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Weight Loss for Everyone: Fixing my life and losing weight in the process

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Fixing my life and losing weight in the process

So today I had to buy new jeans, one size bigger than the ones I have because they are getting too tight and those were already bigger than I’d like. That was a bit of a reality check.

It got me analyzing my eating habits, trying to figure out how/why I’m consuming too many calories. A large part of it is that I spend my evenings sitting on my ass in front of the TV and snacking. I watch TV because I have no idea what else to do, and I snack because I’m bored.

It seems to me the over-eating and associated weight is a symptom of a deeper problem. To put it bluntly: eating is one of the few sources of pleasure in my life. I could try to lose weight on pure discipline and just not snack, but that is bound to fail. I’m still sitting on my ass, being bored. I will eventually give up. I need to solve the root cause.

I need to make my life, and especially my evenings, more fun so that I won’t use food to fill that hole.

Having said that, I have no idea where to start. I’m not a very social person, I’m not good with people. I’m also mildly agoraphobic. I realize, however, that I do need to get out of the house and at least be al little more social.

Anyone here who has dealt with the same root cause ? Any ideas how to go about it ?

submitted by /u/BorgDrone
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