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Weight Loss for Everyone: Really struggling with Cardiac diet

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Really struggling with Cardiac diet

First, a little back story. I’m an active 35 year old male 5’4” - 160 lbs. I work in construction and work out 2-3 times a week. I don’t smoke and rarely drink. I still had a heart attack. I had 3 coronary stents put in about a month ago after having chest pains for about 5 days before finally going to the ER. I never would have guessed I would have a heart attack at such a young age and being as active as I am.

I have been struggling to get my cholesterol under control for over 15 years. My body tends to produce massive amounts of cholesterol and most medications have only worked short term before they stop and I have to try something else. This is what caused the heart attack. It all leads back to my diet. Although I don’t eat super terrible(I don’t ever eat fast food and prefer to eat 90% of my meals at home. I also always bring a lunch with me to work) I was mostly a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Unfortunately, I am a somewhat picky eater.

Now more than ever, I have been trying my hardest to eat a mostly vegetarian/low sodium diet. I still eat chicken breasts a couple times a week made in various ways. I have been eating mostly recipes with sweet potato, peppers, cauliflower, and small amounts of whole grain brown rice. My biggest problem is, simply, that I am HATING IT. I know I have to continue for my healths sake, and to ensure I am around for a much longer time for my wife and daughter, but honestly, I no longer look forward to any meals.

I’ve tried dozens of recipes so far to try and find new things to enjoy but I have struck out the majority of the time. I can’t seem to get myself to like any type of seafood, anything with mushrooms, legumes of all types, squash, and avocado just to name a few things. Its really starting to bring me down.

Basically, I’m just looking for some of your favorite recipes and why you like them so much, as well as any tips to enjoy healthy foods more than I currently do.

submitted by /u/mstlaurent444
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