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Weight Loss for Everyone: Eating out of boredom/emotional eating, to a "food is fuel" mindset?

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Eating out of boredom/emotional eating, to a "food is fuel" mindset?

I'm 6' 260lbs and my goal is to be 180-200 in roughly a year/ year and a half

I often times find myself eating out of boredom or eat because I'm stressed. Unfortunately, I cycle into eating because of stress and then stress because I'm eating and rinse/repeat.

I have exercise induced asthma; any sort of running or intense workout leaves my chest hurting and needing an inhaler. Due to covid restrictions (and social issues) it's near impossible for me to go to the gym or walk around the neighborhood.

I cook homemade a lot, eating fast food maybe once a month. The norm is to eat out on Friday but it's rarely fast food. More like Italian or Chinese or TexMex. But my family eats a balanced meal, although I tend to snack (and as a person with a vagina, when I menstruate, I tend to eat less healthy)

I often feel like my body is constantly working against me (diabetes type 2, endometriosis, the asthma, and mental health) and I don't ever feel the "good" feeling everyone talks about getting when exercising.

I saw recently on a post about changing to a mindset where food is fuel, not dopamine. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this? I do see a mental health professional as well as a nutritionist/diabetes specialist, so would this be something to talk to them about and see if they have any suggestions? Thank you all in advance.

Edit: for context, im between the ages of 16 and 21

submitted by /u/dont_mind_me-23
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