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Weight Loss for Everyone: 285 pounds, 6”2 Male, 22 years old

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

285 pounds, 6”2 Male, 22 years old

3 years ago I weighed 180 being my lowest weight after adulthood. I was flourishing and living my best life I could dream of. I was going to college out of state and meeting new people with a bunch of great experiences. Then BAM Covid hit and I was forced to go home and do everything online. No interactions or social life anymore. I then Proceeded to fall in love with bad food and being lazy. I got so depressed after gaining weight I just kept eating to comfort me. I also turned to weed and started smoking everyday to block out my fears and anxiety. Then I started getting anxiety to go out in public because I thought everyone would judge me for putting on so much weight. I have become a mess. I have come to my senses, and realized smoking weed and doing nothing productive was not the lifestyle I want. I want to change. I have never been this big in my life, and my target goal weight is 200 or below.

I want to know if anyone has gone through something like this, and how you recovered.

Anything will help. I want a diet plan and workout plan and I promise you I will follow it till my goals are reached. I am very determined but just need some advice. Thank you

submitted by /u/Rude_Moose_4168
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