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Weight Loss for Everyone: It's been a long journey, but I'm just getting to a good and rewarding place! Lost 70 lbs so far!

Thursday, May 19, 2022

It's been a long journey, but I'm just getting to a good and rewarding place! Lost 70 lbs so far!

Male 24 here, at my biggest I weighed 249 lbs (due to covid, hardly exercising and eating fast food 2x a day and 2 pints of ice cream a week.)

When I saw that I was at 249, I felt lots of shame and I knew I wanted to take control and lose weight and stay dedicated this time, I had tried lots of times to lose weight but my diet would only last a week or two then back to junk food.

I took a huge step and bought a fitibit. Since I had dropped close to 200 dollars, I decided to really make it worth it and I did! I used the tdee calculator (I'm 5 foot 6 inches) and I ate 1500 calories a day, walked 3 miles a day and an hour of beat saber a day (I absolutely love playing and it doesn't feel like a chore.)

I have learned so much on this journey, the most important thing that became second nature is to always look at the nutrition labels on food items and learn how to measure portions. The other important part is to use my calories wisely since I'm limited on what I can eat. Also, I noticed that I lost most of my weight on my arms, legs, back, thighs and some on my face. I still have a gut and even though I'm not 100% happy with my body, I am more comfortable with it.

That doesn't mean that there weren't bumps along the road. I love everything I eat in my diet and the only times I cheat is when I have eaten all my calories for the day and I burned 5k according to my fitbit. Then I get home and have to eat everything, lol.

My diet went through quite some changes before it was just the way I wanted it and I've stuck with it since March of last year. I only eat fast food 1 time a week and it's my cheat meal (I can't have cheat days) and I pair that with some ice cream and I'm happy for another week of dieting. I also changed my workouts and I have stopped playing beat saber and walking 3 miles. I fell in love with boxing (got a punching bag and I spend an hour to two practicing punches and learning new ones) and I'm currently lifting weights now that I am getting close to my goal weight (time to add muscle) and I'm running a mile a day!

I went through a plateau from december of last year to just right now from 185 lbs to 179 and it really sucked, but I got to 179 finally! I used to wear size 40 jeans, and I am down to a size 30! Also went from 2xl shirts to medium shirts and I dropped a couple shoe sizes (this really took me by surprise.) I am down from 249 to 179 as of this morning!

My only regret is that I didn't take a "before" picture, but I was able to find one that a relative posted on facebook. If you guys want, I'll post a shirtless one from now but I'm not there yet, haha, I need to lift more weights for that.

I love the attention I get at work, (and no, girls aren't giving me second looks or anything like that) But I do feel that people are nicer and smile more (I'm a cashier, so greeting and talking to people is 90 percent of my job.) I'm not losing weight purely for attention and I haven't had girls hit on me or anything, but I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a motivation to get to my goal weight, gain muscle and look good. Of course that's just a bonus, I want to look good on clothes and I love shopping for new fitting clothes!


I'm sorry if this was long, but I just had so much to say! To anyone reading this that is unsure about being able to lose weight, it's not a race and it is something that changes over time. It won't ever be perfect (I still have binges), but the important thing is to remember why you started in the first place, and it gets easier with that motivation! There'll be ups and downs, but it's a journey, not a race. If you have any questions or want to share your stories, please do!

submitted by /u/Rodriale
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