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Weight Loss for Everyone: 2021

Friday, December 31, 2021

A Gentle Reminder

New Year's weekend is supposed to be enjoyable. Take the time to socialize, eat out with friends and family, suck in that festive atmosphere. You can resume your diet on the 3rd of January. Heck, I have three whole gatherings, a hotpot dinner and BBQ on my schedule.

You didn't lose the extra pounds in two days, and you won't gain them back in two days. During the celebrations, remember:

  • Portion control is key. Don't eat something like a dozen bags of chips.
  • Consume filling foods, like chicken or vegetables, instead of junk like chips or chocolates for your calories.
  • Have a flask of water on hand. If bored, DRINK WATER. If hungry outside of meal times, DRINK WATER.
  • Bloating and water weight will subside within the week and you'll have a 90% chance of being back where you were.

Happy New Year!!!

submitted by /u/KS5331_Productions
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How to make 2 days a week in the gym the most effective?

I usually go to the gym 3-4 days a week. I’m not perfectly consistent but it’s around there.

Starting in January I can only go 2 days a week. I’m starting college placement and it’s hard to explain but the only time I’ll have in my schedule is Saturday and Sunday.

I’m not completely new to working out but I don’t follow a perfect diet either. 2019 I was 210 and now I’m 168.

How can I make the two days a week most effective? Can I make any muscle progress at all with that? :/

submitted by /u/shduekdn
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - January Sign Ups!

Hello lovely losers!

It's about to be a whole new year! And mon, which means it's time for a new DAC!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it: Yarg. Logged though.

1800 calorie a day, do not adjust for exercise: I want to be hitting this number consistently before I consider fucking with it. I also think I did better when I was just aiming consistently for one number, not planning or allowing maintenance days. They will happen without me planning as I get back into a more rigorous routine again so I don’t feel the need to plan them into the schedule. 1800 will not be that strict of a deficit for me so I'm comfortable with that.

Built into this habit is also:

Pre-logging meal prepped meals for the whole week. (I have a very simple brekkies if at all & only meal prep work lunches, this isn’t as hard as it sounds, self!)

Logging dinners before they happen (I always meal plan but I've been slipping about pre logging dinner).

Not purchasing items that are trigger foods, only purchasing single serve sweets, no snacks or calorically dense stuff that is easy to eat a massive amount of in a moment of opps.

Focusing on bulking out meals with veggies/non calorically dense foods so I feel full consistently aka no room to shove more calories in my body

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): I want to keep up a lunch walk plus workout, not in exchange of. X/X days.

Nanowrimo and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: 54561/50000 words. Made time to journal up on this.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Thanks, I hate it. Today I'm glad I choose to

How about you folks? What are you excited to get after in 2022? Also, RIP to the last Golden Girl. So glad to have shared a planet with her for as many years as I got to!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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How do I get rid of beer belly, man boobs and a mom butt ? I know I cannot spot reduce, but I am thin for a guy my height - it is almost as if my fat is LAUGHING at me.

My thyroid and T levels are normal.

6ft 1in male, wt 75 kgs (166 pounds).

This has especially become an issue for me since I've done a 15 day water fast, 30 day water fasts, 2 day dry fasts, etc.

Yeah - consistency and lifting figure nowhere.

But I am especially disappointed since the last 2 months I've been religiously walking 10-12 steps per day and some days about 20k.

My thighs still seem to be fat as ever, I've got bat wings on my arms, stretch marks everywhere. Add to this the mom butt, weird ass hip (like women have) along with the beer gut - it makes me extremely self abusive and this sabotage has seeped in EVERYWHERE.

Many friends have said to me to quit for good any cardio and my obsession with fasting.

If I should lift, what should be the starting reps and guidelines ? Any channel for beginners ?

submitted by /u/ClassicGlad36
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Getting back into fitness and struggling with endurance/motivation

Lost over 80 pounds about 5 years ago and gained it all back (plus more). I'm ready to get back into exercising again to lose weight and improve my mood. I went to the gym today and was really struggling with endurance on the elliptical. I kept stopping and starting back again over and over. It's like I'm not mentally motivated enough to push myself like I used to be able to and it's demoralizing.

Because I've lost and gained weight so many times, I don't have that excitement that we typically experience when starting a weight loss journey. So what can I do to find that motivation and excitement?

What has worked for you guys?

submitted by /u/overmyfreedom
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I hate showers, what's your gym routine regarding clothing?

This is actually quite the reason I don't go to gym on a daily basis. I literally have a free gym that's 5 ft away from my place. Yet I hate having to do laundery for my sweaty clothes and having to take a cold shower every single day. Any tips on that? Like having dedicated clothing that's ok to sweat in? Idk, I tried using the same clothing twice but it didn't feel right, I work in a cold office and its winter so you get the point.

submitted by /u/ameri9595
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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Why Do I Always Feel “Tension” After Eating Anything?

I've been trying to exercise more and more frequently(small win for me but today I did a 4.5 mile run!), but for some odd reason, not matter the amount how little, or what I eat, after dinner, I always feel some "tension" in my stomach like I've miraculously gotten gained a good amount of belly fat over the course of 20 minutes or so. Does anyone else experience something similar, and why do it happen?

submitted by /u/itisyeetime
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Just having a rough go of things and could use some support...

I'm at my highest weight of all time right now. I'm feeling super discouraged and hopeless and i just need some community encouragement.

I recently, through therapy and self discovery, have identified my eating habits as "binge eating". I haven't yet come to terms with that through therapy because we've been focusing on my Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis we just discovered (but long suspected).

I tried to qualify for weight loss surgery a couple years ago but just wasn't ready emotionally or mentally, and my depression got bad and I dropped out of the running.

I'm 19 years in remission from cancer when i was a teen. They all but force fed me high calorie foods back then because i was losing too much weight during treatment. I've struggled with weight since i was in 3rd grade. I've struggled with my emotions since i was a toddler. I've had diabetes for several years now.

I've been considering attempting qualifying for weight loss surgery again. I semi-casually requested my primary care provider to put me back on a weight loss med in the mean time, and she prescribed naltrexone. And it's the only bright light of hope I've seen in decades. It's curbing my appetite, it's dulling the cravings and the compulsive urges. It's even helping with my excoriation disorder!

And to top it all off, this morning I had an evaluation at the lymphedema clinic. I found out I'm in need of therapy treatment to manage the buildup of fluid in my legs. A lifelong affliction. Insurance may or may not cover what I need.

And still... Is it enough to make me change? Is it enough to finally say "ok this is too much I HAVE to do something"? I just don't know. I feel like no matter what happens, it's just not going to be enough to convince me to flip the switch. I just don't know what it's going to take to finally change.

Thanks for listening, guys.

submitted by /u/Moth-Seraph
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Don't have time to go to the gym but I'm hell bent on losing weight and building a nice body

I'm a 27 year old pot bellied man with moobs. I've fallen off the wagon multiple times. This time however, with a 10+ hour work day and 3+hr commute, I barely have time to go the gym. I'm looking for advice on what sort of exercises I can do. I've looked at resistance bands and body weight training. I'm currently researching the kind of exercises i can do to lose weight.

I lack the resources or space to build a home gym. I do however have access to a public park. What sort of exercises should I be looking at to build muscle and lose fat.

Any advice on diet is also welcome. I don't know if I should put this here but I currently following an unhealthy diet and drink everyday. I'm trying to quit but it has not been easy.

submitted by /u/Gandeldore69
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How to overcome this addiction?

I quit smoking cigarettes after 15 years of smoking at least one pack a day, and I've virtually quit drinking after being an alcoholic for about as long. I've done other things that catch a lot of other people up in addictions and I've overcome them, too. But I can't stop eating poorly. If there's chocolate or candy in the house, I'll binge eat more of it every day than would be considered healthy to eat in one sitting even once, until it's eventually gone. If there's cereal I'll eat a bowl at least once or twice every day until it's gone, regardless of any other meals I might have already eaten. I have kids so it's hard to completely avoid these things and other junky foods. Even healthy food is only healthy when controlled for portion.

I just can't seem to control myself. A lot of it happens late at night, but going to bed earlier isn't really an option. With kids and grad school and a full time job, my only time to work is often late at night. I think a lot of it is in response to stress, but stress is just a constant in my life and I'm not sure I can do anything about that either. I occasionally try a diet or I get on a workout kick for a while, but it never outlasts my desire to consume terrible things and be sedentary. CICO doesn't seem to work very well for me because a fair number of my meals are homemade and not consistent with recipes that can easily be found on apps or online, and besides, I just sort of lose the will to keep track after a while.

I'm sure there are guides on this sub that would be useful, I've looked around in the past. I just have this problem of consistent motivation that I don't know how to overcome despite my experience fighting addiction in the past. I'm just not sure what to do and it's only getting worse. My drinking was social in nature, so I stopped going to bars and parties. Cigarettes are only smokable if you buy them. Food is everywhere all the time and you have to eat to survive, so it's hard not to eat way more than I need to survive. It's been unhealthy for a while and I just can't stop.

Let me know if you have something that really worked for you in a similar situation. Appreciate your help.

submitted by /u/Terminal_Prime
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Health goals for 2022.

F26, SW: 304.2 (299 last week) GW: 200.

I want to add more Fitness into my life. I used to lose weight faster the more active I was along with meal prepping. I want to start prepping for the whole week, If I don’t I end up finding something random. I usually workout 3-4x a week, at home, But I’ve been slacking lately from needing to rest. I just went back to the gym yesterday and remembered how much I love it, So I’d like to start doing the gym 3x a week as well.

I want to find a kickboxing class that’s in my budget and I think it’d be good for meeting new people too. I was thinking of cutting sugar out of my coffee to see how I like it, I wasn’t measuring it and probably adding way too much. I will probably do low carb and keto the best I can. It usually works for me in the first two weeks. So I’m hoping to stick to that in the new year as well. Switching to healthier snacks, Such as Atkins or slim fast. They just came out with nachos and it looked so good. I will probably use both of their shakes as well, (Already have slim fast powder) and looking to upgrade to protein powder.

I hope these changes will help me drop the weight in the new year! I am also working on self image but I won’t feel better until I get close to the body I want.

I’ll be 27 on the 8th of January, So I’m hoping to drop a few pounds before then so I’m back in the 200’s!

Edit: I think a steady 2 lbs a week is best for me, Which is 8 lbs a month. That’s normally what I lose!

submitted by /u/AquaStardust
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Trying to lose weight after quitting Zoloft. Any advice/encouragement would be amazing!

Hey everyone! So I've been a lurker on this sub for a while, and I finally felt brave enough to post for the first time lol. Bit of background about me: I'm 20yrs old, female, 5'4" and weigh about 140lbs (the most I've ever weighed). I started taking sertraline/Zoloft last August, but I've decided that I can't take the side effects anymore and have begun tapering my dose. I hope to quit entirely by the end of January.

Overall, I feel like I don't have any control over my body anymore. I know that I don't eat enough on a daily basis (like maybe 1300kcal). It's a self-defeating cycle bc I don't eat enough, so then I don't have any energy or desire to exercise, but then I don't eat more bc I'm deathly afraid of gaining more weight. I got into lifting last year, completed a half marathon in October, and still fit into my clothes from when I weighed 125-130ish, so I know that at least SOME of this weight gain is muscle. However, I miss feeling confident and in control of my body. I haven't exercised consistently since the half marathon, so I also am struggling with the knowledge that I'm wayyy out of shape. There's no worse feeling than knowing you USED to be able to run 8, 9, or 10 miles but now struggling with half that distance.

My goal is to get back into the 120s range, but at this point, it all just feels impossible. Any advice, words of encouragement, etc. would be fantastic. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/artless_tomato
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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

I've walked or run 3650km in 2021 to (nearly) maintain 120lb loss.

I hope this is ok to post here, I'm a frequent lurker and normally happy in the shadows. But I just want to share with people who understand that yesterday I hit my target of walking or running 3650km this year. After losing 120lbs (M44 6ft 1 SW325 CW208) during 2019 and 20 I knew from previous experience the difficulties in maintaining weight loss, so set myself the target of averaging 10km a day which I thought would help me stay well.

It has been hard work and I'm so pleased to have done it. I never missed a day and the mental benefits have been as good as the physical ones (even though I have still managed to gain 4lbs this year). I just went for short walks during the day and runs in the evening, apart from when I was tired/injured/ill when I just walked. I've gone through alot of footwear, listened to many Grateful Dead concerts, made the most of my Audible subscription and seen some amazing wildlife.

Three years ago I was in a very bad way, in poor physical and mental health and eating far, far too much. I could barely climb the stairs or walk half a mile without feeling ill and looked awful. I was on a heavy dose of antidepressants and had just given up smoking. Things are infinitely better now and I know achievement is its own reward, but I'm so proud of my 3650km feat that I wanted to share it with people who might be inspired to do the same.

submitted by /u/Achelous77
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How to overcome food addiction?

I have a history of yo yoing with my weight because I seem to love food too much. I've tried to do moderation where I stick to my calories and implement foods I enjoy but it seems that the cravings never go away. Abstinence seems like it would be even harder. I will crave foods all day even right after eating them. I've tried to view it as my "lizard brain" but that approach doesn't seem to help. It seems like I just crave it non stop until it gets overwhelming and I give in. I've tried to replace it for other enjoyable activities but nothing feels as good as it. It sort of seems hopeless at this point that I can actually change and it's ruining my health. I do see a therapist but I've never found therapy helpful. Has anybody dealt with this and managed it?

submitted by /u/Hodge3000
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Proud of myself

Just a small post to say that I'm proud of myself today. The TLDR of my backstory is I've been struggling with my weight for all 31 years of my life and today I made the decision to get back into fasting. Toward the end of the day I started to get hungry and the thoughts started to creep into my head.

"I can have one more taco and eat outside my window."

"I don't have to count something if it's small.'

"Fast food is way easier than cooking myself.'

And I told all of those thoughts NO! 2022 is the year I finally get myself together and lose the weight. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/atomicfirepanda1
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I’m struggling from overeating, but I got myself down to 165 from my all time high of 178. (5’10”) Over 13 pounds lost and I’m still seeing no change and starting to feel discouraged.

What should I do? This is all extra difficult for me because it is the holidays. I struggle with stopping myself from eating unhealthy foods but I worked so hard to be where I am now over the past 3-4 months, but I see no change with my body even though it looks like I’ve lost a good amount on my scale.

I’m starting to feel discouraged. I used to be 147 pounds and even then felt a but chubby, but looking back at photos of me then I was in such good shape, but then I started binge eating.

I’ve been limiting my intake to 1500 calories a day because of my very sedentary lifestyle and that way I have lost a good amount of weight, but recently I’ve been climbing back to 2000s, and even gained a little bit back (was 164.5 now 165.3) and feeling very bad about myself. How can I motivate myself to stay on track? Thanks.

submitted by /u/SomeClosetSelf
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When throwing out food, "waste" is a matter of perspective

I used to refuse to throw out food because I viewed as "waste." A waste of money, a waste of food, a waste of the effort that went into making the food. Maybe it's because my parents always made me clear my plate when growing up. But one day I had a realization that every time I throw out food I feed trillions of microorganisms. Plus, depending on the food, other wildlife will happily eat my food such as bugs, birds, mice, etc. They live hard lives and would be excited to find my "waste." Now I no longer feel bad about tossing my leftovers or junk food outside and I actually feel good about myself, like I'm being charitable. Food doesn't have to go just into a human's mouth to be not be wasted. Instead, you can feed literal trillions of life forms!

submitted by /u/Master-Baker-69
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I screwed up and ruined months of progress in the past week. How do I forgive myself?

I had gotten down to 136, I loved my physique, I felt so confident, I walk a lot and my body looked so toned and great. I left for the holidays for a week and ate like a pig everyday and didn't even get up from the couch, I have no idea of how many sweets and carbs I had, I think I stayed around 4k calories per day for a whole week. I look like a giant balloon, my legs and belly are bloated like crazy and the scale reached 150.. I feel so guilty and I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I hate what I've done and what I see.. what can I do to undo the damage?

submitted by /u/Himmel011
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Practice what you preach right!

I’m one to always encourage people to stay calm when the scale doesn’t cooperate or goes a little haywire after some indulging and it was my time to remind myself of that this evening!

The last five days have been a bonanza of sorts, and despite staying consistent with my workouts I’ve been over my calories each day - and today I was 6.2lbs heavier than I was on the 18th, queue internal panic right haha

I do feel extra fluffy but I can’t imagine I overate 24,000 calories! I did the math and turns out that I probably gained a legitimate pound and a half - which is totally manageable IMHO.

Anyway the point of this entirely self indulgent rant / vent / epiphany is just that things aren’t always as bad as they seem and all of our hard work does mean something and we aren’t going to undo all of it because we enjoy ourselves for a few days here and there!

All of your success stories have really motivated and inspired me!

submitted by /u/Runny_yoke
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im scared

hi everyone. Im a 15 year old girl who weighs 86 kg. I´ve been fat all my life but covid made it worse. beeing fat always made an impact in my healt like for example, my period has never been regular, ive got strech marks everyweher, and i have asthma. A year ago i was cleaning myself and i discovered 2 little bumps under my vag, at first i thought they were hemorroides but they werent because they were closer to my private area. They are painless but they havent gone away. I am also worried because i do have a hemorroide that i´ve taken pills for but just like the bumps it has not gone away.

Im mostly worried about it being cancer, because recently my armpit has been hurting and i think (not so sure) i have a lump as well. I said im not sure because, like i said im fat and it could just be my extra fat.

i have not told my parents because im too scared. Sorry if this doesn´t has taht much to do with weight i just didnt know where else to write it.

submitted by /u/rserose22
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I think I just found a new motivation for me

Just came across a brand new form of motivation for myself so I thought I'll share in case anyone else can relate.

Brief history: I gained quite a bit of weight end of undergrad and grad school, and for a variety of reasons, was able to lose most of it and get into a good zone for my body. After I started working post grad school, for the first time in a long time I had some income to be able to buy clothes for myself. I still stayed within a very tight budget because I was looking for quantity over quality. Because I had gained weight in my more formative years, I hadn't really developed my own style yet, so I would just buy stuff that fit, sometimes over something else that also fit but was actually cute, because it was labelled a larger size, or was more expensive. In reality I truly believed that nothing really looked good on me.

Once I lost the weight, that trend continued for the first 6 months. Basically, if it got and it was smallest size available, I would buy it. I refused to buy something labelled L or XL because that's what I had worn for the longest time and I was done with those sizes. Looking back, that was so messed up. I did realize how stupid it was pretty quickly, largely due to shopping with friends who were still smaller and fitter than me, and would frequently reach for a larger size even though the smaller one fit for various reasons. They were also great at calling out what actually looked good on me. Over that year I was able to develop my own style, and got quite picky about what I should buy, and ended up with a sizeable wardrobe, all of items I absolutely love. I was able to keep this up for around 4-5 years.

Then 2020 happened, I was spending more time in my loose PJs and didn't realize how much weight I had gained until I had to go out and tried to put on a pair of pants that wouldn't zip up. I gained some more weight due to regret and shame, and was eventually back to my highest weight.

Anywho, since mid-2020, I can no longer wear 80-90% of my clothes. Unfortunately for me, since I had kept my weight in check for several years, I was finally ok with buying clothes for the next season, and take advantage of the sales, I e. Buying summer clothes in fall/ winter and winter clothes in summer, and take advantage of sales. I did exactly that end of 2019. Went shopping and found 5 or 6 really cute dresses to wear for summer 2020. I still have photos of me wearing them in the dressing room, and reactions of friends I had texted who were all delighted with my finds.

Since my weight gain, I have sort of packed away a lot of these clothes to make room for clothes that fit my current size. I was rummaging through them for an upcoming engagement party, and telling myself I could find atleast one thing I can fit in, and I don't want to buy something new for this one day. Looking throughy old more stylish clothes, I was like a child in a candy store. Not only did I find those 5-6 dresses with tags still on them, I was discovering clothes I forgot I even had. I was sooooo jealous of my past self and what a great wardrobe she had, it ignited a new fire in me! I've going slow and steady with my weightloss already and have lost some fat and gotten a little smaller, so I know I'm making progress. But shopping my own stash made me realize I have a fully stocked wardrobe of my favorite clothes waiting for me on the other side. Just thinking about being able to wear any of those clothes again makes me squeal with excitement.

So if you're someone who gained weight after having already been through a weightloss journey once before, and you're looking for motivation to restart or keep at your journey again, go shop your stash. You may be surprised at what you find, and might make you excited about your fitness journey.

submitted by /u/redditloseit
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Replacing soda with water?

I've just begun tracking my calories again after about 4 years. I'm just done and I'm committed. I've noticed/know there's a pattern in my eating where I drink too much soda. like half the day's calories, bad. and after a few days I want to turn this around. when ever I drink water I miss the carbonation and the flavor, but I do find it refreshing and have a favorite brand. I also have a gallon sized water jug I bought a while back. I'm ready to go ahead and do this but I know I'll have trouble with cravings. do you have any tips and tricks to get past that? I also drink a fanta everyday I'm at work with my meds I take daily so I won't feel lightheaded and bc I don't have time for breakfast in the mornings.

submitted by /u/steakoutwhoa
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22kg in 2022

SW: 125.5kg CW: 96.7 GW: 75kg

I [M20] wanna lose 22kg in 2022. I wanna come back to this post on the end of 2022 and hopefully I can achieve my goals.

I started my journey on May 2021 and have made amazing progress, losing 28.8 kg mostly through diet change (95% diet, 5% workout).

Should I stick to mostly dieting for my weight loss or should I start incorporating exercising more like cardio and weight training? I would appreciate any advice going forward.

submitted by /u/Ren241
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Weight/Fat Loss Success

I would say that I started this journey a few months ago, but that's not really true. It's really been an on-going effort for about 8+ years. I'm 5'3 or so, and male. If you're my height, you know how it doesn't take much for the excess weight and fat to show up. I was about 15% and maybe 118 lbs. But for the past few years, I started to creep up slowly. 123, 125, 127.

I started to feel that maybe everything I was doing wasn't right. I've been seeing nutritionists and doctors and they said, "Eat 6 small meals a day. Never forget to eat breakfast. Get lots of grains, breads, whole wheat. Let's drop your fat to 30%, increase your carbohydrates to 60%. But you need to drop your calories to about 1800 based on your height and weight".

I got up to 131 lbs and nearly 21% body fat as of the 16th of September. I knew that I was going in the wrong direction. What was worse is that I was a long time advocate of counting calories, tracking macros to be nice and tight, jogging, and doing weight lifting. I would get my BMR tested through a calorimeter to see where I was actually idling at, as opposed a general formula for people similar to my height and weight. I was very unhappy about all of this.

What finally turned the tide is when I came across a video from a nephrologist who was reframing how I thought about food. I learned that eating 6 small meals a day was running counter to my goal. How consuming processed carbohydrates (foods made from flour) was pushing me off center. How dropping my calories was the opposite of what I needed to do. How abstaining from fats is actually poor advice. How the consumption of sugar is very fattening as far as how it is physiologically received by the body.

So with that in mind, I changed it up. I slowly reduced as much I could with sugar, starting with my morning coffee, which wasn't that high anyways. 12 grams for a 16 fl. Oz with half N half. I now have it black and it's very tasty. I cut out the trips to the Vending machine for chips. Even though they're only 160 calories, it's processed carbs. Garbage, really.

I reduced my eating occurrences to 2-3 times a day, as defined by consuming anything but water and black coffee. I adapted an eating style that contained lots of dietary fat such as Avocado, nuts, cheese. I made sure not to drop my calories to create a calorie deficit. Also because CICO is a grossly oversimplified and misrepresented way to present it. And finally, I started to follow a 16:8 method of eating for 8 hours, and not eating for 16. Just amounts to skipping breakfast, really.

The end result? I'm 115 lbs again, and 15% body fat, and edging towards 14%. I am so glad that I did it this way, but my goal is to get to 12%, which is the next big goal.

submitted by /u/Seifer780
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I lost 7lbs in 2 weeks from just limiting sugar and I can't believe it

I don't have anyone to freak out about this to so I'm posting here. I'm so excited!

History: I've been hovering between 142-145 pounds for at least a year and have been wanting to cut out sugar (I'm completely addicted, my sweet tooth is intense). I've had some body image issues lately as I've gained about 30 pounds in the past few years. I LIKE having a little bit of extra weight compared to my previous 117lbs which was very close to underweight, but I feel a little flabby and out of shape now.

What I did differently: logged my calories, protein and *added sugar intake each day. I tried to keep added sugar under 25g, protein above 50g and calories around 1600 (I counted calories more out of interest to see if I'm eating enough, not really to adjust). I used to have probably 100-200g of sugar easily on a normal day without any binge eating chocolate at the end of the night, which I would often do.

I watched videos on YouTube about sugar addiction and documentaries like fed up that show how malicious processed food companies are. It made me disgusted while grocery shopping and kept me from grabbing drunk.

I replaced things like ketchup and tomato sauce that I normally buy with sugar free options. If I craved sweets I would have a keto ice cream bar or have some fruit. I fell off the wagon a little bit for Christmas and I know I will a little bit for new years as we have fondue plans, but awareness and looking at every food label has been key!

I weighed myself today as I got in the shower as I noticed I looked a little lighter then usual. 135lbs!! I haven't been below 140 in at least a year. The only thing I changed was my sugar intake. That's it. I do have an active job but I've been working there for months.

I'm just absolutely appalled. Thank you for listening!

submitted by /u/YeyVerily96
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Time to lose some weight.

Hi folks!

In the last couple of years, life changed a lot for me. I went to work from home as an already-fat guy. Packed it on worse. I moved up a position and started making enough money to see a doctor regularly. He confirmed some of my suspicions -- high blood pressure, tachycardia, insulin resistant. I'm a walking mess. I hit my highest weight of 425. Just by being more mindful of what I'm eating I've dropped down to 418. But I've dove into reading legitimate resources about weight loss. Calories, y'all. CICO. I've decided I'm going to hit either 3MAD at 400/600/600 or skip breakfast some days doing 2MAD 800/800. I've bought a gym membership to start hitting the treadmill. I feel great about it. I'm aiming for 5 to 10 lbs per month.

I started an account just to join this subreddit. I think having a place to share gains and even potential setbacks will help me stay accountable. Looking forward to interacting with you all and becoming a healthier version of myself. I've went ahead and made a grocery order to meal prep. My wife is on board and she's going to join me in the new year which I feel will help tremendously. Late night is my trigger point and if she's got Reeses in here I'm feeling like a dog staring at a pork loin!

Best wishes to all.

submitted by /u/IROBotNeverDies
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Weight Loss as a South Indian

Hi! Long time lurker here, and started reading the posts here even before I started my weight loss journey. Reading the posts from this subreddit and stepping on the scales after years and seeing 89.7kgs and realizing that I am overweight made me horrified and led me to start on this weight loss journey.

I started my journey in August and I have reached my first goal weight right before New Year. I have lost around 14.5 kgs and I am no longer overweight. I have never felt better or more beautiful in my life. Clothes fit me better, I look younger and I have so much more confidence in myself. However, it isn't easy losing weight as a South Indian who stays with her parents, and where the staple diet is rice and which they insist we eat 3 times a day. So here are some tips and tricks (which worked for me, please don't take it as a formal guideline) for my fellow Indians who are struggling with weight loss.

  • Calorie Counting/Portion Control: It is very difficult to get accurate calorie counts, even in Healthify, especially when some of the foods your parents' cook are available only in your region and doesn't even have a standard name. My idea was to reduce my portions. Instead of eating 3 dosas, I had just 2 for breakfast, two servings to half a serving of rice for lunch, just fruits for dinner, etc.

  • Snacks: We have so many fattening, oily snacks in India. Try to avoid them as much as possible. This is what I believe helped me the most. I stopped having snacks with my evening tea. I have a sweet-tooth, so I still had sugar cravings. I satisfied it by eating a small 5Rs Munch or some other small chocolate.

  • Exercising: This was easy as my grandmother walks at 5AM daily and I started going along with her. I don't know how much it helped me in terms of burning calories, but it helped me set the tone for the rest of the day, by making me feel accomplished right in the morning itself. Currently I am doing C25k and I love it. I also love cycling, and do it if I have energy and time after work.

  • Negotiating with parents: They would want you to eat more rice/rotis, but we know we can't. To console them, fill your plate with the vegetable sides that they cook. Then you'll automatically end up taking less rice, and they would be fine too, as they would see your plate filled. Eat an egg instead of an extra dosa/idli in the mornings. Replacement would work fine for them. In their eyes, volume matters more.

I hope these help at least a few of you all. I am in the second phase of my journey, inching slowly towards my GW2 and I still follow these steps. Weight loss is slower now, but it still works. Good luck to everyone trying to lose their weight and Happy New Year! Also, huge thanks to this sub for being the biggest helping hand in my journey. Finally, sorry for the extremely long post.

submitted by /u/sedsackofpotatoes
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How fat do I have to get

I'm especially self-conscious around the holidays. People take pictures with me and post them on IG/Facebook and I get to see how much of a fat guy I'm becoming and getting even fatter with every month that passes.

I hardly interact with anyone anymore due to my weight. I feel like hell and wear baggy clothes that mentally make me feel like I'm hiding my belly and man-tits.

When I look at pictures of myself, I immediately get this sickening pit in my stomach, almost paralyzing me. I actually despise my body.

I don't know how much more motivation I need to lose weight. I don't know how many times I've tried and failed. After a few days of feeling shitty about myself, I just return to normal and eat whatever I want, pretending like I won't gain any more weight.

I've lost 50 pounds in the past and I felt so happy about myself. I don't know how the fuck I managed to put it all back on, but even if I could possibly lose all of my weight twice, I'd never be able to maintain it.

submitted by /u/damnimfat2
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Really struggling with Cardiac diet

First, a little back story. I’m an active 35 year old male 5’4” - 160 lbs. I work in construction and work out 2-3 times a week. I don’t smoke and rarely drink. I still had a heart attack. I had 3 coronary stents put in about a month ago after having chest pains for about 5 days before finally going to the ER. I never would have guessed I would have a heart attack at such a young age and being as active as I am.

I have been struggling to get my cholesterol under control for over 15 years. My body tends to produce massive amounts of cholesterol and most medications have only worked short term before they stop and I have to try something else. This is what caused the heart attack. It all leads back to my diet. Although I don’t eat super terrible(I don’t ever eat fast food and prefer to eat 90% of my meals at home. I also always bring a lunch with me to work) I was mostly a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Unfortunately, I am a somewhat picky eater.

Now more than ever, I have been trying my hardest to eat a mostly vegetarian/low sodium diet. I still eat chicken breasts a couple times a week made in various ways. I have been eating mostly recipes with sweet potato, peppers, cauliflower, and small amounts of whole grain brown rice. My biggest problem is, simply, that I am HATING IT. I know I have to continue for my healths sake, and to ensure I am around for a much longer time for my wife and daughter, but honestly, I no longer look forward to any meals.

I’ve tried dozens of recipes so far to try and find new things to enjoy but I have struck out the majority of the time. I can’t seem to get myself to like any type of seafood, anything with mushrooms, legumes of all types, squash, and avocado just to name a few things. Its really starting to bring me down.

Basically, I’m just looking for some of your favorite recipes and why you like them so much, as well as any tips to enjoy healthy foods more than I currently do.

submitted by /u/mstlaurent444
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Weight loss coaching (question)

I have been yo-yo-ing most of my adult life, and I feel like I just can’t find success alone. I find the idea of a weight-loss/health coach very appealing, but I just don’t know how to find one. Online everything kinda seems like a scam, or people want $30k for a year of coaching.

I’m not super overweight, but could stand to lose 50 pounds or so. I just need advice and accountability.

Has anyone seen success with coaching? Online or locally? Any advice?

submitted by /u/hru5ka
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Why do I feel the need to order food or takeout?

Stats: 21M; SW: 93kg CW: 86kg, GW: 65kg.

To start off, I make amazing food, almost restaurant quality (I love cooking). But no matter what I do, I keep ordering food from outside. I always end up getting broke because of the amount of money I spend on takeout. I tried meal-prepping, but still ended up ordering and throwing away the food. The food I made was delicious. I loved it. I pat myself of the back, but I still ended up ordering in at dinner. At this point, it is almost like an addiction. I try hard, I delete apps but download them again to order. I don't know what to do.

I previously suffered from a binge-eating disorder. I did start having reasonable portions now and started losing weight. But this habit of mine is simply not going away. I eat to soothe my depression and loneliness. I try cooking at home, and no matter how much I eat, nothing is replacing food from outside. I even learned and started doing what exactly restaurants do so I can keep eating food at home, but still end up ordering. Whatever I do, it doesn't work. Right now, I have surplus money, and I do not intend to waste it once again as I did for at least three years now. I want to lose weight and want to save money. Ideally, if I eat at home I can eat under $120 per month. But I almost spend $400 because of all the money I spend on outside food. I have to buy winter boots because my city can get as cold as -40 C. But I have been managing with my weathered boots because I always end up spending too much on food.

I want to get to the root of it. I want to stop doing this. I am 21M turning 22 soon. I never had a single date because I was afraid of asking someone out because I am fat. I keep losing weight when I am with family and keep gaining it back once I am alone again, because of all the outside food. It is not even a small weight, almost like 15kg (~33lbs). My health is getting worse, and I have hypertension. I just want to stop the nonsense and get my act together. But I have no idea why I keep doing it, despite how much my friends and I love my cooking.

submitted by /u/sayinedi
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Is there a way to get cardio in instead of walking or running

I got this weird pain on top of my foot and I can’t run or walk without it hurting so much. I got checked out and they told me not do any cardio for a while. Is there a way to get my cardio in somehow because strength training doesn’t burn as much calories and I usually burn a lot with cardio and strength training. So far I can only do strength training and idk if I could still loose weight doing strength and no cardio at all. I usually eat 2.1k cals to lose a pound a week and I’m not sure if I’ll have to reduce it because I won’t be doing cardio for a while.

submitted by /u/Plutias
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Monday, December 27, 2021

Any Advice On Portion Control When Eating Out?

Hey everyone, I’m on what feels like my umpteenth attempt at losing weight and this time feels different because whereas I usually gained (and lost weight) almost exclusively through snacking, this time around I’m beginning to notice that my portions are really what is doing me in. As a college student I’ve been eating out a lot more often and I’m really struggling with not polishing off my meals when eating out. I always go into my meals with a game plan to eat half and take half home, but once the food is hot and in front of me, after the first bite those thoughts almost go entirely out of the window and I just finish the whole meal. I just don’t know why the self control to not finish everything in front of me is so hard to develop. At home, I’ve developed a habit of making smaller portions, but in restaurants obviously the portions can’t be chosen and it’s not really realistic to forego eating out altogether. In addition to that, I constantly have the thought of not wasting money when I have leftovers that will eventually be tossed out and even though I know technically the money is already gone, it’s just so upsetting. Any advice/discussion on this would be great!

submitted by /u/stressedstudent787
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Hello! Day 1 - Update

Hi everyone!

I posted yesterday about my day 0. Today was my day 1:

Here is how today went (12/27/21)

Breakfast: Homemade hashbrowns with cherry tomatoes

Lunch: Chicken strips and roasted cauliflower and broccoli

Snack: 4 turkey sticks and a cheese stick; two pieces of 60% dark Lindt Chocolate

Dinner: Baby carrots with ranch, whole wheat penne pasta with sour cream. Ended the day with a cup of Chamomile tea with two teaspoons of sugar.

I did not exercise but I did do some cleaning around the house. Overall, I did my best to add a veggie to my meals. I do need to eat more fruits, though. However, I am proud of how I did today.

Also - I did create a new subreddit called: LoseItAccountability. I realized yesterday that posting every day on this subreddit was not the purpose of this subreddit - and I totally get it! If this type of post is not allowed, please delete it.

SW: 226 pounds

CW: 226 pounds

GW: 160 pounds

Age: 25

submitted by /u/Informal-Tension9047
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The thought of having to buy bigger pants is triggering me

So my mom is toxic. There is no if/ands about that.

When I first joined a gym and I was doing weight lifting only, she thought my trainer was an idiot and didn't know what he was doing and insisted I add/do cardio instead.

Anyway I have a final job interview that I have to fly out for (yay!) and I tried on my pants and well they were snug around the belly and the thighs. I called my grandma ( who is actually nice and super considerate) and she offered to get me pants in a bigger size but the thought of having to do that just makes me want to cry and give up.

I have only been going to the gym since late October and I really don't know if I see a difference. I just feel a little defeated.

Quick things to consider:

Still eat like crap ( I am an extremely picky eater. Always have been) and I am working on my junk food habit and resisting cravings.

I have a history with ED and thus haven't weighed myself and I honestly don't feel comfortable doing that with the only scale in my mother's room

Any Advice?

submitted by /u/mathgeekf314159
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3 day binge

M/20/5’9 SW:230lbs CW: 155lbs GW:143

What was a simple Christmas binge turned into a three day binge. I literally have been so depressed that I just let go. I stopped being strict and the floodgates opened. I know I can stop but I don’t see a point in stopping. I hate myself and my body I am tired of dieting. I have been one year in maintenance and my body just looks deflated. A less fat version of my obese self. I’m not hot, I don’t have abs, I just want to eat and eat and drink and smoke. I don’t want to better myself anymore m. I tried for a year and it didn’t work. I want to stop binging because it’s going to fuck me over, but at the same time I don’t care enough. Maybe I should just get fat again.

submitted by /u/onlyondaysoff
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New tactic I'm trying: "Collect" all the deficit calories I need to lose the weight

I have about 25 pounds I want to lose to be at a healthy weight. I've been attempting to lose (but instead maintaining/gaining slowly) for the last six months.

I've had a total (and super fun!) free-for-all of the last four days, and I'm feeling ready and excited to come back to my normal healthy-eating ways.

And here's a new tactic I'm trying. 25 pounds * 3500 calories per pound = 87,500 calories. That's how many deficit calories I need to collect to get to my goal weight. So I'm going to start tracking them and adding a little bit to my total every day.

Today, I'm going out to eat with a friend. I've planned my meal out and will be 18 calories under maintenance today. And that's great! 18 calories to add to the count :)

In the past, being just 18 calories under maintenance would be discouraging. I'd even think "screw it, let me just overeat then, since today is a wash." But with this new framing, even 18 calories is an exciting win. It's reminding me that every little bit counts!

submitted by /u/FuriousKitten
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Stepped on the scale for the first time since March 2020

Long story short, I have gained 35 lbs since the start of the pandemic.

I genuinely don't know how to feel about it, mainly because I haven't noticed that I've gained so much. My tops fit the same (aside from gaining a cup size), and my pants only went up one size. Looking back at older pictures, I pretty much look the same. As a 5'2 woman, you'd think gaining 35 lbs would show a drastic difference.

Even though I look nearly the same as I did 35 lbs lighter, knowing I gained this much bugs me. Its stupid- why should I care about the weight gain if I didn't even notice it over the course of nearly 2 years?

The scale can hold a great power over people's heads like that, and now I am falling victim to it. But I think a more healthy way of approaching this is for me to think more so of how I was before I gained the weight, and if I want to go back to that person, not back to that weight. I used to work out 3 times a week at the gym before I cancelled my membership due to COVID. I would walk about 12k steps a day around my college campus. I felt more energized, my skin glowed, I enjoyed being outside more, I was able to touch my toes when stretching. Gaining 35 pounds took that away from me to a certain extent. I'm tired, less inclined to go outside, my skin breaks out more (probably shows that my diet is not as good), etc.

I'm not exactly looking for advice with this post, but feel free to share some tips for someone who is beginning their weight loss/fitness journey. This is more so to document for myself how I felt at the beginning of this challenge for myself, and to go back to and remind myself that though the weight is what caused me to want change, the feeling of being more fit is what I am striving for, not a number on the scale.

submitted by /u/leenziti
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Undergarment to hide/compress loose chest skin after weight loss?

Throwaway account. I'm asking on behalf of my very young (20m) brother who lost 150lbs. He has very little loose skin; however, his "man boobs" were disproportionately large when he was overweight and he has been left with a lot of extra skin on his chest. He wears coats on 100°F days, trying to cover himself. He talked about surgery, and I offered to pay for it, but he decided against it. He asked me if there was any kind of undershirt that I knew of that would help him smooth out the region. I've been searching online and I don't really know what I'm looking for! Please help! I just want my brother to feel comfortable leaving the house and wearing normal clothes.

submitted by /u/donotneedtoknowbasis
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I'm still at it and proud of myself for doing so :) Questions!

I'm officially on my way to week 5 of my new routine. My mantra this whole time has been I'm ACTUALLY going to do it this time! Saying it actually gets me excited. So far it's working :)

I've made a few posts around here, a big thank you to all who have offered advice <3 I just have a few things that I am uncertain on and need some more help.

FYI; 5'10" 37/F CW: ~201lb (not counting holiday weight lol) GW: 140-150ish. I've lost about 10lbs but...not really seeing any changes. Going to keep sticking with it though!!!

Weightlifting: What's the correct weight/rep range to get max muscle gain (and fat loss)?
I actually like weightlifting. It might be the one exercise I have ever found myself enjoying. I try to lift as heavy as I possibly can. But sometimes that feels so weak. I do a 3-day split following Mike Matthews' "Thinner Leaner Stronger" program and using his Stacked app. I use a weight range where I can get about 6-8 reps max before I can't possibly get another rep. Some exercises are less, between 5-7. (3 sets for each exercise btw.) But I feel so incredibly weak.

(Background; I don't go to the gym, I built my own home gym with a half rack w/ standard 45lb bar and adjustable dumbbells.)

For example, I had a barbell bicep curl in my routine the other day. I couldn't even curl the 45lb bar alone for more than 2 or 3 reps before struggling and wiggling out of form and my arms were complete JELLY afterwards lol. There are several exercises like this where I just can't lift hardly anything.

I also tried to squat maybe... 120lbs the other day and I think it hurt my back 😬 Something popped on the way down and it's felt very sore since. Definitely don't want to hurt myself but want to go as heavy as I can. Getting 8 reps in seems too easy.

I also try to eat enough protein each day, but man it's hard... I'm just not the kind of person that can eat 8oz of meat for every meal :/

TLDR; I know it's a process and I'll get stronger and be able to lift more over time, but how heavy for how many reps/sets? (For a female.)

How much working out is too much?
I've seen this question a few times but I'm always confused on the answers. So my routine is getting up around 6:20am. After getting ready and my mandatory cup of coffee, I'm ready to work out by about 7am. I am doing a weightlifting 3-day split (mentioned above), followed by cycling on the Peloton which I try to do 5 days a week. Some days I don't have time after lifting to do the bike, but I still feel ok with that since I did do my weightlifting.

But when I don't feel like my workout in the morning was enough, or I didn't get to ride after my weightlifting, halfway through the day I sometimes get the motivation to go work out really hard. If I've already done 1 or 2 routines in the morning, is it too much to do it a second time? More importantly.... is there even a point!? Is working out again later in the day really going to do anything for me?

When the hell is that "more energy" and "feeling better" going to come around?
I am tired as heck you guys. Like, I could sleep for 2 hours in the afternoon every day. I've been getting between 7-8 hours of sleep a night pretty regularly. Getting up that early in the morning is pretty hard for me, I am NOT a morning person at all.

Everyone always says "ohhh you'll have so much more energy!" I mean, I'm not quite to 6 weeks yet, which rumor says is the magic number for changes to be happening... but like wow. I also just feel kinda icky and run down all the time. My workouts have been slowly diminishing in performance over the last few weeks. I started out so strong but now I feel like I'm fizzling. My legs are like jelly after working out and after an arm day I can't do a high plank without my arms giving out.

Is the answer to just keep pushing it?

Sorry for my long post, I'm grateful for any advice! <3

submitted by /u/Lucid_Kitsune
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Check in: How is everyone doing post holidays?

I didn’t track or workout for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to really enjoy the holidays!

I ate whatever I wanted: prime rib, roast potatoes, cornbread, roast pork, pasta, ribeye steak, roast veggies, fried appetizers, roasted garlic soup, spinach dip, desserts, chocolate, cookies, charcuterie, apple cider etc.

The day after Christmas, I still ended up losing 1 lb and another inch off the waist!

Other times, I’ve hit a plateau for 2 weeks.

Can someone explain this phenomenon?

It seems that weight loss really isn’t linear 😅

submitted by /u/almondmilk_11
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How to choose a goal weight?

So long story short, over the last year I lost ~25 lbs (6'1, 205 to 181 lbs). This last month, I started replacing some meals with protein shakes and hitting the gym harder in order to increase my lifts. Combined with the holiday calories, I'm back up to 190 lbs. I feel healthy, I'm the strongest I have ever been in my entire life, but I have more stomach fat now and my goal from the beginning was to get visible abs. So my question is, should I keep cutting weight? If so, what is a good goal weight for a 6'1 guy?

submitted by /u/jonsnowwithanafro
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Advice on how to start a weight loss journey when life is already too busy and exhausting?

I know it’s the same old story many people tell, they don’t have time to workout and change their lifestyle. That’s where I’m at though, I can barely do my basic everyday tasks as it is and the thought of adding working out into the mix makes me feel completely defeated.

I recently turned 30/f, 220 pounds and 5’6” and I’m just hitting a breaking point where I’m so unhappy with my body that it’s greatly affecting my self esteem and happiness. I haven’t dated anyone in 5 years but I hope to get married and have a family in the near future, however, it’s becoming very clear that if I’m not happy with myself that it isn’t going to happen for me. I don’t necessarily have a goal number in mind, I just want to feel confident and comfortable in my clothes and body.

I work full time, wake up at 7am to leave for work at 8am and I get home around 6:30pm, sometimes later. By the time I’m done with making and eating dinner and cleaning up... I maybe have an hour or 2 to relax before I need to get ready for bed and do it all over again. Generally, I come home everyday completely mentally tapped out. My job doesn’t require much physical activity but 100% of my brain power. I am constantly problem solving, multitasking, and interacting with clients leaving me mentally exhausted. Since COVID, I’ve worked harder than ever and the mental exhaustion is just my constant of being now. So getting 6-8 hours of sleep everyday Is a priority because otherwise I truly would not be able to function. I value that hour or so of free time to relax and hangout with my best friend/roommate so the thought of using that time to workout and having no time to just be honestly seems miserable.

A frustrating element for me is that my diet is pretty average, not great but not terrible. I’ve never been an over eater and I’m not a snacker. I love water and I drink around 97 oz per day. I do love a coke but I only drink it if I’m eating out somewhere. So it seems to accomplish losing weight, my diet probably needs to be pristine but that just leads back to the fact that I’m tapped out on time and energy to meal plan and cook all meals cleanly.

As I reflect on my situation, I am aware that should I get my health in order my level of tiredness and mental exhaustion will likely improve but its a bit of a catch 22 when getting started.

I’m confident my situation is not a unique one and one that many can relate to to some degree. So I ask that if anyone on their weight loss journey who has a schedule or situation similar to mine, how have you found success and overcome these hurdles?

submitted by /u/CrispChicCelestial
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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Binging while home for the Holidays past Christmas…making me depressed. Any advice on how to stop it?

Hey guys,

So I (26F) went to my parents house for Christmas break. I got there one week ago and am leaving this Thursday. The issue is that I am eating like a pig. They have so many snacks and temptations there like cookies, ice cream, cake, chips n dip, chocolate, etc. I never buy these foods when I’m at my own house, but I feel like they are everywhere.

I’ve been binging a lot. I get that most people eat a lot for Christmas, but I have been eating like shit all week. And when I mean binge I truly mean binge. Out of control eating where I can’t stop. Today for a snack I had 4 slices of cheesecake and a big plate of nachos. For dinner I had a huge plate of leftovers and pumpkin pie.

My shame and guilt over this food is ruining my Holidays. I am enjoying time with my family but I am worried about gaining weight because I am. I am worried that I will not be attractive anymore to guys. There are all these other guys who want to take me out but I am worried I look fatter than my pictures. I also saw some other posts on here (on other subreddits) and the women all looked so slim and beautiful. I feel like an ugly fatass and that I need to do all of these things to improve my appearance (like get fake eyelashes).

So I feel weak and like I lack any willpower at all. The reason I eat well by myself is that I only have foods that aren’t super sugary or salty. But now that I am at my parents house I know that I am the only one who can force myself to eat these foods. I know they are not forcing me to eat these. I am just eating them because I am weak. So not only do I feel guilty for eating the foods, I also feel guilty about not being able to control myself around these foods. I also am worried about gaining weight. I have a New Year’s Eve party to go to and I am worried that I am going to look fat in my dress. I want to cancel all my social activities so I don’t gain any more weight.

I’m sick of living like this. I haven’t binged sober in about a year. I’m really upset about this. Can anyone offer me some advice on how to stop binging around the holidays?

Does anyone have some advice on how to feel better with myself and my body? I hate living like this. I don’t want to feel this way around the Holidays but I do :( I want to enjoy my life and be attractive but not obsessed about food.

submitted by /u/anynameblahblahblah4
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Starting diet again, trying oothies for the first time and have some questions.

Hey everyone, I've lost about 20 pounds this year and have about 40 months until my wedding and wanna lost another 30. I'm gonna try drinking smoothies for a lot of my meals, but have an allergy to soy and treenuts, so a lot of the protein powders are out. Any place with great recipes? I'm also allergic to lagumes so a lot of the vegetable drinks are out. Also has anyone had success switching to smoothies for a meal replacement?

Edit: Oothies, just gonna leave it there :)

submitted by /u/IsLifeSimpleYet
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I feel like I'm being crushed by my own body.

I've never been this heavy in my life. The weight gain was so rapid - almost doubled my weight in 2 years. And now I can't handle the discomfort of all this fat on me. My back hurts, I can't sleep on my sides, I feel like I'm choking on my own fat in my sleep. Walking is agony, my feet can't handle this added weight. Everything is uncomfortable. That's it. That's all. Just wanted to vent about how I wanna crawl out of my skin.

submitted by /u/PrincessMelancholia
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Advice & resources for starting my journey into fat loss, healthier eating relationship with food, and fitness.

Im 25(M) and in the last 3-4 years i let myself loose and gained good bit of weight, but now I want to get back into shape and being fit. I went from being 155 lbs to 193lbs. Today it hit me that I need to change my diet and activity level.

Now i want to build the discipline and habits for healthier eating patterns and workout consistency. I am willing to commit to this journey. My initial goal is to lose 20-30 lbs of fat first, once I achieve this then I can set my next goal whether it is to lose more weight or focus on muscle building or maintaining weight. I am giving myself 6-7 months to achieve this goal. By end of this journey I want to have achieved my fat loss, gotten into habit of working out/being active , and eating overall healthier foods.

I am considering doing Intermittent Fasting with being in a calorie deficit. I do not have access to gym, so i’ll be doing body weight workouts and then maybe slowly buy equipment like dumbbells etc.

Any advice or online resources linked here would be appreciated. Tell me about what helped you stick your fat loss journey, diet, workouts, etc.

submitted by /u/FCWizz
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Lost 40 pounds, unsure how to continue

I (19F) have always had problems with binge eating. My parents are both obese and never taught me good food skills, nor how to exercise.

Recently I moved in with my fiance, and over the span of 6 months, have lost around 40 pounds (18kg). Due to us living frugally, I lost a lot of the stubborn weight. My current weight is 175 pounds (79kg), with a BMI of 29.1.

Currently I am a vegetarian, as per the wishes of my fiance. I get most of my proteins from milk, eggs, cheese, etc. I try my best to cook, but sometimes I end up going out for Indian, Korean, or something with an accessible vegetarian menu.

Where I am most at fault? I work at a movie theater. I do receive free food and beverages, and for someone who is still living paycheck to paycheck, I will never turn down a free meal. Mostly I eat unsalted, unbuttered popcorn when I feel myself getting hungry. My beverage is normally Peace Tea or Powerade. I enjoy drinking water, but can never go for more than a glass or two due to it making me feel sick and sloshy. I am more of a snacks all day type of person, not a big meal eater. I do not have access to gym in my area, as it is a college town with high Covid-19 cases. At home I have a workout bench to help!

Any tips for keeping down my calories, and small exercises I can get into at home? Any ideas on how to cut back (mentally and physically)? Along with tips on how to drink more water?

submitted by /u/21KatieBugCat
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I got body shamed at family Christmas dinner

At the dinner event, family members made mocking jokes saying that I could be a YouTube professional eater. Implying that I eat too much.

It made not want to eat anything again for the next day. Then I ended getting sick from drinking beer in the evening on an empty stomach.

Things like this have happened throughout my life. I will either starve or binge when bad events like this happen. Some says something about my weight, so then I won't eat anything for a while to sort of prove a point, but then I would just end up binging to over compensate.

How do I stop emotional eating disorders like this from happening in the future?

submitted by /u/nerdyfatguy001
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Saturday, December 25, 2021

How I’ve been kicking binge eating in the butt

I’ve always enjoyed feeling super full. That feeling when you eat enough that you start feeling full during the meal, and then you keep eating a little longer. That feeling in the evening after a big dinner, sitting on the couch in a food coma.

Since I started eating healthier and counting calories near the start of the year I broke that binge eating habit. And I’ve started to appreciate feeing a little hungry. Particularly first thing waking up in the morning, or before dinner in the evening. I used to incorrectly connect that feeling with being stressed or feeling bad in some way. But now I’m really into it. I love the way it builds anticipation before a meal and the way it makes me appreciate and enjoy my food sooo much more. All the flavours are so much stronger and I can feel my brain lighting up in all sorts of new places.

But what I didn’t count on is that binge eating doesn’t take me to my happy place anymore. After months of healthy eating I tried buying one of my favourite binge eating meals- two foot long sandwiches from subway. I was really excited to chill out and get in the food coma zone. But after the first six inches I started feeling quite full. By the time I finished the first footlong I was really full and I realized there was no way I’d eat the other one. This is UNHEARD OF for me. I’d long ago accepted that binge eating is just something my brain likes.

Cut to Christmas dinner this year and again I’m ready to enter the food coma zone. I ate a bit lighter leading up so I was responsibly prepared to enjoy going nuuutts on Christmas dinner. Just like everyone does. So I load up a first round of ham and salmon and potatoes and everything and using my new knowledge of portions I find myself serving a normal dinner portion. Nothing crazy, but nothing restrictive or diety. I think to myself well I’ll start with a normal dinner and expand out from there. I eat my food with the family and we’re drinking wine and laughing, and then the strangest thing happens. I don’t think about serving up more. I’m too distracted talking and enjoying my first serving at my new slower pace that comes naturally to me now. They start clearing the plates and I realise that I just ate a regular dinner and I feel full and satisfied.

Has anyone else changed their relationship with long term binge eating? Are you seeing casual evidence of those changes popping up over the holiday period?

TL;DR: A surprising side effect of eating healthy this year is that I don’t get a kick out of binge eating anymore. Or at least for now?

submitted by /u/packyoursnacks
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I need to lose 25 lbs and I have no idea where to start

My last physical in Feb 2021 my doc told me I need to lose 20-25 lbs. well here we are end of the year and I lost 2 lbs. I try to eat healthy but I’m so addicted to sugar and chocolate. How do you get away from the sugar/chocolate cravings? I don’t drink soda (maybe 1 a month, I’m mostly a water gal), but any kind of candy, cookie, chocolate whatever I have no will power. It’s been almost a year and I’ve made no progress, I feel like such a failure.

submitted by /u/Vee_32
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Help, getting through frustration

I've been on a weight journey for ever always being morbidly obese. I'm almost 400lbs, 33 and really feeling the health issues.

It's such a long game, and it's hard to not get frustrated and give up every so often.

I get serious for a week, then will give up. My family and friends get mad when I talk about weightless as they think I'm a cause, so im pretty alone in this journey.

Are their any resources, discord or anything. It's a new year, so a new attempt at loosing weight.

submitted by /u/Justinneon
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Just a vent, 3 years in

I never thought this would happen, and maybe I’m an ass for thinking this way, but I think I’ve reached the point in my journey where I am tired of hearing about it from others.

I’ve been big my entire life and have lost about 150 lbs in total. I look very different and I am aware of this. At first the “you look so great!” comments were flattering and even empowering. Now, they’re starting to feel invasive.

I’m tired of my body being the topic of conversation. I’m tired of people asking how I did it, the backhanded compliments (you know the ones where they say something like “wow I’m so happy for you, I wish I wasn’t so fat though.) it’s just.. odd.

I understand they only mean well, but after a year of maintaining and getting used to daily life in this body, I’m tired of hearing about it. I know I look great, I am immensely proud, but I do not owe anyone an explanation. Anyone else feel this way? Even if it’s early in?

submitted by /u/roolyons32711
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It’s Crazy To Me How Disordered My Eating Is, Or My Brain Re Eating, As I’m Enjoying Restriction Now — TW, Anorexia and Bulimia

I am in the process of looking for an eating disorder specialist for a therapist. I know I need it reeeeally badly, but…if you don’t mind me coming here to vent and get some support…

I’ve been on my weight loss journey (forever, it seems) for going on three weeks now. Last time I weighed myself, two weeks ago, I was 312. Down two pounds from the week prior. Threes is the heaviest I’ve ever been. My highest was 335, from what I saw. Could have been more at points where I wasn’t paying attention at all. I was chronically ill, not yet diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that was crippling me. So, I put the tiny bit of happiness I could muster into food.

I have a history of starvation eating disorders. Twelve through about seventeen I struggled with anorexia and bulimia. I was even hospitalized twice for it. Long term stays. Inpatient. I had always been an overweight kid and then I found the other side of disordered eating. I became the thinnest i’d ever been in life. Food and eating disorders have ruled over my life. I was left back in HS because of my absences and cutting classes because I was not in my right mind while starving myself. I made a lot of bad choices. It seems I’m always not making the greatest choices. But I’m working on becoming better at it.

I want to lose my weight for good this time, and healthfully, and become healthy. I’ve given myself a goal of losing my excess weight (about 165lbs, blows my mind) by the time I’m thirty five. Which is in about two years. I’ve been counting calories well for two weeks. I didn’t want to weigh myself last week because I wasn’t feeling mentally healthy about it. And then I wanted to enjoy Chinese food today, so saved over 900 calories throughout the week so I had about 3,000 to use today. I didn’t get through all of them, and I’m so happy about it. I almost didn’t want to use what I’d worked so hard to save.

I’m wearing tighter pants today. Ate way less calories than I thought I would. Just set my calories a bit lower to lose 1.5lbs per week without activity, while hoping to add activity in and just not count it. And I have that fcked up, almost drug-like excitement and feeling about being restrictive. It’s a different feeling than binging and being out of control. This is a feeling of supreme control. It feel sexy and almost dominating.

I’m trying not to pay too much attention to myself. I’m trying to just allow this feeling to pass through me, remind myself that I’m working on my health and healthy weight loss. That my calories are healthy and perfect for weight loss. And maybe that it’s even okay to feel good over having more control over my body and my health, and that it doesn’t need to be an evil feeling, or menacing. It’s just crazy to me how easily it comes back. It’s been over twelve years since I did any of those starvation tactics, but it’s waiting right there to creep up on me. Something in me just likes being unhealthy. Or maybe I just don’t know what healthy looks and feels like. I think it’s because my family always made me feel so bad about everything, and I didn’t have a parent that was strong enough to show me a way away from that. But I’m really working to find it and the balance. I have to make it for myself now.

Anyways. Thanks for letting me vent.

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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How to Lose 20 Pounds at Home with a Busy Schedule Over 40s

How to Lose 20 Pounds at Home with a Busy Schedule Over 40s This video caters to individuals in their 30s and 40s who are seeking to red...