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Weight Loss for Everyone: I Stepped Foot In A Gym For The First Time in 3 Years.

Monday, January 16, 2023

I Stepped Foot In A Gym For The First Time in 3 Years.

At the start of the pandemic, I had been 4 months into my weight loss journey, and was down from 320lbs to 280lbs. I felt the best I’ve ever felt. At 19 years old, I was ecstatic, and felt as though I was on top of the world. I carried 280 surprisingly well, as the fat started to melt, showing a muscular base almost like snow melting on the pavement. and was excited to see how I would look at my goal weight; 220 pounds.

For many, the pandemic derailed weight loss goals given an inability to access the gym and a lack of motivation to continue. I worked out during the pandemic, but I ate even more considering there wasn’t much else to do for the next 23 hours that involved physical activity. Over the next three years, I would go on to gain all my weight back and then some. I managed to graduate college and move to a new city where I knew nobody. Over that time span, food ordering apps were my biggest vice.

A vice that would be the catalyst of where I find myself today, newly 22, weighing in at a whopping 355lbs. I moved into a new apartment complex that has a gym in it. For the month I’ve been here, I’ve avoided it like the plague. I almost felt as if I didn’t look at it, my spiraling weight issue would disappear somehow.

Today, I decided to take life by the reigns, and take my body back for good. I found a 5 day workout split that I feel works for me, and although I can’t complete all the exercises on it, (like pull-ups) I intend to continue showing up for myself. It seems as though most people on this sub are already on their journey, but if this reaches anyone who has fallen off the wagon as of late, this is you sign to get back on and take the reigns! We need to do it for ourselves, because nobody is going to do it for us!

submitted by /u/ReallyLebronJames
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