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Weight Loss for Everyone: Discouraged, but not out.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Discouraged, but not out.

(For reference: 23m, 6’4, SW: 220 (11/2021), CW: 208 (08/2022), GW: 180)

I’ve been trying to lose weight for about a year now. Im a huge binge eater and my diet consists of things I’m not sure are fit for human consumption after reading nutrition labels.

I’ve been counting calories now for a couple months and I figured out that my prior intake was around 2.2k - 3.2k depending on the day. I’ve actually managed to cut down to 1.6k last month and this month I’ve cut even further to 1.4k, although I find days where I can survive off of 1.1k - 1.2k, which has been extremely uplifting (although I’ve been a bit peckish, lol.)

I went from a completely sedentary lifestyle (my only steps were literally to the bathroom and back to bed/my desk) to walking an average of 7-8k steps a day (I always try for at least 2 miles).

I’ve been lurking this subreddit for inspiration and motivation for over a week now and it’s extremely uplifting to see everyone’s thoughts and progress and yet when I check the scale I’m so disappointed by my own progress. I know that what I’m doing is HUGE for my health and fitness, but I can’t seem to drop any lower than 205, and even worse (for my mentality) is this stomach fat that I absolutely cannot get rid of.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I’m disappointed but hopeful, yet I want to break 200 so bad and it seems like no matter what I do or how hard I push myself I cant get there.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Offer133
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