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Weight Loss for Everyone: today I ate my first blood orange and wow was it good.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

today I ate my first blood orange and wow was it good.

This was a comment i posted but I thought I would make a post in the hope it helps someone.

I have just discovered what a blood orange is. After quitting sugar I literally felt like a caveman who discovered fruit for the first time

I am at the start of my journey (for the 5273735th time) but this time I'm going in prepared. I am an engineer, if I start a job I plan it, make sure I have everything before I need to start. I sit back and work it out first.

If I do this day in day out for work, why can I not engineer my own health?

I gathered as many positive resources as I could, it truly begins with the mind. I can easily eat an entire packet of oreos in 20 minutes after a big dinner. I crave and crave and crave. My partner got me in this routine of eating dessert after dinner every day because that's how she grew up. I didn't, I didn't grow up eating good meals, but if I didn't finish my food it either went in the bin or I just didn't have a dessert which 9 times out of 10 happened. Dessert would be a yogurt or something. Which now looking back has given me a very poor relationship with food. I also had no structure growing up, in my teens my mum wasn't around much so I did what I wanted when I wanted which led me down the path of binge eating and gaming. Ironically in my early 20s I used bodybuilding to heal a serious mental health condition which included being sectioned and taken away to a facility. I wasn't even featured online for my physique that I worked damn hard for.

Now approaching 30 im the heavist I've been, how did I get to this point. Well it took me a while to deep dive into the reasons why, as I've just described this is why I believe I binge eat. Which I suggest other people who struggle take a look back through their childhood because issues are ingrained and sculped from a very early age. To become a different person you must build yourself into that person and unwind all the damage thats been done.

Is it easy? Good god no. So far its taken me 3 years of really trying to lose weight, I know for some it can be decades but thats 3 years of guilt, regret, disappointment. I've learned myself about addiction. You cannot let a drug addict have a little bit of drugs on the weekend because they've been good during the week. Understand the how the chemicals in food interact with the brain. Do not blame yourself for failing! The food industry is actively trying to make you addicted to hyperpallatable food!

I have seen a couple of good mantras on this reddit things, one for me is 'purpose not pleasure' using food as a tool to survive rather than a dopamine hit. Find more pleasure in other things. Its been about 4 weeks since I've binged or had any sugar. I tried a tiny tiny pea sized amount of my wife's syrup sponge and it made my face flush red and it made me wince and recoil with this unholy sweetness. I couldn't take another bite if I wanted. If you force yourself out of eating sugar, don't buy it dont look at it. If you really truly wanted to change you would be able to do it. Thats the cold hard truth. Think of the reasons why all the time, every craving. I'm on different tablets for blood pressure and I want to reduce/come off them but its due to a kidney disease. I have terrible rosacea that in the last 4 weeks has cleared up massively due to no inflammatory sugar. I had an outbreak as I assume the lack of absolute shit food messed up my hormones but now its all settled. I've got used to drinking filtered water as well.

One last thing I read that has worked for me is sitting with your cravings. When you have those feelings and believe me I know they can be physical just sit with them accept them its weird how you become mentally stronger to resist them your body almost feels a push back, like 'what?... you're not actually going to crave in and eat shit' eventually they fade out. Think about the ultimate goal of who you want to become and why its important to you. 'If you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for everything'

submitted by /u/Until_observed
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