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Weight Loss for Everyone: Last 10 pounds/vanity weight advice

Friday, October 14, 2022

Last 10 pounds/vanity weight advice

Hi! I am 5'7", F, 40 years old. Sometime this summer after a stressful few months of emotional eating, I weighed in at 160. I'm very apple-shaped so that weight doesn't wear well on me. I started CICO for the first time ever (as opposed to trying to exercise it off) and am now at 145, which is where I've mostly been as an adult.

The thing is, I was an alcoholic for most of my 20s and 30s and got sober for good three years ago. So although I'm mostly fine with the weight I am now, I'm also the healthiest I've ever been and would love to go a bit further! My goal is to push it down to the 130/135 range and see if I can actually not have a belly. Once I'm there, the difference in my maintenance calories from this weight to that is pretty small, so I think it's a reasonable goal to stay there. But getting there, oof!

Does anyone have any advice for this stretch? It's honestly been pretty rough going the whole time. I'm medium active: sedentary job, but fast-paced yoga about 4 times/week, walk my dog 1 - 3 miles every day, usually go hiking 6 - 9 miles on the weekend. My maintenance calories are somewhere between 1900 & 2100, so I've been trying to eat around 1500. Most of the time this leaves me fatigued, sometimes irritable, I have trouble concentrating at work, etc. It's been eye-opening how much of a struggle it's been. I feel very very acutely aware all day long that I'm not eating as many calories as my body wants, even though I've been losing at a very reasonable 1 lb/week rate.

I can't tell if it's just mental fatigue, or if it's really getting harder as the weight goes down. Is this the time when I should switch to a very low deficit and just let it take as long as it takes? Or should I try to keep it up since then I can switch back to maintenance eating sooner?

submitted by /u/wirespectacles
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