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Weight Loss for Everyone: Got called fat by a trainer (?) in the gym today. Feel like giving up right now...

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Got called fat by a trainer (?) in the gym today. Feel like giving up right now...

M25 || 6'8 || SW 440lb CW 307lb GW 250lb || 3 years

I'm going to the gym regularly for about 9 month and lost around 40 lb since then. My goal was to do burn some more calories and do some sort of body recomposition as I was aware that loosing weight and building muscle don't work all to well together normally.

I had a pretty shitty day/week so I was feeling down already.

I asked a guy (~ 55 years old) at the gym today how many sets he still had and he offered me to take turns. When I started to do my exercise (reverse cable fly) he proceeded to tell me I was doing it wrong and showed me how to do them "correctly" which did not look like how I saw and did the exercise previously at all (I'm still not sure If we were talking about the same exercise). When I was mentioning this to him, he proceeded to tell me he was a fitnesstrainer for 35 years and he knows what he is doing (might as well be, he looked pretty buff).

Then he asked me what I was trying to do lifting anyway, as he told me that I'm to fat to lift and that I would never gain muscles if I did not loose weight beforehands. (He was not talking about anabolism/catabolism or endocrine activity of fat, he was talking about fat asphyxiating muscles or something like that which sounded like bullcrap to be honest).

I was (and still am) devastated. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he meant well, but I would have preferred if he had hit me straight in the face.

I know that I'm far from thin, but after all the work I put into my journey, exercising 5-7 times a week and slowly building up a tiny bit of self confidence, I'm seemingly appearing to others like the 'fat guy' I was when I started.

I couldn't finish my workout and I had to hold back my tears while showering. I'm not sure how I will deal with this. My motivation is shattered.

submitted by /u/wegwerf127288
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