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Weight Loss for Everyone: I went for a run instead of day drinking!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

I went for a run instead of day drinking!

Work has been super lately - andddd my wellness had suffered. I've been working out less consistently, undisciplined in my eating, and turning to alcohol, edibles, or sex to decompress from the day.

Today, was full of meetings and pressing deadlines. Once my last meeting ended for the day, I headed straight to the kitchen to pour myself some tequila.

As I sat back down, I stared at my cup for a bit. After some internal dialogue, I poured the cup down the drain and went for a run instead. Doing so, felt much better than drinking or being high.

I asked myself 3 questions that helped me change my course of action.

1) Why am I doing this? It forced me to really consider why this cup of liquor was in my hand. I realized I wanted to feel better.

2) What else can I do to feel better? I rattled off a bunch of options: watch TV, scroll online, take a nap, clean up, masterbate, go for a run.

3) Which will future you thank you for? I chose going for a run. It got me out of the house and away from the alcohol.

I'm hoping this is the start of me getting back to making healthy decisions :)

submitted by /u/Levels2ThisBruh
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