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Weight Loss for Everyone: Stalling for months on the last ~15 pounds of goal

Friday, December 10, 2021

Stalling for months on the last ~15 pounds of goal

Hello everyone! I've been using the Lose It app since about June when I started my weight loss (officially). I was about 210 pounds at some point, but I didn't get a scale until later so I didn't have an official weight until a few weeks in where I was 190 pounds. I'm now at 145 pounds which has been a long and sometimes difficult journey.

I lost the vast majority of the weight by the end of September, getting down to 150. Since then I've stalled significantly, losing and gaining and losing again, always getting back to 145 and never able to get too far below that. (141 the morning of Thanksgiving was the lowest I've managed to go, but I cannot maintain it).

I put my activity at moderately active because of my job, I guess? I am a 5'4.5" (half the time they say I'm 5'4", the other half they say I'm 5'5", so I assume my height is right in the middle between the two) 26 year old female. I have a very active, physically demanding job 5 days a week, plus a half a weekend day twice a month, give or take. I'm on my feet every moment of the job minus my break with brisk pace walking, bending over, lifting things, doing a lot of work with my hands/wrists, standing at a table, occasionally using a step-stool, pushing pallets and similar. I usually get 8,000 steps a day at work and then 4,000 more pacing at home because I'm a stress-pacer. Just what I do.

The vast majority of my weight loss has been from calorie restriction. I do understand the benefits of working out and exercise and I made efforts to add fitness into my lifestyle by doing workouts when I got home from work and doing some on the weekends, but I struggled with the majority of them.. my wrists, hands and shoulders are not in great condition for most workouts. I ended up just adding more walking to my daily schedule which still worked, but I do know isn't 'ideal'.

I typically eat between 1200-1400 calories a day. I try to be extremely thorough in that and I am very routine in may day to day food making. There is of course room for mistakes, since I can't measure out everything exactly, but I make sure to try. My LoseIt budget right now is just under 1700 calories, and my calculated TDEE is ~1650.

Despite my efforts I've been struggling at this weight for months. There was a time I tried eating at 1000 calories a day, but that was a bad (dangerously unhealthy) decision for me and I bumped it back up to make sure I was meeting my basic needs. I do more walking, I make conscious efforts at work to brisk walk, and I drink more water.

There is a possible medical component here because when my 'plateau' started in September, I have not had a period since then (pregnancy is not possible in my case)... I have also been struggling with digestive issues for the same amount of time, which is unusual for me. But since my doctor retired right before then and I'm currently waiting for a new doctor to join the clinic I'm signed up with, there isn't much I can do but wait :/

I know I'm close.. to be 10 pounds from my goal for so long but unable to reach it for months has been frustrating. I'm still trying and haven't given up but nothing I've done has been working! Hoping someone might have some ideas here, I've been struggling with this for awhile and I keep going back to the same weight (145) no matter what.

Thank you in advance for reading and any advice you might have. Good luck to everyone who is also on this journey, however far along you are and congratulations to anyone who has completed it!

submitted by /u/veechene
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