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Weight Loss for Everyone: Really looking for positive motivation and advice

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Really looking for positive motivation and advice

I’m at the heaviest I’ve been in my life around 350lb. 28M, 6ft.

I take one anti anxiety med daily that I’m sure doesn’t work, and my psychiatrist doesn’t believe me & has not changed my medication since then.

I grew up with the mentality of “always finish your plate” & “food made with love” connection to food. I use food to feel happy but now it just doesn’t help. But I can’t stop trying to eat to feel that happiness.

I was never good about my diet in my life, but I used to be so good about exercising. I was actually a steady 225-235lb. for 5 years. I could fit into a size M shirt which was fine with me.

When I met my then gf, now wife, at the time I started going less & less to the gym, mainly just because I was mentally happy & not lonely. I wasn’t depressed, anxious, etc. but then when I finally moved out of my parents & started paying bills (essentially beginning my life), it all went downhill for my physical health.

I am fairly active with my job, but I still have some work to do. My biggest challenge for me is my diet. It’s easy to buy fast cooking foods, which often times are not healthy but don’t break the bank.

My plan is to change psychiatrists & to see a medical weight loss specialist; I even have a referral from my primary care doctor. But until I see them, I’m honestly fighting this battle on my own.. I love my wife dearly, but she also struggles with mental issues and hasn’t been able to be my strongest motivator.

With all that in mind, I’d like to know what my fellow redditors have done in their journey. Did you use specific cook books, apps, etc.? What did you do mentally to keep up the motivation? Mental exercises, specific healthy fast cooking meals, etc.

I’m new to this subreddit and have seen the tremendous care everyone gives here, and I could really use your help to bring me back to my spry young self.

submitted by /u/Specialist_Waltz5560
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