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Weight Loss for Everyone: How to curb hunger for junk food????

Friday, March 3, 2023

How to curb hunger for junk food????

Since September I’ve lost 35 pounds and gained 6 of those pounds back since January due to vacation and just falling off my diet. I’ve been pretty consistent with the gym minus the 3 weeks of vacation but since February I’ve just been hungry for junk food. All I want is pasta, pizza and pastries. I have PCOS and a family history of diabetes so ideally I’d like to get used to low carb as a lifestyle. From September to January I intuitively ate while tracking macros and got used to whole foods as opposed to processed junk. But lately I’ve been having a hard time tapping back into that mentality and even after having a healthy breakfast all I want is a muffin, croissant, banana bread. I feel like I’m having a hard time being disciplined. Any advice on dealing with this? I would like to lose 15 more pounds and this last stretch before maintaining feels extra tough.

submitted by /u/fizfiz96
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