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Weight Loss for Everyone: What initially stopped you from losing weight/why didn't you (more mentally)? Need help refreshing my member on my struggle for my common app essay

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

What initially stopped you from losing weight/why didn't you (more mentally)? Need help refreshing my member on my struggle for my common app essay

Basically, I'm writing my common app personal statement essay for college right now and its about the most important change of my life, losing 50 pounds (192 lbs, 5'6, 14) to now. In my essay I want to obviously talk about: How once I lost my weight I realized how much it inhibited other parts of my life and it led me to always want to do better academically, socially, etc.. Additionally, how my perception changed because people treat you so different when your fat, they don't respect you, you can say the same jokes be the same person they won't laugh and they won't like being seen with you nearly as much --> this led me to be a more genuine and non discriminatory person socially. Lastly, however, and the hardest I want to talk about how I was never getting out my comfort zone, my motivation was worse academically, socially, etc.. and I need to explain what that felt like, you should skip to TL:DR if you j wanna answer q!

General structure of my essay if anyone wants to give me advice on order/structure/message of my essay specifically in terms of order of events what seems important what seems not and if anyone wants to interpert what I'm saying b/c im bad at articulating ,-Started with middle school into high school as my friend group made friends I clinged to them and fell behind academically, socially, mentally, (might've been larger issue I've staying in my comfort zone or it had to do with being fat idk) THEN

-Quarantine I socialized online really well b/c no anxiety but my irl social interaction got a lot worse, I reached my peak fat reaching obese level and I was in loop of uselessness desperation → defeat → avoiding problems(video games, youtube) → loop eventually my best friends I felt so distant from I went home weighed myself and started there, caloric deficit for like 6 months 50 pounds and I wanted to lose weight for a while but IDK why i didn't start it, it felt pretty easy after that losing weight and then getting better in all aspects

-Then first day of school everyone treats me different, everyones nicer life is on easy mode one could even say and that trend continued

-This most recent summer I went to a summer camp it was able to talk to everyone I approached and made friends with literally anyone I met something old me would never do and by the end I was even to get with a girl who was really good looking. I wanna make a flashback here how old me could never even imagine this and just the gratitude and the appreciation I have to be living at that moment.

How do I tell colleges I just sat there for a year with complete free time doing nothing instead of losing weight without sounding lazy, how do I describe that specific feeling that ik a lot of other people know of being fat and just continuing to not do anything?

-TL:DR -

It's been a while since I was fat and though it was life-changing, I remember parts but I need to jog my memory on the real struggle, because there definitely was one. I knew all the way till sophomore year I obviously didn't want to be fat but I don't remember all the little things that made you, someone who was in or is currently in my situation, not do anything about it, What made you not take action, not research how to change, was it staying in your comfort zone and what does that mean? Was it denial of the ultimately truth of the harm of being fat? Or was it something a lot different, specifically not looking for depression-tied answers because thats more of a large issue that I can't specifically relate to as much? I want to remember in retrospect a major takeaway and I know there was one but I don't know remember what to justify my problem with because I can't just say I was fat and I suddenly decided oh I'm going to lose 50 pounds!


submitted by /u/kindsewerman
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