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Weight Loss for Everyone: Generally, can sudden exercise cause a plateau, after one has been sedentary?

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Generally, can sudden exercise cause a plateau, after one has been sedentary?

Hello. To give a bit of a background;
I'm 24M, standing at 6'1.
My starting weight was 350 pounds. I am currently at 289. My goal weight is 198.
I've lost this weight in about 4 and a half months by combining intermittent fasting and a healthy ketogenic diet. I'm eating walnuts, low-carb peanut butter, greek yogurt, salmon, chicken, tuna, broccoli, spinach, peppers, chia seeds, etc. I've made sure that it's a nutritious diet that lacks red meat and bad cholesterol. I also zig-zag diet, and my average calories are about 2400-2500.

I am looking to reach my goal in about a year and a half. I want to lose it slowly, and let it stay off.

I never feel hungry. I don't have cravings. I haven't broken my diet once, I haven't eaten outside of my intermittent fasting hours a single time. I've stuck to it religiously.

I've come down to 289 by losing about 1.9 pounds per week via pure dieting, while completely sedentary. I stay at home, and do nothing else. I've lived a sedentary life for the past half-decade.

The weight loss started to calm down a little. Only a little. That is to say, I've noticed that I've started losing about 0.7 pounds some weeks, and 0.8 pounds others. Okay, a bit of fluctuation- I should cut back on calories once it hits 0.5, I thought.

About 20 days ago, I started going on walks every 2 days. At first, these were just walks, albeit I do tend to walk faster than most- out of habit. It's about a 40-minute walk. After the first couple of times, I would break into a jog or a sprint here and there, just to get some high-intensity exercise going, and to train my lungs and heart.

This was an attempt to ease myself into proper exercise, and to build some stamina, as I have absolutely none.

However, ever since then, the scale stopped moving. Entirely. It is staying at 289, it is even going up now, and then back down. It is absolutely inconsistent.
I don't feel any lighter. In fact, I feel kind of bloated. I don't eat before sleep, either. My fasting hours are noon to 7PM, and I do it seven days a week.

I don't understand. I would understand the scale slowly coming to a halt. But it's just stopped, and it's done so specifically when I began these walk-jogs.

I've read somewhere it can be inflammation of the muscles, that it can be water retention, but... it's not like I feel particularly sore after these walks. At first, I did, but I don't anymore. The scale still isn't moving.

Has anyone experienced similar things?
Do I need to cut down on calories, or wait for my body to adjust, and it really is just temporary?

submitted by /u/throwawayHSmed
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