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Weight Loss for Everyone: Super strict routine - is this healthy?

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Super strict routine - is this healthy?

32m / 190lbs / 6'1". Peak weight was around 220lbs. Lost 30lbs in two months.

My goal is to cut down to 170lbs and lose only fat. I've always had a strict schedule and strong work ethic but diet was like the one area I ignored, and over the years I started getting a bit fat. I work 80-100hr weeks at my company (tech) and get 4-6 hours sleep a night. Not ideal, I know. I need to work those hours but I can't seem to sleep longer than that unless I take ambien or benzos and I want to stop doing that.

I've been doing a combination of keto and IF. I only eat meat/plant protein and vegetables. One meal around 6pm, after I've left the office (usually) but before I start the evening work session. I bought a standing desk to burn more calories and I run every morning - usually 3 miles, working up to more. I do 30min of bodyweight exercise. I eat around 1200 calories a day. I'm not sure what my deficit is exactly but it's definitely quite a lot. Once I lose the weight I plan to keep the diet and routine just increase calories. I started drinking a lot more water and also take electrolyte pills sometimes.

I guess the downsides are lack of energy, irritability, insomnia. Occasional sleep paralysis but I had that before sometimes. Overall I feel okay though. I think learning to be hungry and ignore it has improved my self discipline. I can't eat with other people now but I have barely any social life at the moment anyway.

My health is my main priority though and my routine is based on science, but I would like some opinions on how I could improve it and make it healthier.

submitted by /u/Chemical-Ant5862
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