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Weight Loss for Everyone: Peanut Butter and Oatmeal, So Much Better Than a PBJ!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Peanut Butter and Oatmeal, So Much Better Than a PBJ!

I've always loved Peanut Butter so when I went on my diet six years ago, I told myself to eliminate all the bad stuff from my diet (bread, sugar, fried foods and high-fat foods) except for Peanut Butter. I could have as much Natural PB (100% peanuts) as I wanted which was kind of like a reward and a consolation. And of course Natural PB is high in protein and "healthy fats" so it wasn't a terrible idea nutritionally. Well, it worked (I lost 50 pounds and got in shape) and to this day I eat most of my peanut butter as the last meal of the day.

Oatmeal with cinnamon and salt is a great partner for Natural PB but no more than three days in a row. You partially microwave the oatmeal then add the Natural PB (no sugar added) and microwave it some more to get it all nice and hot. Add sliced banana, halved cherries and maybe strawberries (dates, apples and grapes are awesome as well). Cherries are definitely number 1 on the list, the secret is to go big, lots and lots of halved cherries! But bananas are cheap and sweet and perfect with PB & Oatmeal so I always go with banana too. If it doesn't taste awesome, try again but with more PB!

If you eat oatmeal every day eventually it will feel like a lump of concrete in your stomach so I like to switch up after 3 days, the remaining days of the week I get to to "cheat" with that last meal of the day. But it's not really cheating because I'm getting a lot of good protein and healthy fats from the Natural PB and lots of good fiber from the fruits. I do it by mixing my Natural PB with fruit and a small dessert and microwaving briefly (same process as with the oatmeal). It could be a slice of cake or a couple cookies, even pie but the PB (and the cherries) is what makes it awesome! Certain fruits can be microwaved slightly on the same plate with your concoction (strawberries, apples, maybe bananas), but most fruits can just be added after you microwave it. Mix it all together for a "Hot Fudge Sundae Effect" The key is that the PB is warm and melty and the overall temperature of your colossal combination is warm. What are your thoughts on Natural Peanut Butter as a diet aid or in general?

submitted by /u/zipzap21
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