hello fresh meal me and my partner originally planned to make.

Well, after my melt down, I sat and just reflected on what just happened. Why was it so important to get McDonald’s and why did it hurt so bad when I knew I couldn’t have it?

Then it clicked.

It’s not about the McDonald’s, it’s about the convenience of an easy meal, and before when I was upset and didn’t wanna cook because I was just overwhelmed by the day, I made a habit of going to McDonald’s.

And so I meditated and reflected with my journal about how real my emotional connection is to good, and I think I made a big step in fixing my relationship with food.

Thank you for reading through this. I just wanted to share something that was super important for me.

Oh and we made the meal and it was delicious :)

submitted by /u/WeepingPond
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Losing weight with a history of disordered eating


32f, 180cm.

TLDR - losing weight successfully using a string to measure

I just wanted to post to have a little celebration on my progress, and ask for information or additional strategies on my continued weight loss journey.

I had an ED as a teenager, which led to a very disordered pattern of eating. About six months ago, I decided enough was enough, and I as going to lose some of it and get to a healthy and happy level. However, the problem is that I can't weigh myself (because I will freak out about how heavy I am compared to what 'I used to be'), I can't take and record measurements (same reason), and I can't use an aspirational item of clothing.

So, I decided to use a piece of string. I marked on where my dimensions were with a texta, and then decided every two or so months I would compare.

I also started by counting calories, but I found after a month I was getting fixated on it, so after chatting with my psych we decided to chuck it. My strategy has been instead to walk places, and cook what I want at home - but it needs lots of veggies. I use skim milk, low fat margarine, spray oil and the like to help cut down on excess. I have developed a taste for frozen berries, which I eat as dessert to stop any other snacking.

This morning I pulled out my string to compare my progress. Easter had been filled with chocolate, and I had been eating out more in the last month.

However, it shows I have lost 5cm! I'm so happy with that! I can't tell any difference when I look into a mirror (but I have never been able to, even when I was much smaller), but I have proof that my slow and steady approach is working. I'm losing weight healthily and in a sustainable way that isn't triggering any ED. I have an end point in sight. I know it's a healthy goal because I'm in touch with my therapist. In another few months, I will dig out some pants I used to love when I was skinnier (but not unhealthily so) and keep going gently until I reach that point.

I'm trying to balance things and I'm keeping a constant check on my mental health, where I am in a very stable and good place. I think I'm doing the right things - I'm getting tangible results - but I also wanted to ask if anyone has any suggestions?

submitted by /u/-bishopandwarlord-
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Top rice weight loss diet Tips

Top rice weight loss diet Tips-An Overview Lose weight quickly, become healthy and fit; that's what many diets promise. However, if ...