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Weight Loss for Everyone: Need to lose 80-100lbs.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Need to lose 80-100lbs.

Hi, this is almost verbatim what I wrote to one of the moderators on r/loseit, so bear with me. It’s been four years since my late partner; well, she died in my arms due to an undiagnosed aneurysm.

I am a male, 45 year old disabled veteran who had a physical last week at the VA. I currently weigh 286lbs. That’s the highest I’ve ever weighed in my life. What does that mean for my health?

I have an SCI called Cauda Equina Syndrome. I injured my L5-S1 lumbar area of my Spinal Cord while on duty, and it affects the right leg, glutes, bowel and bladder, right calf, and the back of my thighs. I have to use a catheter daily to urinate, and then there’s my sexual functions. Suffice it to say, many muscles in my body no longer fire due to the injury. The nerves are dead.

I realized this year that I’ve been a life-long smoker for close to 30 years. I mean, when I first started smoking, it was to get a Nicotine buzz. But now? Cigarettes burn faster, despite getting 100s, they don’t taste as good, my clothes smell, along with the area I smoke in, and they’re way too expensive. At first I didn’t think I was addicted, but after seeing tar stains on the surfaces of walls and ceilings, I’m afraid to admit this; I’m an addicted smoker. By the way, this doesn’t mean I want to impose on anyone else to quit. I am just stating facts on myself.

Before my Spinal Cord injury at 30, I was an avid cyclist. It started with BMX, mainly, BMX Freestyle and street riding, then morphed to mountain biking and road cycling. I was a size 34 waist and weighed 158 lbs. I loved cycling, but I also had a keen interest in bodybuilding and powerlifting. I didn’t really get into yoga or anything like that. I loved strength and going long distances on my handmade road bike.

Now, I easily get winded and short of breath going from the basement to the second floor of my house, I get winded and profusely sweat buckets when I walk a half block, and it pisses me off; seriously.

Health wise, I have triglycerides which are too damn high, my cholesterol is out of wack, and I have to take medication for High Blood Pressure, cholesterol regulation, and nerve pain for my chronic lower back problems.

I hate the way I look. I don’t have a lot of money to invest in creating a “new me.” Plus, I am scared to exercise, get back on the bike or lift weights, and how to effectively cook meals to regulate my cholesterol. Also, both my carotid arteries are 50-60% blocked. Heart disease is in my family, I can’t help it. Even my late father had congestive heart failure, a 6-Vessel bypass surgery, and his carotid arteries cleaned out. I watched him suffer while recovering for weeks while at home. I do NOT want that to happen to me.

So I am scared, my face is hot and red due to bad circulation, my feet and hands tingle while writing this, I am anxious and depressed.

I want to have a family with a loving wife and children, more financial success, and gain more control of my mind, body and spirit. I loathe the fact I am saying all this publicly, I don’t have many friends close to me, and I honestly don’t know what else to do.

Can you help an old, fat, ex-BMX, military veteran out?

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

submitted by /u/Penguy76
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