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Weight Loss for Everyone: Can someone help me with my fluctuation?

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Can someone help me with my fluctuation?

Hi everyone, I've been actively calorie counting since 2 weeks. I decided to go all in and just change my lifestyle by switching to a low calorie/high protein diet. Absolutely loving this new road to delicious recipes discovery to try and heal my relationship with food (former ED).

I started my journey at 108kgs (I'm 178 female) and my goal is to drop down to 90. Throughout the years I've already lost 45kgs with IF but that wasn't working for me anymore. I'm exercising 2x a week now but want to go to 3 times once I get my scheduling sorted out. 1x a week 30min cardio and 30min weight training OR I take a class called body beach which burns arojdn 650 kcal and 1x a week private kickboxing/krav maga/MMA. And I walk around 45min a day which comes to around 6k steps, during the weekend I get around 15k steps.

In a week I dropped down to 105.9 and I couldn't be happier but than I saw the stats on my scale. I weighted myself daily and I just can't understand how it's possible to fluctuate this much in muscle mass and lean body mass.

My stats at 108kg Fat mass: 46.4kg Muscle mass: 57.7kg Lean body mass: 61.2kg Fat %: 43.1 Muscle %: 53.6

My stats are now down to 106.2kg Fat mass: 45.5kg Muscle mass: 57.2kg Lean body mass: 60.7kg Fat %: 42.8 Muscle %: 53.9

My obvious thought was the moment I go down in fat mass, my lean body mass would go up but its just been dropping down and down and down. At one moment when I was 105.9 my lean body mass was 60.3kg and my muscle mass was 56.8kg! How?

Obvious answer would be: protein intake! But I am well over my daily required protein according to the 0.8gr/per body kg. My daily protein is anywhere between 85 to 130gr according to myfitnesspall where I record everything. Regarding calories, my bmr is calculated at around 1900 according to the well known calculatior but my scale says 1706~ not to worry as I eat anywhere between 1100 to 1400kcal a day (and no I am not starving myself. I am full and satiated until the next morning) the other Macros for the rest are well below the max amount set in the app.

Could someone just give me a run down on these stats? Should I be worried? Am I doing something wrong?

submitted by /u/Keithia
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