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Weight Loss for Everyone: Down 40 pounds since May 15th

Monday, December 5, 2022

Down 40 pounds since May 15th

I was at 263 lbs and this morning I weighed in 222. I did not begin exercising I strictly fixed my diet. I never realized how much I mindlessly ate until I started logging my food back in May. The main changes I have made are:

  1. I stopped eating until I couldn’t eat anymore. I used to eat everything in sight until I was too full to even walk. Now I order pretty much the same size food that my wife orders and eat that amount.

  2. I bought a food scale and measure everything I eat. Regardless if it’s a snack or meal I measure out every ounce. And log the food before I eat it.

  3. I now limit myself to one serving on the nutrition fact sheet rather than eating the whole bag in one sitting. Along with this I limit myself to ordering one sandwich/burger and fry when I go out to eat. I used to order 4-5 different items and eat half on the way home and the rest at home.

  4. Every night after dinner I eat a dove dark chocolate raspberry sorbet bar. It is 150 calories and lets my fulfill my sweet craving while allowing me to stay under my limit. I think this is the biggest thing that has helped me. I still allow myself to indulge in sweets, I just make sure to cut myself off.

  5. I learned that feeling hungry was a better feeling than feeling full. I now prefer feeling hungry rather than full. When I am full I feel sluggish and tired. When hungry I have way more energy and will to do things.

  6. I don’t drink calories. I drink water and black coffee that is all. For about 3 months the black coffee was decaf as well, so I wasn’t relying on the caffeine to suppress my appetite.

I also used to think I was lactose intolerant because I would get gassy and bloated after having cheese. Embarrassingly enough i was gassy and bloated because I overate. I now can enjoy cheese without having horrible gas.

Calorie counting has changed the way I eat and look at food. I know it’s not for everyone but strictly using the lose it app and staying under my calories has helped me so much.

submitted by /u/SmoochAZ
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