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Weight Loss for Everyone: SV: lost 6 pounds, back into the 140s!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

SV: lost 6 pounds, back into the 140s!

hi!! i am a 22 year old female who is 5’7”. i started at 155.6, and am currently 149.7! i began trying to lose weight on 09SEP22.

my goal weight would be 130 or lower. i’ve never had a super toned body and i would love to obtain that physique.

i don’t count calories, because i am worried it would lead to an eating disorder. instead, i try to add more fruits, veggies, water, and try to be mindful of hunger cues. i still eat sweet treats and carbs, just more controlled portions. i no longer feel the need to finish my plate, i don’t know why i didn’t realize i could just not finish all the food, especially at restaurants.

i’ve also continued to hike, kickbox 2x/week, and run once or twice a week. it feels great to be active.

i know 6 pounds isn’t much, but it’s so rewarding to see results. excited to report back in a few weeks :)

submitted by /u/basementfrog42
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