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Weight Loss for Everyone: Can't lose belly fat no matter how much I cut my calories

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Can't lose belly fat no matter how much I cut my calories

Hi, so im a 5ft8 guy (22) and over a year ago I decided to start losing weight by cutting calories after I found out how to be in a calorie deficit properly and I went from 154 pounds to currently 118 pounds. I know I'm technically underweight now and I can see it in my shoulders and hips but I still have belly fat that is really annoying me and I feel like I cannot get rid of it no matter how much I cut my calories.

I'm consistently eating around 1300 to 1500 a day but the belly doesn't seems to want to go and all I really want is just a flat stomach, what could I be doing wrong? The belly still makes me feel like I'm chubby and I'm quite insecure about it

Should I weight train as I've heard adding muscle can get rid of excess fat?

submitted by /u/CPB404
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