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Weight Loss for Everyone: 3 days into my newest weight loss journey and have some questions.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

3 days into my newest weight loss journey and have some questions.

Hello! I'm new here but not new to trying to lose weight. I've struggled my whole life. However, im now the biggest I've ever been at about 310 pounds. I'm a stay at home mom but I struggle with depression, fatigue, and anxiety that has caused a lot of issues with sticking to working out and eating healthy. 3 days ago I started using an elliptical. I love it and I tried doing research on the proper way to use it, but I just found a lot of random advice. I was hoping someone here has used one and been successful and could share some tips. My current goal is to achieve 150 minutes on it a week. Im pushing myself to do 22 mins a day 7 days a week to reach that. Besides my knees making it difficult to keep going I have been able to reach the 22 min with a few breaks in between. One of my biggest problems right now though is that I still feel like I'm not doing enough. Physically I'm sore and I know if I push to hard I'm gonna hurt myself but every time I sit down in between chores and playing with my kid I feel like I'm failing myself already. I had the same problem in past attempts to lose weight and it's always led to me giving up because I feel like if I'm not gonna do enough I shouldn't do it at all.. idk if anyone else has dealt with this issue but any advice would be really appreciated. And any advice in general is welcome.

submitted by /u/-PaN-DuH-
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