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Weight Loss for Everyone: November 2020

Monday, November 30, 2020

What's your biggest saboteur?

I was curious if anyone else struggles with one thing they cannot seem to overcome or that creates an almost impossible battle for them. For me, it's that I seem to have this black and white type of thinking that anything that isn't a full workout isn't worth it at all. Or not following completely perfectly to a diet means that I've failed completely. It's frustrating because I can be doing so well with everything - with my eating habits, with my sleep and with my workouts and everything is going perfectly smoothly and then one thing I either forget to do, or for whatever reason, don't end up doing, and I end up thinking the whole thing is one big failure and just give up.

Does anyone else feel like this, or have any other things that seems to constantly sabotage their goals?

Would love to feel like I'm not alone haha

submitted by /u/AngelicBastard
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: December 1st, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

For all new people that have joined this month, at the end of the month we do a roundup of what happened. we'll also talk about our goals for September.

How was your September? You're free to structure this however you want, but think about the following topics:

  • How has your weightloss progressed? Better, or worse than expected?

  • What are some Non Scale Victories that you've experienced this month?

  • Did you set goals for September, did you keep to them?

  • What went well during this month, what could need improvement?

  • What important lessons did you learn?

Today is also goal-setting day for October! If you're new, every first day of the month we think about small goals we want to achieve this month. They can be weight goals, exercise goals, or anything really... An important aspect is that they are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based...

  • Do you have a goal weight for this month, if yes, what is it? For example: maintain a 0.5kg loss a week.

  • Do you have exercise goals? For instance, get in 10.000k steps a day

  • What plans do you have for your diet? Do you have goals there?

  • What are some non weight/exercise related goals you have? Here, get creative. Past participants have used this section to stay accountable for their homework, learning languages, pledging not to order junkfood, ...

Thank you for keeping this thread alive and kicking in these interesting times!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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[Directory] Find your quests here! -

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I have to count calories for the rest of my life, and that’s fine.

So I’m not new to weight loss. About 2 years ago I was (M, 24, 5’11) 340 lbs. I counted my calories and had a kinda keto-light diet. I ended up losing over 40 lbs. this was a huge success for me as I had never even thought I was capable of weight loss like that before. I have tried losing weight and eating healthy my whole life but never lost much.

After I hit 300 I kinda hit a plateau and got discouraged. I figured I would give it a break for a bit and come back later, as counting my calories was such a chore. A year goes by and I gained it all back plus more. I was 365 lbs at the beginning of March of 2019, the heaviest I’ve ever been.

I then made a commitment and realized that in order to actually lose weight and be healthy and keep it off, I would have to count my calories for the rest of my life. I originally thought it was gonna be the case where I would do it for so long, lose the weight and then somehow magically stay at that weight, but that is not how it works for me. I have no self control, and I have no inner voice to tell me when I’ve had too much. I need to actively go out of my way to count how much I eat, stop myself, and do it every day.

I’ve been doing it for months now, it’s just become habit. I am not stopping any time soon. I’m 26 now and at 325 lbs and still doing well. I know I have a very long road ahead of me, but I’m on the right path now and I’m sticking to it.

This is just a little rant to get things off my chest and I hope it helps motivate people to count your calories and stick to it.


Also another little win, I treated Thanksgiving as a cheat day to freely go over my calories, but I probably didn’t even go that much over. I had a small breakfast, 1 full plate of food for lunch, and 1 piece of pumpkin pie. Then after that, I was stuffed and skipped dinner. That has never happened before, usually I end up eating multiple plates and multiple meals on thanksgiving. The holidays would always through my diet off, but they don’t have to.

submitted by /u/Nikomaru14
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Finding out things you thought were healthy actually aren't is one of the most discouraging things

People need to stop talking like all veggies are equal, and 'free food', cos i just found out parsnips are one of the most high carb veggies so actually not that great for weight loss. Same as how people act like you can eat as much fruit as you like when actually it's still full of sugar, natural or not.

Plus i've been eating a lot of rice pudding/custard, which i know aren't healthy exactly, but if i want a treat it seemed more healthy than, say, chocolate cake as a dessert. They often label cans of rice pud and custard as "low fat" but when i actually checked the nutritional info, they actually have more fat and sugar than my fave choc bar!!!

So just needed a rant as that pissed me off.

submitted by /u/ShameDoe
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I've been binging but... A bright side?

I don't know if my tag is there so... F27 HW:127kg CW:115.5kg GW:82kg Hey y'all! As you know these days are really stressful. We have pandemic, the weather is dropping, christmas is coming and the semester(for me is ending). Additiobal stress for me is, I'm in a foreign country and have been for 2.5 years and I'm a big family girl. Two of my very few friends have emergencies back home so they're leaving the country. I'm not meeting up to my professors standards and as a people pleaser and one of many that sufffers imposter syndrome i feel so bad about it. To sum it up life is tough. And I've been binge eating. Sometimes so much i give up on adding to my calorie counter because i can't remember what i shoved into my face to keep the feeling away.

This morning is a prime example of how it usually happens. I woke up this morning and did a 30 minute yoga session from youtube. I have to take a language test to graduate and it opens at 9am, i was 15 minutes late. JUST 15 and the system was so clogged up i had to wait 10 minutes. I get in, select my testing place (in my city yay!) And wait to pay. Suddenly i get logged out... And all the seats in my city are full but ok the city 2 hours away has seats! So i try again....again...and by the fourth time the system pushes me out I'm almost crying and the only places left for this 2 hour test are 5 hours away or on an island 1.5 hours away. But I'm so desperate to take this test i just go for the 5 hours away because there are more buses and trains there than an island. What started of a great morning ended with me eating both my breakfast, snack and lunch combined all at once. It feels like everyday pushes me just like that lately and i want to give up because obviously it's not the right time and i don't have the tools to lose the weight now right? WRONG! While i my have binged I'm actually all out of unhealthy food, so although i went on an eatting spree, the calories were way less than they could have been! And the food was nutritious so atleast i will get some good energy from it! In addition to the broght side, here's what I've learned from these past days and how i will implelement it going forward even i mess up the very next day.

  1. Guilt does you no won't un-eat the food or burn calories. Let it go.
  2. Drink water. Alot. Your body may say you're hungry but you just came of a binge so it's not true drink drink drink water!
  3. You can still do good! Did you work out? Awesome! If not do it. 10 min, 5 min. Whatever just try to do it! Go walk! Come on you got this!
  4. You don't have to throw the whole day away. Even if it's 11:59 hell if you aren't asleep yet there's something you can do! One more cup of water, a quick work out, even just planning for tomorrow! SOMETHING can be done! And no matter how small it is a battle in the war won!
submitted by /u/Draamaaa
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Aerobics and weightlifting???

Hello! I just started my weight loss journey earlier this month. I am watching my calorie intake and have started aerobics. I read that I should lift weights as well. The aerobics exercise is pretty strenuous in my opinion, fast paced with no breaks and a lot of arm movement and jumping for an hour. Should I still lift weights? If so what should I start off with? What kind of exercises do you recommend and how many sets/reps? Also, how many times a week?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I really don't want to fail this time. Thank you in advance for all your responses!!!


submitted by /u/Mysoulisdarker
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I've been battling obesity since a child, and now, my health is in danger. I need help

First and foremost, sorry for any broken grammar. English in not my first language.

I've been an obese since i can remember. I'm a 19 y/o male, 116 kg, 174 cm. In August this year, sadly enough, i was diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. At this point, i know i need to change. But i don't what what should i do. Thankfully, my doctor have recommended me to meet a dietitian. I've been working with my dietitian for a week now, she said some very useful stuff, but I don't feel anything is getting better.

I've cut all added sugar that i can, try to control my eating portion, adding more protein to my diet, i just don't feel any changes. I've only exercise twice or thrice a week because of online classes, assignment, etc. Any suggestions or tips on how to lose weight better? Am i doing anything wrong or there's something I'm lacking? Thanks, sorry fo any broken grammar again.

submitted by /u/KaitoK09
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"95% of people gain the weight back within 2 years"


I've lost weight 5 or 6 times in my life. I am 5'5, female, and have fluctuated between 135-150 since I hit puberty.

Every time I get close to 150, I lose weight again. "Welp, looks like it's about that time of year! Gonna lose 10 pounds now" and off I go. Takes me about 2 months to get back to a comfortable weight.

I get a lot of flack from friends/family. They say I'm "yo-yo dieting" or that I already "look fine". Here's the thing:

  1. I'm not going to wait until I'm 200+ pounds to lose weight. I'd much rather lose 10 pounds once a year vs. needing an entire year to lose 100 pounds.

  2. I know that ideally I could stop gaining weight to begin with, but I'm just not there yet. I am experimenting with different foods, lifestyles, etc. over time. Fingers crossed I'll eventually find a more permanent solution, but I'm not going to just give up and gain 100 pounds because I'll "gain it back anyway".

Haters gonna hate. If you gain it back, you gain it back. IT'S OKAY. Don't let the fear of regaining stop you from starting.

submitted by /u/sjdnaiaisnsthrowaway
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Tired of seeing results everywhere but my legs

Hi all, I’ve been eating well and exercising for about three months now (cardio + strength), 22F at about 135 and have lost about 10lbs. I don’t focus on the number so much though as how my body looks as I’m trying to also gain muscle.

I’ve always been bottom heavy and am finally trying really hard to work at leaning up my legs, but no matter how hard I try there is 0 fat leaving. I have been able to lose almost all of the fat from my torso up but my legs refuse to budge. I do leg workouts constantly and am thinking I’m maybe doing something wrong at this point? Shouldn’t I be seeing progress? Is there a certain meal plan bottom heavy people should use? I feel like I sound silly but I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. I don’t mind gaining muscle and having somewhat-bigger legs as long as it’s muscle, but I still have the same amount of fat and cellulite. Has anyone else had a similar experience and has been successful? Thank you!

submitted by /u/Internal_Climate1416
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Question about calculating caloric deficit

I crunched some numbers and here's what I got for my calorie consumption today:

Calories consumed

Breakfast: Eggs+chicken sausage (350 calories)

Lunch: Chicken gyro sandwich (700 calories)

Mid afternoon snack: Greek yogurt+Granola (300 calories)

Dinner: Chicken breast, broccoli, and 2 cups of cottage cheese (600 calories)

Total Consumed: 1950

Calories burned

45 min HIIT workout (-600 calories)

Net Calories: 1350

My question is, how much of a caloric deficit am I running? Should I calculate based on my BMR of 1700, or my Sedentary TDEE of 2100? I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I'm genuinely wondering what my caloric deficit is like for today.

submitted by /u/kimmusmaximus
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 30 Wrap Ups

Hello losers,

Holy crapola day 30 snuck up on me! Wrap it on up, tell us all about your month!

And sign up for next!

You will have to forgive your fearless leader kids. I am maintaining the course but only just. It's important to remember you have to live life around your weight loss plans & sometimes that means yes you are counting, yes you are mindful & no there isn't a deficit. The whole world is struggling a bit & my mental health has taken precedent over a constant deficit. Know that I am still here fighting the fight with y'all & boy howdy am I cheering everyone on! 2020 can't beat me!

Exercise 5 days a week: I would like to do better kids. 22/30 days.

Self-care journaling (once a week, 60 minutes): Nailing it. 4/4 week.

Nanowrimo 1666 words a day: 22900/50000 words. I missed the word count but in spirit, this did exactly what I wanted it to do. Rekindled some joy & reaffirmed that I'm not always a terrible person. Can't ask for much more than that!

Try a new recipe once a week: Fried parsnips, baba ganoush (different recipe/prep method this time, didn't fuck it up!), a mixed meat chili, sweet potato casserole, turkey carcass soup & a oven toasted vegetable ratatouille so far. 5/4 weeks. Nailed it!

Express gratitude: Did it everyday. Kept me more positive about things in general. Nailed it.

Your turn kids!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - December Sign Ups!

Holy crapoly it's almost December kids!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra!

Leading by example, here I go!

Weight: I'd like to maintain & report weight daily without judging myself!

Stay within calorie range (maintain at 2000 ish): Slow & steady here kids. It's been a hell of a year & December will wrap it up with success & learning.

Exercise 5 days a week: I'd like to be chasing higher intensity & more strength (I say it every month because I want Cara Dune arms). X/X days.

Self-care journaling (once a week, 60 minutes): Keeps me sane! 4/4 week.

Try a new recipe once a week: Always looking for fun new recipes! X/X weeks

Express gratitude, mindfulness or HOLIDAY CHEER: Keeps me sane & planted on this earth.

I think that'll do me for this month. It's a lot of enjoying the small stuff & steering the course.

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Committing to intentional weight loss after HAES


I’ve browsed this community for a long time, just now joined and really feel like sharing to solidify what I’m doing - if I share it, I’ll have to keep doing it!

I’ve been overweight/obese for probably the last 6 years, steadily climbing higher. I struggled with some mildly disordered eating in the past, then got into a relationship that turned into marriage, and found HAES along the way. I thought it was the answer and I really clung to it for a long time. In the end, all that happened was that my spouse and I are both overweight and I’m now prediabetic. I thought HAES was healing me, but really I just began using food in a different disordered kind of way - primarily to quiet my anxiety.

I debated on and off if I should leave the HAES community and abandon the mindset. I tipped over the edge back to intentional weigh less once my spouse joined Noom secretly. I tried intermittently when using the Noom app and decided to abandon it and jump back onto MyFitnessPal and CICO. I’m now down about 13lbs from my highest weight around 285, and my next goal is to see 269 or below. I don’t know how much weight I’d like to lose, but I do know I’m not happy or healthy at this size, and I’m starting to experience significant limitations because of it. I’m so thankful to have my spouse joining me on this journey too.

Overall, I’m just relieved I took a step back from HAES but I’m sad it took me a 100+lb weight gain to get there. I don’t wish them ill, and I think there can be grains of truth in their philosophy, but I also believe it is deeply flawed.

So, please share your best tips, resources, and encouragement for me and my S.O.! I’m feeling a little down over a cheat meal tonight, but I am trying to remember it’s a marathon 😉. If you have any wisdom about breaking the habit of using food for comfort I’d love to hear it because that’s my biggest hurdle!

submitted by /u/BluebirdKindly
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NSV - I am a size 9 again!

26F / SW: 190 / CW: 140 / GW: 135 / CICO

I started off the year wearing an XL in tops and 13 in jeans. I was very excited this summer when I was able to fit into and buy a size 11 jeans (let alone a M top—I just remembered how exciting that was lol) for the first time in years. A few months after that I decided to try a pair of high-waisted jeans for the first time ever, and fell in love with them. I was never the right body shape to fit into them comfortably before.

A few weeks ago I realized that one of the high-waisted pairs I bought was feeling a little loose. I could wear them fine without a belt the first time after a wash, but a belt was required for any subsequent wears. I was annoyed. Figured I was just in-between sizes and not really believing that I had lost enough weight to fit into my high school size again.

Well I finally broke down and decided to buy a pair of 9s to try them out. They were delivered today and I held them up and was very discouraged. Holy hell these things are small; ain’t no way I’m getting myself in these (especially when I went over my calories both yesterday and today... and it’s just a few days after the thanksgiving feast!). After an hour or so I said screw it, might as well see how far I am from fitting.

And guy. Guys. They fit. And I’m not talking about I just squeezed into them. The legs are comfortable. Didn’t have to jump or wiggle. They are completely zipped and buttoned. My shirt is tucked in. I am currently sitting down in high-waisted size 9 jeans. What in the holy hell.

I never though this would happen. I’ve actually been super down and frustrated these past few days. I’m close to my goal, but my body doesn’t look like what I’d hoped it would. I’ve been struggling whether to take a month of maintenance in dec and enjoy the cookies and desserts, or make the final push to get to 135 before a beach trip the first week of January. It’s been a long hard year, and the thought of having to lower my end goal even further is damn hard in the face of Christmas cookies. I am so beyond happy that I decided to try on these jeans tonight. Been a while since I really celebrated a NSV.

And for the deets: CICO baby. Started off the year really strong with strict 1200 a day. Since October (yo that candy corn) it’s been hard sticking to 1200, so some days I am doing 1400, some days maintenance, and the occasional “whoops” day. Throughout the year I’ve been on and off with the gym (did not go at all during quarantine but still lost ~15 in the lockdown thanks to CICO) but mainly just tried getting more normal activity and steps in every day (I’m an Apple Watch girl so gotta close those rings). Oh, and I also do dirty 18:6 IF just so I can eat bigger meals lmao (I was never a breakfast and/or coffee person anyways. But I do chew a ridiculous amount of gum).

Let me know if there are any other details you’d like :) Thanks for stopping by and reading my rambley-excitement post!

submitted by /u/MelOdessey
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Found the elusive solution (or snack) for my night time snacking problem - rice cakes

Posting in case this could help another person because I’m kind of mad I haven’t seen these mentioned more often since I had no idea they existed until last weekend.

Where have these been the entire time??!

My #1 absolute biggest weakness is needing to snack at night. After dinner/before bed. This is where I always fall off the wagon. Also combating munchies after partaking in flower activities. No snacks really satisfied me. Except these bad boys - rice cakes.

Just stumbled upon them browsing the grocery store. Pretty cheap IMO (like $2.50 per pack? 14 cakes in each one) Several flavors that satisfy both sweet and savory cravings. Very low calorie (like 35-50 per cake depending on flavor). And gives you that very satisfying crunch that you might want.

Also the packaging gives you topping suggestions if you don’t want it just plain or want to shake things up. My favorite combo so far are the lightly salted cakes with a dab of smoked salmon cream cheese on top. And they’re relatively sizable cakes, considering. They make me feel full and do a great job of satisfying that endless craving of food before bed. Usually 1 cake does the trick for me but I could have another if I wanted to and be good.

Not sure if anyone else here can attest to these?

submitted by /u/magic_is_might
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Figuring out how to kick the crash diets. Down 60lbs and taking my time doing it to make it last.

• I’ve done yo-yo diets my whole life

• I’ve done swings of 80 pounds before

• I’ve now been doing intermittent fasting for 32 weeks and I feel strong with my commitment and here’s what I’m doing:

• Now that I’m older and tired of the yo-yo I understand that long-term weight loss is not about following strict guidelines but legitimately building habits

• I got to 265lbs by years of building bad habits

• So what the 32 weeks have looked like for me is for the first three weeks I did nothing but fast 16:8

• I did not change my diet I did not track calories I did not do any crazy workouts

• Focused on building the one habit of fasting

• After three weeks I started Tracking my calories. With my fitness pal My username is IFwithRyan If you send me a request on there you can see what I eat every day

• At the three week mark I also started some light exercise mostly weightlifting. Three days a week

• Another reason I hadn’t changed my diet is it’s just too much takes too much will power

• And at about the six-week mark after I had been tracking calories consistently for three weeks, I started to try to hit a calorie target so I would know that I was in a deficit every day

• And I would say for probably about the last 23 weeks I’ve just been doing the same thing:

1) workouts 2 to 3 days a week

2) trying to hit about 2400 cal a day.

3) I’m not following any specific diet

• I still have fast food once a week sometimes twice a week

• But the biggest thing is…. I don’t feel mentally drained

• If I feel strong and want to add another healthy habit I can do that

• I would say in the last-few months I’ve easily had 20 days where I was eating more than 4000 cal a day

• But there are also days where after a cheat day in order to balance it out I’ll do like a 20 to 23 hour fast and only eat 12 to 1500 cal to balance it out for the week. And that keeps me mentally strong

• I don’t feel deprived

• So I would say if you’re just starting intermittent fasting do nothing else for the next three weeks but fast for 16 hours a day eat what you want when your time is up. Once you have a habit of fasting and it’s like second nature then start tracking your calories

• You will eventually have to track calories to lose weight but don’t try to do it all today

• And once you start tracking calories eat the same but track, so you know where you’re at

• Then start making adjustments. It’s going to take longer but if I were to tell you you can lose a half a pound to a pound a week for the next year and a half but then you’ll maintain that weight for the rest of your life, versus going crazy and losing 75 pounds in three months but then two years from now being right back where you are which would you do?

• Weight loss is much more about habit building than it is knowing the perfect way to do it

• Don’t get overwhelmed by taking on too much... will power is a limited resource

submitted by /u/Livin_Right
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Down 31 pounds this year and I've learned so much about my body and my relationship with food. Here's some things that's been on my mind that I hope helps others :)

  1. I don't need or want to partake in fad diets because food isn't "bad" or "good". It's just food. This one is a big one and directly contributes to my success. I found that if I limit myself to the things that I can or can't have, I not only am teaching myself poor eating habits but I am also far more likely to binge on the things I miss when I do put them back in my diet. I eat food now to gain, lose, or maintain the weight I want with zero restrictions outside of whatever my weekly caloric goal is. I work full time, go to school full time, and raise my children. Worrying about if I'll have access to the food I'm "allowed" for my diet, or making sure to meal prep with ingredients I never seem to have is not something I have time for. Also there's nothing more embarrassing for me then telling a host/friend/ family member that I can't eat something specifically against my diet. Now I just eat less if I know it's extremely calorie dense (looking at you pizza). The folks over at r/CICO have been instrumental in assisting me with this journey so thank you guys!

  2. Cheat days taught me to treat food as a reward for not eating it and nothing more. I identified that using food as a means to reward myself made food far too important to me. Now I no longer have cheat days. I always eat what I want and adjust accordingly. If I know I'll be going to a birthday party and will be having beers or calorie dense foods like pizza, I make sure to not eat up all my calories that morning. It's much better to say "I'll skip the donut/bagel and just do coffee and a light lunch".

  3. I HAD to change my mindset about food. Dieting isn't about shedding the weight and popping back to your old lifestyle. For some reason I subconsciously thought that all would be fine after I lost the weight. WRONG. Yo yo dieting galore. Couldn't get under 200lbs to save my life. The one time I did I maintained for under a week at 199. Now I understand the importance of "eating things in moderation". I now know that expecting to go back to my lifestyle of eating and drinking everything without thought is long gone if I want to be at my ideal weight. I knew this time I had to change my mindset about food and not jump into #1 on this list. I had to remind myself that just because someone was super successful with their weight loss by only eating my favorite things (bacon and butter) doesn't mean I had to do it as well to see the same success.

  4. I realized It's okay to take a break from dieting. Nobody said you had to maintain a caloric deficit (which is really the foundation of all weight loss) all the way until your goal weight is achieved. I've taken multiple breaks where I've increased my caloric intake to maintenance level because I knew that week was a couple of fun events, or more recently big "eating" holidays. I remind myself that this is a lifestyle change and not just a diet. I'll be easily back over 200 again if I think I can't handle coming off it for a week or two, not to mention never being able to maintain my ideal body weight. I'm happy to say that I really enjoyed Thanksgiving and didn't say no to a single dish or drink that day:)

  5. I didn't need to have a $50 gym membership I never had or wanted to make time for to reach the goal weight I wanted to be. Now I'm not saying there is no reason to no no. I'm saying that my particular weight loss journey is not about setting goals for flexibility or strength. It's about hitting that specific number on the scale (175btw!:)). For a long time I convinced myself that I could never be the weight I wanted to be because there's no way I'd find myself working out 3-4 days a week, all while meal prepping foods found only in cavemen days (sorry that was the fad diet flavor of the week when I thought about the gym and failed meeting my weight loss goal shortly after joining). I realized that there were plenty of lean people at the weight I wanted who hadn't worked out in years! I now realize how silly I was to think the only lean/thin people were ones who worked out. Pro Tip: On the flipside...You will lose weight more quickly and/or may increase the amount of food you get to eat if you do choose to workout alongside the added health benefits!

  6. Similar to number 5 I learned to not do too much at once. Every pound I lost was me making a single better decision than the alternative. Someone in another sub I can't remember said it perfectly when they said you gotta take the "ands" out of your food choices. Enjoy a beast of a burger! Just not a burger, AND a fry, AND a shake. Have yourself some delicious pasta! Just not pasta AND some garlic bread AND that wonderful cheesecake. It's absolutely okay to take things a little slower.

  7. The final and most important lesson I've learned (I have more but this is already too long sorry) is to do it for me and nobody else. This time I didn't start my diet with a friend for "moral support". This time I didn't make a loud announcement regarding my diet plan (you should see the people you work with everyday try to figure out what the heck is different about you and that moment it hits them haha) to all of my friends and family to "hold myself accountable". This time I didn't go in with the plan that all I have to endure is "drinking two meal replacement shakes, eating a low carb dinner, and making sure I took all of my weight loss supplements within a specific time frame each and everyday" to achieve my goal. And this time (the one good AND mind you;)) I didn't wait for some trivial date just because this month "has too much going on", or " it's the holiday season"....because guess what!? I know that every month has something going on. I'm a parent! I'm a student! I'm a staff member! I'm not here to meet my goal weight and return to my starting point. These things will be here year after year and I will continue to remind myself that life and the growing pangs associated with change will always, always, ALWAYS! be difficult, and that tomorrow is never guaranteed. But hey... when tomorrow does come...I'll be at least a little more comfortable in my skin;) Thanks for reading!

Tl;dr- It's not about saying yes or no to "good food" or "bad food". It's about changing your entire mindset. It's about remembering why you're doing what you're doing, and asking yourself what you will do differently than last time after your goal is reached.

submitted by /u/DasIronGoat
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If you’re feeling like you can’t do this I want you to know that this holiday season is the first time in 25 years that I’m not buying “goal” jeans or “they hide things” sweaters...

...and I am buying things because they fit “now” and they look pretty darn good.

There have been so many times since gaining weight that I’ve started a diet and failed. And failed miserably. But failing was never the problem. It was spending the following week after “failing” feeling miserable about myself and lack of willpower and eating everything in sight knowing that I’d start again Monday. Always Monday.

It took me almost 2 years to get to this point and I’m not going to pretend that every day was a piece of cake (there were actually pieces of cake on occasion) and I’m not exactly at goal.

But I’ve gone from a 20/22 to a 0/2 and if I can do it, anyone can.

Just find something that works for your life style. CICO with some IF thrown in on some days did it for me. I’m exercising now but that’s recent.

And while on it...any loss is a “win”. It helps to understand that “OK, fine, you gained 40 pounds in 6 months and 7 months later you’ve only lost 3”, but that’s 3 pounds less than you had 7 months ago and could you have lost more? Sure, but you didn’t and focusing on that won’t change anything. So be proud of any and all victories.

Things are not perfect now that I’ve lost the weight. I so, so wish my stomach was flat and my boobs were where they belong...but it’s not and my boobs are a bit further south than I’d like, but it is what it is an I deal with it as best I can.

The thing is, you’re not going to lose weight if you don’t keep trying. So just keep trying.

F/45/5’0” 230ish > 110 = 120 pounds

EDIT: to add in stats

submitted by /u/ChemicalBlonde13
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Trying to figure out my caloric deficit.

I’m trying to calculate my caloric deficit. Male, 30 y/o, 275lbs, 5”11’ sedentary job, workout at home 4 days a week, 30 medium intensity stationary bike, 30 minutes bands& body weight.

I’ve put on a quarantine 15 + a few since March. Looking to track my calories and try to get down to 220. According to calculators online to be down to 220 in a year I should be eating 2600 a day. My fitness pal says to lose 2lbs a week I need to eat 1800, according to a few calculators my BMR is 2460. I have heard you should eat below you BMR because it can screw up your metabolism (is this true) I tried 1800 and I can go a few days but then I end up STARVING. 2600 seems like a lot.

Can anyone point me to a worthwhile resource to help me properly calculate my caloric deficit. I hate that the answer is different no matter where I go. The only consistent calculation I get is for BMR.

submitted by /u/FuckingComfy
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Finding my why

Yo! I'm a bit of a lurker, I think this is my first post, and this is a bit of a rant. Feel free to pass this post up if ya wish!

I've been heavy my whole life. I've been floating around 350lbs for the last five years or so. Sometimes I spike way up, other times I go down.

Around April of this year, when I was near the top end of 360, I decided to steal an idea I found on r/loseit that was comprised of two simple things: 1) Drink only water 2) Eat only before 7pm

I decided to do this for 30 days, and with the occasional hiccup, I followed through! I saw results, and my weight started plummeting. I got to say things like "this is the lightest I've been since two/three/four years ago!" This food and drink trend carried on, until some time mid-summer I started eating later and later, and the occasional sugary drinks won't hurt...

Fast forward to last week. Stress is beginning to mount with work and school, and the holidays are upon us (food available on every countertop). I stepped on the scale for the first time since October to find that I'd gained back about half the weight I'd lost. I was disappointed, sure, but it feels different this time. It doesn't feel like I failed... It feels like I got sidetracked.

So, here I am, now in the low 350s... My short-term goal was and still is to get below 340.

But the challenge I find myself facing every time I recommit myself to losing weight is the WHY... You'd thing health risks would be enough, but for whatever reason, I'm unfazed. So in my eternal quest to find my compelling reason to discipline myself, I humbly ask you if you have any insight into the matter?

For now, I dust myself off, and get back on the wagon.

submitted by /u/tresquall
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2.25 years of progress

I have been trying to burn as much fat as possible for the past 2.25 years. Their have been many ups and downs. The positives totally out way the negatives and I feel better about myself.

I wanted to make a post to give myself more motivation. I have lost 95 lbs, and would like to lose another 15 if possible.

The first pic is of me in a white button up shirt that barely fit when I started the weight loss journey. The second picture is me wearing a shirt from when I was a kid. I think I had the shirt when I was 17, 7 years ago, but can’t say that with certainty. Also, the pants barely fit at all!

submitted by /u/wanna-be-braveheart
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Got on the scale tonight after 8 months of pandemic depression. I am so ashamed of myself.

I'm just feeling so trapped. I feel so stupid and ashamed. I can't believe I let myself go. I'm 23F 5'10" for reference.

I've always been obese but the highest I've ever been was 290 lbs at 17 yrs old (I lost 70 pounds and was actually at 220 and felt AMAZING... but I gained it all back since then). The past few years I was maintaining at like 260-270. I wasn't happy with my weight and I wanted to change but I didn't have the motivation to just yet.

I lost my job in March when the pandemic was gearing up in the USA. I've been applying for jobs since but haven't heard from anyone so it's been pretty hard on my self esteem. I've been just sitting in my house and playing video games and eating. No exercise. No diet. I've been drinking 6+ drinks a night. I started smoking pot and getting munchies. I was doing anything I could to drown my emotions. This whole thing has affected me greatly. I went from being an independent adult with my own life to being a bum living off of my boyfriend.

When I got on the scale tonight it read 312 lbs. I cried for about 15 minutes in the bathroom. I feel so ugly, and ashamed and disgusting. I am so horrific. I can't believe I let myself become like this. None of my clothes fit except t shirts and yoga pants. My jeans are way too small, so are all my blouses and nice clothes.

I am so upset by this but I've decided I'm going to change my life starting tomorrow. I need to do it. I want to live a healthy lifestyle. Not just for me, but for my dog, my boyfriend, my future children. I'm ready to change my life. It sucks getting to 300+ pounds made me ready. I wish I could have done this before it got to this point.

If anyone has any advice for me that would be appreciated. Thanks for reading my post; this was really more of a vent. But I'm welcome to any discussion

submitted by /u/ironwoman-btw
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Progress: I've lost 8.3kg (18.3lbs) in November, 22.1kg this year and 29.4kg (64.8lbs) from my heaviest, and felt like celebrating!

I (M, 120.6kg) have lost it through a combination of IF (mostly 16:8, but also longer fasts 24-48 hours), calorie deficit, a diet and lifestyle change thats sort of keto and more recently exercise.

The huge drop in November has come from making a conscious effort to do some form of exercise every day, be that jogging, cycling, getting my 10k or more steps a day in, some weight lifting and then other body weight stuff like planks, press ups or aquatint. The real difference now is that I don't actively hate or dread working out now, I think its become habit. I'm really happy with my journey so far, I've got a lot more to go, and I know I'm gonna lose some progress over Christmas, but I'm pretty determined now. I'm treating myself to a cheat weekend this weekend!

Happy to answer any questions or discuss methods, as I'm always learning best practice and new methods.

submitted by /u/NarwhalsAreSick
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SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Monday, 30 November 2020: Today, I conquered!

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory!

Celebrating something great? Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, long or short, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness! (Details are appreciated!! How are you losing your weight?)

  • Did you just change your flair? pass a milestone? reach a goal?
  • Did you log for an entire week? or year?
  • Did you take the stairs? walk a mile? jog for 3? set a new personal record?
  • Fit into your old pair of jeans? throw away your fat clothes? fit into your college outfit?

Post it here! This is the new, improved place for recording your acts of awesomeness!

Due to space limitations, this may be an announcement (sticky) only occasionally. Please find it daily and keep it the hottest thing on /r/loseit!

On reddit your vote means, "I found this interesting!" Help us make this daily post the most read, most used, most interesting post on /r/loseit by reading, commenting, and participating often!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Sunday, November 29, 2020

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: November 30th, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

Let us know how your day is going, or, if you're checking in early, how your yesterday went!

Share your victories, rants, problems, NSVs, SVs, we are here!

I want to shortly also mention — this thread lives and breathes by people supporting each other :) so if you have some time, comment on the other posts! Show support, offer advice and share experiences!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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The analogy I've been using about weight loss

I'm a member of a facebook group related to weight loss (mostly cico but some people do other things). People often talk about "starting over"

After years of stressing about my weight (Gaining, losing, quick fix diets, lifestyle changes, and exercise programs) I have one thing to say:

Fuck. That.

You are not starting over. Starting over implies you failed in some kind of inexcusable way. Starting over is going back to start.

And you know what, even if you literally are losing and gaining the same (or more) weight time after's still all the same journey. It's still not truly "starting over"

I was thinking today and I think that health and weight loss is like a highway. You're going down the highway...maybe you're in the fast lane or maybe the slow lane... either way is fine. Maybe you accidentally take the wrong exit. And maybe you stay on that side street longer than I tended. Maybe you literally backtrack or end up going north when you mean to go south.

It's all ok though. You don't have to start at the very beginning again. Just find the nearest on ramp and get back on. Maybe you'll be slower than you were before. Maybe you backtracked and now you're 2 exits back (or all the way back where you started or even further away). It's ok. Once you've driven the road, you learn more about it. Where the potholes are. The spreed traps. Etc.

Just keep driving. It's a journey. You'll get there when you get there. And sometimes there are good reasons to take detours. And sometimes what we think is a good reason for a detour ends up being a stupid roadside attraction and not worth it.

It's ok. Give yourself permission to stay on one journey. No need to start all over. No need to get a new car. Just fill up the tank and keep going.

I've stopped saying that I'm "starting over"...and it's been great for my mental health. Maybe you should try it too. Instead of starting over this week maybe just get back on the road and enjoy the journey.

submitted by /u/cass2769
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Does anybody else tend to overeat once they hit a specific weight, which hinders their progress?

Hey there, 20F at 129.8 lbs with a goal weight of 120-125 lbs.

I've been hovering around 130 for months now and I feel like it's because once I get below 130 lbs I overeat and lose the progress I've been working on. For example, I ate 1,000 calories over maintenance throughout the day today after I weighed myself in at 129.8 lbs this morning.

I work out almost everyday (1 hr on the elliptical, with small weight exercises every other day) and for the most part eat under maintenance.

It just happens to be when I hit that marker where I fall off track. Usually it's only for the day and I spend the next few days working it off.

Does anybody else relate? How do you guys get past this period?

submitted by /u/sundressemite
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Being Obese Lead to Me to Start Running

Hi everyone!

I've been losing weight for 2.5 years now and I'm still going strong! My weight loss is much slower now, but I'm still a loser!

I just wanted to say that I think being obese lead me to love exercise. I probably would've never gone to a gym or spent more time outside if I never was obese. As I kept losing weight and getting more confident, I started trying new exercises. One of the things I loved doing was running.

This past weekend I finished my first half-marathon in 2:15! I never would've done this if I never started running. No one in my family or circle of friends runs (or does any intense exercises), so I feel like I'm setting an example.

I wonder what other people in this sub enjoy doing now because of their weight. Do people love cooking more? Do people love exercise more? Anything else?

submitted by /u/luvduvbunny
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24-Hour Pledge - Monday, 30 November 2020 - The Plan for Today!

Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction!

This is our daily check-in, to help keep us accountable over the long haul. Feel free to post whatever goals will help keep you on track.

Here's the regular text on behalf of this thread's originator, kingoftheeyesores, taken with his blessing

> I'll be posting a daily, 24 hour pledge to stick to my plan, or whichever small piece of my plan I am currently working on. Whatever your dietary goals may be, I hope you stick to them for the next 24 hours (and then worry about the following 24!). Who's with me?

Thanks to /u/nofollowthrough who made the 24-Hour Pledge an ongoing /r/loseit institution.

Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it daily using the sidebar or top message.

On reddit, your vote means, "I found this interesting" ( more about voting on reddit)

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I feel hopeless

Hi. Long time lurker, terrified poster. I am 25 and weigh 347.4 pounds. I've try diets, I've counted calories, I've exercised till I was sick, but I've never been able to lose more than 20 pounds before I plateau. I have issues with eating, it's not that I starve myself on purpose, I tend to forget to eat, whether it's because I'm busy during the day or my brain is just elsewhere. Then there are days where I can easily eat my calories for the day and stay on track. My doctor was talking about having me try a non-surgical weightloss clinic but where 3 to 4 days out of the week I eat less that 1000 calories a day, doing a program where I eat 900 a day seems counterproductive. I just need advice. I've seen nutritionists, I've seen dietitions, I see my therapist once a week, but I still have a hard time with this. I know I'm rambling at this point, I just suck at asking for any type of help, but I feel so lost and no one I've talked to can seem to help.

submitted by /u/Yupthatcrazychick
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(nearly) five months in and I'm starting to feel down

Hey guys, before I start this sorta rant, here's some info

17 F | 5'4 | SW- 250 | CW- 228 | GW- 200 | UGW- 135ish|

Recently my brother came to town and it made me realize something. He moved out of state around July/August and by the time he left I was 17lbs down but in the 4 months he was gone, I've lost 5 pounds

Five pounds in four months

I'm not feeling well about this fact, to be honest. I've been using MFP this whole time. I had this whole goal where I was trying to get back into the 100s by April and if I keep up what I'm doing now, I won't even be out of the 220s. I must be eating too much but I'm not sure where. I log everything and I've limited junk food intake to 1 meal a week (Fridays, and it's my only meal for that day)

I plan on reexamining my eating habits and start working out more often. I just really needed somewhere to talk. If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate the help : )

submitted by /u/AntiSocialArsonist
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Starting back on my journey after a year off - progress pics included.

It was back in 2016 when I realized my life had gotten out of control. My best friend had started hooking up with someone who had previously turned me down, which hurt but was also understandable. I wasn't a terribly good catch psychologically or physically.

I adopted the mantra "eat like an adult". Would a healthy and well-adjusted adult pound back a large slurpie and a full bag of chips every night? Of course not! It was a great weight loss tool, but also extended to every facet of my life. Would a healthy and well-adjusted adult play video games every evening? Never go out and exercise? Socialize primarily on reddit? No, no, no. It was a great way to remind myself of what a good life looks and feels like. I started by going for walks in the evenings, which slowly progressed to runs. I went over to my friends places instead of playing online games, at first by bus and then by bike. Eventually I got the confidence to use my university gym. After the first year I had dropped from 281 lbs to 215lbs and ran a half marathon. I found myself enjoying life, laughing, and becoming closer with all of my friends. Not just from more time spent together, but also from the better outlook on life and positivity we could now share together.

By the second year I had passed my ultimate goal of 180 lbs, and hit my lowest weight of 175 lbs. I ran my first full marathon, and it was an absolute blast! I made friends along the run, and discovered the incredible feeling of knowing what my body is capable of. I had graduated from biceps curl to running my first powerlifting routine, 5/3/1, and the whole atmosphere was incredible. Pushing myself, seeing objective results, feeling the rush every time I stepped out on to a trail or into a gym.

Eventually the novelty of it sort of... wore off. I slowly gained back up to 190 lbs, and have maintained there for the last year and a half. I've told myself that I still look good, that I gained weight to help with powerlifting, but the truth is I know I can do better for myself. I've gained weight because I've fallen back in to old habits, I've gone adrift from where I started and lost some of the good habits I built. I promise myself I'll get things straight on Monday, then on Tuesday I'll down a large pizza. I still powerlift, I still participate in endurance sports, I absolutely love the new hobbies I've picked up over the years... But I also love to eat, and to overeat. It's a vice that I still struggle with to this day.

Here are the progress pictures of my journey:

I know I look fine. I've been told that, I can see it in myself, my problem is not body dysmorphia. It's that I know I can do so much better. I've seen the positive habits I used to have, I know how happy they made me, and I've seen for the last year and a half how I've let them slip away. So today I've made a commitment to myself to start eating like an adult again. I'm not going to buy that 4L tub of ice cream. I'm not going to make myself cookie dough for a snack. I'm going to live the life I know will make me happy instead. I hope this resonates with someone <3

submitted by /u/goodguys9
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NSV with clothing today!

I (31F, 5’1, 170 > 148) had my first super big non scale victory today.

While pants are fitting better, they still aren’t too big. I did a clean out of my shirts and sweaters a month ago and even though a lot was on the baggy and frumpy side, it still didn’t feel like an amazing difference.

Tomorrow is a funeral for a great uncle. We had to get my husband’s suit pressed and so I decided to check on my dresses as well. What I have that’s appropriate and fits. The last funeral I went to, I used my go to black dress. It’s stretchy, so it fits always. No matter how big I got, it would work, even though the last time I wore it, it was a bit on the top right in the waist side. Which was such a bummer (and a kick in the ass to lose weight) because the waist and skirt are full and flowy.

So today I put it on, and it was too big. I have had this dress for 7 years. It fit well when I got it. I am now below where I was 7 years ago, and I can’t even believe it!

I tried on more dresses in my closet. I still don’t fit into the two super cute black ones I’ve been holding on to since my “skinny days”, but the dark navy one that was always a little tight but still looked good is workable, even though it is now loose all over.

After finding an appropriate dress for tomorrow, I started in in my other dresses. I am astonished, dresses I’ve never actually been able to properly fit (yay for optimistic shopping and being unable to throw pretty things away) are suddenly just fitting or a little too big! I am in awe. These dresses are slightly loose and still flattering! I didn’t realize loose clothing could look and not frumpy!

I have a long way to go — the goal is to fit into the dresses from the “skinny” days; and then for those to be slightly too big.

And I also had to move into my slightly tighter push up bras, because my normal t shirt bras are gaping. I just spent a fortune on smaller bras to try on, even though they were all half off.

It’s crazy, because when I look in the mirror, I don’t see a skinnier version of me. I see the same things — chubby belly that slightly overhangs, thick arms, double chin and poofy cheeks, and thick thighs. But it’s now physically different enough that dresses and tops are fitting differently!

Feels good to see something tangible.

submitted by /u/P00perSc00per89
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What am I supposed to wear to the gym?

My fiance and I are overweight. He has a customer who is a manager at a gym and he got us a great deal on a gym membership starting in January. I'm excited because I've been wanting to improve our health and lose weight, but I am VERY self conscious and anxious.

I plan on wearing a sports bra and a T-shirt but I have no idea what kind of pants to wear. I've seen other women wearing the tight stretchy leggings to the gym, but they're all fit and look great in them. So is it acceptable to wear yoga pants or regular shorts? I'm worried about my thighs chafing from rubbing together as well. Should I just suck it up and wear workout leggings? Or maybe the leggings under track pants?

I know I'm probably overthinking this but I'm terrified to put myself out there. I don't know any gym etiquette beyond the normal clean up after yourself/ don't blast music/ wipe down the machines when you're done.

submitted by /u/OMG_Nooo
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Progress pics! SW 157, CW 133, GW 120

Been doing CICO since July, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just 13 more pounds for me to be at a healthy weight at 5’1 tall and 26 years old. I eat around 1,200 calories a day but eat a lot of food because my diet is protein rich, full of fruits and veggies, and I don’t have cheat meals. Turkey and sea food have been such a blessing!! When it comes to artificial sugar every once in a while I have a snack but I stay in my proper caloric amount for the day. I had to replace most of my closet and at first it was a struggle because I could not wrap my mind around why mediums are too big on me now. I took the chance and ordered a few smalls and found out why those fit LOL. I’ve never been a small in my life. But I’m almost there!! The rest will come off slowly, but I believe!!

submitted by /u/pinkbattt
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196lbs -> 158lbs, 1 year, 23(M)

These pictures are a year apart, but I've only been putting in more effort to lose weight since the pandemic hit in March.

Basic CICO along with yoga 2-3 times per week and daily walks. I've found snacking to be my biggest problem. What helped was cutting down on meal sizes and focusing on spreading out my calories throughout the day. Instead of 3 large meals a day I now eat 4-5 small ones. I've also learned how to eat my favourite snacks in moderation. I can still have pizza or a donut, just not as much as I want. I even had McDonalds for the first time in a long time the other day and still kept up the progress.

I've been having major issues with my body image and only when I edited these pictures side by side could I actually see the differences. When I see myself in the mirror I still look the same as I did a year ago. The human brain is wonky.

submitted by /u/suehprO28
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 29

Hello losers,

Happy Sunday kids!

Stay within calorie range (maintain): Not fabulous today.

Exercise 5 days a week: Long walk. 22/29 days.

Self-care journaling (once a week, 60 minutes): Still doing well here. 4/4 week.

Nanowrimo 1666 words a day: 22900/50000 words. It's becoming my routine to really hit it after this post. I'm lagging but still striving!

Try a new recipe once a week: Fried parsnips, baba ganoush (different recipe/prep method this time, didn't fuck it up!), a mixed meat chili, sweet potato casserole, turkey carcass soup & a oven toasted vegetable ratatouille so far. 5/4 weeks.

Express gratitude: Today I'm grateful for quiet. It has been a tough mental health day, had some big girl symptoms & little support. But we're all striving to thriving. I wish y'all peace & a night of good sleep!

Your turn.

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Need Advice, Support. Experiences.

Hey, yall. Ive been a lurker of this community for so long and Ive always felt inspired by all the changes and victories I see here. Ive struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember, even when I didn't have to struggle with it at all.

I'm 1.90m tall (6'2) and currently weighing 160 kg (351 pounds). Back in 2016, I was at the very best shape of my life at 231 pounds but over these last three years depression got a hold of me and my eating disorder just got out of control. I've been loosing and gaining weight ever since, but always gaining more after a month or two of dieting. At this point, I just don't know if I have it in me to stop eating and sticking to any kind of dietary restriction to lose weight. Ive tried KETO, CICO, etc, but somehow food just got the best of me.

Now Im considering a bypass to see if I can finally change my habits and my life. Ive been doing therapy for two years now but the pandemic just made things worse for me again. Lockdown tore me up.

So I'm just needing advice on what to do. And what are your thoughts on it? Should I give more thoughts to the bypass or should I try loosing weight with some of more natural tools once again? Whats your experience with it?

submitted by /u/igorpmorais
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How to get started/motivation

6'2 39 SW: 330

Been reading this group today and I'm just not sure how to get out of my funk to sustain something. I'm the king of starting something. In the last year I've joined 3 different gyms (one was a boutique gym that went through my pantry even), done nutrisystem for 2 months, done protein shakes, gone on walks, tried whole 30, did a Mediterranean diet, went on some small diets with my wife, etc.

I've been a type 1 diabetic since I was 9 and I'll be 39 this year. Something clicked within me when I got freedom to do things on my own back when I was 17 or 18 and as I got paychecks fell in love with everything unhealthy. Fast food, candy bars, etc.

My blood sugars were extremely unhealthy until about 2 years ago when I was put on more concentrated insulin. I can manage my stupidity now when I eat badly, unfortunately. Don't know how long that it will, or I will last. I've lost feeling in my legs, started to lose circulation in my hands and my vision is starting to be affected.

I have to say I'm extremely lucky in so many aspects and have married and have 2 young kids. I KNOW I want to be around for them. I had my first uncontrollable low blood sugar the other day and my son couldn't wake me. Felt horrible.

The thing is I know I NEED to do something, but I'm having trouble WANTING to do something. I work damn hard and weight seems like the one thing I can't fix. I want results too fast maybe? I'm not disciplined?

I wonder if this group has any experience with a chronic starter but not a finisher and had suggestions. Or someone who self sabotages a ton. Or someone who may need a therapist to fix something to get started the right way.

Thank you to anyone who reads. Appreciate lurking on this group a ton.

submitted by /u/justhereforshits
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I need some words of encouragement.

I’m posting because I’m new here, and I’m actually feeling really down about my weight. Today I went to go buy clothes from target and couldn’t because they don’t have clothes that fit me. This was absolutely devastating to me.

I’ve spent my entire adult life in the Army always about 175 lbs at 5’10”. I have always been in pretty good shape. Then last year I got cancer, and my oncologist put me on what I can imagine is all of the steroids possible. I wound up gaining a bunch of weight. I got up to 265 lbs. The chemotherapy treatment severely screwed up my nerves in my arms and legs and I was force retired from the Army. I’m now gaining weight and I cannot lose weight. I’m trying everything I can possibly think of. I’m borderline stroke with my blood pressure, I’m just not doing good and I can’t seem to lose weight.

I survived cancer, but now my body is dying from being obese. I’m just so damn depressed about it. Idk what to do. I thought going back to school would help and it’s not. I thought getting a new job would help and it’s not. I feel like I’m setting a terrible example for my son. I have never hated myself as much as I do now.

Thanks for hearing me out y’all I appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Unable_Shift_6674
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Week of small baby steps towards progress

Its been a week since i decided to pull myself together sort my health out by losing weight .

Some habits i was already trying to add to my life . Some are new habits im trying to form.

Things iv continued or added this week :

Reducing salt in my diet .

Increasing hydration .

Two 20 minute work outs.

Trying to incorporate more movement in my days . Instead of overloading myself to go upstairs or down i make lots of smaller trips .

Things iv noticed :

I pick at food ie veg or cheese when prepping my meal , Im trying not too .

I forget lunch then pick at junk til dinner.

Both of these im stopping.

Habits im trying to become constants : Bulk up with more veg.

Eating slower letting my stomach and brain agree when im full .

Tomorrows monday ,weigh in day hoping iv lost something .😖

Sorry for the length of this , thank you for reading

submitted by /u/Away-Ad-3300
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Tips to managing appetite while at home?

In July-September I was working 10 hour days 4-5 days a week, and losing weight was easy. I tracked all my calories, limited myself to 1600 or so per day, and lost 10 pounds during that time. I did that because since I was busy working I would never think about food; and I was also limited because the food I had with me at work was what I was stuck with.

Now my hours are a lot shorter and infrequent, which is nice because I work less, but also bad because I am at home and the kitchen is right there. And there are some times I just have an appetite no matter what I eat. I could go into my kitchen, eat a granola bar, still have an appetite, and eat like 3 or 4 more. I'm drinking more water to help with my appetite but it's not getting rid of it. Do you guys have any tips for managing your appetite while at home?

submitted by /u/Stupeetdoonoo
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Judge my diet?

Here's the situation. I'm female, 161cm tall last time I was at the doctor's. My starting weight was 176.6lbs and is currently 170.0. (It was 169.0 yesterday, like if you cry every time...)

I'm afraid I'm worse than sedentary. My current situation is that I'm not working (right now, hope that changes soon) and I'm not really in a position to be leaving my room to exercise because of a nasty home situation. I occasionally go out to get groceries. My room has about one metre wide and 2.5 metres long to do exercise in, and even then you have to be wary of hitting your shin or elbow on a desk or's not something I'm willing to do, and I'm afraid I can't consistently go out until I get a job or my home situation changes. I mostly spend time lying around or at my desk.

So for the 2 weeks or so I've been logging calories I haven't gone above 1100kcal, I've averaged at about 750 or 800. My plan was to up it to 1200-1400 once I got out of obesity, which I did fairly quickly. But I've also looked at my nutritional information and it looks like if I eat my staple foods every day, I seem to hit pretty much every nutritional requirement, except maybe amino acids, which I have no idea about. I was afraid of gallstones for some time but it looks like my weight loss has slowed down to a normal rate. And judging by my cron-o-meter stats, if I stick to this I'm not likely to have my hair fall out anytime soon.

So, I'm wondering if there's any compelling reason for me to increase my calorie intake until my life changes. I'll go to a dietitian before I make any actual serious plans, of course, but for now, casually, I'd like to throw it to the crowd and see what they think, just out of curiousity. My OP meal is mushrooms, broccoli, and a bit of kale sauteed in a teaspoon of avocado oil, 4 vegetarian sausages, 2 cups of 3.25% milk, a vitamin D supplement, and a dark chocolate piece, for a treat.

=========================================== Nutrition Summary for 29 November 2020 Report generated by CRON-o-Meter v0.9.9 =========================================== General (70%) =========================================== Energy | 886.5 kcal 74% Protein | 69.9 g 152% Carbs | 94.0 g 72% Fiber | 26.1 g 104% Starch | 0.0 g Sugars | 48.1 g Fat | 28.6 g 44% Alcohol | 0.0 g Caffeine | 0.0 mg Water | 846.3 g 31% Ash | 8.3 g Vitamins (95%) =========================================== Vitamin A | 20494.1 IU 878% Retinol | 0.0 µg Alpha-carotene | 0.0 µg Beta-carotene | 11697.7 µg Beta-cryptoxanthin | 0.0 µg Lycopene | 0.0 µg Lutein+Zeaxanthin | 22168.7 µg Folate | 569.1 µg 142% B1 (Thiamine) | 1.5 mg 133% B2 (Riboflavin) | 3.0 mg 273% B3 (Niacin) | 34.4 mg 246% B5 (Pantothenic Acid)| 15.6 mg 313% B6 (Pyridoxine) | 2.2 mg 171% B12 (Cyanocobalamin) | 12.6 µg 525% Vitamin C | 315.5 mg 421% Vitamin D | 1395.4 IU 698% Vitamin E | 6.6 mg 44% Beta Tocopherol | 0.0 mg Delta Tocopherol | 0.0 mg Gamma Tocopherol | 1.0 mg Vitamin K | 1360.8 µg 1512% Biotin | 0.0 µg 0% Choline | 249.8 mg 59% Minerals (97%) =========================================== Calcium | 945.9 mg 95% Chromium | 0.0 µg 0% Copper | 2.6 mg 291% Fluoride | 15.9 µg 1% Iron | 55.0 mg 305% Magnesium | 338.1 mg 109% Manganese | 1.7 mg 94% Phosphorus | 1078.0 mg 154% Potassium | 4340.2 mg 92% Selenium | 59.8 µg 109% Sodium | 1404.2 mg 94% Zinc | 17.9 mg 223% Lipids (37%) =========================================== Saturated | 11.2 g 56% Monounsaturated | 3.4 g Polyunsaturated | 2.3 g Omega-3 | 0.6 g 56% Omega-6 | 1.6 g 15% Trans-Fats | 0.4 g Cholesterol | 60.0 mg 20% Phytosterol | 0.0 mg 

I don't mean I would literally eat this exactly every single day--not only is that unrealistic, I also know diversity of food is important and nutritionists don't know everything. Otherwise I'd have stuck with a full-soylent diet, which is what I just came off of two years of. But this is my staple diet I'd have several times a week. It's very close to exactly 40 carb:30 protein:30 lipids, too.

Interested to hear your thoughts. I'm pretty proud that I've gone from eating absolute garbage to sticking to this for a bit. This community is the friendliest and most supportive I've ever seen on reddit and has been so valuable for me. Please don't roast me too hard, haha...

submitted by /u/throwaway357823591
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Working out

Hello. I need help/advice. I am 14 years old, height, last time checked, almost 1,8 m
My main goal is to lose weight and build some muscles. So far I lost 10 kg, by mostly beeing outside in summer, not sitting around all day during late summer and fall and somewhat fixing what I eat. I still would like to lose 15 kg, but in fall I have started a semi-intense workout, which targets main upper body muscles and leg muscles.

Problem I'm having right now: I work out every day, for the past 4-5 weeks, and stopped for the forth day today. On days I am not exercising, my weight doesn't go below 97 kg. Now, when I stopped exercising for the forth day, my weight dropped below 96 kg.

My question: Should I start working out only every second/third day? Or an idea I have in mind: Work out for first 4 days of the week, rest the rest of the week. Would that work? Becouse I would choose losing weight over building muscles, if I only had to pick one.

Please help, thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Sigiswut
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Question: I’ve lost 30 pounds with CICO in the past. Now I can’t lose weight, what is going on?

So last year I lost 30 pounds doing CICO. I was put on a medication for anxiety, Remeron, and gained the 30 pounds back. I have been that weight since March. I have tried CICO, the same way I did before, as well as other things to try to lose weight and it will not budge. I will lose 2-3 pounds and then stop. I do struggle with GAD a depression. Is the cortisol keeping me from losing weight? I did try to lose weight for about a year before the 30 pounds fell off the first time. I am a firm believer in CICO and that it’s a math equation, but I feel defeated not being able to lose weight. Is there something I’m missing?

Thank you for your help! I’m desperate.

submitted by /u/futuredarlings
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Top rice weight loss diet Tips

Top rice weight loss diet Tips-An Overview Lose weight quickly, become healthy and fit; that's what many diets promise. However, if ...