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Weight Loss for Everyone: I need some kind of pep talk or something

Thursday, March 30, 2023

I need some kind of pep talk or something

I’ve been doing so good.

Like really good.

I’ve been training for this race and jogging 3 nights a week while getting in long walks on my recovery days and I’m down around 60 pounds (Current weight is 363). I’m sitting at my kitchen table after my most successful run to date, jogging constantly for 20 minutes. This week I jogged consistently for over a mile multiple times and I’ve never done that before in my entire life.

But I don’t feel good tonight. My weight (which I have been taking virtually every morning) has been stagnant this week. It’s the first time since I really started taking this seriously where the weight didn’t fall off over a week’s time. I don’t think I ate all that much more. In fact if anything I cut more calories this week than usual.

I understand this happens. Plateaus are common and the actual number on the scale is not all those indicative of me burning fat because I’m likely adding muscle.

But I feel bad. I’m scared because the good feeling of seeing the number change was such a big factor in my mood. I’m getting concerned that if I finish this race and have no concrete goal in the near future I might fall back into old habits.

submitted by /u/bill_e_midnight
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