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Weight Loss for Everyone: settle a debate: am I losing way to healthy way

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

settle a debate: am I losing way to healthy way

I bulked quite a bit over the past 2 years going from roughly 190 pounds to about 230 pounds.

Now even I was willing to admit that I was bulking as much as I humanly could and needed to start cutting out the fat. Over the past few months I have been focusing on cutting and mainly cutting out any access carbsfats, and sugars.

I've increased the amount of website do downstairs where I keep my exercise equipment and even invested in a full exercise bike so that I can do cardio at home. Roughly averaging around 6 miles A-day.

Really proud of myself that I was able to get down from 230 To about 213. And I'm definitely proud of myself because And I saw my sister this weekend, haven't seen her since barbecue and July, she's made a comment to my mom that I definitely looked better. I'm starting the notice at 2 with my shirts ( Pants are doing story but I've always been very bottom heavy)

My wife on the other hand thinks I'm going too far in one direction with how I'm losing weight, wait, I will fully admit that in high school I went a little anorexic, like not eating for days. Summer between sophomore and junior year I went from 210 to about 130. Ya that was extreme.

She thinks that I am reverting back to that mindset because of my diet. Is work a Job with very little activity so I tend to eat accordingly. I'll have toast with breakfast, for lunch I'll have one of those cereal pouches, of banana, banana, and something along the lines of a little chip bag or smartpop. For dinner I'll eat whatever my wife or I cook/grab. My snacks and only something decent like veggie chips, popcorn, etc.

Weekends we go out or go over to a friend's house I eat what I want to eat, I'm just more cautious of my portions. For example we pretty much gorged on Chinese food last weekend at my sister's and 4 or 5 beers

I would say on average a meeting around 1300 to 1500 calories A-day. Is what I'm doing sustainable, is my wife overreacting? Or does she have a point?

submitted by /u/CostaMugen
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