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Weight Loss for Everyone: Why has my weight barely changed at all since I started lifting?

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Why has my weight barely changed at all since I started lifting?


I want to preface this by saying that I am pretty certain I am not tracking calories wrong. A bit over a year ago when I was working out I was tracking my calories the exact same way as now. At that point I went down from 93kg to 85kg and back then I was only doing a 3 days per week program.

I was gone from the gym for quite a while. I recently returned and the 13th now will be my third month back. This time around I have gone way more. Now I am doing Reddit PPL, so I have been following a 6 day per week. The problem is that this time around I have barely noticed many changes. I can definitely tell a difference in my biceps. Not sure if the right word is that they have gotten bigger or that they have gotten more "defined", but other than that I can't really tell too much. I weight myself in the morning every day and the weight seem to be fluctuating a lot. Some days I will be upper end of 83kg and some days around 84.5kg. I live a very sendentary lifestyle at the moment, excluding the gym. I will be eating 1500-1700 calories per day and I try to follow 0.8g/lbs. So I have been aiming for 145-150g of protein per day. I feel like it doesn't make that much sense that this time around, even while eating at this deficit I am not losing that much? On TDEEcalculator I am putting in my stats and choosing sendentary rather than a more active lifestyle, because again, outside of the gym I feel like I am not super active.

Surely it's a bit weird though that with my stats and the fact that I eat 1500-1700 calories per day, that my weight essentially feel like its maintaining? I am not really tracking anything other than protein and calories intake, so could that play a part? Here are examples of what I normally eat throughout a day:


Ehrmann High Protein Chocolate Mousse (152 cal & 20g protein)


100g rice (350 cal & 8.20g protein)

200g broccoli (68 cal & 5.64g protein)

300g boneless porkchops (390 cal & 60g protein)

Sauce made with 100g 0% fat greek yoghurt, half tbsp olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, lemon juice and spices (127 cal & 10.3g protein) spread into 2 meals throughout the day.

Late night:

83g of protein bread (273 cal & 12.45g protein).

100g cottage cheese (80 cal & 13g protein)

4 eggs turned into scrambled eggs ( 259 cal & 22.14g protein)

Overall: 151.81g protein & 1699 calories.


Ehrmann High Protein Chocolate Mousse (152 cal & 20g protein)


Chicken salad: 300g of chicken breast (360 cal & 69g protein) - 150g of low calorie cheese (246 cal & 24g protein). - 1 tomato (22 cal & 1g protein) - 100g pasta (360g cal & 11g protein) - 50g lettuce (7 calories) split into 2 meals throughout the day.

Late night:

4 eggs for scrambled eggs (259 cal & 22.14g of protein) 1 tbsp of parmesan cheese (22 cal & 2g protein).

Overall: 149.14g of protein & 1428 calories.


Ehrmann High Protein Chocolate Mousse (152 cal & 20g protein)


100g pasta (359 cal & 12.5g protein)

200g broccoli (68 cal & 5.64g protein)

300g skinkstek, not sure about english word for it but it's also pork and it's quite lean. (310 cal & 58.85g protein)

Late night:

4 eggs for scrambled eggs (259 cal & 22.14g of protein)

1 tbsp of parmesan cheese (22 cal & 2g protein).

100g cottage cheese (80 cal & 13g protein)

83g of protein bread (273 cal & 12.45g protein).

Overall: 146.50g protein & 1523 calories.

I would say that on average I am mostly eating what is presented in the first example. So I will pretty much always eat that protein mousse, kind of as a substitute for a protein bar or a protein shake.

For dinner it's always 300g of either chicken/boneless porkchop/skinkstek because I am able to hit my daily protein intake with them, while they are also low on calories. Along with 200g of broccoli, 100g of rice/pasta and then 100g of the greek yoghurt sauce, for the protein from the yoghurt.

Then for late night I will go for 4 scrambled eggs along with 100g of 1.5% fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsp of parmesan to take away from cottage cheese taste. Then 83g of that protein bread (Depending on if I need the remaining protein at the end of the day or not, and my calories allow for it).

I have not added in olive oil into the equation for anything I cook. I use the cooking spray just for a quick spray which is supposed to be 8kcal (less than 1 second spray). I also do it only for 2 meals, the dinner one and the late night scrambled eggs. So even added into the equation it would be 20-30 calories at most from that end.

So what is the problem? Why is my weight not changing at all. What am I doing wrong? This is a repost from a different thread. Since then I have been eating the same, so 1600-1700 calories per day. The difference has been that after each gym pass I have added 30 minutes of cardio on the stationary bike (from the past 2 days only). I just woke up and the weight is 84.9kg, which surely should be water weight. I also only poop like once every three days, so I don't know if that plays into the equation as to why the weight is barely moving.

submitted by /u/dranskey
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