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Weight Loss for Everyone: May 2022

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Wallowing in a mood after unsolicited comments

I started on a healthy eating plan four weeks ago. First week I wasn't prepared to start so was only on the plan for half the week. Second week I went straight back into my old eating habits due to stress. Third week I reset and have been on it now for two full weeks and on my third.

I only count being on the plan for two and a half weeks.

I have lost 8.5lbs. SW 20st10lbs CW20st1.5lbs

I don't think this is a bad loss considering I am sedentary and have PCOS as well as recovering in depression.

I am proud of myself. But today, my mother, who started on the same plan months ago and has lost 2stone 7lbs so far said to me "I would of expected you to be losing weight faster at your size'". I acknowledged the actual timeline of following the plan but didn't say how much that comment hurt and was unnecessary.

I am now stuck in a mood obsessing over that statement. All of my accomplishments of the last few weeks just feel wiped away. I am lactose and gluten intolerant in addition I have a very restricted diet because I dislike a lot of food both tastes and textures. In the last two weeks I have created four new recipes I will eat on my limited diet in addition to the normal foods. These recipes have turned out so well others are using them, non-plan people in my life are enjoying them.

This is really important to keep me on track, but I now just feel like what is the point. I deliberately didn't join my mum's group because I know how she gets with these things but for her to still say something so crappy has been hard on my will power and determination. I know slow and steady is the best way for me but I now think maybe I should be doing more and push more. Anyone have any words of advice on how to push past this idiotic statement and keep going. I'm really worried I will lose momentum and spiral.

submitted by /u/AKJ1820
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How to tell difference between hunger pangs?

Hey y’all. I’m doing low carb (moderate protein, moderate fat) because I am a T2 diabetic and it works the best with my health. I’m doing a caloric deficit along w/ working out 5 days a week (either just cardio, or cardio-strength). The app “Carb Manager” has helped me track my CICO.

My question is- is there any way to tell the difference between the “typical” stomach growls/empty feeling that happens when on a caloric deficit, and the “not-eating-enough” growls??

I either reach my 2,170 calorie limit or am under by no more than 200 calories daily. I eat 3 square meals, along with a snack or two.

I just hate feeling hungry 2-3 times a day 😭 thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/JupiterGiraffe
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“calories as prepared” are incredibly misleading, case and point kraft mac n cheese

the box says 250 calories per 2.5 oz unprepared, 350 prepared

so imagine there you are eating the 1 cup serving size thinking you are eating only 350 calories when really it’s more like almost 400

this is because the preparation calls for 1/4 cup of milk and 4 table spoons of butter, adding 438 calories to the entire meal, assuming this is for if you make the whole box which is roughly 3 servings, this comes out to around 146 per bowl on top of the 250 dry mix

396 calories per cup of mac n cheese despite it saying 350

now on the very bottom of the box, real small, it says you can make it with fat free milk and only 2 table spoons of butter

when you do it that way it comes out to around 325 calories per cup

I don’t like how misleading and blatantly false the as prepared calorie count is, that’s almost 50 calories extra per bowl, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a marketing thing, advertising that it’s less calories than it really is so people don’t feel as bad eating it

I’m pretty sure they only put the alternative preperation (the one that comes out to 325 instead of 396) so the fda doesn’t hound them for lying to customers, like fine print

submitted by /u/MarcyX13
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How to push below the plateau?

44M, 6'3". Started 2021 at 285lbs. On April 1 2021 I decided to quit drinking and start eating mostly low-glycemic whole foods (low carb but not keto) and doing three 90-minute exercise sessions weekly (either biking or tennis, both at a moderate-high intensity).

By September I was down to 250, which is where I still am today. In the last 9 months I haven't lost an ounce, but I have kept up with the lifestyle changes and I'm feeling better than ever, so there's that :)

My question is.. How do I go down another 30lbs to my desired weight? What additional changes should I make? I've done some reading and I'm not sold on the idea of restricting calories (doesn't seem like a successful long-term strategy), and I don't think I need to add any additional exercise.

Any thoughts or ideas to share?


submitted by /u/zumafan
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Taken 4 years apart. 150lbs lose. Same shirt, attempted same pose

M, 22, 5'11, 185lbs from 335lbs, 150lbs lost

My journey is pretty much entirely documented in my account history as I've used this account solely for my journey pretty much from the very beginning, but to sum things up all this weight loss is largely from the past year and half. No special diets, no cleanses, no surgery, just plain CICO, exercise, and discipline.

I still want to lose roughly 30-40lbs~, tummy-tuck and possibly leg-plasty(?) are on my to-do list (lose skin sux 🙃), but I'm extremely happy with where I'm at! I feel I owe a lot to this sub for helping me through my various rough patches, and I look forward to the day where I make my final post on here. :)

submitted by /u/rantgarbagethrowaway
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Help With Phantom Fat

Hey all, this is my first Reddit post. Since July last year I’ve shed around 100 pounds, going from over 300 to 203 as of this morning. My problem isn’t physical though, I have a mental block, when I wear shirts or pants and they don’t fit a certain way I feel huge and I have to find something else to wear, on top of that my brain can’t grasp that I won’t possibly gain all my weight back from one cheat day. Does anyone have any advice or similar experiences? Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/International_Ad8244
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Advice for someone who gained it back after unhealthy weight loss method (TW)

Hi Reddit! Two years ago, I lost 80 pounds by restricting much lower than I should’ve been; after seeing fast results, I got fixated with numbers and would work off most of the 1000ish calories I was consuming a day

Naturally, I gained back 35 pounds when I focused on my mental health, but I honestly don’t mind because mentally, I’m the best I’ve ever been :) however, I am now 15 pounds overweight, and it can make me feel a little sluggish or uncomfortable at times (especially at the gym). Is there any way to lose weight effectively without fasting or calories in-calories out? I haven’t been able to find an alternative that works effectively since, but ideally, I don’t want to revisit a “numbers” mindset. Thank you!

submitted by /u/whoppinghoney
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Monday, May 30, 2022

tips for weight loss?

So I’ve been trying to lose weight for awhile now but I really struggle with following diets.

Recently, I’ve been really motivated to lose weight this summer though! I started going to the gym & exercising twice a day! I’m also going to cut off all junk food & sugar.

I was wondering if anyone had any meal plans for weight loss or a better exercise routine? I’m mostly focused on losing all my weight right now, so any advice is helpful! thank you!

submitted by /u/wishyouwel
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The excuses to get the bigger portion

You know the bit of logic that happens, when you’re looking at whatever food it is you’re going to be unreasonably lusty for; and you have the option of a pack of cookies, or a single serving one cookie. A tub of ice cream, or a scoop? Which one do you go for? Likely the bigger option.

Why? It’s a better deal! And you get more.

It’s hard to reason so much money on a single serving when I get like 5 servings for a dollar more! Then it’ll last longer! I can practice my willpower (lol)

And here in lies the fallacy. How many times have I made this logic, and then ate the thing? The thing I bought cause I could have more servings over time and save money. The thing I ate in one sitting, thus rendering it a single serving, serving up a double whammy of it being more expensive and worse for my goals of health and weight loss.

Don’t fall into the trap! If you struggle with willpower and find good excuses like it’s cheaper in the long run, just remember that often, it’s gonna end up being a single serving anyway (yknow, until that relationship with food has changed)

submitted by /u/autienne
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Needing some encouragement

Hi guys- I'm new to this group and wanted to post and see if some people could give me some encouragement.

I'm 37, have two kids and am really struggling in general to believe that I can lose the weight. As someone with PCOS, it feels even harder.

Currently 217 (highest ever for me) at 5'2 which is just too much for my small frame. Always a muscular person, my goal is 140 and the almost 80 pounds feels like it might as well be double that because it just seems so difficult.

I've had an eating disordered past so the strict diets scare me, but i need to make some changes obviously.

Would love to hear success stories (bonus if you have pcos).

submitted by /u/Blue_317_319
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Okay y’all! I’ve spent several days lurking and got my motivation in check. Lose It is downloaded. Did my first weigh in (207.8). I already have plans to go for a burger and beer tonight, but I’m gonna track that as my first meal because I know my biggest challenge will be tracking no matter what. Everyone on this forum is a winner, excited to be alongside you. I’ve got about 25lbs to go until I’m eligible for my breast reduction, and we’ll see where my goals take me from there :)

submitted by /u/leothelyinglion
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Overweight gym beginner looking for help on a chill routine to start with that won’t murder me.

28 years old 5’5 SW: 314.4 CW: 291.6 GW: 185

I’ve recently been counting calories, which I know has nothing to do with this, but I’m starting to go to the gym three times a week Wednesday morning. When I was going before the pandemic I’d usually do 30 minutes of cardio before anything, then stretch, then focus on one area of my body (legs, arms, core).

I’ve recently heard that cardio is bad before doing weights. And I also have realized I don’t have any real knowledge of what working out is besides a weird skewed version from softball 10+ years ago.

So my question is, what’s a good beginner workout with weights that will help keep my curves, have minimal weight loss, and help improve stamina and flexibility.

My goal on off days is to do either 30 minutes cardio/30 minutes of yoga.

submitted by /u/hornycrying
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Sunday, May 29, 2022

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 29

Hello folks!

Day 29! Thinking about your June goals? Yeah me neither. I’ll have to keep thinking!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Logged this morning.

2000 calories a day (lose two pounds this month): On it.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Walk in the rain & more vigorous cleaning today. 24/29 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Going to hit up the physical journal.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for flowers & bees.

Random to do list item I want to conquer today: Random cleaning odds & ends.

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Feeling hopeless but willing to do more

Hi everyone,

April 12th I started my journey to weightloss/body toning. My goal is just to live a healthier lifestyle, maybe lose 20 lbs, but to be able to fit into some shirts for the summer since I am going on vacation most of the summer (I am a teacher, I don't sit at my desk the entire time, but I move around a lot.). That being said, I got my resting heart rate (according to fitbit) down to 67 and my stamina and energy have increased so well; I go to the gym 6 days a week (~45-50 mins cardio running on the treadmill in intervals, have increased the intensity over the weeks), have cut down on calories immensly and started eating more protein, fiber, and healthier foods; drinking way more water, and about a week ago I started weight training on the machines. Needless to say, I notice a slight difference with my pants, but I can't help but notice that I feel like my stomach isn't getting any slimmer, even with the intensity of the workout. I do ab exercises; crunches (got up to 80 and I do more on the machines at the gym), planks; maybe it's just not me noticing the changes; I weighed 230 lbs and it has only gone down to about 221-224 lbs. Is there anything I can do to try and flatten my stomach to be able to fit into these shirts better by July? Does anyone have any tips?

PS: There was a period in late April/early May where I couldn't work out for 10ish days because I had COVID. I wanted to be extra careful. But as soon as I felt better I started back up again and everything was good.

Thank you - and some perspective would help; this is my first time ever being committed to this and it has become a habit which I would like to keep and I will be continuing this for months to come. I really want to improve my self-esteem, live healthier, feel comfortable in my body, and start dating again :)

submitted by /u/GermanyUSA921
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I hit an all time high but have long Covid in a way that impacts loss

So I hit 200 lbs at 5’2”. I won’t mince words. It’s unhealthy, uncomfortable, and impedes the life I want to live. I also have arthritis and I believe losing to normal is a great first line of pain control.

However it happened as I slowly went downhill with long COVID. We learned my thyroid stopped functioning well. But all the pulmonologist would say is I was overweight. I eventually had to stop her an say I have a history of anorexia (I do and it’s in EPIC), but she persisted and said I needed pulmonary rehab not to get better but because she didn’t trust me to work at it on my own. At that point I reminded her that my results for thyroid, liver, sometimes seems like gallbladder?, lung function, lung CT were abnormal, that it was causing cardiac problems I’d never had before even while fat, and again the history of anorexia. Enough I fucked up my stomach and probably caused my own problem by deeply slowing digestion.

She just said “think of your health.” I left and cried.

Thing is the long Covid is severe. Last month I was on supplemental oxygen. I was unconscious for three weeks during the infection. I woke up briefly to hear my daughter who is five ask her dad point blank if I was gonna die and he said no. I blacked out before I could say no, too.

It’s been months since I could move. I need rescue inhalers. If I overdo it the entire next day is vomiting. My TDEE must be incredibly low because even with Synthroid I’m struggling to lose. It’s low enough that

I’m a dairy free (intolerance) vegetarian (GI diet) where my veg ironically need to be low fiber. I don’t even think 1200isenough can help me. I sleep so much still I think it’s below that. Intermittently I decide I hate a food I liked too with no explanation and forever. No replacement cravings. (I did not lose taste this was an omicron variant.)

I know I need to lose but how safely? My doctors have made it a priority, but walking normal human amounts is still blacking out, covered in sweat difficult. The house is 65 permanently. I’m still too warm. Or are they endangering me by insisting on prioritizing end goal of weight over the very real danger in over doing it?

submitted by /u/sunshineparadox_
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Help managing diet and stress?

To start, I’ve hit a new low weight (165lbs at 5’3) and it’s brought my daily calorie allowance to 1,340. Which isn’t down by a lot from before but I’m really missing those extra 40 calories.

Life has been a bit stressful this past week and it doesn’t seem to be letting up any. The details aren’t important but I find myself hungrier and more tired and unmotivated to exercise to earn a treat so I just lay down, depressed, waiting for the next stressor to activate my anxiety

Does anyone have any advice to help curb this? Exercise? Healthy foods? Vitamins? I’m the only person I know irl who’s had long term success with CICO and I’m still relatively new to it.

submitted by /u/Beetlepunk
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Counting Calories and Working Out 5 Days a Week But Not Losing Weight

So I’m a 22 year old female and currently weight 185 pounds. On May 1st, I started working out 5 days a week and counting calories. I eat between 1,200 and 1,700 calories a day. I also burn between 500 and over 700 calories 5 days a week according to my Fitbit 5 days a week.

I don’t understand why I am not losing any weight. When I weighed myself on May 1st, I was 182.4 pounds. Now I weight 185 pounds. Why did my weight increase if I been eating at a calorie deficit and working out 5 days a week? What am I doing wrong? I should’ve lost at least a pound or two but instead gained over 2 pounds. Someone please help me.

submitted by /u/marykay19
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Battling the same 20 pounds over and over after a huge success streak

34 year old guy here, 5'9, and I've been morbidly obese my entire life. I was 200 the 1st day of 7th grade and 370 when I graduated high school. I crested the upper 400s in mid-2020 before my living situation radically changed and I basically hit rock bottom. I could still get around but it was getting harder, had a ton of social anxiety about my appearance, was starting to get weird medical conditions like muscle spasms if I leaned a certain way and random visual fuzziness in a part of my eye.

I made weight loss a priority, started counting calories, got back to the gym and I started a very physical job with a lot of walking. At the beginning of 2022, I was down at my lowest at 243 pounds. It's like night and day. I'm in remarkably better shape as a 34 year old man than I ever was in my 20s, all the weird health problems are gone and my waistline went from a 66 to just about able to squeeze into a 38.

However, since the start of the year I've been in a rut. I started hitting the weight room and taking in more protein but I also let myself take in an extra meal or two a day. After a couple weeks of being afraid to even look at the scale, I finally did and saw I was right back at 260. Put in a month or so of hard work, got back to the 240s and then...the same exact thing happened. Slipped, and now I have to lose that same 20 pounds again.

It is intensely frustrating knowing that I could have finally cracked 200 by now if I stayed the course but instead I'm in nearly half a year and behind where I started it. I also started going back to college in the evening and don't have the time to put in at the gym after work like I used to. I know some of that might have been muscle gain but it can't explain all of it, clothes have definitely gotten a bit tighter.

Before, I'd mainly eat out of boredom/depression but I got into a rhythm of basically doing 1500 calories a day in generally one meal and a snack later on and it became just normal after awhile. After falling off the wagon the desire to grab something in the evening is stronger than ever. Some days I go to bed an hour or two early just because I know that way I won't be awake long enough to make another stupid decision.

I can't really think of any different way to go about it other than just willpower, which is how I got here in the first place.

submitted by /u/SwordchucksYo79
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Saturday, May 28, 2022

How far in advance can I make smoothies and keep them in the fridge?

I’m working on adding more fruits and veggies to my diet. I enjoy sipping a smoothie throughout the morning - I get that it doesn’t sound super appetizing, but some frozen spinach or kale, frozen fruit, some almond milk and water to get the consistency I like.

Here’s the thing - I can’t stand the sound of the blender in the morning. Tbh I don’t have a lot of motivation or focus (or time) in the mornings so I tried pre-measuring out all my stuff except the water so I didn’t have to do anything except dump it in the blender, but even then, I couldn’t bring myself to turn the blender on.

I’ve been making overnight oats for 3-5 days in one shot - can I do the same for smoothies? If I blend up a bunch on Sunday night, how long could that last in the fridge?

submitted by /u/lissalissa3
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Are y’all friends with people that make fun of you?

Hey guys,

So a lil backstory, I’ve been overweight my whole entire life and I’ve struggled with binge eating. I am 19 years old now and weigh 400 ish pounds. Growing up, all the friends I had would pick on me for my weight somehow in a joking way.

I’m at college and don’t talk to my friends back home much. However, I’ve been trying to reconnect with them this summer bc I do like being around them. Me and one of the other guys got in an argument today that started as a joke but quickly turned into him calling me fat in different ways.

I just feel like I’m so fat that I should just expect to hear these things and learn to ignore them or not let them get to me. Especially since I’m trying to lose weight.

Has anyone else dealt with this?

submitted by /u/NeighborhoodEvery
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How to lose significant weight without f*ing your metabolism? (Wheelchair user)

Maybe I'm overthinking this but I keep hearing"calorie restricted diets don't work in the long term" and "dieting will slow your metabolism so you won't be able to keep the weight off". But I need to lose around 100lb! Is there something you need to do alongside calorie restriction in order to stop your metabolism adjusting?

An additional issue for me is that I'm a full-time wheelchair user (paraplegic) so I'm limited in the type of exercise I can do...

Thanks in advance for any advice/personal experiences/science/pep talks!

submitted by /u/worriedfat
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Called Massive by husband

First time posting here but a long time lurker. So this morning I was joking around with my stepson after he picked up his girlfriend and spun her around the kitchen. Your Dad has never done that with me I said happy to see them so much in love. My husband then said it's because I'm massive. To clarify I'm 5'5" and have never been over 155lbs(except at the 9th month of pregnancy) current weight 152lbs at 57 yrs old. He's always cringed at skinny models and loved my curves, so I thought. Am I the asshole for being too sensitive? Just kinda shocked especially by the way he said this(not joking I can assure you).

submitted by /u/HealthyHumor5134
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NEED HELP! Do I continue my -20% cut, do recomp, or even lean bulk?

I have been cutting for the past 4.5 months, and I’ve been hitting the gym consistently alongside it. I am still considered a newbie I suppose?

My goal is to look aesthetically better over time

In this time period I have lost about 12 KGs/26lbs. At the moment I am stuck trying to figure out what to do, I am genuinely confused. —— First of all my stats: - 18(just turned) Years old. - 76.8KGs/169lbs bodyweight. - 175 cm/5ft8 tall. - 18% guesstimate bodyfat% - 77 cm waist circumference. - 27 cm neck circumference. - 2334 calories maintenance - 1850 eaten daily to cut (with 1 cheat meal sometimes to keep me sane.)

I have posted my physique in the imgur link.

This is the leanest I have been in my life. I have never felt this good and happy, but the more I am going into this cut, the more I am being afraid I might be doing something wrong.

My concern here is that I don’t have a lot of muscle, I am also not that strong. I also have quite some fat that I’d still like to lose. The workouts are extremely hard, and I haven’t progressed in ages…

I am afraid bulking will make me be fat again, and cutting to much will make me look like a twig.

What should I do? I really need you guys’ help with this one.

—- If you need any more information about me, then please tell me and I will edit the post

submitted by /u/AlbanischerBauer_
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How to endure real hunger?

I have few cravings, and very little emotional attachment to food. I barely taste anything, I really hate being over full, and a little growl here and there doesn't bother me one bit. So wy am I having trouble taking of the last 19 pounds?

Real hunger. Deep, in the blood, in the bone, in the muscle hunger. On a cold or stormy day, it rages, it must be fed or I am too weak to work, sleep or read.

If it adds any context, I am an extreme hard gainer as far as muscle goes, I have malabsorption and thyroid issues and other immune stuff and I'm perimenopausal.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/LittleBitCrunchy
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Friday, May 27, 2022

My 13 year old son is morbidly obese and I don't know what to do

He was adopted as a toddler, alongside his biological brother who was 11 at the time (now 22). His brother was overweight too, but not by as much and he got it under control by getting into boxing in his teens. He now has a very strict diet, but 13m isn't interested in learning from him or getting into sport sadly. He thinks 22m's diet is miserable and he doesn't like exercising.

Our bio kids (19f and 23m) are both thin like us, maybe there is some genetic component to our adopted kids' obesity I'm not sure.

I am at a loss with what to do with him. He is enormous due to stealing food and buying any he can, also my husband is a bit softer on him than I am and sometimes lets him have extra snacks. I made it clear to my husband this is unacceptable and it makes me the "bad parent" in his eyes.

He is 5'3 and 207lbs which terrifies me because he weighs more than every other family member by a significant amount.

Last month we took away his lunch money which made him very upset but we had no choice, we now pack him a healthy lunch instead. He often steals from the food cupboards unless we lock them so we have now bought locks for the cupboards. We took him to a doctor who basically said to just make sure he doesn't eat junk food and try to get him more active. We already do that and it didn't work.

We decided we had to take harsher measures and we put him on a low carb diet last week. We already track his weight but now I think we need to track calories too? I never wanted to do any of this but it is a last resort. He is mad at me for the diet and I know he already feels bad about his size but I can't allow this to continue. Obese kids are nearly always obese adults and I want him to live a long and happy life. I know he wants to lose weight, he is clearly aware of his size and already gets teased in school, but he doesn't care enough to change without pushing.

Is there anything else we can do?? Is the diet a bad idea?

submitted by /u/mario979799
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Lethargy/low energy from sedentary lifestyle how to build back energy to exercise?

Whenever I am sedentary for a long period (WFH, etc) I just get so lethargic and low energy and it gets so hard to get energy to do any physical activity. I know that once I get back into exercising, it becomes easier because I was able to do it before but as soon as I am sedentary the low energy starts again. It's so hard in the beginning to get out of it.

I read somewhere about standing on toes on and off to gradually start some physical activity. Any other tips or personal stories?

(No diagnosed medical issues, had blood work done)

submitted by /u/zinniatulip00
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Smokers get instant relief when take that first puff. Food addicts get an instant rush when they eat junk food. How do we rewire our brains with a new form instant gratification or immediate negative consequences?

I've been reading the book Atomic Habits and one thing that is discussed is how habits start with a trigger. There's a 4-step model to habits: cue, craving, response and reward. I've been examining my cues for overeating and one of them is just having "tasty" "junk" or "unhelpful" foods in front of me - specifically watching other people eat these in front of me. I understand that I may never be able to get rid of the craving aspect but I believe I can retrain my brain to have a different response ... the only thing is I need is a better reward in the moment. No I don’t mean all the typical rewards like “oh think of how you’ll be healthier, lose weight” or “get a pedicure or buy a new outfit or do something for yourself” etc - those are too delayed so please don’t suggest that lol. Or on the flip side I need a negative consequence. No not the delayed ones like “oh you’ll feel bloated, guilty and gain weight.” Again those are delayed consequences and this does not help me in the moment. I define an instant negative consequence as something immediate - like a shock collar for a dog. And instant positive reward for an narcotics addict is the rush of dopamine when they take that first hit.

I need this pretty much immediately to retrain my brain I believe. Do you have any suggestions for creating IMMEDIATE rewards or IMMEDIATE negative consequences?

submitted by /u/mluck7
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I cried in the dressing room today.

In November, I was a size 22 @ Tor__d. I’ve lost 72 pounds since then. But my mind doesn’t see it, you know? And my pants are literally falling off of my ass. So I went to buy some jeans. The ones I’ve bought at Old Nasty don’t hold their shape, and I can’t figure out what size I need. So I’m in the dressing room, and I try on a pair of 16’s. Too baggy. Must be a fluke, I think, but put on the 14’s the sales associate put in the room. I slip them on, zip them up, and they fit! It’s a miracle, I think. I step outside to look in the mirror, and the sales associate says, “so they fit nicely right now, but they’ll stretch as you wear them. Let me grab you the 12’s.”. I just stare at her - the last time I wore a size 12 I was in them 9th grade, (I’m over 50 now). So I try them on, and they zip, they fit, they’re the right size. Size 12. I know torrid vanity sizes, I know the stretch…but size 12?

I cried. Big, silent tears. Because I just don’t see it. I look in the mirror and see size 22. I’ve been size 18-22 for 35 years. I don’t know when my mind is going to catch up and it’s hard, honestly hard. I’ve always been the biggest person in the room. I’ve always crossed my arms over my belly in the chair. I’ve always been afraid to sit in the folding chair and stood in the back row in pictures.

It’s hard to have people tell you “you look great”. It makes me feel bad, Did I look so terrible before? I smile and say thanks and inside I’m cringing.

I’m not looking for sympathy, but is there anybody else who feels this way? Like I’m fake in this body? Like the outside is a surprise? Like I look down in the morning and when I see my toes I think, what the hell are those?

I’ve got more to lose. I’m still seriously obese, according to the bullshit bmi charts. And I’m going to keep going, but I just needed to vent.

Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/Tajkaj
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Your scale weight is not everything. Consider it one piece of a larger set of tools to monitor your progress.

I’ve been putting too much emphasis on the number on the scale. In the beginning, when I started my routine of healthier eating and regular exercise (cardio and strength 5-6 days a week plus consistently reaching 20k+ steps/day) the number on the scale dropped by a lot pretty quickly—and I was obviously thrilled with that. The problem is, that set up an unrealistic expectation of my future progress.

My number has pretty much flatlined at this point. It goes up and down a bit depending on what I’ve been eating, the time of day etc, but it’s hovering around 268. I was frustrated. What was I doing wrong?

Well, at the same time that my weight has flatlined, I’ve continued shrinking. I have one notch left on my belt. I can fit my arm into pants that used to be tight. I’ve gone down a shirt size. I was given all these cues but still frustrated that the weight isn’t dropping. That changed today.

This morning I put on a jacket that I haven’t worn for a couple of weeks. It was a bit loose the last time I wore it, but now it completely drowns me! The back of the jacket used to rest on top of my ass, now it completely covers it! It feels kind of weird on me now, almost like it’s meant for a different body type!

Not to mention, my workouts are getting easier. I am able to go harder and not gas myself out.

This was a long-winded way of saying, just make good decisions and the results will come. Eat well. Exercise. Sleep. Don’t get caught up in the weight. It’s just a measurement incapable of distinguishing between muscle and fat. If your weight has plateaued but you’re shrinking, congratulations! You’re doing it right. It means you’re building muscle and losing fat.

submitted by /u/brownstonebk
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I'm 28 years old, 5'8" 290 lbs. male

Greetings. As stated in the title, I'm 28 years old, 5'8" 290 lbs. male. I've been this weight for about two years now. That's somewhat positive, as I haven't gained much weight during that span. I understand this is not a good way to live. I've tried dieting numerous times but my appetite doesn't let me.

I don't understand why I can't stop eating. I'm aware that I'm obese, & sometimes I'm serious about losing weight but that seriousness goes away quickly.

A few days ago I bought 6 xxtra hot cheetos bags (8.5oz) from eBay & ate them all in 3 days. About a month ago, I made the switch from normal Coca-Cola to Coke-Zero. The taste is identical, so I hope I'm making my body some good.

My mom agrees that I need to lose weight. I live with her & I don't have a job, in a rural area so everything is far away. I don't have a car either. I've been very motivated to go to a gym but don't have access to one right now.

I don't have any disease that I know of. I was diagnosed with depression & am taking some medication for it. I'm wondering if those medications are causing my motivation issues. They're anti-depressants but the last thing I feel is relief. I don't feel anything at all. It's like they're just fake capsules with nothing inside them.

I'm from Puerto Rico by the way, if you're wondering.

submitted by /u/georgekiller93
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no idea where to start with exercising

Hi! 220lb here. I have no idea what I'm doing. I eat protein (chicken, ground turkey, salmon), vegetables (frozen), cottage cheese, nuts, Greek yogurt and boiled eggs, orange and banana. Iced coffee is my treat. Been doing this for a week and a half and am feeling great and lost 10lbs. (Maybe just water weight?) I just got a food scale and now am wondering how to properly portion.

Also visiting the doctor for the first time in 10 years. Should I ask for anything special regarding obesity? What questions do I even ask? Do I have high cholesterol, am I pre diabetic? Sorry if this sounds stupid. I went to the doctor once when I was 16 and had a traumatic experience so I have never went again.

And no idea what I'm doing when it comes to exercise. I do the machines when I go to the gym but is it really beneficial? Should I be doing stuff with more moving?

Random thought vomit:

Things to do in a pool (its getting warmer out!).

I've always wanted to get into something and I'm thinking yoga.

Lots of stairs at work, tried the stair stepper at the gym and it killed me now I struggle even more with the stairs, does it get easier or do I need to rest?

And is there some things i can do at home? Like home workouts or weight recommendations? I'm a bit self conscious and want to practice form

Any comments, tips, or stories on any of the matters above would be appreciated. When I was 140lbs I never worked out or ate good so I'm a true newbie

submitted by /u/snorlaxpusher
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Thursday, May 26, 2022

The cravings, how do you control them?

Quit sugar Quit carbs Quit alcohol Quit smoking Calorie reduction diet Started all this at the same time.

Lost almost 100 pounds and feel good not smoking or drinking any more. Broke my diet (planned) while I was on vacation and of course had a few drinks and a smoke and now I have the worst cravings for all things unhealthy.

As long as I keep myself busy I'm usually pretty good but it's hard at night.

What do you do when you got cravings as bad as I have it right now?

Lesson learned is that I can't go back to old habits cause they just haunt you.

submitted by /u/cdub1w
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What happens if I'm full but haven't had enough calories for the day?

If I feel satisfied but am short on my daily calorie count, is it unhealthy or bad for me to not eat to my limit, or can I have a day here and there with less calories?

I also can't believe I'm even writing this as I would usually binge eat at night, but when I make it a goal to watch and track my calories, plus eating good healthy foods that actually fills me up, I feel satisfied after dinner. This place has helped me get motivated and I want to thank everyone for your stories, you have all inspired me to be better every day!

submitted by /u/MarkusVanDarkus
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I didn’t realize how important it is to keep your blood sugar stable.

This week, I had a lot of trouble with my hunger. I would eat something, sit for a bit, then become so mentally hungry that I wouldn’t be able to think about anything else.

I realized this stemmed from issues with blood sugar. I was eating foods with added sugar like cereal, fruit bars, and granola bars, and while these foods at first don’t seem that unhealthy, the sugar was throwing me off a lot and making me think I was hungrier than I actually was.

So this week, I decided to try something else. I was going to cut out all added sugar. Of course I’m not going to cut out all sugar (because I like fruits) but I was going to make sure the carbs I ate were satiating. Oh my god, today was like night and day. I’ve eaten half the cals I usually would eat at this point and I’m satiated. I’m not restricting at all; when I’m hungry, I eat. When I’m not, I don’t, but I’m also not uncomfortable. AND my mind is clearer. I don’t feel as anxious.

I’ve been so frustrated recently, but today has actually been really good. It’s reminded me that I just need to put in the effort to make these choices, and things will work out.

submitted by /u/Uearie
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Seriously, how do people not think about eating food ALL the time?

I'm struggling hard. It's so hard to not eat - constantly. When I'm not eating (like now) all I'm thinking about is fucking eating or when my next snack will be - even if I finished my calories for the day.

I don't know how to 'distract' myself - it seems like an innate instinct in me to always think about food, like I'm a caveman wondering how they will find their next meal. I try with playing music, video games (unproductive), doing some chores, but in the middle of all these activities my mind goes "Hey, why aren't you eating right now (while you're doing this)?"

It's so fucking embarassing. And agonizing. Like I literally see my family and friends not even THINK about food and they're completely happy. They can stop after a small apple. And I feel like a fucking dick all over the house when I come down every 20 minutes to get another plate of food or snacks.

I've tried eating a SHIT ton of protein; fiber, etc etc etc. It doesn't do anything. Even when I feel 'full' at that point my subconscious mind thinks "This wasn't enough calories, you should stuff your face with junk food now." This is pure torture.

submitted by /u/marmalademagic
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I have PCOS, low blood sugar, and I feel like loosing weight is impossible.

I’m a 22 year old girl. I’ve gained about 50 pounds of weight in the last year. I’m now weighing 235 pounds.. the highest I’ve ever been, I got diagnosed with PCOS in December and chronic acid reflux. My stomach is carrying most of the weight and it’s HUGE. I look like I’m 8 months pregnant.

I’ve been drinking mostly water as I never did before.

I just want a clear cut way to loose weight.. what exercises can I do.. I heard loosing weight is very difficult with PCOS so I’m scared I’m going to do all this hard work and it will result in nothing.

submitted by /u/bobzburgerzlu
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My Ex Girlfriend Put me off losing weight

So during the first lockdown I put on a bit of weight so whilst I was still off work joined the gym and got into exercising and eating healthily which I did for the best part of over a year. However my working hours increase to nearly 50 hours a week and I struggled to get the motivation to get up and go to the gym or do it on my rare days off. Plus I barely had time to cook and instead lived off meal deals however I kept exercising at least 4 times a week even if it was just half an hour of cardio.

As a result I never really got super buff but try try and keep a healthy weight. I was actually trying to bulk since the start of the year. But then having been single for 3 years I met this skinny girl and we dated for over a month.

When we were together she never believed I went to the gym while also making me order food whenever she was round. She checked up on me to make sure I went and got annoyed if I didn't. Anyway she broke up with me saying she'd been cheating on me with a girl and had never been attracted to me in the first place because I was fat. She told be I'd be single forever unless I lost weight. So I rebelled and took a week off going to the gym and ate whatever I liked because fuck her for being so shallow and lying to me.

Problem is I'm struggling to get back into working out again. I spend too much time masturbating because the fantasy of a girlfriend is much more exciting than the reality. I don't sleeping properly and I use my days off work to give myself the dopamine rewards of fast food and chocolate. I'm even struggling to clean my room or do my washing. I'm not depressed because I'm not sad but I have no idea what to think.

Do I say fuck it I'm gunna die anyway I might as well enjoy it stay skinny fat and meet someone who's not so shallow if I ever meet anyone at all. Or do I make every effort to get buff to meet such shallow women even If I remain single anyway and I'll be eating healthy boring food and doing dull exercising the rest of my life. I work unsocial hours so meeting people and playing sports and stuff is out of the question for me. Feedback welcome.

submitted by /u/john39392929
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 26

Hello folks!

Day 26! I need to start thinking about next month’s goals, it’s that time again!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Missed this morning.

2000 calories a day (lose two pounds this month): I think I’m on it. No idea what to do for dinner, life has been pretty unpredictable in the evenings this week.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Rest day. 20/26 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Going to hit up the physical journal.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for a reliable financial professional in my life. I work in finance too but it’s always good to have a professional network. Also, my moth chasing ancient kitty.

Random to do list item I want to conquer today: Make an annoying business call after some meditation.

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Started C25K again for the second time and it’s hard

Two years ago I realised I needed to lose weight for my health and it’s the first time I got serious about it. I started by doing the couch to 5k, I would do each week twice but I finished it! And so I would run (jog) for half an hour a few times a week. Then I got into the gym and got a PT and my fitness was hugely improved, the only time I really lost weight though was when I got on thyroid meds and 10kg just dropped off, but by that time I had been exercising and eating better for a few months so I don’t really know why I couldn’t lose any that way. I also around that time stopped running as I would replace that with the gym as I was paying for the gym and the park was free, was my logic.

Anyway, a year and a bit ago I met my now boyfriend, he’s very tall and broad and has a sweet tooth, as do I, but he can eat whatever and be fine. Not me! But instead of being smart and making good choices I just joined him and got dessert when he did, would eat half of the cake we bought for fun etc. At the beginning we did that a lot, but I was still gymming so was fine, then we moved in together and I had to go to a new gym, and I started going less, and then a few months after that I really hurt my ankle, so I couldn’t do what I used to and I wasn’t eating great and started to put weight back on.

I decided I needed to get back into running, I didn’t lose any weight but I enjoyed it and made me feel fitter.

That leads to today. I’m still a little lighter than when I started 2 years ago, and I thought a little fitter, no. I just did the first run of week one and I’m dead. I thought this time I would only do the week once over, not twice like last time, but damn I think I need to. It sucks knowing i’m right back to where I started. Even though I do look different that’s basically the thyroid meds working, not me.

I just wanted to vent, I’ve done it before so I can do it again, I just hate how you have to keep up the effort for life.

submitted by /u/557733
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Time to change

I am a 22 year old male and currently weigh 235 pounds. I have always been bullied for being fat and I'm tired of being self conscious. I've decided to finally make a change. I need help though, I have no idea where to start! I can do 3 push ups at most and have very minimal upper body strength but my legs are pretty strong. I can do 3 sets of 25 with 150 pounds on the leg press but can barely so a squat correctly. I have gone to the gym before and just did random stuff because I'm clueless. I pushed myself super hard with the arm workouts, going until I just couldn't anymore but the next day I was fine and not soar at all. I'm so lost and am getting discouraged but I can't quit. Please if anyone has any advice or tips for me to better myself I'm all ears. I'm tired of having a victim mentality and need to finally make a change in my life. Thank for listening and any advice given.

submitted by /u/KeyHandle6805
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 25

Hello folks!

Day 25!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Missed this morning.

2000 calories a day (lose two pounds this month): On it today. Breakfast for dinner tonight possibly including accidentally procured beef bacon.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): 35 minute lunch walk & 30 minute stationary bike. 20/25 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Going to hit up the physical journal.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for a new personal record of prairie dogs yelling at me en masse. Six of them!

Random to do list item I want to conquer today: Make time for some meditation & possibly a bath. Annnnd the usual mid week kitty box check in.

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Stomach fat loss

Hi guys! I’ve lost 34 lbs so far and have noticed the most changes in my neck, face, and wrists but it seems like no progress is being made in my stomach area. This is my biggest problem area and it is discouraging that I’m not making any progress with it. However, I am still 67 lbs away from my goal weight. Do you guys have any tips on why I’m not seeing any changes in my stomach and how to fix this? Also how many pounds down were you when you started to notice changes in your stomach? Thanks guys!!

submitted by /u/Calm-Face-3584
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Exercise Machine Calorie Metric

Hey everyone!

I'm a bit of a gym newbie, and I noticed that cardio machines like treadmills and ellipticals have a "calories burned" section - am I correct in assuming those machines are underestimating for overweight people, and vice versa for underweight people?

As a bit of a follow up question - do you folks use any method of determining a more accurate calorie burnage, either by doing some calculation on the amount shown on the machine or by some other method?

Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/calgrump
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I've had man boobs since the fifth grade. I'm determined to get rid of them.

I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I wore really baggy clothes because I thought it would hide the fat. I was obese for a few years during and after college, then I dropped a lot of weight through the keto diet and exercise, but I never got to a healthy weight. That was about 4 years ago and I had regained about 50lbs of the 105lbs I had lost. Since November I've lost 45lbs through just counting calories and cardio. It's been on and off. I've fallen off the wagon many times but I kept getting back on eventually. Right now I'm at 200lbs and my goal weight is 170. It'll be slow but I'm hoping I'll get there.

submitted by /u/OrcvilleRedenbacher
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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Dog is very sick and I’ve been binging like crazy. How to cope with the intense emotional binges?

I’ve done so well so far but we just found out my dog most likely has cancer and she’s rapidly declining. I’ve been binging on junk and feel like my old self. Also haven’t been exercising because leaving her even for an hour feels like a betrayal. There’s no clear timeframe here and I feel out of control. I’ve been doing well in the mornings and afternoons but come evening we keep getting worse and worse news and I end up saying fuck it and having a whole bag of chips and pizza and whatever else I can get my hands on. I’m sorry for the incoherency but I hope this is at least partially legible. Any advice is much appreciated

submitted by /u/throwaway2938293787
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Are there any advantages going from fat to fit?

I’m feeling a bit discouraged in my weight loss journey right now. I went from being a normal weight in my teens, to anorexic, to a normal weight again, to now 40ish pounds overweight. I’ve acquired SO many stretch marks the last two years, my body is sagging in places, and I know it’ll never go back. The medications I’m on make gaining weight easy, and I haven’t been successful at dropping any pounds since I started my journey. My exercise is there, but food quality / quantity, sleep deprivation, and extreme stress is tripping me up. Are there any advantages of going from fat to fit that might cheer me up? Mostly looking for some motivation and kind words. Thank you.

submitted by /u/digitalglowdiary
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Eating out of boredom/emotional eating, to a "food is fuel" mindset?

I'm 6' 260lbs and my goal is to be 180-200 in roughly a year/ year and a half

I often times find myself eating out of boredom or eat because I'm stressed. Unfortunately, I cycle into eating because of stress and then stress because I'm eating and rinse/repeat.

I have exercise induced asthma; any sort of running or intense workout leaves my chest hurting and needing an inhaler. Due to covid restrictions (and social issues) it's near impossible for me to go to the gym or walk around the neighborhood.

I cook homemade a lot, eating fast food maybe once a month. The norm is to eat out on Friday but it's rarely fast food. More like Italian or Chinese or TexMex. But my family eats a balanced meal, although I tend to snack (and as a person with a vagina, when I menstruate, I tend to eat less healthy)

I often feel like my body is constantly working against me (diabetes type 2, endometriosis, the asthma, and mental health) and I don't ever feel the "good" feeling everyone talks about getting when exercising.

I saw recently on a post about changing to a mindset where food is fuel, not dopamine. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this? I do see a mental health professional as well as a nutritionist/diabetes specialist, so would this be something to talk to them about and see if they have any suggestions? Thank you all in advance.

Edit: for context, im between the ages of 16 and 21

submitted by /u/dont_mind_me-23
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 24

Hello folks!

Day 24!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Got it this morning.

2000 calories a day (lose two pounds this month): On it today. Salmon for dinner hopefully.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): 35 minute lunch walk & 30 minute stationary bike. 19/24 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Digital journaling.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for my job & the people I've known for what seems like ever.

Random to do list item I want to conquer today: Watch 90 day fiancé diaries while I pedal.

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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How do I transition from a calorie deficit for weight loss to a calorie surplus for muscle gain without gaining back fat?

I've lost about 120lb over the last two years, and I am finally at the stage where I want to transition from losing weight to building muscle.

I am planning to start hitting the gym much harder than I have been and I realize I need to eat accordingly to make the workout worth it.

However, I am terrified that once I stop eating at a deficit, I will put the wrong kind of weight back on.

I don't know enough about the science to know where to begin.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/Slut_for_Bacon
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I'm shocked what happened to my body with the age of 32 (plateau right from the start)

I'm currently at 110kg male, 1,82 big - in a diet for 1 month, well I'm still at 110 after this month.

I have never plateaued directly from the start, I have lost 70kg at once once and can claim to be a master of dieting through out my life but every now and then I need to lose weight again when I slack off too much, what pretty much happened during covid. Last diet tho was about 2 years ago, still was fine there went down 25kg within 4 months easily gradual progression, but now I'm just stunned nothing happens, nothing moved, is this the curse of an aging body? Normally I lose like 5kg instantly when going a more healthy route but not this time, I've done pretty much the same, OMAD with 1,2kcal per day, pretty intense HIIT every other day, lots of walking on the start and so on. Could someone tell me what actually is happening I'm about to lose my motivation.

submitted by /u/_Zem_
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Monday, May 23, 2022

Need advice on how to Control hunger

Hunger Advice?

So I’m not sure exactly what’s going on because I didn’t change my diet .. I still eat like garbage but I did increase my activity level and my hunger level is through the roof .. after eating I’ll feel full for maybe an hour and then the hunger will be back with a vengeance.

I’m so sick of going to bed hungry after eating everything in my kitchen .. I’m not sure to take this as a sign that my weight will be dropping soon .. I’m just so sick of this hunger that does go away at all. Any advice? I want to start dieting but if I haven’t even started and my hunger is like this .. I’ll become ravenous!!!

submitted by /u/Expensive_Water_6303
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I am at 24~ BMI (26 1 month ago), on a caloric deficit, 3-6 hours a week of strength training. Should I continue with cutting calories?

So this is a really huge dilemma for me. I only started on this journey last month when I was finally overweight so I started cutting calories and also working out.

I have a considerable belly fat and chin fat so I want that shit off, but at the same time I'm also looking to bulk up on my muscle with regular strength training. I've seen slightly noticeable differences in my muscle vs fat ratio but now that I'm under 25 BMI i'm still wondering if I should do maintenance calories or continue with a deficit to lose my fat. But it's confusing because if I am at a deficit won't I lose some muscle, or not gain muscle and only maintain it with my workouts? I am a beginner trainer so yes I am starting from scratch.

This is some really confusing situation for me as I don't know how much I should eat. I do know I need to maintain a significant protein intake, but I'm lost with the calories. Thank you.

For metrics:

Sedentary tdee = 1900. Light = 2100. Moderate = 2300.
My official daily budget is around 1780 to lose an lb a week. Should I continue with this plan?

submitted by /u/AbanaClara
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388lbs where do I start losing weight?

So I am 35M, and I am 388lbs. I have heart palpitations due to another medical issue completely unrelated to my weight gain. I am on blood pressure medication and anxiety medication. I gained the weight because of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and severe depression over the course of 5 years.

I want to get started losing weight in a realistic manner. I'm not looking to be super skinny or looked roided out. I'm not going to be hitting the Gym to be made fun of all over social media by Gym Chads. I just want to feel better overall by losing the weight.

I want to lose weight at a good pace, but I also don't plan on killing myself while doing it. In the past, I have tried all the fad diets and Gym Bro culture. From my experience, it doesn't work for me. I want to lose 120-150 pounds. So where do I start.?

submitted by /u/Tiberius2068
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No access to scale- how to stay motivated without seeing progress

I am 18M and am very overweight(around 240 at 5’6”). When my sister was diagnosed with anorexia, my parents got rid of the scales in the house. This has been incredibly stressful for me because I can’t see if my weight is changing. In the past I have had short term success with weight los and my motivation was being able to see the number on the scale go down within a week. I’m incredibly impatient and have not been able to stick to anything if I don’t have proof of immediate progress. Ideally, I would have access to a scale. Given I can not, I would like be able to stick to healthy eating long enough to notice loss in other ways(ex. Looser clothes). Any advice?

Side note: despite the fact that I’m overweight, I also have a restrictive eating disorder. I don’t know if that would change anything, but thought it was worth mentioning.

submitted by /u/Successful_Ear2156
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Starting a lose chubs and tone up journey

I've always been a chunky girl, but sports, jogging, and weights kept me at a healthy enough weight. However, with lockdowns and a breakup, I've put on the pounds and am now 80kg at 5'6" with a 31" waist, which is overweight.

Ideally, I want to lose roughly 10kg, but more importantly, I want to lose the little tummy pooch I've gained and feel more confident by the end of the year.

Tips and motivation would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Dizzy_Reindeer1914
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Sunday, May 22, 2022

what next?

Okay hi, for context im 17f

I was a fat kid.. a fat tween… and then a fat teen lol, but since those days i’ve lost around 40 lbs (sw:155 cw:115).

I’ve also had “disordered eating behaviors” since i’d become food conscious, so it’s been hard. especially now since i’ve been wanting to start gaining muscle. I’ve had this thought since january, for 5 months i’ve been wanting to start gaining but eating more than a deficit/maintaince scares the fuck out of me. it’s a back and worth with myself everyday. some days i’m into it, next day i start freaking out.

This is kind of a vent but tips would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/child1shlambino
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loose skin making me feel even worse about my body

i just need to vent somewhere about this to people who will understand. i’ve lost about a total of 70-75 pounds which has obviously caused me to have a lot of loose skin. i’m proud of how far i’ve come, but my loose skin makes me feel gross and disgusting. i hate wearing short sleeves or shorts because you can see the loose skin on my thighs and upper arms. i’ve had people even comment on it and make fun of it. i have it on my stomach too and a ton on my chest. it makes it impossible for me to even wear a normal bra without the loose skin falling out the front. it makes me feel saggy and it’s painful too. some parts hurt even if i just try to put lotion on them. it’s so frustrating because i know i won’t ever get to look how i want to. i won’t get to look like a normal healthy weight person because i have all of this loose skin and it’s only gonna get worse the more weight i lose. even if i reach my goal weight i’ll still be unattractive and gross. i don’t think surgery is ever something i’ll be able to afford and it scares me too. it’s just so frustrating.

submitted by /u/user48382828
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(22, M, 190lbs, 5’10) How to stop repeating the cycle?

At the beginning of the year I was 210lbs. I’m now down to 190, and I feel like I’m the closest I’ve ever come to achieving my goal physique (I still have a ways to go however). I’m currently at about 1950-2000 calories a day, exercise 6 days a week, 210-220 grams of protein per day, with an even split of carbs and fats. But there seems to be a vicious cycle that repeats itself over the past month. I will be doing great, hitting my macros and calorie goals, and then, junk food just falls into my lap. I don’t seek it out or buy it, it becomes available, such as my job buying donuts for everyone, coming home to a plate of cookies, or a friend giving me something homemade they’d like me to try. I’m frustrated that my fat loss has stalled, and while I’m successful in avoiding empty calorie foods on my own, it just seems to come up again and again into my life and I’m unable to resist.

submitted by /u/Johan545
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some tips for Losing weight permanently

I am 25M 6'1 and around 109 kgs, throughout my life i have gained and lost weight multiple times, a year ago i was slim-fit, eating broccoli and salmon or chicken, my meals Basically consisted of proteins and salads but now i have gained a lot of weight because I feel like i eat emotionally, like i am bored so i will eat, i know how to lose weight although i don't know how to keep it off, any tips would be nice?

submitted by /u/axelssaaannnnn
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235lbs, 5'6. Is 1200-1500 calories a day ok?

I've been trying to eat 1200-1500 calories a day. Mainly going for the 1200 but I don't beat myself up if I go over.

I'm 235 lbs 5'6 F. I've felt pretty good so far. I only started 2 weeks ago though. I don't know my start weight because I was too scared to weigh myself though it's probably not too much more than my current weight.

For the most part I haven't been even hungry. Is it okay for me to continue like this? If I start to feel tired I will up my calories to around 1500 probably.

Some sources say 1200 is too little for people my size so I'm confused. I'm not exactly in a hurry but of course I'd love to lose as fast as I can while being healthy. Some sources say 1200 is okay for people my size so I've gone with that info.

If I feel okay, is this a good deficit? I'm making sure not to eat less than 1200 a day.

submitted by /u/kilimomo
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If you left the body-positive/fat-acceptance movement, what was your your moment of clarity?

I’m just one person, and I don’t know what’s wrong or right for other people. If those movements resonate with people and help them, it’s all good. I’m also not here to bash them or the people involved in them.

That being said, I decided to “leave” that school of thought because it was no longer serving me. I had become not only “anti-diet” (which I still am), but, frankly, anti-health. I was opposed to any suggestion of exercise and of eating anything healthy.

I wore my sedentary lifestyle and my unhealthy diet (literally no vegetables or fruits ever) like a badge of honour.

Along the way, many things started sticking with me: I looked bigger in pictures, I had to give away my favourite coat, I couldn’t walk as fast as my friends.

But for some reason, my wake up call was this: a YouTuber gained weight.

I’m serious. I’ve been following these two body-positive YouTubers for several years now. All three of us were size 12 when I started watching. 4 years later, I’m still a size 12. One of them is a size 16-18, the other is a size 20. I only noticed how big the difference is when I watched an old collab they did. The difference is HUGE.

Over the years, every video they made about not fitting into clothes in the fitting room. Or how their body is “changing” and “that’s ok”. And how they have to “size up and there’s nothing wrong with that”. And how “if you don’t fit in clothes, it’s the clothes fault. Not yours.”

Well. This is where this philosophy got them. And if they’re happy with that, good for them. But I don’t want that for myself. And that was the last straw for me.

If you also left those movements, what did it for you?

submitted by /u/anotherbutterflyacc
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I have tried so many different ways. I just can't do it

For context, I am 19 years old, female, 5'5", and I weigh 296lbs (huge, ik)

I have always been the big kid, my relatives have been telling me to eat "healthy food" ever since I was 4 or 5 years old. A lot of people I know were chubby as kids, but most of them lost the extra weight in their teen years. I was one of the unfortunate ones who built an extremely unhealthy relationship with food. Because of all the comments I heard throughout my life, I started to care too much about my appearance. I started "dieting" ever since I was in 4th grade, avoiding certain food needed for everyone at that age. I didn't necessarily lose weight for the next few years, but I didn't gain much either, which made me look pretty average. But everything started to go downhill once I emigrated to the US in 2016 with my family.

I was 13 back then. When my relatives here in the US first saw me, they kept saying how I am quite big for my age (my cousins here are quite skinny tbh). I always ate restrictively, and by the end of 8th grade, I weighed around 175/180lbs, and I looked quite average in terms of body size. In 9th grade, I started to focus on my grades a lot more than usual, which meant less movement for me (I used to spend all my time studying on my desk or bed all day). Without even realizing, I started to eat everything I avoided for years. Stress eating became a huge problem for me. By the time the pandemic broke out in 10th grade, I gained over 60lbs, weighing around 240lbs. Because online school wasn't quite stressful at the beginning, I began to do OMAD. I wanted to lose all the weight very quickly, and I ended up consuming around 700 calories a day, and as such, I lost around a pound a day. In about a month of doing OMAD, I lost 25lbs. My clothes started to become loose again and I started feeling accomplished. But seeing everyone in my family eating regular food made me crave my mom's homecooked food even more. As a south asian, it is very hard to eat regular food to lose weight because most of our food is cooked with lots of oil and carbohydrates are important components of every meal. Of course, I couldn't resist my urges for long enough. I started eating regular meals again, which were at least 2500 calories a day. I gained all the weight back in less than a month.

I became frustrated but had no motivation left. That's when my binging problem started. At least once a week I had to eat everything I could find in the fridge, order takeout, or bring lots of unhealthy snacks from the supermarket. I would feel guilty and eat healthy for a few days, but give up really quickly. and this way I gained close to 60lbs. Now I am morbidly obese, weighing close to 300lbs, I have symptoms of PCOS, and I am borderline diabetic.

The doctor told me to start eating healthier to lose some weight before my next visit, which is in a month from today. I ate pretty healthy for two weeks but gave up as soon as my sister came back from college, and we decided to eat out often. I also started to binge on anything I could find. Even "healthier" alternatives like low-cal popcorn, dark chocolate, diet coke, etc. But these are not truly healthy and they also add up to a lot of calories.

I joined the school basketball team in 10th grade but decided to not do sports again because I'm not good enough to play for the team. I am not that active, and I injured both of my knees (no broken bones or torn muscle though) in february and was unable to walk for months. I just started walking without any help from april, and I still can't walk or stand for a long period of time. Physical therapy didn't help much either so I'm guessing my weight is one of the reasons recovery is taking so long.

Overall, I am just quite upset at myself because every time I look in the mirror I see someone who is hideous and has no self-control. I have never felt beautiful in my entire life. And now I'm also concerned about my health because I have my entire life left ahead of me, and I cannot lose it all to my messed-up eating habits. I want to stop feeling sorry for myself because I know this all happened because I couldn't take care of my health properly. I'm leaving for college in a few months, and being healthy should be a priority especially when I'm living alone. At this point, it all seems impossible, but at the same time, I don't want to give up. I have gone through many hurdles in life but when it comes to losing weight, I lose all my motivation. I don't know why I am even posting this; maybe I just wanted to vent, or maybe I want advice. I don't feel comfortable talking about my weight and issues related to it with anyone because of my fear of being judged; at least when I'm posting anonymously, I won't have to worry about that.

submitted by /u/humpthedumpty
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