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Weight Loss for Everyone: The only one eating at the table

Friday, May 13, 2022

The only one eating at the table

When my group of friends and I eat at the cafeteria, I'm always one of the only people eating.

Most of my friends skip lunch (and breakfast) or eat a minuscule portion of food. It makes me very embarrassed to eat in front of them. It doesn't help that they're all skinny and attractive.

Today I brought a very light lunch and I was told to "eat more". I didn't want to eat anymore, I was too ashamed. Why did they feel the need to comment on my way of eating if they don't eat at all?

I just can't relate to any of my friends and it sucks. Any advice? I can't help but feel angry at them for some reason...

submitted by /u/buttstuffandcookies
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