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Weight Loss for Everyone: My Ex Girlfriend Put me off losing weight

Thursday, May 26, 2022

My Ex Girlfriend Put me off losing weight

So during the first lockdown I put on a bit of weight so whilst I was still off work joined the gym and got into exercising and eating healthily which I did for the best part of over a year. However my working hours increase to nearly 50 hours a week and I struggled to get the motivation to get up and go to the gym or do it on my rare days off. Plus I barely had time to cook and instead lived off meal deals however I kept exercising at least 4 times a week even if it was just half an hour of cardio.

As a result I never really got super buff but try try and keep a healthy weight. I was actually trying to bulk since the start of the year. But then having been single for 3 years I met this skinny girl and we dated for over a month.

When we were together she never believed I went to the gym while also making me order food whenever she was round. She checked up on me to make sure I went and got annoyed if I didn't. Anyway she broke up with me saying she'd been cheating on me with a girl and had never been attracted to me in the first place because I was fat. She told be I'd be single forever unless I lost weight. So I rebelled and took a week off going to the gym and ate whatever I liked because fuck her for being so shallow and lying to me.

Problem is I'm struggling to get back into working out again. I spend too much time masturbating because the fantasy of a girlfriend is much more exciting than the reality. I don't sleeping properly and I use my days off work to give myself the dopamine rewards of fast food and chocolate. I'm even struggling to clean my room or do my washing. I'm not depressed because I'm not sad but I have no idea what to think.

Do I say fuck it I'm gunna die anyway I might as well enjoy it stay skinny fat and meet someone who's not so shallow if I ever meet anyone at all. Or do I make every effort to get buff to meet such shallow women even If I remain single anyway and I'll be eating healthy boring food and doing dull exercising the rest of my life. I work unsocial hours so meeting people and playing sports and stuff is out of the question for me. Feedback welcome.

submitted by /u/john39392929
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