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Weight Loss for Everyone: hungrier after fruit/vegetables?

Thursday, October 13, 2022

hungrier after fruit/vegetables?

i usually don’t feel actual hunger, just appetite. lately since i started new meds i’ve barely had any appetite let alone hunger.

however, even before the meds eating a serving of fresh fruit or vegetables has always lead to hunger later on. like actual stomach growling empty feeling hunger.

in fact i normally can get through my work day without eating but this time, after coconut yogurt, with cacao nibs, berries and chia seeds i was so hungry i could barely function at the end and ended up getting food before going home.

i suspect it was the fruit. same thing happened when i ate what i normally do but had an apple on the way. i was sooo hungry. normally what i ate that day sustains me for a while.

it leads me to not want to eat fruit or vegetables. i know you’re supposed to pair it with a fat and all but i’m not understanding why if i were full from before and topped up my food with an apple why that makes me /more/ hungry than i would’ve been without it. like, i might as well not have eaten the apple and had an easier time. even bread or candy doesn’t have me hungry shortly after like fruit or vegetables.

one cause is the glucose. but the other night i had veggies (so low glucose) paired with salmon which is high protein, high fat. very shortly afterwards, like maybe a couple hours, i was so hungry! i usually don’t feel that hungry after having something like salmon.

it feels like the fruits and vegetables speed up the digestion process or something. which is weird, i thought fiber was meant to digest slowly. even now, i had a celery stick before having butter paneer and here we are... i’m hungry again.

submitted by /u/borahae_artist
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