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Weight Loss for Everyone: This is what losing exactly 10% of my body weight has done for me so far—I am shocked

Monday, August 8, 2022

This is what losing exactly 10% of my body weight has done for me so far—I am shocked

Some background: female early 30’s, starting weight 264, current weight 238. Skip to the bulleted list for the tl;dr.

I’ve always been a heavy kid—but a combination of school sports, my athlete brother, and only having a bike and the desert to tear up for entertainment kept me active as hell. In adulthood I hovered around 200lb, but had great muscle tone and mobility. Zero issues related to weight.

Then I left school and gained 50lbs. My brother moved out, and no one was around to play badminton in the street with me for 3 hours at 11pm. No one walked or biked with me after dinner. No one would hit the gym 3x a week and make me laugh as much as I sweated while we used half the machines. I gained another 40lbs.

At 25 years old, I found myself one night on the scale pushing 300lbs, wearing size 26 pants. Still no health issues yet—but I was SO insecure and upset. Over the course of 5 years at an active job, I was able to drop down to the 220’s, and I felt so confident again!

Cue the pandemic. Shot up 40lbs again after getting laid off from my active job. This time, in my 30’s, it was completely different. The health issues had arrived like a freight train. The rosy glow of youth in my 20’s keeping that at bay was officially gone.

I was in pain constantly and in bed 23 hours a day. My doctor started ordering x-rays and tests investigating autoimmune disorders, but my psych nurse forced me to change the antidepressant I had been on for 15 years—this turned out to sort of be the problem, as I was experiencing a rare side effect from the new pill that was fixed by simply taking it in the morning instead of before bed.

I know in my heart the pain wouldn’t have been that dire were I not already morbidly obese. There were many other issues exacerbated by my weight that have since disappeared or markedly improved by dropping just 26lbs; the 10% doctors and nurses are always telling us to try losing. The absolute nerve of them to be right about this!

Here they are in no specific order.

  • fall asleep and stay asleep normally now; I feel rested waking up, and dream every night again

  • getting comfy on a couch or cushy chair actually results in being comfortable

  • much more energy during the day (which allowed me to fix my sleep schedule from a horrible 4pm wake-6am sleep; I’m now at 9am-11pm)

  • jogging a little to hurry for something, or running to chase my dogs doesn’t hurt! Like at all!

  • stopped having to take antacids every single night even if I was just eating cereal; I can even eat pizza AND go straight to bed AND not wake up with heartburn wtf

  • my allergy/environment-induced asthma has been greatly improved; not constantly wailing on my puffer just because it’s slightly smoggy outside that day

  • heart doesn’t randomly feel like it’s racing for no reason while at rest (I even have stopped having to take the beta blockers regulating this for anxiety!)

  • my period, which was clocking in at a sluggish 32 day average (PCOS) is now 28 days on the dot like a bad bitch

  • I am ovulating again every single month, not just every 1 out of 3

  • treatment-resistant skin rashes disappeared, no more abscesses/boils showing up in fat rolls

All of this having happened with only 10% loss is astounding to me. I really can’t believe it. I still look roughly the same, and have so much more to go! But I keep thinking, if only 26lbs can get me feeling this way…. what’s another 70 going to do?! I am so, so excited to keep going! Nothing has ever motivated me as much as these concrete results!

submitted by /u/ThursdayThrowRA21
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