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Weight Loss for Everyone: Been on a caloric deficit but don’t seem to be losing any weight?

Friday, January 13, 2023

Been on a caloric deficit but don’t seem to be losing any weight?

I have lost weight before but due to the pandemic I gained it all back but since I have done it before my motivation for this time is even higher because I know I have done it before. Im on like a 1000-1200 deficit consistently for about 3 weeks and going to the gym daily not focusing on cardio but focusing on weight training instead. I do chest/tri, back/bi, shoulder/core, legs and always start with 10 mins of running on the treadmill to get the heart pumping. I’m 5’8 176lbs but I’ve stayed at this weight since I’ve started 3 weeks ago. Also I’ve had only a couple days where I couldn’t follow my defecit due to alcohol consumption during new years and my friends birthday last weekend but other than that I’m very consistent on the gym and diet end

submitted by /u/Soniersvt
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