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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally, got a workout regimen I can stick to!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Finally, got a workout regimen I can stick to!

So this is about week 3 or 4 since I started this routine, I think? Don't really know, but the changes are already showing. I went from my gut obstructing my view on the exercises I lay down on to now being able to see under it! I went from averaging 1K-1.5K steps a day on average to 4K-5K without even thinking about it!

You see, back then I used to do 30 minute HIITs every other day, and sure, while they did show results in the 1 week I actually stuck to them, I would always get way too tired and drained to actually stick to them. Now, I don't have to worry about that. I am starting off small, but I have already made some improvements.

This is what I'm doing now, but keep in mind it's supposed to be kinda small and beginner-friendly, so please don't judge me if you don't think I'm working out hard enough.

Mondays - 10 minute strength HIIT exercise (but I'm considering changing this to cardio). I always make sure to have a 400-500 calorie meal before this, with mostly carbs and protein, but with a little fat tossed in as well. I then will wait 2-3 hours before exercising. I always eat some time before a workout, but on Mondays I make *extra* sure that I am eating well. After this workout, I go and have a protein shake.

Tuesdays- I am usually quite spent after Monday, so I usually like to keep this day an active recovery. I have found a very nice stretching routine I like to follow which always leaves me feeling better than what I did before I started it, even though I constantly tell myself "I don't need it, I'm not even feeling sore" the cracks I hear while I stretch prove me wrong lol. Also have a protein shake for this, but I don't have a pre-workout snack or meal prior.

Wednesdays + Thursdays: These days are usually moderate intensity strength workouts, and I love them. I have increased from 5lb dumbbells to 8lb dumbbells, but to be honest I won't give myself too much credit as I believe it is mostly due to muscle memory from my 30 minute hiits from forever go. Thursdays are usually a bit harder since there is not a recovery day prior to it, but my body is getting used to that. I like to have a 300-400 calorie meal before these workouts and have a protein shake after.

Friday - Sunday: These are rest days. My girlfriend doesn't get a lot of time to spend with me on the weekdays, so I really wanted to make sure to keep these days free. Usually, Friday is an active recovery with a protein shake after, but Saturdays and Sundays are completely free. I do not skip the protein shakes on these days either, as they are always helpful since I my meals are usually 20-25g of protein each , and I prefer to be in a range of 95-100g of protein.

I am currently on a high protein, low-carb diet. This isn't exactly intentional, it's just kinda what is happening. Even though I'm eating more veggies, the carbs still don't really add up.

This can make it very easy to under eat, as protein is quite filling and can kill the munchy feeling, but the fats in my peanut butter and olive oil are pretty adamant on helping me eat more carbs lol. Of course, I have to make sure they are still in the right macro percentages for body recomp, so I still need to put in the work to actually eat more sometimes. My mom recently got me some Jimmy John's chips which are 300 calories a bag, but this is usually the only thing I eat that is full of bad carbs anymore.

For sustainability, I like to save a few hundred calories in the evening for any snack I might want. My mom hates it, my gym bro brother hates it, all my super healthy friends hate it, but NOBODY is stopping me from eating a cookie at 7 PM dammit!

All in all, I say I'm doing pretty well. I don't have much longer in the journey before I end up at my goal weight, but I'm starting to care less and less about the number on the scale and focusing more on burning off my extra body fat. Scales are just too unreliable for me to care about whatever number pops up anymore. I don't need a scale to tell me that my calorie deficit is causing me to lose weight, because I know. I don't need a scale to tell me I retained water from a high sodium meal, because obviously I did, and it's just not worth it to step on it when it hurt my mental health so much back then.

Good luck everyone, I wish you all the best on trimming down fat and getting healthier.

submitted by /u/G1cin
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