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Weight Loss for Everyone: February 2022

Monday, February 28, 2022

Could sleep apnea be keeping me fat? How do I resolve this? I need to lose weight before I end up diabetic.

I'm trying to lose weight. 27, Male, 5 foot 8 inches, 335. I've struggled my whole life with weight. Sorry for the really long read but I'm trying to provide as much info as possible.

I was starting to really get down to a healthy weight, feeling better, sleeping better, when I was about 22. And it seemed like the more weight I lost, the quicker the rest would begin shedding. Then at 23 I got hurt at my warehouse job and went from 200 pounds (a fair amount of it muscle as I did slate roofing before this) to 417.

I'm slowly recovering from that. Undoing many of the bad habits that came from my back basically not working and being partially immobile for 3/4 of a year helped me get back ware I am now.

What occurs to me is I had sleep apnea as a little kid. But I had an alcoholic mother who didn't care to minotor it after my tonsils came out. And I was so young I grew up afterwards not really knowing what it was or caring. I'm far from a sedentary individual now but was a lot of my childhood because having losers for parents meant them losing a lot of jobs and us having to move around a lot, and me never really developing real social skills as a result of not being able to make and keep any friends and ending up just sitting in my house gaining weight because I didn't know anybody in the new neighborhood I was in that month.

Now, One that thing is the same now as it was all through my life is that no matter how soon I go to bed, I seem to always wake up feeling either exhausted or meh and getting midday fatigue. Brain fog and forgetting things tends to be an issue. All my life All through school I've dealt with this. I've been tested for thyroid and all kinds of cancers and whacky stuff... thank CHRIST I'm not diabetic yet (according to all tests so far). I don't eat mega shitload portions. I cut chips and soda all out of my life completely. Chicken and fresh veggies are God.

So far all blood tests have shown nothing really out of whack that would be CAUSING my weight. But... I've realized that I haven't been able to sleep on my back at all in any 5 years so I beg the question.

Could I have sleep apnea and could it be causing me to not be able to shed all this tub on me? Even cutting calories (down to about 1,700 daily recommended by my doc for my current bmi) and walking 45 minutes a night for months has barely helped. The hunger cravings i get aren't normal. The moodiness and fatigue isn't normal. Getting a pounding headache because all you can think about is food isn't normal. I don't know what to do. I can't stand looking and feeling like this anymore. My doctor suggested I may very well have sleep apnea and the elevated cortisol levels it causes could be keeping me like I am. I wasn't loosing to pay on my deductible that's higher than Whiz f****** Khalifa, but should I go ahead and get a sleep study scheduled? I'm tired of looking and feeling this way.

submitted by /u/Sneaky_Sandwhich
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 28

Hello lovely losers!

Happy Monday! Oh. Mondays.

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Yep.

1800-2000 calories a day, do not adjust for exercise: On it today. Lots of veggies.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): 20 minute low impact cardio & 30 minutes of stationary bike. 20/28 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Only a little.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for the cute doggos I saw on my commute home.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): I intend to be kind to myself and others. Myself loudly & often.

Your turn! How’s you today?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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NSV: I bought a juniors prom dress

When I (22F) was in high school, I wore a size 14 dress (from the women’s plus section) to my prom with full spanx underneath. It was very covered up, even had sleeves and everything. It was not great for my self esteem, especially considering the fact that all my friends were skinny and gorgeous and their dresses showed that off. I felt huge next to them and I didn’t love my prom photos.

I went to college and gained even more weight until I was well into the obese category on the BMI chart, then lost it all and more (my HW was ~240 lbs, now I weigh ~160. I was probably about 190 at the end of high school).

Now, 5 years after my high school prom, I’m going to another formal event for my grad school. This is the first formal event I’ve been to since high school prom, and I was really excited to shop for a dress. The one I ended up choosing is a size 9 (!!!) from the juniors prom section. It has a low back and I’m not even worried about the cut not allowing me to wear shapewear underneath, because I don’t need it.

High school me would never believe that I would ever fit into single digit clothing sizes again for the rest of my life. It’s still crazy to me.

I still have a ways to go, but I’m glad to be where I am.

submitted by /u/considerlilies
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Using Phentermine to support weight loss

At my annual physical, my doctor recommended adding Phentermine to help lose weight. Does anyone have any experience with this? I understand it’s not a magic pill and I still need to follow a good diet and exercise. The doctor seemed pretty nonchalant about it.

For reference: I’m a 33 year old male, 5’11” SW: 270lbs. CW: 260lbs, GW: 180 (“normal BMI) My current BMI of 36.3 qualifies me as obese. I know BMI is not the best standard, but it’s a starting point. I work as a warehouse manager on my feet 10 hours a day, 4 days a week getting about 12K steps, but mostly relaxing on my day off. My wife and I just had our first child 3 months ago, so I’ve spent quite a bit of time just holding him and making excuses to not exercise, but today was the first day of daycare so I’ll be slowing starting an exercise routine again!

submitted by /u/krbmeister
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I’m fucking tired of gaining weight.

On the back of my door

My medication makes me constantly hungry (not exaggerating, I did a “fuck it” day to see how much I would eat without caring and in 2 hours I already ate 2000 calories. I’m starving all the time. The mental benefits is worth it though that another story)

I’m just locking in my brain that YES I may feel constantly hungry and never full but you’ll be fine. I always say I’ll start tomorrow but I’m losing this weight. This time I’m angry, I’ve had enough of my own bullshit. Putting this on here to hold myself extra accountable.

I’ll post a photo of what the papers look like at the end of the month.

The calendar will mark bad/good days aka not overeating.

Hopefully they’ll all be good!

submitted by /u/hellohiyeshowareyou
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My pants keep falling off me.

As the title says my pants keep falling off me and im not even mad about it to be honest im smiling everytime it happens it makes me happy but not happy enough to happen in public so when im outside o use a belt. Some of you wich didnt give up reading until now they are wondering "What is this guy even talking about" I dont know lol I just like to share my happynes here for some reason To all of you wich you are starting your journey or they are thinking about starting it its so rewarding. Please dont give up. Much love

A stranger on the internet.

submitted by /u/Arachnid-Popular
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Sunday, February 27, 2022

I can't believe how fat I've gotten

I knew I'd put on weight lately but didn't realize how much.

I was out with friends the other night, somebody posted pictures of us on SM, I saw them this morning and didn't even recognize myself.

I look like a friggin' cow! I couldn't even sit right, my big fat belly was hanging over my waist. I look awful.

I am disgusted with myself.

I'm losing weight effective immediately. No more junk. No more snacks. No eating between meals. Walking or exercising as much as I can EVERY DAY.

Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/INeedToGetOutSoon
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I’ve had a terrible morning that could have all been avoided if I wasn’t so big.

I lost a bit of weight (12kg) before we went back into lockdowns at the end of last year but during lockdowns I gained it all back and more. This morning was my first day back in the office and I decided to ride to work. First I found that I’ve gained so much that my bike can barely support me. I was winded before I reached the end of my block and then when I got to work I couldn’t fit into my dress that I’d bought pre lockdown. So now I’m sitting here sausaged into my too small dress, dreading the ride home. I’ve just had a completely terrible morning and it’s entirely my fault. I’m diving headlong into my pre lockdown routine and hopefully can have the same success as before.

submitted by /u/witch_harlotte
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Struggling With Self-Image

As of yesterday, I’ve lost 102lbs. 326 to 224. I’m having a really hard time looking at my body and feeling desirable. Frankly, I’m having a hard time looking at my body and absorbing what I see. I somehow feel uglier than I did at a higher weight.

I feel disconnected — like I don’t know what I look like anymore, and it’s causing me to really struggle. I feel like I straight up don’t know what I look like in other people’s eyes or my own.

Has anyone else who has lost a massive amount of weight experienced this? How did you begin to feel comfortable in your body? My sense of self is so distorted now.

submitted by /u/pecan-pie-eater
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Losing 3.25 lbs per week. That's too fast right?

I had been counting calories since November. I was making progress, about 1 lb every two weeks. Not great but it was steady. I started a new job that has me on my feet basically the whole day and I started SHREDDING weight at the calories I was eating.

Basically I lost 13 lbs and I haven't even had my 30 day check in yet.

So I started at 223, now I'm below 210. My goal WAS 190, which I thought was near impossible, now I'm wondering if I can get back to 175.

But anyway I feel like absolute dogshit and when I upped my calories over the weekend I was in a much better mood and recovered a lot better. I guess my question is do I try to get to a reasonable calorie count per day, or would it be better to keep my current calories and just eat to satiety on weekends?

submitted by /u/JanitorOPplznerf
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Building muscle; after or during weightloss? (19M)

Hello everyone!

In the last 5 months I've lost 40lbs. Went from 255 to 215. I'm 5'11 so my goal is to be about 175lbs. So still a bit to go, slowly but surely.

My current strategy has been to eat one meal a day (mostly OMAD) and then some days I eat 2 meals and do 16:8 IF. I combined this with cardio, Running for about 45 minutes.

Yes the weight has gone off — but I realized I am very weak in terms of muscle.

Lots of people think that I should be building muscle as well, but I don't know how to go about. Best to do it now or later? I'd personally prefer after the weight loss, as I usually have problems focusing on more than one thing, I think I'll end up getting tired of the process.

What do u guys think? Could it be beneficial to prevent loose skin too?

submitted by /u/SkaChang
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 27

Hello lovely losers!

Happy Sunday funday! I hope you’re all having a lovely time out there!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Yep.

1800-2000 calories a day, do not adjust for exercise: On it today. Going to have a helping of my meal prep for dinner!

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Rest day. 19/27 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Made some time for physical journaling today..

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for family of choice & any other folks that have to deal with my silliness.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): I intend to be kind to myself and others. Also I intend to share some joy with family of choice. Kids, I kinda got a jacket. A, capelet, I guess?

Your turn! How’s you today?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Scared to not fit in my theatre costume after binge eating

Hi guys! One of my hobbies is theatre and the performance days are coming up. In three days' time.

The costume I have to wear (blouse and skirt) fit just fine when I first had them fitted at the end of November. I actually meant to lose some weight in the months between then and now, but I had a really stressful period and I gained a little. Nothing too bad, though, it wasn't noticeable.

For the past ten days, however, I stayed with friends and all the things we ate consisted mostly of sugar - I don't think I've had a 'normal' or healthy meal at all. Once I had some sugary things (I'd been eating pretty healthy for the last months), my binge eating problem came right back. I started sneaking food to the bathroom to eat it, when they were not looking. I had chocolate, pancakes, muffins, ice cream, cereal, croissants etc... It's all I can think about now and I think that scares me the most.

Needless to say, my face is round like the moon. My stomach is not even flat when I hold it in anymore and my clothes are ill-fitting. But it's mostly my face, it feels so swollen and when I look in the mirror I'm repulsed by what I see.

I'm terribly afraid that I messed it all up and that I'll look ugly for the play and that my clothes will not fit properly. I know I'm probably not thinking straight anymore, and it's the sugar talking, but I've really lost all confidence and feel so bad about myself.

Is there any way to feel better? I'm not asking for a way to 'fix it fast', because I know it's a myth, but I would like to feel a bit better (not sluggish and constipated like I do now), and get back on track before the play.

I'm panicking, I don't want to go back to before, when my binge eating took over my life. Any and every advice from you is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/where_night_is_blind
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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Needing some motivation. I don’t even know where to begin. 27F

Hi there

I’m feeling totally lost. I don’t workout ever. At most I go for walks and my diet isn’t amazing. I don’t even have the confidence to get started. I’m tired all the time and my partner constantly tells me I’m unhappy. And I know it’s because I haven’t done anything for myself and I just feel sorry for myself. I don’t have the confidence to go to a boot camp or pilates class. I feel totally lost and unhappy and I’d love to hear from others who have turned their life around.

submitted by /u/Commercial_One5048
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Hi I have only six more pounds to lose before I'm officially a healthy weight, I'm 4 foot 11 if that has any bearing on the situation. But I've still got a horrible double chin and it makes me sick every time I look at it. Is this going to go away as I get closer? How can make it go away? I tried face yoga but quickly stopped as I was told it would accentuate lines and blemishes. I can't afford expensive creams and procedures but I just want to be acceptable to look at so when I transition people won't look at me badly.

submitted by /u/AccidentalOverload
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Why am I still hungry even after reaching my calorie goal for the day?

I keep gaining weight and I'm scared.

Stats: 5'3", 197lbs.

I've been wanting to lose weight so I set some small goals. So far, for a week now I cut out sugary drinks and sodas! Drinking only water. Nice! Stopped ordering take out for a week as well, also nice!

But I'm super frustrated. To lose weight I need to eat 1500 calories. I reach that goal, but by evening I end up getting hungry and eating up to 2000. I'm sedentary as hell so I don't understand why I get hungry.

Grocery shopping is an issue because I have a disorder (going to therapy for) in which I have a hard time doing that myself and I depend on my mother for it. She brings a lot of snacks home, so snacks, pasta, and eggs are all I end up eating. There will be times I ask her for ingredients for some recipes but she doesn't have the time to go to the grocery store to supply veggies or fruits every week. I don't think I have any consistency.

Should I just try to discipline myself all the way and eat one meal a day? What do I do? I know I can do this but why does it feel so hard? I feel so defeated for eating 2000 calories today. Any advice would be appreciated.

EDIT: wanna say thank you for all the suggestions so far. I look forward to getting some frozen veggies and looking into volume eating to see my options in recipes. Thank you everyone for keeping it very real. I may not respond to every response but I will read it and make note. 💕 I really appreciate the help.

submitted by /u/siinyx
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When should I value weight lifting over weight loss?

Started off in mid-August as a slob with a highly motivated athletes mindset. I’ve been active my whole life but the only think keeping me in shape was sports. Eventually my eating habits became fast food twice a day and no exercise. COVID accelerated my weight gain all the way to 275 LBs at 6’0. I also took pictures of myself and realized I was a slob at the time, with no goals. Went on a pretty extreme diet while playing high school football and taking a strength training class. Like 1500 calories a day. Kept that diet for months and struggled through sports. Right now it’s late February, I’m at 233 weighing myself in the morning, and about 238 at night. I just changed my calorie intake to 2300. However I feel super pathetic in the weight room. None of my lifts will progress despite being consistent with PPL. At this point, should I just aim to maintain my weight, and at least get to good base numbers? (135 Bench, 155 Squat, 175 Deadlift)

submitted by /u/WhosGonnaCarryBoats
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On a cheat spiral - help!

For the past 3 days I have been on an escalating spiral of binge eating junk food, and generally being a grumpy person. Feeling defeated at the scale increasing after the first binge and I threw in the towel for the two days after. This is after being in a plateau for several weeks. Just totally "losing it" here, mostly my mind but not my weight :(

How do I get out of this funk? I have exercise planned for tomorrow at least but I feel like I'm in so deep right now . Need the wisdom of this group.

submitted by /u/1pattyc1
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Self sabotage every time I get close to my goals

I (M29, 5'6") have lost almost 30lbs over the last year (from 161 to to 132) through diet and exercise. A lifetime of desk jobs and no exercise meant that I had almost no muscle to start with, and I'm still weak but stronger than I've been before. My end goal is to have more muscle and less fat, not a smaller number on the scale.

For now I still have high body fat, and I'd like that gone before I start focusing on muscle building. Every time I start thinking I'm near a point where that's possible, I start overeating again. I'm talking by a good 300-700 calories a day. A month later, I get back on the wagon, then the same thing happens. This has been happening since last August.

I tried to eat at maintenance instead of at a deficit for a bit to get myself under control, but when those nighttime cravings hit, I let myself lose control no matter what.

Therapists and doctors have blown me off because I'm at a healthy weight now, but overeating that much won't keep me healthy, and neither will the constant lose-5-pounds-of-fat, gain-5-pounds-of-fat thing I'm doing. How do you beat this kind of self sabotage?

submitted by /u/postapocalypticfruit
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After achieving my weight goal, I’m now afraid I’m losing more than intended

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it’s about weight loss, so I thought maybe I could hear other people’s opinions on this and that I could get some advice.

I’m 23 years old, female, 5’6. Currently 120 pounds (54.5 kg) When I was little, I was regarded as skinny by others. But when I hit my teenage years, I gained weight, and I was nowhere near overweight, but I was not “skinny” anymore. I was just normal weight.

Being skinny had been placed in my head as being this ideal, that you’re attractive if you’re skinny. I know it’s wrong, like even I myself find people who are not skinny attractive, but I couldn’t think of myself as attractive unless I was skinny. This was around the time where I started to get very insecure about my thighs. I have a pear body shape and so I always gained weight around my thighs. When I used to see girls with thin legs, I used to always be jealous and wish mine were like that. It took me a long time to understand that my legs would never look like that, didn’t matter how much weight I lost, due to my body type.

When I was around 17-20, I started gaining a bit more weight. I reached about 147 (67.5 kg) pounds and that was my heaviest weight. And that is still in the normal weight range for someone of my height. However, seeing that I didn’t look like I did before and that my jeans were a little tighter on me made me really upset. I feared that I was going to keep gaining weight and be overweight.

I wanted to lose weight. I kept looking up pictures of models and KPOP idols, their weight and I wanted my body to look like that. I know it’s dangerous to idolize that, because most of them are underweight, but I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that they were beautiful and I could be too if I was around the same weight.

And so I made plan for myself to eat a little less and exercise a little more. And in about 4 months, I lost 26 pounds (12.5 kg). I didn’t starve myself and I think I lost it in a good amount of time (not too fast). My dream goal was to be around 122-127 pounds and I had finally achieved it.

And here is where my anxiety started. Here I was, with finally the “thin” body I had always wanted since my teenage years. I did not want to lose anymore weight. So I slowly started to eat more and I cut back on my exercise.

But my weight loss hasn’t stopped. It’s been about two weeks since I stopped trying to lose weight and started eating normally (no calorie deficit) and I still lost 1.5 pounds. And I know that’s not a lot but it is scaring me. If I lose 5.5 more pounds (2.5 kg) I will end up underweight. I’m extremely anxious I will continue to lose weight. I was worried I would immediately gain back the weight I lost if I stopped eating in a calorie deficit but the opposite happened.

I don’t know what to do. I’m exercising less and eating more. I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know how I am supposed to strike a balance anymore.

“Am I eating too little? Am I supposed to eat more? Should I be eating a snack even if I’m not hungry? Will I lose weight if I don’t? What if I start to eat too much, more than I intended and immediately start to gain weight back?”

I can’t stop thinking about all of these questions for the past two weeks. Every day, around meal time, I don’t know what I’m supposed to. None of my jeans fit me anymore, and I keep thinking that if I buy new jeans - what’ll happen if I gain weight and won’t be able to fit into them, or that I’ll lose more and they’ll be loose again.

I’m simultaneously scared of gaining back the weight I lost and losing more weight unintentionally and ending up underweight. I’m finally around the weight range I’ve wanted all my life but I’m scared.

I’m happy with my body now, this is not what this is about. But I’m scared and very anxious of unwanted change.

submitted by /u/Victory_is_Mine-
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Friday, February 25, 2022

I made a short film about my body image issues.

Hello! I'm a long time member of LoseIt. I lost ~100lbs a few years ago and it was a source of daily inspiration and a reminder that there were countless others going through the same issues I was. Since then, I've also come to realize how great of a community this is for talking openly about the pain and hurt of body image issues. Many of us have felt like cutting off a chunk of our fat before, and I wanted to make a film about what I was feeling during that point of my life. Also, I wanted to explore the reality that losing weight would never solve all of my problems. I hope I was able to capture some of that and maybe you can also relate to the experience. With love, I hope you enjoy.

Trigger Warning: Eating Disorders, Gore, Self Harm, NSFW


submitted by /u/BrandonBuikema
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Whenever i try to lose weight, I lose my period instead.

I'm 16f and I am desperate to at least get to a healthy BMI. I'm 156lbs, 5'4, and had been maintaining at that weight for some time now. My highest weight was almost 200lbs and my lowest was 135lbs. At 135lbs, I would have multiple durations of up to 13 months without a period. I only started havibg periods when I gained to around 154-158lbs. I started my menstrual cycle at 12, so I had it for some time now even though I probably have a ratio of missing more periods than actually having them. Im desperate to be healthier. What could i do to lose weight healthly? This situation is driving me insane.

submitted by /u/TheRapistIsComing
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I met with a dietitian and feel like I’m going crazy/being scammed.

To preface, this dietitian was recommended by my doctors office when I asked them for suggestions because I wanted the accountability. Also, I am a 29 year old 6’7” male at almost 400lbs.

Okay so, I’m the first meeting what i told her was that I need to help with my diet because I have struggled with weigh my whole life and want something that I can take and follow for the rest of my life. I was excited after that first meeting to get the plan. A week later I get my instructions from her and what she has put together is so strict and feels like was not made for someone my size at all. It feels like something that was made for herself

Here are the rules she gave - note all of her “servings” are less than what any of the serving sizes on the packaging is:

-up to 2 servings of grains per day (serving is 1/2 cup cooked) - up to 1 starchy vegetable per day - up to 2 beans/legume servings per day (1/2 cup serving) - at least 2 non starches per day - at most 3 servings of fruit a day - at most 4 servings of healthy fat a day. - no more than 2 servings of lean protein a day, and it has to be wild caught, pasture raised, grass fed, etc. - no calorie goal, just “follow this exactly and you’ll lose weight” - no cheat meals

She also gave me extremely specific brands she wants me to buy and only eat those, even though they are at least twice the price of generic.

After a couple of days following this, 1) I’m starving, 2) I haven’t been able to hit more than 1700 calories and 3) I’m driving myself insane trying to find the products she wants me to use. I would just stop but I’ve already paid for 7 sessions with her.

I know this just seems like I’m just complaining/ranting but has anyone else run into this issue before? I feel like nobody other than fitness influencers eat like this every single day and it seems she just copied and pasted her every day diet and gave it to me

submitted by /u/GiantTeddyGraham
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'cheat day' getting better

usually on friday night after work, i pig out. i let myself get pretty much whatever i want and can eat in one night. the rest of the week i'm pretty good with food. i don't buy any junk when i go grocery shopping and only eat the mostly healthy food i buy from this weekly shopping visit.

to be clear, i don't think pigging out like this even once a week is conducive for weight loss, i've just become very attached to over-eating and it's still something i need to realize i don't enjoy the way i used to (thank god). in reality, it doesn't really do much for me and i'm getting closer and closer to being a 'normal' person who's satisfied with something like a single donut as a treat after work on friday instead of eating half a dozen. good news is, i seem to be making progress in this regard.

as evidence of this progress, today i was doing my junk food run coming home from work and stopped at a store where i haven't shopped for months. i was there to pick up ice cream (two containers of ben and jerry's is way too much ice cream to eat in one night but still about half as much ice cream as a full tub) and went to see if these donuts i used to buy were still there. i was looking for them as i'd remembered them: a moderate assortment. i wasn't seeing them and when i finally did i was shocked. they were not a moderate assortment, the package of them was enormous! i was stunned that i used to eat all of them plus, like, a pizza or something on my cheat day.

i still have to work on the idea of a small amount of junk being enough and how i don't need something way over the top to be treated and satisfied. i'm confident i can get there.

submitted by /u/nobodynewknew
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Did anyone else start feeling weaker after losing weight?

I am starting to consistently feel less energetic. I have lost some weight, and still, have some to go until my goal weight. I am not starving myself, I eat healthy and balanced, but I just don't feel as good? I thought I would feel better since I'm taking weight off my joints and all but... maybe it has something to do with the lower levels of fat stores. Less fat, less energy? The thing is, I still have so much fat.

is this normal? has anyone else felt the same way? any advice?

maybe my body needs time to adjust. I don't know.

For a bit of background knowledge, I was a former yoyo dieter that messed up my metabolism as well as fullness cues. I no longer feel any fullness, and I hope to one day be able to get it back.

submitted by /u/Background-Travel970
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I hate my body and how I look, I feel so massive and insecure all the time. I need to change.

When I (16F) look down at my body, all I see is rolls of disgusting fat covered in my own self harm scars and wounds, and I absolutely hate it. I want to lose weight, I really do, but I’m so impatient. I love food and I just wanna binge eat but I know it’s bad for me. I feel so fucking massive in my own body, like I’m a giant walking ball of messed-up fat. I can restrict myself to around 1200 cals a day for a while, lose a couple of pounds, then binge eat for the next two weeks just to gain everything back and more. I hate my lifestyle, I feel so lazy all the time and I’m such a procrastinator, I go to the gym occasionally but I’m always looking at how many calories I can burn and not enjoying the exercise. I’m so disgusted with myself - I wanna be skinny like all the models I see everywhere and all my friends but I can’t lose weight. I’m sorry if this post doesn’t belong here - I just really want some help and advice on what to do.

submitted by /u/GoNuts4Donutss
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NSV: started small daily exercise goal and I don't hate it!

So, my husband (34M) and I (30F) both need to lose weight. I'm in the overweight range, so I don't need to shift a ton of weight yet (~30lbs) to get to my ideal weight. But I've kinda stalled since last spring ater I lost ~15 lbs because of life busyness/lack of sleep (having three kids in 3 years means things are busy and I don't sleep through the night all that much.) I also have MS, which limits how much I can do some/most days so exercise has been scant, aside from chasing three preschoolers.

Anyways, my husband is at a BMI of about 40. He's pretty muscular, but still, he definitely has a ways to go to get back into "relatively healthy" territory. But, he's a real foodie and struggles to control his portion sizes and snacking (definitely an ADHD thing).

But my husband has lost ~15 lbs since his high weight at the end of the summer, partly due to two nasty stomach bugs with COVID sandwiched in the middle. But he's also started on a moderate dose of Vyvanse which does help curb his appetite AND helps him focus with his ADHD, bonus!

He suggested we start with a small fitness goal of 5 situps and 5 pushups a day, in addition to what we're doing with our diet and portion sizes. Yesterday I did 8 sit-ups! Spaced out in 3 different sessions throughout the day, but still! A small step to getting stronger and much better toned!

submitted by /u/concentrated-amazing
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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Help please!

So I am a college freshmen - 195 pounds, female and 5'9.

I started trying to lose weight about a week ago, and what I have been doing so far is I eat about 1,500 calories and walk a ton (my fitbit says i burn like 2,500 calories a day - not sure if its completely accurate but i do walk 5 miles a day). I also TRY to eat healthy but I am relying on dining hall food so it is much harder - i do eat oatmeal for breakfast everyday but then my lunch and dinner are usually either corn dogs or pizza or chicken - whichever they have that day. And I also get like a dessert but I always stay under 1,600 calories. My question is - can I still lose weight even if my diet is not great but I am in a calorie deficit? Thanks!

submitted by /u/newsoulinthisworld
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No Seriously, Weigh All Your Food

I'm currently experiencing the weight loss stall that many of us know all too well. While reading a different post on LoseIt to see if I'm doing something wrong or if I need to be patient, I came across this very important lesson:

This comparison picture was made by u/brbgottagofast.

Weigh all of your food. Your measuring cups are adding calories. The serving size in grams is correct but how many pieces/slices that equates to on the package is probably not. Even the slices of ham that say two slices equals 39 calories each. Or 8 M&Ms equals X amount of calories. If you don't think companies are happily abusing their margin of error so they don't look as bad you're mistaken.

I was completely unaware of this and I had only been measuring anything that I would guesstimate before owning a food scale. Now I know it's not just the milk and the cereal that I need to be wary of.

Maybe a lot of you know this, but this was eye opening to me and I'm really happy brbgottagofast went out of their way to make the comparison images. Now I'm more confident I'll see significant weight loss next month!

submitted by /u/ValuableLemon
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Another person at their lowest…

Hi guys — I don’t really know the purpose of this post other than to reach out for some help, accountability, and encouragement. I’ve been a long time lurker here on and off and really love the supportive environment.

Basically, my whole life feels like it’s been falling apart for the past few years and my health and body have taken a back seat. I find myself avoiding social situations or participating in outdoor activities with my family and friends just cause I feel SO far gone.

The trouble is I can’t make myself do anything about it?? Like I know what I have to do (calorie count, move my body more) but it just is all SO exhausting. Especially after a full time job working in health care (where I work with patients all the time who haven’t been taking care of themselves usually…) I’m also a vegan which I feel like makes things trickier but I honestly just can’t eat meat I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 7!

Anyways, just how do you all find the strength to do it? To show up everyday? To stick with it even if you don’t see immediate results? Please help I’m so desperate and depress and just basically disgusted and ashamed with myself.

submitted by /u/cherrithcutestory
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Someone motivate me to start my weight loss journey again

So I started my weight loss around June 2021 and was doing very good until about December. Basically some things happened that made me extremely depressed and couldn’t get myself to start back again. I lost almost 40 lbs since the start and now since December my weight has fluctuated between 5-6 pounds.

I want to get back on track but I’ve been eating so bad lately. I don’t drink enough water and I’ve eaten fast food almost everyday the past two weeks. And I haven’t been active at all the last month. Idk, I feel like I’m back at square one. I’m still about 30 lbs since my initial weight at the start but still it sucks.

submitted by /u/anrezee
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I need to vent to people that understand

I'm so over unsolicited advice and judgment from people regarding my health journey. Especially people that have been unsuccessful at weight loss.

I want to scream at them that if they knows so dang much about living a healthy life then why are they eating junk food and severely overweight.

But I know it's more complicated than that so I'm polite and change the topic. But damn it's hard some days.

End. Rant.

submitted by /u/Single4MingleNow
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What Retention after a day of binging

22 M 5'11" SW: 305lbs CW: 285.2lbs GW: 170lbs

Im well aware that any weight gained after a "bad day" is water weight However I've been doing a bit of trial and error these past 4 weeks and I've found this,

If I stay within my goal calories, 1700, for 2 weeks, Ill drop around 4-6 pounds within those 2 weeks

That's all well and good, now here's the part that has me in a pickle, at the end of those 2 weeks, I throw in one binge day, however it's not even that bad of a binge day, it's a single day of maintenance, afterwards I experience a water retention gain of 4-6lbs the next day, the amount I ended up losing the past 2 weeks.

But here's the fun part that has me frustrated, after that "maintenance" binge day, I go back to my calorie deficit, but it takes almost another 2 weeks to get right back down to what my new weight after the first 2 weeks was

What gives? Did that one "binge" day stall my weigtloss for 2 whole weeks?

submitted by /u/Jetpack725
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I was so scared of going on a cut, but I've successfully dropped 15 lbs down to 190!!

I had been lifting weights 6 times a week for 8 months and "lean bulking" so I only gained 5 pounds over those 8 months. I was eating my bodyweight in protein grams daily and shooting for 250 or so calories above what my body's basal + weightlifting burned.

I gained a looot of muscle, I started off curling 20 lbs dumbbells and now I curl 40's for 6 reps or so. My deadlift went from 185 for one rep to 245 for three reps. My bench press went from 115 to 160. My body didn't look different until 4 or 5 months, and after 8 months my muscles were rather visible and I was at 22% BF down from 25% BF. But I still had a gut! I still had love handles and other things I didn't want.

I have body dysmorphia and some binge eating problems, I used to weigh 260 lbs in high school. I started doing a cocaine diet and dropped to 170 over a year or so. So obviously my relationship with food wasn't always healthy.

But this cut, going on for 2 months, has been amazing for my mental health!! I dropped my calories to 400 under maintenance, and I still do my PPL split 6 days at the gym an hour a day. My lifts are actually getting stronger! I also feel like it's recontexualized why I eat. I'm reminded that food is fuel, and I'm emotionally eating less.

What's worked for me on losing weight this time is not restricting anything, I still eat whatever I want but I eat much smaller portions and I will say no to things more often. If my wife cooks dinner and I already had my dinner I'll tell her sorry I already ate. This was a problem in the past where I felt obligated to eat food that people offered me. I also eat more slowly and find I get satiated faster than I think.

I've Incorporated a lot more veggies and I swapped to protein powder isolate which is more filling than concentrate.

This is the healthiest way I've been at in 5 years and I'm doing it right. Will keep cutting down to 180 which is a good BF level for me then I will resume lean bulking.

I'm so happy

submitted by /u/AioniosVrochos
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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

please help (question / rant)

hi so i am 5’1 and around 128-131 lbs. in july 2021 i was about 147 and i had gotten to about 125 in december. i think it’s much harder for me to lose than most people because physically i am smaller (thus causing a bmr of like 1200 and i was eating less than this quite often) and i have type 1 diabetes. plus i think i have a slow metabolism and my caloric needs just began getting smaller and smaller as i lost weight.

but now i am having severe binge issues and was wondering if anyone could give some assistance on how to overcome that? i constantly think about how i always am so disappointed the outcome of it and try to have a mindset of eating for survival, not just enjoyment / i’ll try eating intuitively but i just keep binging. it frequently is triggered when either 1. my blood sugar gets low (last night i woke up with a low blood sugar and just began eating everything, so much that i had to take nine units of insulin☹️) 2. it’s in the middle of the night or 3. i eat something and then i can’t stop.

i just want to stop doing this so please help if you have any suggestions. i was doing so good for so long and then boom now i feel like my eating is uncontrollable. i am always eating either a little bit or a lot, like there is no in between. when i try to eat a normal amount it always leads to binges. i am scared my weight is going to go back up to what it was and i just want to continue losing but i have began gaining again and UGH it’s so overwhelming and entirely consumes my thoughts.

submitted by /u/a4n4b3lle
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What are the most important things to know when losing weight?

I’m looking for some general advice on losing weight. I’ve been having a lot of struggles in the past couple years. September 2020 I took it upon myself to lose weight and I did really well, I dropped 15 lbs in a couple months. But then I gained all that weight back and then some. So I’m super disappointed and hating myself right now. I know at the end of the day it’s a numbers game and you have to burn more calories than you eat but I was wondering if there’s any advice anyone swears by or any false information to avoid. Is fasting best, is eating small meals/snacks better? Is there such a thing as starvation mode and hoarding fat when not eating enough? Etc. whatever you want to share. I’m just looking for success stories and what people did to finally drop weight and keep it off.

For the record I’m 30F, 5’8” and 170lbs.

submitted by /u/RedThorns
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Calorie counting just isn’t doing it - what am I doing wrong?

I’ve been morbidly obese for as long as I can remember. I started doing something about it and I lost 2 stones all in all then I was diagnosed with cancer, put on steroids and gained it all back and more. I started calorie counting again in January using MyFitnessPal which tells me I should eat 2,140 calories a day. My boyfriend thinks this is very high so I try to leave around 500 untouched… At first the weight came off quite quickly and I lost about 6 pounds in a week but now it’s just not shifting at all! Not a pound! Weirdly, if I do eat the full 2,140 it seems to shift a bit…

Admittedly I still eat a lot of chocolate and unhealthy foods but only ever within the calorie limits…

What can I do? I’d never ever stick at it without keeping my treats in there and I do factor them in accordingly…

submitted by /u/bzzzth
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Not sure if I'm doing enough

Hi!! I'm f17, 5'7 and about 175, my highest weight yet. I also have very little muscle mass and am admittedly quite unfit so the weight looks bad on me. My weight has been the biggest source of unhappiness for me my entire life and after years of trying to lose it in unhealthy ways I decided I was finally ready to do it in a good way. Currently I'm eating around 1200 calories a day and no purposeful exercise except making sure I hit 12k steps. I like matching numbers. I know it's not great and I'd just like to know what else I could be doing to speed things up? Keep in mind that while I'm willing to incorporate most suggestions, I'm still a long way to great physical fitness ;; Thanks!!

submitted by /u/Aiazzz
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It's happened...sweatpants are the only thing that fits me right now. 😶

Yesterday at work I busted the thighs of my pants, right where my chub rubs. Then when I was getting dressed this morning, I noticed all my work pants were tight and would probably also rip at the thigh seams if I try to squeeze into them.

So right now it's stretchy leggings for work and sweatpants at home.

I told myself I can't just go out and buy new pants, I have to get real about my eating habits. I'm frustrated that I let it get this far.

submitted by /u/MeringueAdvice
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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

25/F - Do I focus on weight loss, and tone later? Or tone and cut at the same time?

I’ve been losing weight consistently since January 2nd and went from 138 to about 125 lbs. My goal weight is 115 by June.

I know toning could make me gain some muscle weight- but I’m not quite at the mental place to feel confident with that. But is there a better system to do this?

Rn I am cutting hard with diet and daily light cardio (like a 45 minute power walk). Should I strength train as well?

Thanks 💕

submitted by /u/lilapplecrumbs
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Gained 12 pounds in 4 days.

I’m 14, a teenager in high school. I’m about 5’11. I weighed myself about 4/5 days ago and i was at 214. I weighed myself again and i’m suddenly at 226. Around christmas i was around 205, which i lost about 20 pounds compared to the summer.

I don’t usually eat a lot but this week i was really hungry and it felt like my hunger was catching up to me. I also ate a lot of chocolate because we didn’t really have a lot of food. Is there anyway i can lose all of this weight within 1 week?

I also ran a lot this week to keep in shape at the same time also not watching my health.

submitted by /u/yosoyjulian
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 22

Hello lovely losers!

Happy Tuesday! I hope the start of your week is going swimmingly. I’m here & struggling with y’all. My mental health is trash but I’m still up & swinging!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Couldn’t do it this morning.

1800-2000 calories a day, do not adjust for exercise: Can’t decide what to do for dinner. I’m posting & closing a door dash tab which is a victory. I have a pantry full of wonderful produce & I’ll get into it.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Rest day. Too many in a row. I will make sure to get out for a lunch walk & yoga after work tomorrow. 17/22 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Lots of digital journal today & therapy.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for therapy. I know I wouldn’t be here without it. That & lady rappers.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): I intend to be gentle with myself. I am so grateful to have people in my life that care for me. I need to be better at being one of them.

How are you all hanging in? Anyone else having a light mental health crisis this week?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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This is written by a formerly obese man who weighed over 270 lbs at 5'10 tall.

Losing weight, eliminating fat and water from the body that accumulates depending on multiple factors such as diet, genetics, bad habits, hormonal problems, etc., is a science, and like any science, it takes time to master it.

For years I thought that all my life I was going to be hopelessly doomed to be "a fat ball with legs", and I thought so because I joined the gym, tried different diets, and yet nothing seemed to work.

Under those conditions, it's inevitable not to get depressed. There comes a time when you try again and again and again and again and it just all ends in a failure that seems to be never-ending.

For a long time I said to myself, "Ok, there's nothing to do. I will have to resign myself to being in this body for the rest of my life and that's it", but it turns out that it is not easy to get used to being in a body that you perceive as "an enemy", a body that does not cooperate with you, a body with which you cannot move freely, with which you cannot even tie your shoes, which is the least that any person can do.

For those of us who have lived in this situation, it is quite sad to find ourselves in this situation and not knowing how to escape from it.

Fortunately, one day, I found my way out of that situation. I went from +270 lbs to weighing an average of 165 lbs which is a more than fair and appropriate weight for my height.

I started dieting, but not just any diet. I really started to get interested in what I could eat and not get fat and in that search for foods to eat, I found answers in plants and other ingredients that I could eat in a healthy way without having the permanent feeling of hunger that other diets I had tried in the past without much success provoked me.

It was not an easy road, but today I am happy with the results obtained.

I went back to running, jumping, and playing like I did when I was a kid. My knees and back finally stopped hurting. I changed my entire closet of clothes to my true size and stopped being the laughing stock of many people who simply laughed at me wherever they saw me.

Today, on the contrary, those people who knew me and made fun of me, look up to me and consider me a true role model.

I eat healthy without being hungry, I do sports 5 times a week and I have a life that I fully enjoy today.

I thought a lot to write this, but I think people need to read this kind of story that is real and from ordinary people who, like me, got out of a big problem like obesity.

If I could do it, even though a million times I thought I would never be able to lose weight, then you and anyone else can do the same. And it's worth mentioning that I haven't been over 170 lbs for over 5 years now.

Thanks to those who have read this story. I hope it will be useful to someone else.

submitted by /u/chistescortos
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I just need to get some shit off my chest, and the fat out of my body


I'm not really active here, though I've posted here before. I once posted a big ol post about how I was gonna lose weight and I was going to do it this time and I had a lot of positive feedback and then some cynical comments that got into my head. This was like 5 years ago or more and I'm still severely overweight I'm currently at 565 pounds and my best estimations, I don't have a scale readily available to tell my current weight. I was told that I'm too fat to just lose weight on cal restriction alone and that people like me just don't lose weight on their own and usually just die or get some sort of surgery, the ones that did lose it, were just outliers.

Obviously, I got pretty demotivated and pretty much stopped right there and I've tried multiple other times to lose weight again but again obviously nothing has worked. I'm not expecting this post to give me some newfound motivation that will send me off into fairytale land and help me get healthy. I just want to share my experience and just dump that negativity off somewhere else so at least I'm not holding it anymore.

Right now I'm going to therapy regularly and addressing the core issues as to why I'm this way in the first place and I'm starting small. I'm just on my 6th day of calorie counting but I've only told myself one rule "LOG EVERYTHING." Even if I eat a whole pizza one night LOG IT. The reason I got here is that I use food as a means of escape and to self-soothe. I just need to be finally conscious of what I'm eating and what it will do to me. As long as I can hold myself accountable (and I have my girlfriend and sister helping me make sure I log in every day.) I think I can make progress, it is daunting as the road I see before me I long and difficult but it's either that or continue being miserable and trapped in a body I don't want to be in.

This is something I want more than anything in the world, if I could choose a million dollars or just to be a normal weight id choose normal weight TEN OUT OF TEN times EASY. There are no shortcuts, there is no "ONE QUICK TRICK TO LOSING WEIGHT, DOCTORS HATE HIM." I just need to live in the real world and be conscious of my decisions.

submitted by /u/Vildhjart
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Been struggling with my weight and depression for longer than I can remember. For the first time since at least 2016 my weight doesn’t start with a 3!

Male: 25yo SW: 350 CW: 295 GW: 250.

For the first time in a really long time I feel really proud of myself. I have been struggling with my weight since I was a little kid but I was always active so it never got out of control. Then as I got later in high school I had a lot of personal issues that totally turned my life upside down and I started getting really depressed and my weight got out of control.

I sill remember the first time I hit 300 pounds and I remember trying to get back under there but I couldn’t motivate myself and kept gaining weight. I stopped weighing myself when I hit 350 because I really didn’t want to know.

I have finally started to put some work into getting in shape. I’m seeing a personal trainer and have been doing intermittent fasting but I still refused to weigh myself because I was scared to see it.

Then the other night I was at a party with some friends and a buddy of mine posted picture of a friend and I and I couldn’t believe it. I actually liked how I looked in a picture. So after surviving the following hangover from that party (I do not remember the picture being taken lol), I decided to weigh myself. 295. I’m not a crier but I cried. Seeing that 2 instead of a 3 was something I was sure I would never see again. I still have a lot of work before I am where I want to be but this has given me new motivation. I guess that’s the end of my rant. If you’re still here thanks for reading! Even for the people that didn’t read all of it or any, you’re still great!

submitted by /u/Pukelits
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Disabled Vet; COVID Quarantine has done a number on me, and I realize that I need some help

I am damn near 40 year old infantry vet, and my body has recently take a fairly serious turn. Over the course of my Service, I got pretty banged up; I've had around seven different surgeries correcting damage that I sustained, and recently my dominant shoulder has made its arthritis extremely apparent - which has killed me ability to continue working out the ways I typically enjoy.

Combining this with COVID, a sprinkling of seasonal depression and some anxiety.. I've put on some weight that Im struggling to remove. I realized late last night that I need some help. I'm built like a linebacker; I formerly trained as a powerlifter.. but over the past year, I've put on around 30lbs and its hurting me.

So.. I suppose what I'd like this post to represent is: I'd love to have any / all information any of you would like to share. Right now, Im struggling with my diet specifically; despite my injuries, I've come up with some decent workouts that don't further injure me, but I am *absolutely* down to hear suggestions in that department too.

Any resources would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Da_Peppercini
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Managing Swimming and Gym both. Is it possible?

I started swimming in November and barely learned the basics, still struggling to manage my breathing, when I had to take a break in Dec & Jan due to my exams. I rejoined in February but because I was unhappy with my body, I joined the gym as well.

I am a medical student, with a part-time content writing job and positions in a couple NGOs which is why I am struggling to do gym (1.5 hours - non negotiable) and swimming both as they total up to 3 hours which seems unrealistic as a college student (correct me if I am wrong). People at my club (all 40+) do gym first and then some lengths of the pool but I am so tired after the gym (I have had a very inactive lifestyle) that I just don’t want to swim, especially since I am still learning.

I am considering quitting swimming because expensive and I am not getting the time to go. However, I really enjoy being in the water and I have always wanted to swim and now that I could pay for the pool myself, it felt like the right time. Should I try making time like going swimming early morning and then gym at night (I go at night right now) or is 3 hours a day just unrealistic?

Would appreciate any advice.

submitted by /u/Ok_Weird_833
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Monday, February 21, 2022

Tips/advice for 20lb weight loss?

Hi all, new to the sub! I'm a 23F (5'5", 145lb) and I really want to lose 20 pounds by the summer (June 1). I've basically been around 150lbs since I was 18 and have been trying to lose 20-25lbs for a while. I'm active (I go to the gym 5 times a week, 35-min treadmill workout followed by free weights) and I eat around 1400-1600 calories per day. Lately I've been trying to intermittent fast from 10am-6pm to get that number lower, around 1200-1300 calories per day, but as a graduate student, sometimes this doesn't align well with classes/work. I've had a couple of bad days in a row, even after I weighed myself on Saturday and was pleasantly surprised ( lowest weight in a while). How can I stay motivated? Do you have any advice for me? Is my goal realistic? Thanks in advance :) Take care y'all!

submitted by /u/lotustile
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It feels like every time I make a lil progress, something happens that puts me back where I started

I'll be doing really well for 2 or 3 weeks and have an initial drop of like 10ish pounds (from like bloating and overeating) and then just something will happen and put me back to the start. Like I'll get sick, or once it was a kidney stone, or a couple of times it was traumatic incidents, or I'll have a period (PCOS makes these rare and painful).

I don't know what to do, like it's always something. I have a ton of health problems that aren't directly caused by being overweight, but it certainly doesn't make it easier.

submitted by /u/spacemermaid1701
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feeling the inspiration today

So I forgot my headphones. I was going to finish my workout come hell or high-water. The problem is that until last week I haven't had the courage to be in a gym much less workout without melting into an embarrassed pile of anxiety. 205lb now. Starting weight 242lb. I'm still on the wrong end by a lot, looking at the goal of 160. So I need to be able to be in this place without freaking out. I start out my run going for target HR for 30 minutes as a warmup. I'm pointedly staring at the numbers, and eventually, my eyes are closed. for just a moment the world is dark and I'm moving on autopilot.

I open my eyes and I'm not thinking about anyone else anymore. I'm not in the gym. I'm in myself. I'm miles below in a space just for me. The machine is beeping telling me I'm at my target heart rate and i fall into this rhythm. In that moment I can't help but start to smile. I'm not gasping for breath anymore. I quit smoking. I'm not dying of thirst either. I don't feel like I'm running out of energy since I changed my diet so drastically that the old me wouldn't even recognize or tolerate the portions or the items new me is happily consuming. The world slows down a bit and I see that I've increased my speed without knowing it. I found flow again and I'm absolutely ecstatic! Last time I felt this was the playing Dark Souls and finally getting the Dancer boss. The machine is beeping that Ive gone above my target HR. Fuck that I feel like I can run for the first time in my life! The seconds tick along and I find a new rhythm and a new cadence, like switching gears in a car I just find this new little slot I never knew existed. And there I am. 30 minutes passes by and I see Ive completed a 5k and then some. It felt, not like nothing, I'm sore in different ways, not gasping for air nor in any real pain. For the first time in my life, it felt good.

So yeah. I never knew i could actually find happiness inside the gym but hey, Goals.

I have to say I'm so happy to continue losing it. hell even if i don't lose anymore just being able to find that state and find that happiness in myself is too wonderful to give up.

submitted by /u/randomneko09
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This one has been a challenge: 35 lbs. down since starting out last year. More progress to come.

Got a great start last year and plateaued, then hovered for months. I started to wonder if I'd break through it and make more progress. But the right kinds of motivation will work wonders. I'm back on the whole routine as hard as ever, and I've finally dipped back into a weight range I haven't seen in years.

Cardio and volumetric/anabolic recipes have made a ton of difference. Cutting way back on night snacking played a huge part, too.

Strength training's on deck. Looking forward to the future.

Cheers to your success, as well!

submitted by /u/NightPrimary8130
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I went to the gym for the first time today

The title says it all, but I went to the gym for the first time in a long while. I haven’t been to a gym in almost 4 years, and even then, I maybe went a handful of times. I bought cute workout clothes and a cheap gym bag and today I finally went. I was super intimidated but after sitting in the parking lot for 5 minutes, I walked in.

I will say I didn’t really have any idea what I was doing, I stayed on the treadmill almost the whole time. I did the 12x3x30 on the treadmill and mostly just looked around, trying to subtly figure out where everything was. I’m excited to go back tomorrow and try the new equipment I spotted from the treadmill. It was a small task, but it was really a big deal for me since my anxiety has held me back for so long.

submitted by /u/nicechapstick
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Why do people lie and say I’m not fat?

I have gained 35 lbs. I lost 15 and I’m plateauing. At my heaviest everyone would tell me how I don’t look “that different” and I’m not fat. I feel like this behavior just fueled my unhealthy habits. Now I lost weight and people tell me I look good. How can I trust anyone? Weight loss is so painful. I lost a few lbs and ppl already treat me differently. Ppl already pay attention to me again. I’m 22 F. I’m 5’7”. I started out at 145 gained 35. Highest weight is 185. Now I’m at a steady 170 and I’m so frustrated. I just want to be the old me again. When I was 145 I still was insecure but now that I gained weight things got exponentially worse. I carry weight rlly badly like mostly in arms and stomach.

submitted by /u/ruledbymars7
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Went from 175lbs to 170lbs in 14 days. Is this water weight? (23F 5'8)

I cut my calories from overeating close to 2000-2400 cals a day to 1400-1500 cals for the past 14days. Is this all water weight I lost. I don't really follow any diet.

My portions are way smaller and I measure everthing. No family size chips at night anymore and also no other snacks during the day unless someone offers me a treat. I also try to eat less carbs. On an average day I will eat 100-180 gr of carbs. I also don't eat breakfast and no food after 6 or 7.

submitted by /u/Iamsorryhelpme
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(35M) 6-week Progress from fatass to less fatass but still kind of fatass but feeling better about his fat ass. 36lbs lost.

First and foremost, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have dared to post progress pics on this subreddit over the years I've been lurking; not only were those posts always amazing to see, regardless of the poster's actual weight lost, age or life situation, but it's a great feeling to be able to now follow suit because I feel like I have a bit of progress that I can kind of "pay forward" finally, if that makes sense.

PROGRESS PIC: Probably technically NSFW because man-tits.

Below is basically a novel, but I just wanted to try and preemptively answer any questions readers may have.

DISCLAIMER: I'm still struggling with some very bad fitness habits, and I'm not trying to claim that I am better or worse than anyone else; each of us is on his or her own journey. Many people have climbed much steeper health / physical mountains than I, but this progress, this attempt at trying to be healthy finally, these 36lbs lost, has resulted in the most healthy I have ever felt in my life—physically, mentally and spiritually. I have the benefit of being married, so I am mostly not concerned with whether or not I'm attractive to others outside of my wife, although of course it still feels good to know that I look healthier to others than I did in the past, and it feels even better to live as a better example health for my daughter. I'm closer to my wife, my daughter and most importantly I am closer with God as it feels like I've finally taken steps to stop treating the temple He gave me like garbage.

  • Some major health mountains I was / am personally climbing:
    • I've had heart palpitations for going on 6 years now. These have since drastically abated after starting to workout daily, making sure to eat a banana each day, and supplementing with Magnesium. I gave up caffeine about 5 years ago and never went back. For anybody, whether or not you have heart issues, I'd strongly recommend getting off of caffeine.
    • I work in the tech industry so, as such, I WFH in front of a computer 8+ hours a day. I have had a standing desk for over a year but hardly used it until now. My posture is ATROCIOUS if I am not paying attention to it. I have always been a PC gamer, and I still remember my dad telling me decades ago "You better sit up straight or your gonna mess your back up for good." How pompous I was to not listen to him. I'm 35 now and would bitch-slap the 16 year old me that was already allowing horrible posture to take over.
    • I have always been chubby / fat. My worst weight was 315lbs when I was 21. I started lifting in my mid-20s, training for power lifting, and had gotten my weight down to about 240lbs. Around the time I met my wife just over 5 years ago, I had a sinus infection that I thought required antibiotics, so I took some that were prescribed and these antibiotics absolutely destroyed my gut flora; over the course of about 6 months after that, I had dropped from roughly 245lbs when I met my wife to 208lbs; food wasn't being digested (literally whole pieces of food coming out the other end); heart palpitations were getting worse. Because I was unable to digest food, my food intake increased dramatically over that time to make up for what I was losing. Once this issue kind of cleared up after adjusting my diet a bit, that voracious eating frenzy did not go away. Over the course of 3 years, I went from 208 back up to 270, which is where I started my lifting journey 6 weeks ago.

I'm not perfect in my discipline as far as the exact exercises I do, and the food lifestyle changes I've made, but for the most part there are a few key things I keep my mind on:


  • I do not count calories. I get a rough estimate, but I do not count calories. When I first started using LoseIt app, and I was scanning, counting, inputting, etc. for every single thing I was eating, it honestly felt like too much effort, and that too-much-effort was threatening to ruin my horribly undisciplined motivation. So I stopped counting calories. Like I said, I get a rough estimate in my head each day and, even then, I really don't care much.
  • I eat 6-7 meals a day, rather than 2 huge meals (which was my modus operandi for ever before this). This was kind of odd to get used to at first because, frankly, I hated eating in the morning. Smaller meals has really helped to shrink my stomach over the course of this time to the point that it has helped my confidence in not feeling like I need to count calories.
  • Meat fats, eggs, veggies seem to always make me feel more full than carb-filled meals. I know this is a "no duh!" concept but I never really truly put into action until now. I'm not going full keto, but I have definitely reduced the amount of carbs I eat as well as, when I do eat carbs, I try to consume them in the earlier day / midday, and the avoid them in the evenings. The amount of calories I can get from half a pound of ground beef, or chicken, or turkey, or shrimp, will always make me feel more full and satiated than the same amount of calories of bread and carbs. Lettuce-wraps are lame and I've never enjoyed them, but I've started making meals that are typically meat, veggies, some sort of sauce, over rice or a bed of greens. The problem that I ran into in the past, and definitely still is a facet of this, is that it takes more effort and more money to cook and eat healthy. It's the unfortunate truth. I really appreciate now, though, feeling good about cooking a meal myself, knowing everything I'm putting into it.
  • Donezo with (most) sugar. I stopped consuming sugar in the amounts that I was. Before, I was eating ice cream almost every night, and even though I've not been big into soda for quite some time, lemonade and orange juice are cruel, tempting mistresses, and were frequent drinks of mine. I now get my sugar from bananas, blueberries and occasionally I'll have a piece of chocolate if I'm really feeling the craving. Some things that have helped me in this regard: Zevia soda, sparkling water (Bubly brand is really great with their flavors), keto chocolate bars (you've never experienced 'weird' until you eat sugar-free chocolate for the first time).
  • Donezo with alcohol. I stopped drinking alcohol because of the effect I knew it was having on my body. Whiskey has been a favorite of mine for years, and I've been a beer drinker since my late-teens.
  • I am not crash-dieting. 36lbs lost in a month and a half is a lot of weight, but I also was starting from practically being 100% sedentary (maybe punching the punching bag a couple times a week), with no food discipline as far as salt, sugar content, etc.. I think I'm dealing with "noob gains" but for weight loss. Either way, when I am hungry, I eat. I do not starve myself.
  • Typical daily meal plan:
    • 8AM - Two scoops of Vega sport protein powder.
    • 10AM - banana, handful of blueberries.
    • NOON - Some sort of protein (ground chicken, beef, turkey) with veggies over brown rice.
    • 2PM - Lunch leftovers, or a different protein (shrimp) + veggies without rice.
    • 4PM - Two scoops of Vega sport protein powder.
    • 6PM - Leftovers from lunch / 2PM, or else whatever my wife wants to do for dinner.
    • 8PM - Some fruit, or some veggies, leftovers from dinner. This meal I try to avoid anything too spicy or carb-filled. A lot of times this is actually my second protein shake of the day, which is very easy to digest and doesn't give me heartburn or anything.
  • I give myself grace for "cheat meals". I don't have "cheat days" in which I consume a ton of calories; instead, I may have an actual burger-with-the-bun while I'm out for lunch with my family, or I may literally just eat 40 Chick-Fil-A nuggets when I'm with my buddies on a Friday night. I just do my best to balance that out over the rest of the day by not eating carby / shitty for my other meals, or maybe the next day I will have little to no carbs if I had a bunch the prior day. This variety helps me feel not so locked into anything. I can literally eat what I want, I just am now trying to be smarter about portions really and, due to my feeling healthier now, I no longer crave overly processed terrible food.
  • Macros: I am usually going for ~180g of protein per day. I try to keep my carbs at less than 30% of daily caloric intake, and I'm gonna say it's probably usually around 20%. The rest is fats.


  • Almost every morning, I go on a brisk walk (truly briskly walking the entire time) for between an hour and 1.5 hours; this is the only part of my daily exercise I pay attention to the amount of time that I am doing it. Sometimes I'll add jogging to it, but I hate jogging because I've been forever fat, so I'm not quite there yet to having my morning cardio be strictly jogging. Plus, I figure that 99% of my waking life that I am standing and moving, I am walking, not running or jogging. The thing I focus on most on these walks is trying to adjust my walking posture; this, in itself, is a major workout for me as I need to constantly readjust and focus on my shoulder position, neck/head, chest sticking out, activating my core, trying to avoid duck-butt, etc.
  • I'm going to stick with 4-5 days of lifting a week, but 6-7 days with cardio each week. I started lifting 6 days a week. It was split Chest, Back, Legs, Arms, Shoulders, then a second day of whatever I wanted to do, which typically was a bodyweight day for pushups, situps, body squats, punching bag, or another chest day (you can never have too many chest days). I did this 6 days a week for the first 4 weeks, but I started feeling really burnt out. So week 5, I did almost no lifting but just did cardio throughout the week, and maintained my eating habits. Into week 6, I only lifted 3 days, but still did cardio almost every day. I was able to tell the difference of pump-feeling once I reduced the amount I was lifting, which sucks, but I am feeling waaaayyy more energized when I have 2-3 days rest in the week.
  • I think I suck with resistance bands. I tried to use these a few times, followed some tutorials, but ultimately I wasn't a fan of using them, so I've not implemented them into my routines yet, though that may change in the future.
  • As of week 6, my lift days usually consist of thus:
    • Chest:
      • 1-1.5hrs brisk walk
      • Barbell bench press (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Incline barbell press (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Dumbell fly (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Pushups: Standard x50, Incline x100, Decline (still working on implementing these)
    • Back:
      • 1-1.5hrs brisk walk
      • Deadlift (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Bentover Barbell Row (medium grip) (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Betnover Barbell Row (close grip) (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Bentover Dumbell Row (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Barbell Trap shrug (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Dumbell Trap shrug (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps, hold for 3 sec)
      • Rack Pulls (4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, 5 sec hold)
      • Incline Pushups on Bench x100+
    • Arms:
      • 1-1.5hrs brisk walk
      • Barbell curl (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Tricep Bench dip (4-5 sets of 15 reps)
      • Sitting dumbell curl (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Dumbell Skullcrushers (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Hammer curls (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Incline Pushups on Bench x100+
    • Shoulders:
      • 1-1.5hrs brisk walk
      • Barbell Shoulder press (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Lateral dumbell raises (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Seated lateral dumbell raises (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Dumbell Arnolds (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Incline Pushups on Bench x100+
    • Legs:
      • 1-1.5hrs brisk walk
      • Barbell Squats (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Goblet Squats (4-5 sets of 10-12 reps)
      • Calf Raises (individual / simultaneous) (4-5 sets of 20 reps)
      • (occasionally) Lunges
      • Incline Pushups on Bench x100+
    • Ancillary day
      • 1-1.5hrs brisk walk
      • Pushups x100+
      • Situps x100+
      • Body squats x50
      • More cardio, punching bag
  • I do not pay attention to the time it takes me to complete my lifts. Because of the fact that I usually don't superset, my lifting can take anywhere between 1.5hrs and 3hrs total over the day. My leg days are usually shorter than the rest because I don't have as many exercises to do, or at least the equipment to do them. Luckily, I work from home so I can lift in the morning, work throughout the day, then head right back down to my garage after work to finish. But I never say to myself 'I must workout x amount of hrs to be fit'. My only focus is on the exercises I want to complete each day, and making sure my form is the thing I pay attention to most.
  • I used to hate pushups. Now I love pushups. If you would've asked me 2 months ago if I thought I could ever enjoy pushups, I would've laughed at you and went back to playing World of Warcraft. Now, I absolutely love them because of how much they work, how difficult they are, and how good I feel now having tackled that beast and made it a daily staple to my exercises. One of the greatest feelings in the world is being able to do 10-20 pushups in a row after having already done like 60 pushups in the previous 10 minutes. Feels like my immediate musculature recovery/ energy recovery has drastically increased.
  • My exercises are limited to what I can do at home with what I've got. I have no desire to go to a gym and be forced to deal with the mask / vax / social distance nonsense, so this at-home method is perfect by me.

Any other questions, feel free to ask. Otherwise, thanks for reading and I hope this helps someone who may be struggling with motivation.

May God bless you, brothers and sisters.

submitted by /u/JandersOf86
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