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Weight Loss for Everyone: Getting full at 1000 calories: Listen to body or try to eat "minimum" amount?

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Getting full at 1000 calories: Listen to body or try to eat "minimum" amount?

So I've recently started my weight loss journey. I'm 28M and weigh 267lb. I've lost about 10lb in the past two weeks, but I'm guessing its just water weight because I use to be a heavy drinker and I've cut that out completely.

My routine has been tea for breakfast, protein shake for lunch, and then some chicken and rice (or something similar) for dinner. Ultimately trying to stay as close to under 1500 calories a day. I also try to work out in the mornings and walk my dog daily for at least a mile. I'm about to add some strength training into the mix.

The issue is I've noticed that couple days I've been coming in at 1000 calories or less. Today for instance I'm at 1000 calories. The problem is I don't feel hungry, but I know that for my weight, age and activity level that's a really low amount. I take a multivitamin and other supplements (fiber, fish oil, and sexual health stuff).

Should I just go ahead and eat something anyway to make sure I get at least 1200 or 1500 calories, or is what I'm doing fine.

submitted by /u/ShadowDante108
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