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Weight Loss for Everyone: Has anyone else recieved bullying from 'friends' when their weight loss becane noticable?

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Has anyone else recieved bullying from 'friends' when their weight loss becane noticable?

Ive never been one of those people to make a big deal out of my choice to lose weight or about choosing a healthy option to eat when with people. I know its a sensitive topic for many so i won't talk about it, my progress etc. I speak about it only with my close friends, but just in a 'i made the choice to do this bc my dr said to' and 'if you want to join me we can support each other through it'. I never brought it up to people im not close with, and only talk about it with close friends if they bring it up.

But i started noticing a lot of my "chubby pals" (not super close with) and fatter girl instagram followers were making really rude remarks when my loss became visibly noticable.

-I get accused of being anorexic and bullimic constantly (and not in a concerned way, its meant to be an insult)

-have my food choices ridiculed. Once at girls lunch they poured the most calorie heavy sauce the restaurant had all over my food and told me i needed to eat it to gain weight because 'only dogs like bones, real men like real women'. I didn't eat it because it was disgusting. (I got A steak bowl with brown rice, 2xveg, soy, thai chili garlic sauce. they mixed in like half pint of a taco ranch thing) they were mocking me in front of the server saying im anorexic. A woman at another table joined in with their laughing saying i need 'meat on my bones to be a real woman and bag me a man' i didn't say a word besides 'why would you ruin and waste my food like this' to prevent myself from saying something mean. I left trying not to cry while they said "oh come on its just a joke, no need to be like this" was i too sensitive to leave crying ?

-Id be told "what's the point, you'll just gain it back? You have pcos you can't lose weight anyways" i learned that i couldnt go shopping with them. My size would become an issue

-i posted a photo of myself. Not even a progress pic. Just a pic of me in a modest dress in front of a flower bush with a caption about how awesome it was to find the same flower on my dress. A few girls commented "twig" "you looked better before, when you were a real woman" "eat a burger" and "anorexia isn't cute". I reported their comments and they didn't go against ig. But my pic was flagged with trigger warning for promotion of eating disorder! I was still fat at that point too! Plus it didn't even say shit about weight loss.

-I was eating and one girl said "wow she's finally eating" and clapped and another chimed in with "she just going to barf it up anyways"

I decided to ask them to stop. I told them it was hurtful and that i don't agree with body shaming. They responded by saying im the one body shaming them by losing weight and rubbing it in their face. I asked how im rubbing it in their face since they're the only ones constantly bringing it up and i never once talked about it or how im doing it. Their answer was something about how im not better than them for being thinner. I said they're right. Im not better than them because im losing weight. But im better than them because i don't body shame them or anyone else. They said its not body shaming because you can't body shame a thin person.

I told them i can't be friends with them anymore because they keep bullying me to tears. Now they're telling people im not their friend because i am too good for them now that im anorexic. Has anyone dealt with this? Its getting really hard to deal with. I know its a tldr. But i made my first ever prigress post now that i reached my target and im getting hate texts for it

submitted by /u/catdaddymack
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