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Weight Loss for Everyone: Help: Weight Loss Stalls When Eating in a Deficit, Starts Again When I Stop?

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Help: Weight Loss Stalls When Eating in a Deficit, Starts Again When I Stop?

Hi r/loseit, first time posting. Just wanted to see if anyone can help explain what's happening to me or has had any similar experiences.

I started my weight loss journey on September 19th @ 306.8 lbs, 42.3% BF... I'm a 26 year old, 6' tall guy, and I began eating in around a 1000 calorie per day deficit; for me, that brought me down to roughly 1,800 Kcal/day. I tracked calories and my weight religiously between September 19th and November 19th, eating at that deficit every day except for one "maintenance week" where I ate 2,800 Kcal (calculated with online tools). I lost weight quite quickly the first two weeks as was expected, but then the losses began to slow, and then completely stall, which I also knew was normal and bound to happen. Before traveling home for Thanksgiving about a week before the holiday, I weighed in @ 287.8 lbs, 40.8% BF. I stopped tracking/weighing in while traveling, and due to end of year stresses, I haven't restarted tracking since my last weigh-in on November 19th. In the mean time, I haven't been binging or gorging myself on food as I have been known to do in the past, but I certainly let myself eat what I wanted within reason, and in portions larger than I had been allowing myself to eat over the previous two months.

I just weighed in this morning, December 10th, 3 weeks after I stopped "trying" on my diet, and I am down to 283.3 lbs, 39.8% BF... can anyone explain what's happening? How is it that my loss crawls or stalls completely when in a deficit, even when introducing diet breaks, but then suddenly accelerates when I stop trying? I've tried researching it, but haven't found any info that seemed convincing. Can anyone relate? I'm not that upset about this (quite the opposite actually), just confused...

submitted by /u/TMDElite
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