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Weight Loss for Everyone: |s there a way to stop the all or nothing part of this?

Friday, December 17, 2021

|s there a way to stop the all or nothing part of this?

For a little background when I was younger I had really good metabolism, I could run all day and I could eat whatever I want, old people were always calling me skinny as a rail or beanpole.

When I was 14 I moved from the deep south to the Great Lakes region and had some issues with the transition that caused some prolonged illnesses and my energy level got sapped. I was still athletic enough to stay in relatively good shape but did not have the energy to endlessly go anymore in order to be a super athlete. I spent most of my adult life being 6'3 and between 230 and 250ish, I did jump up to 300+ a few times after injuries or dark personal periods in my life but eventually I would be able to get my weight under control again. This was usually because I had physically demanding jobs and could use work as a means to exercise.

Fast forward to about 5 years ago and I get deathly sick, turns out those illnesses I had when I was 14 triggered a genetic condition that had been undiscovered in my families history called PSC. I spent 3 years not being able to really move outside of dragging myself to work where I'd sit as still as possible and another of year of not even being able to do that. This sudden sedentary lifestyle coupled with the stress of the whole possibly dying thing, well I turned to pot and food as a cope and packed it on.

So the good news of it is that a little less then a year ago I had a successful transplant and the recovery process has been stellar, I legitimately feel better and have more energy since I was 14. The problem is now that I'm heavier then I've ever been, I retained a ton of water and I thought that might have had something to do with the weight gain but after the rebound, I'm still up anywhere from the 330s to 360s.

I'm afraid to go back to what I did before because now I'm at least 100 lbs heavier and don't know if my body can handle the stress and likewise am dubious of going "balls to the wall" like I was when I was 14 (apparently my knees aren't 14 which is important for some reason). I also really like living and am anxious to get back into shape and take a greater interest in my health and taking care of my body now that I'm older. I'm battening down the hatches and doing my best, bu I'm human and I like a slice of pizza.

I've made progress, the last few weeks went really well I ate healthy, worked out regularly, I interval train about 4 times a week and walk another, I go to the gym 3 times a week not counting late night bouts of insomnia and depression and drank a ton of water, and while my eating wasn't perfect I'm making progress, no red meat, no chips no cookies no pasta and I eat between 12 and 6. Then yesterday I ate a couple slices of pizza and breadsticks and gained 6 lbs.

I dunno, I know all the answers and I'm willing to seriously cut out things I've enjoyed, but seriously if I have to live the rest of my life worrying about every piece of "fun food" it might drive me nuts. I searched the internet for stuff but it's really hard to find information about something by typing an essay into the search bar so was looking for some help or advice.

Thanks for reading. Please excuse my Midwestern public school level grasp of the English language.

submitted by /u/Fredwood
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